Avatar of Hillan


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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, even though I was excited for this roleplay, I also know I won’t be pick 😞 Oh well, at least try, right?

Hey! Everyone was in the running and I had agonizing choices to make when I realized it wasn't feasible to run the RP with 20+ characters. You did well and getting yourself out there and trying is worth it. See it as a learning experience and you'll grow both as a Roleplayer and writer, but also, and perhaps most importantly as a person.

It's worth noting that the Renegades are going on their first 'big' mission by the start of the IC. Been all together for probably a few weeks, doing lower-tier heroics and just getting a feel for each other. Rescuing kittens and the occasional crook. That sorta thing.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

I’m a mod. I can go back and make it happen :>

Nah. Think it's better this way. The egg comment goes on my wall.

Can I offer anyone an egg in this time of waiting?

Certified solid 500th-post. It was worth it.
Because getting the cast list at 500 would've been too easy. Too on the line. Not Renegade-enough.

I wanna thank everyone for the frankly, mind-blowing amount of reception this game's had over the past few days. You've gone above and beyond what I expected for the game. It's made me really nostalgic for the old days on the guild and gave me reason to remember why I've called this site, in a sense, my home for the past decade. Good hustle everyone. Because of that, I was planning on just accepting everyone and having at in the IC. But upon rereading the sheets I had read before, and reading the new ones, I've realized that cuts will be made. If you didn't make the cut, you should know that I appreciate you all the same and I'm really glad you came out and I hope to get the chance to RP with you in the future. For those that did make the cut, I'm expecting this thread to move away from (as much) Shitposting, and into the realm of discussing character relations and storybeats as I line up the IC.

I was gonna do a character review of each sheet and knock out any kinks / thoughts I'd have and explain my reasoning. But, frankly. That'd go against the spirit of why I made this game to begin with and with the sheer amount of sheets that have been submitted so far that just wouldn't be possible.

Without further ado.

Julian Luthor - @Hillan
Charity Charleston - @Lord Wraith
Dandelion - @Dead Cruiser
Conor O'Brien - @Sep
Johnny Dash - @metanoia
Redmond Morrow - @Hound55
Vincent Gideon Jacobs - @Roman
Kevin Vanhagen - @Deja
Selene Windle - @Tackytaff
Johnny Renault - @rocketrobie2
Roy Bivolo - @Enarr
Eilidh Vass - @Stormflyx
Lord Dino-Man (Blessed be her name) - @DocTachyon
Varo Yelkian - @Theyra
Hana Hazard - @psych0pomp
Gabriella Rivero - @Natty

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

I would never.

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Nor would I! I wouldn't

Wise men, both of you.

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

What 16 more? We can never do that!

Papa's home.
And boy howdy did you crazy kids get up to some shenanigans in my absence.

Gonna accept some peeps in a bit. Gonna have to do some hecking thinking here.

Well, kids. I'm going away for the day, so I'll be back tomorrow with the accepted roster. (And oh boy, am I gonna have to make some choices.) So assume the deadline for submitting a sheet's tomorrow.

@Lord Wraith Oliver is NOT a literal marshmallow.
He is a teleporter addicted to marshmallows.

How do you think the bag of marshmallows ends up going empty? They teleport out of the bag.

Not like I could've eaten them all.
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