Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts


"Your soul versus mine. Let's see who can walk out of here."

Jason Todd, Qahir Al-Hamra Assassin Of The Supernatural All Caste Headquarters.
O R I G I N S:

"You guys wanna come at me all at once, or shall I kick your ass one at a time?"

Jason Todd was never meant to be the boy wonder. The little soldier who could - the thug who got saved from a life of crime by a man in a bat-shaped cowl. He was never meant to be the young man who fought tooth and nail to save his own, and his mother's life from the hands of a madman. His destiny laid far beyond the grimy streets of Gotham. His identity was supposed to be more than the 'fucked up Robin'. This is fate, uninteruppted. Destiny as it was supposed to be. A Jason Todd who grew up as the great cosmic theatre had ordained him to. Growing up to an addict mother and a career criminal father, Jason lived mostly on the streets in Gotham, nothing but the ragged clothes on his back from his first steps. Always providing for himself, looking out for those close to him, but never getting that in return. At nine years old Jason was attacked by a monster out of this world. Something beyond even the madness of Gotham city's constant violence and fear. Som, Something that knew what he was, what he would become. He was saved by the ones who would show him his path, his destiny. He was brought before the All Caste, the secret order of warrior-monks and mystics who work in secret to keep the mortal realm safe from beings that would herald the great darkness, the end of all life as humans have known it. They believed this street-urchin was what they had been waiting on for millennia.

Jason's grew up being raised to become the chosen champion of this guild, their greatest warrior. Ducra, the leader of the All-Caste would raise him as her own. The entire guild were to see to it that he would prepare his entire life for a final battle against the Untitled foes. He's never been stoked on this idea, instead striking out as much as he can on his own, avoiding his responsibilities and pursuing his own ideals. Jason Todd always wanted to be set loose onto the world. Believing himself more than capable. Armed with his birthrights, half-finished training, magical power, the temperance of youth and his own moral codex. He's out to do what's right, save people now and bringing evil to justice. Not sitting around waiting to save the world in some prophesized showdown that's far beyond certain.

Out of the All Caste's overbearing protective nature of a nurturing chamber. He's rebirthed into the world at large. A teenage hero who's struggling with the expectations of his elders and the destiny ahead of him. Foreign to our mundane world he was once born into. Burning with desire for adventure and helping people. This is a tale of figuring out all the trials and tribulations the mortal and magical worlds offer the boy who could have been bat.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"I'm not good, not bad. Just practical as hell." The dark haired boy said, as he entered the room through the window he had opened from the outside, removing the grey cloth hood that was secured over his face, tossing it back and letting it fall down to his shoulders, chucking the blowpipe and the pack of darts from his legs onto the makeshift bed in his side of the room. He pulled out the bloody knife from his other side, and started wiping it off. He walked towards the bathroom, as if he owned the place. The actual owner took notice.

"You keep saying that, but I disagree. You're real fuckin' bad at knocking, or respecting other people's privacy! I could've been masturbating, Jason! That's not very practical. I thought you said you were gonna blow town, by the way?! Gary cried out, as neurotic as always. Mr. Green was lying in his bed in his bedroom in his parents spacious apartment. Clearly unphased by Jason's behavior, beyond the rudeness of it all. Jason, cleaning himself off with a recently washed towel, which made Gary grit his teeth upon seeing such an expensive towel be wasted on washing away what he could only assume wasn't human blood.

"Ducra scried. Uh, sorry, called. Job's not done here. There's clearly still more magical influence left in this town, and she said 'it is of utmost importance young Qahir that you fulfill your promise to this life'. So you're stuck with me, bunk buddy. How did the thing go? Did your man win the duel?" Mimicking his guardian's ancient tongue as he chuckled, tossing his bag of things into the pullout-sofa on the other end of the room. Gary cracked a smile.

"Duel? No, it was a wrestling match. Josh got absolutely destroyed, though. His opponent was not normal, man, straight up built different, Josh had no chance." Gary caught his turn of phrase as he saw the look on his friends face change.
"Not normal you say? Did Josh's family prepare funerary rights after his destruction?" Jason pondered, turning towards his bag to start digging through his collection of magical trinkets.

"No, Jason. It's not all monsters, man. It's just a figure of speech. The dude, Devin, was surprisingly good at wrestling, was all. Josh is fine. Bruised, his ego mostly." Jason nodded and started putting his things back in place.
"Oh. I got you. Thanks, I'm still struggling with all of the modern slang. Teenagers used to say 'Schway' last I was in the states."
"Nobody has ever said 'Schway', Jason. Not even in backwaters Gotham, I refuse to believe that." They both laughed.

Jason finished changing out of his dirty clothes and emerged 15 minutes later in a normal outfit. a graphic Tee, a stonewashed pair of jeans and a pair of 'fun socks' that Gary insisted on were cool. Seeing his friend on his phone, he cleared his throat. "Wanna leave your digital oracle device behind? Come play The Nintendo with me dude." Gary laughed, life was never boring with Jason around, that's for sure.

Some time later.

Gary laid in the mud as the rain poured over him, scared witless, his palms facing down into the dirt. He was injured, surface level wounds. His eyes looked up, first seeing his own wounded knee and then higher yet. In front of him, the deformed body of an oversized teenage boy was kneeling, black goo oozing out of his mouth, ears and one eye. He was mumbling something in a language Gary did not comprehend. Above him, stood Jason, holding the awe-inspiring, flaming golden sword, the All-blade to the monsters throat with one hand. The twin of the blade was protruding through the monster's chest. Jason was panting, bleeding a little. His clothes worn, the rain felt heavy on his skin. His stare intense, focused. Despite being tired and hurt, Gary could clearly see that Jason was in complete focus and control. Nothing like the rather scatter-brained boy he usually saw. It was clear to him that this was what his best friend did, and he was not just good at it. He was terrifying.

Lightning cracked as the monstrous teenager tried to move, Jasonsteadied his grip on the blade through the boy's chest, locking his left shoulder in place. The blade flaring up in color, as did it's twin. The monster burst into one last attack.
"Devin's built different no more. Go in peace, lost soul." His tone was harsh, vengeful. As the monster tried to swpie at him with his claw like right hand Jason ended him. A clean swipe of the glowing sword. Using the power of Jason's own soul to vanquish the evil that possessed the long-dead teenager's vessel, ending his torture and sending the boy's soul onto the next life. The Allblades hungering for more wicked blood. Once Devin's body laid on the ground, his body started transforming back into a normal teenagers corpse, missing a head. The blades disappeared in a flash, and the boy's demeanor changed. Jason rushed over to check on his friend. Extending his hand to Gary while kneeling down.

"Thanks for helping me, sorry you got caught up in this. You okay?" Helping his shocked friend up from the muddy ground. Gary's life had gotten so much more complicated since he met Jason Todd.

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:

  • Ducra [Adoptive Mother. Looks like she's mostly a tree.]
  • Essence [Adopted Sister, heir to the All Caste. The original Goth GF.]
  • S'aru the Proctor [Trauma-Holder. Gatekeeper. Pain in the ass instructor.]
  • Gary Green [Best Friend, regular human with completely irregular loyalty]

  • Suzie Su [World's fattest mob boss]
  • Ma'Gunn. [Shittiest babysitter]
  • Akila [Pissed off Amazon. The warrior kind, not the package delivery kind.]
  • The Untitled [Too ugly to have a real name]
  • Underbelly [OK, you got me. Actually world's fattest mob boss.]

    God I wish I could have or someone would play:
  • Illyana Rasputin, Magik. [New and improved Goth GF?!]
  • Sorcerer Supreme [Hands, much?]
  • Dr. Fate [Helm would look better in red.]
  • Ra's Al-Ghul. [Oh, matching Arabic-name-thing.]

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Redder they are, the harder they fall. #1 - 5
Dead, Dead, Oh, You're all Dead. #1 - 3.
Honey, I Revived the kids #1-2.
Jason Todd Versus Dick Grayson; Who the hell are you and why did you steal my shorts?! #1.
I'll be damned if my best friend is going to die because he was dumb enough to trust me #1-3
Mighty Gary Green and the Sorcerer Supreme; My Best Friend Is The Chosen One #1-4.
Hello home, hello bed #1.
Redder Deader Redemptioner; A sword cannot save the world. Bring two. Part 1 & 2.
T H E X - M E N
T H E X - M E N

"All of this power means nothing without compassion. That's what we have to show them. That's why we are his X-Men"

Maximilian 'Max' Eisenhardt, Charles Xavier Mutant Rights Advocates New York
O R I G I N S:

Charles Xavier, humanitarian, scientist and lobbyist. The current oldest and most widely recognized civilian with more-than-human abilities. While his feats have been brought into question, his presence has been a fact since the Cuba crisis in the 60's. Where he earned medals and televised congratulations from the president for lending his extraordinary negotiation skills to aid world peace. Maximilian Eisenhardt was born in the 80's, and quickly developed his mutant abilities which made life incredibly hard for the young mutant. Charles and Max crossed paths in Ireland during the last decade of the troubles. A mentorship and friendship was founded that soon turned into more of a paternal bond between the two. Maximilian made many errors as a boy and young man, errors Charles helped him understand and correct, where he could. They left Ireland by the end of the troubles in 96, and returned to the mansion Charles had lived in his entire adulthood. A mansion in which it became evident that there was a greater need for more people to be in. Maximilian grew into a man under Charles tutelage, the latter arguing he learnt as much from Max as the younger man did from him. After a few years of sporadically helping those that came knocking, doing brief home-visits, which Charles had been doing since the 50's - Maximilian decided that they needed to do more for their kind. With his awesome powers of magnetism the two constructed the global neuro-interface and telepathic amplifier known as Cerebro. Charles would use it to vastly amplify his already incredible powers, finding mutants in need before the two of them set out to guide these young mutants into finding themselves, helping them find their place in the world.

Their journey of helping mutants has never been without flaws. There's been conflict, strife, anger and loss. But above all, their journey has been filled with love for their kind. Fifteen years ago they decided to turn the mansion into not just a temporary home or a haven, but also a school. A place where mutants could fundamentally be themselves. As Charles's age makes itself ever more apparent, the mansion is getting more crowded with young mutants who needs the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters. This leaves Max in a ever changing position with more and more responsibilities. His bond with his fellow mutants always growing deeper. This school is his everything, as are the people in it. Xavier's school is the place on earth where no harm shall come to Mutantkind, for the Master Of Magnetism watches over them.

S A M P L E P O S T:

In her living room, Angelica Jones took her first step of the day, feet planted firmly on the cool floor under her bed in this studio apartment. She prepared for the day ahead, sorted her things. Photoshoot during the afternoon, a livestream before then, had to film a social media clip for a sponsor. She had to call her mom and ask how dad was doing. Before all of that, she was gonna have breakfast and go for a run. She got into her sporting clothes, had a bowl of Greek yoghurt and some oats. Prepared a bottle of water that she clipped to the slightly weighted vest she wore during her runs. Hunching down, she tied her brand-dealt sneakers and set out of her apartment. As she left her apartment building, she stopped to put her headphones into her ears. 165 BPM playlist. She had to burn today. This was just like any other day for her.

Her feet touched the ground, once. Then again, twice. Three times. Ever more rapidly. Her breath got shallow, after a few minutes her mouth started to get dry and she paused to drink from her bottle. Her pulse was high. Too high, given how short of a distance she had ran. 185 beats. She hadn't had that high pulse in years. Was it nerves about the meeting? Maybe. Running again, swimming in the sound of the music. Her mind ran free. Her legs moving, her breath feeling normal, yet, her heartrate was constantly climbing. She wasn't sweating. She ran onto the sidewalk, and felt the sun hit her left side. It was warm. Like, really warm. Too warm for Seattle weather in March. As she looked down on the sun hitting her, she noticing something that made her eyes widen. Her long sleeved shirt was smoking. She tried, panicked, to put out the flames by patting it with her other hand, first lightly and then more intensely as the smoke didn't stop, instead only increasing in intensity till the shirt was burnt straight through, revealing that it wasn't her shirt that was on fire. It was her arm.

She yelled out in panic.

"Help! What the hell is going on, someone help me, fire, fire!" She cried, people picking up their phones, most of them to call the authorities. Some few to film the incident. Other hurried away scared. She cried in terror and pain, as the flames erupted from all over her body. She blacked out from panic, and when she came to, she was soaring in the air the world now truly below her. She was hanging 20 feet into the sky, tethered to nothing. Her ears were ringing from the alarms made by the four cars that had crashed looking at the exploding star in the sky. There had now been a barricade formed under her, the flames from her body had spread onto the concrete, lighting a nearby tree on fire, as well as a park bench. She looked at her hands, in complete shock.

"What's happening to me?! Help!" She cried. Police, firefighters and two ambulances had arrived under her, the police had their guns ready, awaiting directive. Directive to shoot. A directive that would never come. As all radios, phones and electronics in 150 meters got their signal completely blocked. The sea of people who had gathered behind the barricade was being parted. With a low sounding him, the metal bars that made up the barricade bent out of the way, and the police's weapons were gently, but forcefully lowered, aiming away from the girl in the sky. Gently enough to make the police think it was their fellow officers that lowered the guns out of their own will, rather than an invisible hand pushing it down. From the now open barricade, a man walked by. Dressed in a red dress-shirt over a 90's Rock Band t-shirt, black business pants and a pair of shiny black office loafers. His hair was silver and he had a spotless shave. His eyes had a soft, almost purple glow to them. He paid the people him no mind, nor did he care for the people on the other side, as he spoke, it was as if the only person in the entire world was Angelica Jones.

His voice boomed with great intensity, serenity and earnest in his voice. A warm smile on his face, his arm slowly extending into the sky.

"I know you are scared. You're unprepared. This all feels like such a sudden change. You are not alone in feeling this way. It's not an accident that this happened to you. You are special. My name is Maximilian. I'm here to help. If you let me, I promise you everything will be okay. I will stay here with you as long as you need me to."

For some inexplicit reason, she believed him. She got calmed just from seeing him act so fearless. She wanted the help he offered. Breathe, Angelica. You are in control, you are in charge of these flames, they don't burn you. They burn for you. Choose a direction and they will follow. A softer, more vague and distant voice echoed in her head. A thought? Perhaps. Her panic was washing off of her, as she took a deep breath and looked intensely on the man in red on the ground. Her eyes focusing on a spot in front of him, and she could feel herself moving, in the air. She approached for a landing.

Way too fast.

She crashed in front of Maximilian, debris flying up into the sky, piece of metal and concrete, a pipe broke, more car alarms. Yet with the flick of his hand, all of these dangers and distractions were taken care of. He simply walked over to the side of the crater, where the girl was standing and peered in. She was unharmed, just, shocked. Looking at her hands and the area around her, at the destruction she had caused.

"I- I did that? How?" She was puzzled, dumbfounded. Terrified and confused.

Maximilian smiled at her again, as he walked into the crater, sliding down the 2 meter hole slope she had made, intentionally with small movements he extremely nimbly avoided the few piece of burning debris that were in his way.

"You are a mutant. Like me. Today was the day your powers arrived. As I said up there. If you let me, I will help you learn how to handle them. To control them. Not let them control you. I will teach you to use them for the betterment of not just yourself, but all." She couldn't explain why, but she believed him. She wanted to believe him. Carefully she raised her trembling hand to take his, afraid to touch him. Yet he never hesitated. No fear of getting burnt. She laid her hand in his and he didn't even flinch, for he had not burnt.

"I trust you fully to not hurt me, just as you have put your trust in me."

"Was it... Your voice in my head I heard?" She said, getting faint from exhaustion, flames dying down, collapsing. Max caught her, her clothes were mostly burnt off, his red button up shirt took a life of it's own as the metal buttons un-buttoned it and pulled it smoothly off of his arms, sweeping over the woman to cover her like a blanket.

"No, that was the person who saved me. Who showed me the way."

Standing on a rooftop overlooking the situation, a man donning a black skin-tight suit held his left hand up to his temple, by the side of his high-tech X-shaped goggles. Watching as his ward, friend and greatest pride hovered out of the crater, carrying the currently unconscious girl. As soon as the two had emerged, the road began repairing itself as the same kind of low-hum could be heard. A minute later, everything had returned back to normal, the only remains of the event were the burn marks on the tree. The police were unsure of what had happened, why were they here? Reports of a block-wide communication error came in over dispatch, but other than that, everything was fine.

Well done, Maximilian. Every person who witnessed this event has seen something completely ordinary, and they will not see you nor Miss Jones leave. There are spare supplies in the car. Clothes, food and water, as well as first aid. I shall see you and Miss Jones for dinner at the house this evening.

Max looked up towards the building where his mentor was positioning, cracking a smile as he nodded in agreement.

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:

  • The Mutants - Groupings of youngsters who attend the school and face different challenges and tribulations, while offering their own assets to the two. Without these kids, Charles and Max are nothing. Select few, given they are ready for it, are taken onto field-trips to help others. Students who have attended, or who came as adults often stay as teachers or rotate as guests over the years.
  • Logan - The Wolverine; Manbeast, human weapon and dear friend.
  • Mystique - Mutant and Proud; old friend of Max's and radical mutant activist.

  • Bolivar Trask
  • Mister Sinister
  • The Juggernaut.
  • Onslaught

P O S T C A T A L O G:

I believe it's Sep that's broken.

Gif works fine.
@Hillan just had to squeeze me in at the end huh, after saying lovely things about everyone else.

Everyone gets one. Tell 'em, Peter.

@Simple Unicycle denied noice

As the time of our lord and saviour @Master Bruce approaches with the IC... Other than your own, what concepts/characters are you most excited to see realised?

I mean we got a bunch of really cool sheets here

I've got a lot to look forward in this game.

I am thoroughly excited to see Hound shoulder the responsibility of a character with a more grandiose mythos and proximity to the universal spotlight, breaking a way from his tradition of playing "Captain Bumfuck P. Nobody and his incredible chrono-bomb defusing feline". MB's lack of batman-ears is very exciting for similar reason, too. Gonna see how long it takes for him to channel this kind of energy.

Pacifista's rendition of the Summers has me hyped. I greatly look forward to seeing Jean navigate her desire to get out there and change the world. Especially coupled with the only rendition of Scott Summers in all of fiction where he's a good guy and the best husband in the world has piqued my interest. His Titans concept is also exciting extremely exciting. It's very similar in idea to something I've thought would be super interesting as an entry-point for a teenage superhero team in the current era of E-Celebs, Social Media and Viral Marketing.

Speaking of marketing. Lord Wraith Creating an Iron Man who's unburdened by cave-related trauma. Seeing him try to build an armor around the world not out of fear, but for profit's gonna be a lot of fun. I think you've nailed the voice of an even cockier Tony Stark in the snippets I've read so far.

Hexrider tickles me a certain way as a Ghost Rider fan. Big Iron and all. Andy really took monopoly on the 'gruff cowboy'-vibe between Jonah and Logan, I'm gonna be in stiff competition if I wanna keep up my intention of metal-accented Cowboy-core for a younger Magneto's aesthetic, huh.

Jack Hawksmoor's also a real highlight as I've never even heard of the concept. Reading Byrd's sheet as well as trying to read the wiki might have made my nose bleed from a micro-stroke, which leaves me excited to see it in proper action. I've got extremely little exposure to both Iron Fist and Luke, but I've just gotten off of watching the Bruce-Lee inspired show 'Warrior's first season, leaving me hungry for some good scrapping to be delivered.

All in all, I believe I'm excited to read all of the concepts proposed, I think there's a decent mix of each corner of the universes. Perhaps lacking on the magic-side a smidge, but I'm counting on Roman for that.

Oh, and I sure hope Sep does something decent with Flash. That'd be refreshing. :P
<Snipped quote by Hillan>

They're mutants, so they're part of the problem.

A problem that Project War Machine is here to fix. With Project War Machine we will ensure there's a suit of armour on every street keeping the American people safe from this mutant threat.

You make a valid point, and I'm sure Xavier and Eisenhardt are going to be extremely scared and worried about all of this. But, just as like, an hypothetical. Wouldn't it be crazy if like, Mr. Stark's empire and weaponry was built with metal and dependent on electricity, and his brain was full of thoughts?

Man. That'd be a real shame if something were to hypothetically happen to that.
Not even tagging Doc. No respect on the mad doctor's name.
24 Hours will have passed by the time any of you get back to the computer. Pls tell me my X-men are good boys, my therapist says I need validation for my efforts. Thank you. @DocTachyon @Sep @Master Bruce.
You have my erection.

I mean attention.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

There's not too much in the way of magical/supernatural in the accepted roster so far but I was considering S.T.A.K.E. in its infancy through the lens of a jaded veteran S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, who spearheads the new division as weirder phenomenon around the globe starts to outpace S.H.I.E.L.D.'s understanding of mutants and meta-humans, ultimately recruiting certain individuals and building out his department into a legitimate branch of the wider organisation. This could then interact with anyone who is involved with the supernatural (so far only really looking like Allblade and Jack Hawksmoor).

I'd fuck you with tongue for S.T.A.K.E.

I mean, yeah, that sounds cool and I'd be a totally normal amount of excited for that.

Edit: There are certainly worse alternatives to Superman being blue.

Somehow you've made Xavier older than Sir Patrick Stewart himself. The man's going to turn to dust before the Shadow King gets a chance to mess with him.

From Dust to Dust. He's pretty spry for a century old man in a wheelchair.
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