Because getting the cast list at 500 would've been too easy. Too on the line. Not Renegade-enough.
I wanna thank everyone for the frankly, mind-blowing amount of reception this game's had over the past few days. You've gone above and beyond what I expected for the game. It's made me really nostalgic for the old days on the guild and gave me reason to remember why I've called this site, in a sense, my home for the past decade. Good hustle everyone. Because of that, I was planning on just accepting everyone and having at in the IC. But upon rereading the sheets I had read before, and reading the new ones, I've realized that cuts will be made. If you didn't make the cut, you should know that I appreciate you all the same and I'm really glad you came out and I hope to get the chance to RP with you in the future. For those that did make the cut, I'm expecting this thread to move away from (as much) Shitposting, and into the realm of discussing character relations and storybeats as I line up the IC.
I was gonna do a character review of each sheet and knock out any kinks / thoughts I'd have and explain my reasoning. But, frankly. That'd go against the spirit of why I made this game to begin with and with the sheer amount of sheets that have been submitted so far that just wouldn't be possible.
Without further ado.
Julian Luthor -
@HillanCharity Charleston -
@Lord WraithDandelion -
@Dead CruiserConor O'Brien -
@SepJohnny Dash -
@metanoiaRedmond Morrow -
@Hound55Vincent Gideon Jacobs -
@RomanKevin Vanhagen -
@DejaSelene Windle -
@TackytaffJohnny Renault -
@rocketrobie2Roy Bivolo -
@EnarrEilidh Vass -
@StormflyxLord Dino-Man (Blessed be her name) -
@DocTachyonVaro Yelkian -
@TheyraHana Hazard -
@psych0pompGabriella Rivero -