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I would be interested in joining this rp, although I have a quick question. Are we allowed to play as OC's, or are we supposed to play just canon characters?

to my knowledge, OCs are acceptable as well! Seems to be a mix of them :)

For your consideration, Iron Man:

I think I'm done with my first sheet! I'm not 100% sure on the story arcs bit, but I think I did it alright? Let me know if I need to make any adjustments or anything.

I'm just popping in to say I'm still pretty interested in this.

@Hey Im Jordan & @smarty0114
Location: The Halls of the Academy → The First Year Nightshade Common Room

The door shut behind Charlie and Niko, and Teddy ran a hand through his hair, taking a moment to regain his composure before turning to Hyoon. “The bit about him wanting to snog me was quite helpful, thanks for that.” Teddy shook his head, disappointed but not all that surprised. Besides, he’d wanted this, right? He shifted his gaze to the pile of wet clothes, mocking him from the floor, and muttered, “He’s going to bring the magic junkie here, isn’t he. Of course he is.”

He put on a smile, obviously forced, and took a seat on the edge of what was now his bed, facing one of the few people he called a friend. “I’m assuming your day has been infinitely better than mine?”

“Well, you know what they say. You get what you deserve.” Hyoon cooly replied as Teddy complained about her mentioning Charlie’s feelings. She didn’t quite hear what he said - she thought she heard the term ‘junkie’ thrown around, but Hyoon hardly cared. As much as she treated the entire Academy like her personal manor, the fifth year dormitory and whoever got dragged into it was hardly her problem. “Are you seriously sitting on the bed while you’re still dripping wet?”

“I don’t see you holding a wand.”

She shook her head before she pressed on to discuss her day so far. “Well, you know me. I can’t complain. For some reason, they still let me stay here…” She trailed off a bit, shaking her head. She knew there was an idea with the staff that she ‘kept the vampires in line.’ If only they knew the truth. “I like when there are people here, when the Academy is empty it’s too… quiet. The only benefit is Lightwood lets me watch my shows in the big hall.”

Teddy smirked. “You are the strangest millennial I’ve ever met,” he said. There were precious few people in the world that Teddy liked, and even fewer that he respected. Hyoon had managed to claim a place on both lists. He had spent much of his time at Hawthorne ingratiating himself to her, earning her trust. Of course, his grandmother had asked him to do all of that, but he liked to think he’d had some choice in the matter. Hyoon was the leader the vampires needed. He just needed her to want it a bit more.

“They let you stay here because they’re afraid of you. I’m sure they don’t want to deal with the fallout of an eviction notice.”

“Please, who would be afraid of me?” She rolled her eyes then gestured with a single hooked finger as she turned to head out the doorway.
“Come.” She said in a voice that was in-line more with a command than a suggestion. Expecting Teddy to follow, she left the room without looking over her shoulder as she continued to speak. “I”m bored, Teddy. There haven’t been any interesting new students in years - no offense, but I count your year. You’re fine, and the Valentine brats aren’t too bad, but… someone truly interesting. I remember when Lucius was a student here… did you know even back then he was complaining about wanting to upgrade the place? Now, granted, then all he wanted was a television in the common room, but nobody ever really signed the poor guy’s petitions. Bastard.”

She rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder at Teddy, her dark eyes a little harder than they normally were. “My point is, I think I want to babysit the first years. Maybe a first year to start. Singular. Thoughts? I’m hoping there’s something out there that’s new…”

Teddy blinked. Hyoon was meant to be a great liberator, the vampire who freed them from the Academy’s chains. He thought that he could get her there, Adventure Time be damned, but here she was, more concerned with adopting a first year than with seizing any type of power. “Are you asking me if I think it would be enjoyable to spend my free time babysitting? Because I would hope my answer would be obvious.”

“Oh, you seem to still believe in the illusion of choice.” Hyoon sounded almost disappointed when she said that. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She didn’t understand why her peer was so opposed to the idea of adopting a first year. “I’ll do it myself if you don’t want to participate, but I surely can’t think of anything better to do with my time. There’s nothing else they can teach me here, you know that, I know that, and so do the professors. I’m just a fixture here. Like one of those damn gargoyles.”

She paused.

“I hate those things. They’re so tacky.”

Teddy rolled his eyes. “I think there are plenty of things better than building influence with the least influential, but perhaps that’s just me.” The young vampire had quite obviously not cooled off from his conversation with Charlie. “You’re ancient and powerful, and if you are truly nothing more than a fixture, it’s only because you allow yourself to be.”

“Yes, yes, Teddy. I’m just so lazy and decrepit that I’ve allowed myself to become a fixture. Haven’t we had this conversation several times?” She retorted. “I am not Charlie Valentine, and I don’t think you should get snippy with me because of a spat with him.” Her voice was something of a hiss as they walked together through the halls of the Academy. “Do you not see the value in teaching first years how to behave?”

Teddy sighed. “I guess you have a point. Just, you know, make sure they’re useful. I don’t have it in me to deal with an idiot all year.” She was right, at least about the Charlie of it all. In truth, he wasn’t sure how to feel about bringing up a potential replacement, but like Hyoon had said, he had little choice in the matter. Hyoon would do what Hyoon would do, and he would do his best to make sure he benefitted from it. It’s what he had always done. “Is it too presumptuous to think you already have someone in mind?”

“I won’t say I’ve picked one already, but I did watch them from the corner during the speech. There are a few interesting ones, but I was thinking we’d just stand near the first year dorms until one of them is brave enough to approach us.” She explained her plan as if it were the most perfect plan in the world - and to her, it was. It was basically an active litmus test. Any first year who was too scared to approach them would hardly be worth her time, but… “If they’re brave enough to walk over to us while we’re standing there menacingly, then maybe they’d be a good option for adoption.”

Teddy made a small, soft noise of displeasure and glanced up at one of the many clocks that adorned the walls. “I’ve got to meet Roxanne in thirty minutes, but I suppose there’s no harm in seeing how this plays out.” Teddy followed her, moving stiffly in his wet clothes. “I wish we had a wizard I could trust to dry me here. These wet rags won’t inspire anything other than laughter.”

“With any luck, I’ll find you one right now. Hopefully soon, before you smell like wet dog.”

Location: The Hall → The Dorms

Mentions: The Valentines Bros @Danvers, Teddy @smarty0114, Himani Chakrabarti @Fabricant451

Hyoon wasn’t sure why Lightwood insisted she show up for the welcome back speeches. She’d been listening to them since before he was born, and as much of a smooth talker as he was, he still blended together with the past headmasters. She had to wonder if there was a script she didn’t know about that they all followed or what, but they all hit the same buzzwords. Something something, safest place on the planet, something something, don’t go into the forest. Hyoon had been in the forest plenty of times, and nothing had happened to her. She’d practically begged him to just let her ghost off into the hallways of the Academy so she didn’t have to bother with listening to his rousing speech, but her requests had been denied. Something about ‘a legacy student provides comfort to the first years.’

Did Lightwood forget she was a ‘dirty bloodsucker?’ She wasn’t going to be comforting anyone, let alone a fucking first year. She was, however, still a student and behest to the requests of the headmaster. As much as she wanted to be in the rain listening to whatever mix of mood music Spotify gave her, she found herself sitting among the students and bouncing her head side to side to music playing in her head. It wasn’t like she was going to pay attention to the speech Lightwood was giving. Same shit, different day.

If she were a lesser person, she might have thrown mocking quips under her breath for nearby students to hear, but Lucius Lightwood had long since earned Hyoon’s respect. Ever since the wi-fi installation, Hyoon had been Lightwood’s man for life as it were. The ability to watch and re-watch Adventure Time whenever she wanted? It was a practically godsent gift. It helped break up the monotony of day-to-day life at the Academy.

That thought made her blow air out of her nose. Monotony? She lived in one of the most interesting places on the planet and she still found herself so damned bored that only shitty cartoons could bring her joy. Immortality, despite what some foolish types might say, was a curse. Doing the same thing day in and day out for a seemingly endless amount of time was enough to drive anyone nuts.

When it was finally, mercifully over, and they were dismissed, Hyoon made a point of being the last to leave. She made the briefest eye contact with the glorious leader to express her disappointment, then stood up and finally headed to the dormitory. At least there she’d be able to see what friends she had around here, at least until they inevitably left and were replaced by the new batch. There weren’t even any new vampire students this year that she knew of, so what was she to do? Befriend wizards?

Almost as soon as she arrived at the Nightshade Commons, her sensitive ears twitched. It would have been a boldfaced lie to say that hearing the sounds of Teddy Douglas and the Valentine twins didn’t bring a smile to her face. What was important was that neither of the twins ever realized that. By the time she arrived in the fifth year common room, she’d managed to get herself under control.

That semblance of control was almost immediately lost as she realized what happened. “Teddy, what are you doing? You’re going to track mud on my carpet.” She tutted, leaving the equally wet and equally likely to track mud on her carpet Valentine brother completely unharassed. Teddy should have known better, Hyoon had learned to expect this kind of behavior from the brats.

Then, it fully dawned on her what he was holding. “Do you have no shame?! Put your underwear away, there are first years running about.” A fact she hated.

“And Charlie only does this because he likes you, honey. I wouldn’t take it too personally.” She added, shooting the troublemaking Valentine brother a look. Hyoon wished the two of them would get over it and kiss already, but she knew better than to say that in front of everyone. Being a thousand years old had taught her that sometimes, to get your way, you simply have to exercise endless patience. “In the future, have enough sense to at least wait until it’s bloody dry outside. Do you realize how annoying it is to get the attention of the help around here? I’ve offered to hire my own, but Lightwood always rambles about not needing charity.” She made a face.

With a roll of her eyes, she decided to drop the complaining about the mud and the rainwater. She knew all too well that everything she said was falling on deaf ears — in fact, she was likely encouraging Charlie to act out more for attention. “To think I was happy to hear your voices too. You never fail to immediately disappoint.” One last jab about it, now she was done.

“Is Himani here yet? She’s meant to be bringing me a coffee.” Hyoon could have gotten the coffee herself, but… ugh, effort.

“Wait, are we down a Valentine brother? I only count two stooges, there should be three."

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