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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
starting off 2022 with COVID LESSGOOOOOOOOOOOOO
6 yrs ago
Whoever says "the customer is always right" has not worked with atual customers.


Most Recent Posts

Thanks everyone for making my job harder than it was supposed to be I wanted this done yesterday >:[

You're all wonderful and this was a hard decision to make but ultimately this is the cast now

Maya @Obscene Symphony
Tyler @Scribe of Thoth
Hollyhock @OwO
Dom @Abstract Proxy
Edmund @webboysurf
Kasper @Olive Fontaine
Sara @Stern Algorithm
Baldy @Xiro Zean
Justinian @Raijinslayer
Ionna @McMolly

Appreciate you all
last day for apps :)
Bump 'cause still lookin' for sheets
Sheets will be fully reviewed on the weekend and I'll make my decision on acceptances then. :)

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