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2 yrs ago
Current A Perpetual Motion Engine of Anxiety and Self-Loathing


So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.

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T A L K A T I V E T A W N Y E S Q .

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

“There is no animal as dangerous as a wounded tiger.” - West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee

"There is no client as scary as an innocent man." - Michael Connolly, The Lincoln Lawyer

Tawky Tawny started life as an ordinary tiger cub, in a jungle in South Asia. When he was still very young, his mother was killed by a big game hunter. The cub was found and befriended by a schoolteacher, and Mr. Tawny grew up in their house. After one year of elementary schooling functioning as something of a "class pet", Tawny had grown too big to be allowed inside the little schoolhouse in the jungle, but he remained something of a mascot, quietly sitting outside all day, as if listening, and schoolchildren would often ride and romp around the school on his back.

One day another tiger came to the area and killed some of the Natives, who blamed Mr. Tawny and beat a path to the school's door. Tawny escaped into the the jungle with the aid of the schoolteacher, where Captain Marvel overheard the commotion from flying above. Using the Wisdom of Solomon, Captain Marvel whisked the tiger away to the sanctuary of the Rock of Eternity, where he wished wished out loud that Tawny could talk. At that moment, the wizard Shazam announced that if it were truly required, such a wish could indeed be fulfilled, but that as with all things would come a price. With a bowl of liquid, a mystical serum for energizing an animal's brain and enabling it to use its vocal chords for speech. He placed it in front of Tawny, who lapped it up, and was now very pleased to find himself able to speak. Captain Marvel returned to the village with the tiger now able to provide his own defense. However, hearing a tiger claim he didn't kill and eat someone was evidently no more believable than if the tiger hadn't been able to speak in the first place. Mr Tawny was left with little recourse, he assured the villagers that he could find the one responsible for the deaths. His nose leading the way, Tawny tracked down the new tiger and fought him to submission. Tawny then pointed to the paw and track markings of the other tiger, which matched those left by the killer. The natives agreed that Tawny was innocent.

And summarily killed the other tiger with clubs and spears, right in front of Mr Tawny.

Mr Tawny decided at this point that this was bound to happen again, and that America seemed a far mre suitable for a civilised tiger, such as he.

One Captain Marvel flight later, and Mr Tawny was in Fawcett City, a fine location for a tiger trying to find his way. Assisting Captain Marvel in numerous ways, he became such a friend and revered member of 'The Marvel Family', that when he expressed disappointment in not being a U.S. Citizen, the Mayor of Fawcett City himself pulled strings to ensure that Tawky Tawny be allowed to sit for the citizenship test - passing it with flying colours.

When asked by the Mayor at his Citizenship ceremony, what he'd first like to do as an American citizen, he said he'd like to watch a baseball game with his good friend Captain Marvel and then get to work preparing to take the BAR exam.

For Mr Tawny had never forgotten that fear of persecution he experienced as a young tiger, years before.

Tawky Tawny had a specific set of skills, and a hunger for justice.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Mr Tawky Tawny evaded persecution himself, and combined with seeing himself as a very sophisticated tiger, he has developed a newfound appreciation for the law since the magic of the wizard Shazam.

As for Detective Chimp's own motivations, in terms of why he chooses to work for Mr Tawny despite appearing to not like him very much... well, that will all come out in the wash.

We'll be telling legal fiction stories in a superhero setting with an 'odd couple' tiger and chimpanzee. I'm really not sure how much more selling this concept really needs.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Detective Bobo T. Chimpanzee - Call him 'Detective Chimp', he is Mr Tawny's Private Investigator. He does not respond to his given name, and will use threats to fling something Mr Tawny really doesn't want to know about if this rule is broken. Drinks heavily. Smokes. Always takes off Veterans Day as a personal work holiday, where he goes drinking with someone called 'Rex the Wonderdog' according to his calendar. Once let slip about a place called the 'Bureau of Amplified Animals', but has never referred to it again and won't answer to questions about it. Is extremely cagey with his past, but incredibly competent at his job, if a little socially maladjusted towards Talky Tawny himself.

Mary Batson - Operates as Tawky Tawny's legal secretary both to help out their good friend and "because Gee Golly, I have to check out the big smoke!". The Superheroine who also turns into the female Captain Marvel upon speaking the name of the wizard Shazam, and is a somewhat naive, yet eager helper at Tawky Tawny's legal office.

S A M P L E P O S T:

“No. It’s not a criminal offense… HOWEVER if you don’t pay your tickets, like I said before, they CAN issue a warrant for your arrest. You need to pay your tickets.” Mr Tawny said, leaning back in his chair.

“But I don’t want to.” His client folded her arms.

“You don’t want to go to court over this. Any judge who has to handle this in a court setting is already going to be irritated that it got this far.”

“I don’t care. How did they even know it was me?”

Tawky Tawny sighed deeply.

“Call it police intuition.” Detective Chimp called out, whilst sitting upside down emptying the contents of a flask into his mouth, balancing his deerstalker hat on one of his feet with his tail.

The client went to reply before Mr Tawny replied, “If you’ll forgive my Investigator’s abruptness, I believe he’s referring to the fact that there aren’t too many people using a literal rocket as their preferred mode of transport, even in Metropolis.”

Roxy Rocket pouted. “But it’s not even registered or insured to me…”

“Mmmm. Didn’t hear that.” Mr Tawny muttered, swiveling his chair and fiddling with the blinds.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Posts pending.

H A L J O R D A N S P A C E C O P S E C T O R 2 8 1 4 H U M A N
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

“It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.”
- Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom from Fear

Hal Jordan, a test pilot for Ferris Aircraft fulfilling a defense contract in it's production of the latest in hightech aircraft, was in his mid-twenties when he experienced the moment that changed his life.

An Unidentified Flying Object, approximated to be the size of a marble, repeatedly peppered his aircraft as he attempted a number of complex manouevres in the test phase. Forced into an emergency landing out on the Bonneville Saltflats.

Unreported, as he jumped from the cockpit, he discovered that the U.F.O had been a green ring of some description. Picking the ring up to inspect it, it rapidly transported him to a location where he discovered a wrecked craft along with a dying alien lifeform going by the name Abin Sur.

Abin Sur survived long enough to explain that within the ship was a Lantern which powered the ring, with the recitation of the oath all Officers of the Green Lantern Corps receive. And a warning... that with light, comes shadows. That nothing creates the shadow of corruption like Fear, and that the Corps itself had become rife with these problems. It had lead to Abin Sur's demise.

He donned the ring and found new purpose.

Basic training he met Kilowog. The Drill Sargent who's character was beyond reproach. But upon graduation, he found that few had maintained the moral standards that Kilowog had instilled. It seemed, in fact, that Kilowog had been put in his role as trainer due to his "difficulty to go along to get along" with other Green Lanterns out in the line of "service".

Hal found corruption and grift everywhere. The Corps had long developed a reputation amongst the universe as being the law, but they had lost the universe's trust. Few would request the intervention of Green Lanterns, and most would seem apprehensive when Green Lantern presence was known - too many Corpsmen charging protection and accepting/expecting kickbacks.

But Hal was always an idealist. Always a romantic. Ever since it was instilled in him as a child by his father, and the messages Kilowog delivered still rang true. If he were going to be a space cop, he was going to do it clean. And if the system in play wouldn't accept it, then he'd have to clean up the system as he existed.

Becoming despised and distrusted by most of his fellow Corpsmen, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, is intent on shining light on the corruption. For those who worship Evil's might, whether they wear a ring or not... will learn to beware his power, and scurry from this Green Lantern's light.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Hal is intent on cleaning up the Green Lantern Corps and being the best damn space cop he can be. This is not the same brash, cocky cardboard cutout Hal we're used to though.

This Hal KNOWS how dirty the Corps has become, and the reputation the Corps has developed over time. He also knows the corps is far bigger than just him. He's doing his damnedest to do things by the book. He can't just throw himself into cutting down huge swaths of dirty space cops... he's Gordon in Gotham. He's discovering corruption in a system that the Guardians of the Universe could not believe has been corrupted - mainly due to ego - so he's taking down individual dirty space cops and addressing it where he can see it in a force that spans some 3,600 sectors.

That said, he's not some Internal Affairs equivalent Green Lantern... he's the Green Lantern of Sector 2,814, and as such his only interaction with other space cops, clean or dirty, are cross-jurisdictional situations - where according to Corps mandate both GL's are to work such cases to a conclusion.

As for my own motivations and reason for pitching this version.

Well, confession time...

First, if I had to write regular comics' Hal Jordan for a month or two I would probably shoot myself in the face.

And second, someone might've discovered this green and yellow Serpico picture and worked backwards from there...

That said, I like the thought of the far-reaching universal police force being rife with corruption, and the ways that might re-shape and affect the cosmic side of such a game. Makes the Ravagers and Guardians of the Galaxy make a bit more sense in relief - "What do you guys stand for?" "Well... not THAT!". Perhaps the Nova Corps could be some effort on the part of another segment of the universe to come up with an alternative to justice than these bent space cops, who everyone but the Guardians can see is crooked?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Hal Jordan - Green Lantern of Sector 2,814 - Has a strange tendency to operate in plain clothes/undercover, will often use the ring to take the form of local green life forms, if any are regionally appropriate. Cautious planner, but very brave in willingness to put himself at the center of high danger situations in the attempt to uncover cosmic level crimes. He seems "distant" to most other Green Lanterns, because of the nature of the job and the trust issues he's developed along the way. Amongst Earth based heroes (like the Justice League and Avengers) he seems "distant" due to his experiences which see the Earth as just one world in a universe spanning 3,600 sectors, albeit one world over which he has considerable sentimentality.

Kilowog - Personal Trainer / Drill Sargent to New Recruits - Still keeps contact with Green Lantern Jordan. Somewhat rare as most have viewed maintaining ties with the Bolovaxian to be adverse to advancement. In a universe where so few can be trusted, Kilowog has always remained a treasured friend to Hal within the Corps.

Carol Ferris - CEO Of Ferris Aircraft and new commercial airline Ferris Air - Former lovers, current friends, one of the few people on Earth who knows anything about the Green Lanterns and their role in the greater universe. Close confidant to Hal, just as Kilowog anchors him with perspective from within the GL universe, Carol keeps him grounded with his humanity and the perspective of home.

The Guardians of the Universe - Old when the universe was young, these founders of the Green Lantern Corps are not without considerable ego. They created the Lanterns as their second attempt to bring justice and order to a disorderly universe eons ago and due to the length of time that the Lanterns have shown to be relatively successful they struggle to see flaws in the current status quo.

The Living Tribunal - The Living Tribunal remains the best, albeit final, recourse for high-level questions of justice throughout the known universe. It deals with matters of high-level cosmic importance. As yet no incident has been "overturned upon appeal" after intervention of The Living Tribunal...

S A M P L E P O S T:


It’s often a lost art in the Corps. The Rings navigate, so more often than not your average Green Lantern corps member will travel at top speed and let the most powerful weapon in the cosmos do its thing. The rings target the willful, so often most Green Lantern’s will move first with blunt force and let the ring cover any shortcomings.

It’s almost like they’ve never sat on a tarmac whilst mechanics make the preliminary modifications they’ve recommended.

A lot can be learned from sitting back and waiting. If Hal were honest he didn’t particularly like it either. It didn’t FEEL natural. But he’d long had the benefits instilled in him regardless.

<“Alms..?”> A hollow coin rattled. A vestigial limb waved in tired appreciation.

Aphalaxia IV. A poor world which was moving towards isolationism. Well… global election pending, but the trends were certainly there. Hard to argue with their decision there either. They’d been exploited by every single interplanetary relationship, and certainly by the Green Lantern Corps. Aphalaxia IV was on the boundary between 4 different Green Lantern sectors, and due to it’s circumtriple orbit of three different stars, it had found itself paying protection money to multiple Green Lanterns.

The carcass had been picked clean.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Aw shit... now I have to come up with ideas...
Hope you all enjoy my first post. Alway happy to hear creative feedback.

"People flooded out of the 'Viking Ship Museum'. Out of the door came lumbering figures of pasty pale people. Mouths hung open as they made gutteral noises...

Ah... Scottish people writing about what they know...
<Snipped quote by TGM>

He read Hillan's post and just couldn't continue.

Beat me to it... It was laying out there, and I was tossing and turning whether to do it.

@Byrd Man doesn't have the litle angel guy on the other shoulder providing rebuttal.
He walks a lonely road. The only road that he has ever known. He doesn't know where it goes, but its home to him and he walks alone...
<Snipped quote by Supermaxx>

He's just exited his "punching Meteors and wrestle space snakes for 6 months"-era and is now entering his "Isolating from the universe"-era.
Bro needs a shower and a therapist.

Punching engagement rings into graves...
Hope you all enjoy my first post. Alway happy to hear creative feedback.

Gotta get caught up on reading first...
Tawky Tawny sample up as well...
Have a brief GL sample up, let me know if it's too brief because I'm working on multiple things at once, @Master Bruce, @Lord Wraith.
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