Jean Paul grabbed shotgun, Marlene threw herself in the back and Samuels took the wheel of his burgundy Bentley.
“Where are we going? What’s happened?” Marlene asked.
“We’re going to save your friend from himself.” Samuels said, irritated as he pulled down his seatbelt.
“And what’s happened?” Jean Paul echoed Marlene.
“It’s complicated.”“It’s a long car drive.”“Not really. Lincoln Park is only a few minutes away and I wouldn't have even begun to get into the weeds on this… I pull down 80k a year and I’m still underpaid for everything I put up with…” The professional façade finally starting to crack in Samuels.
“Marc Spector has gone to take on that werewolf.” He said, looking at Marlene in the rear vision mirror.
“And he’s not ready to do anything that crazy yet. Not even close.”What Samuels was talking about was ludicrous. Surely.
“What does Marc have to do with werewolves? Why would he? None of this makes sense.”“It’s not about werewolves.” Samuels said, the needle pushing 80mph.
“It’s about Spector. It could have been a man who did that. Or someone cutting you off in traffic. At the moment, he’s volatile. We need to get him home before he gets himself killed. And the werewolf’s not the only thing to worry about on that front.”“He’s gone to fight a werewolf? What with?” DuChamp asked.
“His memory’s back. He’s remembered where the equipment is.”DuChamp ran things through in his mind. Marc had been right. Not everything this man had been telling them had really fit.
“Today, when you picked us up from the airport. Your employer hadn’t made sure you were familiar with his face.” Jean Paul spoke softly as he pieced everything together.
Samuels looked at him and down shifted as he turned a corner.
“--because you’d already met him before.”“...” “Exactly.” Samuels said, wanting the conversation to be over. They were approaching police barriers, and a cop waving his arms at them, telling them to find another way.
Marlene spoke up from the back.
“What exactly did you mean by ‘the equipment’?”Overhead a white hang glider swooped past, caught an updraft to pull up far above a building, and a white and silver clad figure released his grip, performed a perfect somersault and spread his arms wide. A vast cape billowed out and caught another gust, before he released it and brought both his feet up to kick an unseen figure in the chest.
A sound like a man beating a mongrel with a rolled up newspaper made the cop turn around. Samuels took the opportunity and turned the wheel to miss the cop, plowing through part of the barricade.
“I was going to say, ‘you’d know it if you saw it’ but I think it’s too late for that…”Flint spat bourbon all over the inside of his windshield.
He had a good clear view of the rooftop where the werewolf was perched from where his car was parked. Out of nowhere, and in complete silence some nutcase in a white cape jumped off of a hang glider and kicked the thing in the chest. It made a sound like a beaten cur, only louder if he could hear it from here.
Then the ninja throwing stars came out.
He began to question the veracity of the officers’ stories whom he’d spoken to before. They said they blasted this thing with a shotgun and it didn’t even flinch. But throwing stars had it backpedalling, as the man was able to keep his distance on the other side of the roof. The werewolf backed up further, and further, towards the edge of the roof. Then desperation struck as it could retreat no further and the wolf charged. He threw two more stars and then, sensing the need for a change of tactics, he reached down and drew a small metal bar from a holster.
The wolf lunged, with perfect footwork and timing the man in white thrust the bar into the beast’s fangs and twisted, executing a perfect hip toss, throwing it off of the building.
One of its teeth must have pressed a button or activated some kind of grapple feature though, as a cable flew out the side of its maw and snagged in a neighbouring building. Another whimper came from the werewolf as mystical fangs were nearly pulled from its head, before it let go as a reflex. It was enough to break its fall however. The wolf sensed an opportunity to escape from the man in white and immediately took it. It would find easier prey another time.
But the man in white hadn’t given up yet. He stood on the edge of the building top and cast out his cape, before jumping. The billowing cape slowing his descent enough before he caught the metal bar as it swung back and forth from the other building. Reunited with his weapon he used a setting which allowed him a smooth descent to the ground, before the hooks in the grapple released and the cable retracted back into the bar.
He looked up to the rooftops and saw where his glider had landed. Too far, no help to him now. He ran down the street in pursuit of the werewolf, but as fast as this man was it would make no difference. The werewolf was far too fast and already had too big a head start. Surely he had to know it too.
But if he did, he didn’t show it. He ran like a man possessed. No. He ran like this was his entire purpose.
Flint considered giving chase but for two things. First, Chicago PD had no set policy for dealing with what was becoming known as the Batman/Spider-Man situation. Namely, that was “their problem”. With Chicago’s current crime rate combined with the fact that this is technically an animal control issue the politics on this one stank to high Hell and he didn’t want to give the Burger King a free shot at kicking him in the dick.
Secondly he remembered what happened to Jim Gordon down in Gotham not too long ago. Very publicly getting the shit beaten out of him in a situation Flint imagined probably looked very much like this… only with considerably more backup if the papers told the truth.
Could that be what this is? Could there be Black and White Batmen? Or was this a copycat? Or was this something else entirely?
No. Better to wait and watch. Report the citing. Let the PD formulate some kind of policy and keep your nose clean. And decidedly less bloody. Get to the scene a little too late to actually do anything.
Which was a plan that worked a little too well.
A car drove alongside the man in white, and he must have really been moving because it didn’t slow down THAT much. Because Flint had decided to keep his distance he couldn’t make out the license plate. Arms reached out from the car and grabbed him, pulling him in.
A maroon Bentley. Flint made a mental note for a batch search later.
He stepped out of his beamer and caught Dixon running towards him.
“Did you see that shi--!”“Yes. I did. Call the CSIs.” Flint pronounced it ‘Sissies’, almost like ‘scissors’.
“We’ve got a crime scene up there and something tells me it’s going to be a ripe one.”Flint stepped back to his car and lifted the handpiece for his radio. He looked down at his watch and decided debriefing could wait ten minutes. Shift change was in five and he wouldn’t give the Burger King the satisfaction of getting to play the press, like he reveled in. Captain Welland was good police. He can catch this one.