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Fyodor watched the scene unfold before him with mild disinterest. His uniform matched the Templars', albeit his sported none of the trimmings. His eyes were keen on watching the interaction between both Scion and Templar on Time, and he didn't seem happy with it. Tyler's departure and Lucas remaining in place seemed to affirm something to him, but he wouldn't act on it. He didn't seem all too surprised at Ionna's antics, either, only watching with amusement as the young princess eyed the container with bright eyes. Instead, he gave Theobald his full attention when he was approached, but he did seem a touch surprised at the sudden salute. It had been years since he had been saluted by someone who wasn't with the church.

"The pleasure is mine, Your Holiness," He responded in his typical, gruff manner. "I hope your visit so far is to your liking."

Meanwhile, Princess Rosemary had a decision to make. She held herself to the proper stature that a princess of her station should, as was drilled into her head every day by her instructors. But the moment she laid eyes on the container, they seemed entranced as she watched others approach it. She turned to Sonia and immediately tugged on her sleeve. The much taller woman, used to the princess' signals, knelt down swiftly. Rosemary whispered something into her ear, and Sonia gestured for her to go. Once she received confirmation, the young girl bounced towards the small group gathered around Ionna, though she hesitated as she looked at both the Scion and Templar of Wind.

The young girl lifted the skirt of her golden dress and gave them a curtsy. Once she lifted her head, she reached into the container and swiped the first cookie her small hands could grab. "Um...Papa told me that the sky was raining stars when I was born," She offered her interesting fact, letting all of two seconds pass to let her information sink in before immediately biting into the cookie. "What's a 'Weezys'?" She asked after she finished chewing.

“You who reads this seek my memory with the power which She bestowed upon you. Only those with my eyes will see the prophecy I have laid out. The truth is only hidden to those who do not seek it–”

With a gasp, the monotone words came to an anticlimactic end. Lucas barely managed to catch himself on the desk, his knee slamming into a leg as he clung on to keep himself from falling. His entire body shook as he tried to catch his breath, but the shock wore off quickly as anger took its place. He made himself steady and immediately flipped the desk over, knocking everything on it to the ground. He barely reacted as he heard glass shatter onto the ground and pages tore and ripped, instead choosing to stare at the ceiling.

“‘Hidden to those who do not seek it’ my ass,” He huffed in frustration, brushing back his bangs off his forehead. He was all sweaty now, too, what the fuck was going on? His body was reacting poorly to the scroll, and he couldn’t figure out why. His only solace was that he had heard most of it this time, so it was progress.

After a few minutes, he lazily gestured towards the mess he had created. ”Sicut erat,” He muttered, watching as the desk lifted itself and everything went back to its proper place. He caught the scroll in mid-air, taking care to wrap it up properly before placing it down. Alright, he knew what he needed to do now. The Goddess had a wicked sense of humor if he was supposed to be the one to shepard people.

He straightened as he heard a knock on the door. “Your Highness, the car will be here in half an hour. Your father has asked if you’re ready,” A voice asked him.

Considering how he was dripping in sweat and his hair was messed up again, the answer was a resounding ‘no.’

Lucas took a few seconds to compose himself and opened the door. “Have someone put everything back where it was,” He told the servant, walking past them.

“Are you alright, Your Highness?” The servant asked worriedly.

“I’m peachy,” He replied.

“It’s just that you seem shaken–”

“I’m fine,” He rolled his eyes, waving his concern off. “Don’t delay the car, just have James ready with my outfit.”

Despite the servant’s initial hesitation, he scampered off. Lucas’ stride slowed down as he saw his vision blur, his hand slamming against the wall as he caught himself. Taking in a deep breath, he forced himself to continue walking. This Scion crap was complete bullshit, no one said anything about any side effects. He needed to get himself together, and the first step towards that was a shower.

“Stupid church bullshit…”

The sun was just starting to dip into the horizon, painting the numerous white and bronze buildings vermillion. The people came from all over, some from their homes, others from transport, but they walked with a purpose, and they were all walking towards the Cathedra Incepta of Juniperus. The church knights stood at the ready, watching the populace, and the knights within the church donned their traditional armor. Sunbeams filtered through stained glass windows depicting the Goddess and the original Scions, their colors dancing across the floors. The air carried a scent of juniper and sacred incense, giving a sense of peace and reverence underneath the buzz of excitement. Statues of the Scions, carved with exquisite detail, watched all who entered.

While the general populace filtered in and took their seats, history was being made in another room. The air in here was much quieter, much more pensive as everyone was silent. The Scions and their Templars waited, the Commander standing at attention with his right hand at his side. Finally, the doors opened and drew the room’s attention, and the Prince of Estora strolled in alone. Dressed in a suit adorned with the Estoran star, the prince looked like any other royal. His hair was slicked back and away from his face, green eyes staring straight ahead with an unreadable expression on his face. He didn’t bother looking at anyone, stopping in front of High Cardinal Margaret and saying nothing.

“Thank you for joining us, Your Highness,” Margaret greeted him kindly, giving him a proper bow. She turned to the group at large, clasping her hands together. “While this will be His Highness’ public debut as the Scion of Time, we alone will bear witness to the Blessing. For those unaware, this is High Prince Lucas Estora the tenth. The Goddess has chosen him as an inheritor to her power.”

She looked at Fyodor expectantly, though was surprised when Lucas immediately walked away from the group and towards the empty space close to the altar. He stopped and pointed at the ground, drawing a circle in the air. Mana formed a thin circle around the area he pointed at, glowing brighter as he stepped in, waiting.

Tyler Morris emerged from the rear of the chapel, face set in stoic indifference as he crossed the dais in his latest walk of shame. The pageantry hardly seemed necessary. No one in this room, himself included, wanted to see him up there at the altar; they should just skip the whole ordeal and let the prince slap him across the face to bless him as he deserved.

Dutifully, he took his place in the circle before Lucas, daring to meet his eyes apologetically for only a moment before he knelt in preparation for the ceremony. Tyler had arrived that morning intending to goad the prince at least a little, maybe wave to the crowd, get a few angry grumbles - but in the moment, all he felt was shame. Even on his knees, he wasn’t worthy.

So he simply hung his head and waited.

Lucas watched Tyler in silence, though once he was in place, he let out a small sigh. Lifting his right hand, he exhaled quietly, letting himself feel the mana around him. After a few seconds passed, it looked like there were glittering lights around them and they slowly began to move.

“Sir Tyler Morris, do you vow to walk unflinchingly in the ways of the Goddess, wheresoever She may lead?” Lucas asked, staring down at Tyler.

Tyler remained mostly still, though the hand draped across his knee clenched at the words. Ah, what a joke they had made this out to be. The little script was the worst part; last time he’d said it with gusto.

“With the Mother to guard me, I do,” he replied, flat and robotic.

“Do you vow to shepherd your charge dutifully, and to stand watch on every side, that he may never be led astray?”

Tyler tilted his head to eye Fyodor and flashed a cheeky smirk. “With the Mother to guide me, I do.”

Fyodor let out a deep sigh, unamused.

Lucas ignored it and continued, “Do you vow to defend your charge with all your strength of arm, heart, and mind, at the cost of your very life?”

“With the Mother to strengthen me, I do.”

The mana around them began to circle the pair, and Lucas closed the gap between them. “Where would you like your minor sigil?” He asked him.

“Just embarrass me and get it over with,” Tyler huffed.

Lucas did everything in his power not to roll his eyes, though a groan audible only to Tyler did escape. He knelt down a touch and pressed his fingers between Tyler’s shoulder blades, closing his eyes as he prayed to the Goddess silently.

”May Anani guide my path,” He muttered to himself.

At that point, Lucas’ holy sigil glowed on his forehead, causing the mana around them to do the same. Lucas pressed his hand fully on the spot and mana burst from his touch. Raising his hand, the mana followed, snapping and twisting downward as he released it. The mana around them converged at the spot, the light dimming and forming the minor holy sigil.

“Rise, Sir Tyler Morris, Templar of Time, and stand before the Goddess and the Church, a new creation,” Lucas ordered, taking a step backwards.

Tyler gritted his teeth as tendrils of mana seared into his back again, bringing with it the familiar surge of power he’d sorely missed. No, it wasn’t quite like Theo’s. It was stronger, harsher; either Theodore had been too gentle for his own good or the investiture had been stronger this time. Not that he intended to let His Highness know; that prick had a big enough head even before the Mother catapulted him to greatness.

Though Tyler heard the request just fine, he didn’t entertain it immediately. He drew in a deep breath and, upon exhaling, took in the flow of the world. His heart, previously pounding, slowed in an instant. Everything slowed. The room faded away and in its place was the nebulous time inbetween the seconds that only he and Theo- he and his Scion could bear witness to.

He’d sorely missed it.

Tyler flicked his gaze up to Lucas, just to see if he’d noticed the little stunt, then rose as lethargically as he could, though an onlooker would surely see him moving as he always did, if not a bit faster, as the brand on his back lit ablaze through his uniform. The moment rushed back to greet him as he reached his full height, and the room began to flow again as Tyler turned around to face it.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

Lucas didn’t miss the gaze or the show of power, eyes narrowing a touch, but once Tyler stood, he let it go. For now. Adjusting his sleeve, he stepped down from the altar, the circle disappearing fully. While he was seemingly annoyed by his Templar, his eyes were directly on the high cardinal.

Margaret wasn’t pleased, but she stepped forward and gave the pair a bow nonetheless. “And thus the Goddess has answered your prayers,” She said as she lifted her head, eyes focused on Lucas. She didn’t linger for too long before she turned back to Fyodor. “I will await you in the main hall, I’m certain Irina will be here with the Templars’ armor any minute now. If you’ll excuse me, Holy Ones.”

She departed the room shortly afterwards and left the Scions with their Templars. Once she was gone, Lucas gave Tyler his full attention. “You were quick to try it out again,” He commented. “I want to know if you’re going to continue that or if you’re going to bore me. If you end up giving me that sad, puppy dog look again I might throw up.”

“Had to make sure I didn’t get rusty,” Tyler responded as he descended the altar to face Lucas, “Out of practice, y’know.” That wasn’t the reaction he’d expected, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain if the prince elected never to bring up Theodore again. “I will endeavor to keep you as entertained as possible, if that is Your Highness’ wish.”

Lucas quirked an eyebrow, eyes watching Tyler for a moment. The corner of his lip almost perked up, but he contained himself. Instead, he once again closed the gap between them. “I can’t decide if that’s entertaining or annoying,” He admitted, still searching Tyler’s face. “Templar you may be, but I need someone that can think outside of their duties. Or are you content with being someone else’s dog again for the rest of your days?”

Tyler pursed his lips, though he kept his casual demeanor for the sake of appearances. “I haven’t been a dog in years, Your Highness. Such an insinuation is almost insulting.” To Theo or himself, he wasn’t sure.

Lucas doubted that, but kept it to himself. “Is it? Because last I recall, Theodore slipped away and ordered you to stay put, and you obeyed instead of immediately going to him,” He reminded him.

The Templar’s face sunk into a petulant sneer. So much for decorum, though he’d extensively prepared for this eventuality regardless.

“Are you suggesting I keep you on a tighter leash? I entertained your cousin’s whims because I trust him, not because he ordered me to do anything. But if you’d prefer I never let you out of my sight, that can be arranged.” This wasn’t his first rodeo; he wasn’t a new knight blinded by the honor of standing in a Scion’s presence. He knew what pull he did and didn’t have. And he also knew that the Church would agree if he decided a canary was always safer in a cage, even if it ended up too depressed to sing.

Lucas narrowed his eyes at Tyler, something at the tip of his tongue as a pang of anger hit him. He seemed to change his mind, instead stating, “Scions are considered above most, and it’s understandable to think you could leash me. But I’ll remind you that I’m not like others–should my father win his claim, I’ll be in line for the Estoran throne.”

He did take a second to step back and look Tyler up and down. “That and I don’t think you could,” He admitted with a half-shrug.

Would throwing a prince on the ground in the middle of the Cathedra Incepta make Tyler happy? Incredibly so. Would it be worth it? He wasn’t sure yet.

“Well, let’s hope I never have to prove you wrong. I’d hate to embarrass my future liege,” Tyler quipped, unimpressed. “Or you can keep dropping his name and we’ll see what happens.”

Lucas shook his head, wagging a finger at Tyler. “Oh…being the sensitive type doesn’t suit you,” He chided him. Instead of putting his hand down, however, he outright pinched Tyler’s cheek. “You’re going to need to get some thicker skin, because now that you’re back to being the Time Templar, everyone is going to be bringing up Theodore. Or are you going to get in a fistfight with everyone in the church?”

Tyler glanced down at the hand on his cheek, but didn’t bother to slap it away.

“If necessary,” he responded flatly, “But I haven’t slapped you yet, have I?” Everyone already talked, that wasn’t a new occurrence. Besides, he always said he’d fight any man, and he meant any man.

Lucas pinched harder before letting go, though he then gave him a light slap on the same cheek. “We’ll see how long you can hold yourself back,” He said. “If I have to train you to be what I need, so be it. Otherwise I’ll find someone else.”

Tyler only hummed, as if considering the words and not dismissing them the moment they crossed his ears. “You should ask the commander how that’s working for him. Am I dismissed, Your Highness?”

Lucas nodded, waving him away. “Try to get along well with the other children, I don’t want to have to pull you off anyone.”

Tyler placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head in farewell. “As you wish. And I’m older than you, respect your elders.”

Lucas was unamused.

Thanks everyone for making my job harder than it was supposed to be I wanted this done yesterday >:[

You're all wonderful and this was a hard decision to make but ultimately this is the cast now

Maya @Obscene Symphony
Tyler @Scribe of Thoth
Hollyhock @OwO
Dom @Abstract Proxy
Edmund @webboysurf
Kasper @Olive Fontaine
Sara @Stern Algorithm
Baldy @Xiro Zean
Justinian @Raijinslayer
Ionna @McMolly

Appreciate you all
last day for apps :)
Bump 'cause still lookin' for sheets
Sheets will be fully reviewed on the weekend and I'll make my decision on acceptances then. :)

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