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2 yrs ago
Current A Perpetual Motion Engine of Anxiety and Self-Loathing


So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Hound55>

To be fair it wouldn't have been his permission to give regardless of the accuracy of what you said or not.

It would have been both... I wasn't just going to start throwing people's characters around without, not only their creator's permission, but personal collaboration.

But ultimately I was OK-ing if it was clear to do that in the first place.
To go off the offering suggestions for the sort of world building and direction of the RP, if we go with something like #2: I'll be straight up, I like the idea, but I may have read a different vibe from the rehabilitation than others. What I read by it, especially when talking about "instilling morality," is this has similar vibes to troubled teen and conversion therapy camps. That is probably a conversation of tone and intentionality about the program that might be a broader discussion. I think the rehabilitation program being a bad entity in the world can inspire interesting stories, but it'd definitely something we should figure out the tone of.

I know we were talking at a certain point about a Runaways type RP vibe at one point in the Discord. I don't know how linear or sandbox we are planning to go, but I imagine most of the characters that might be transferring from PRCU or being developed wholesale for this might be less than enthused about the program. It might be helpful to leave room, or make preparations, for the RP to change or develop into another direction of a group of these people to either break free or get out and try to do things in a more ethical way... or trying to figure out what that means.

It's more a down the road thing, but I figured I'd toss this rambling nonsense out in the open as a jumping point if anyone else can pick up what I put down and say it better.

We MAAAAAAAAAAAAY be way ahead of you on that one.
I leave for a few hours to see the new Indiana Jones and you guys had this happen. Like ???

'This' is transparency.

To ensure the continued absence of a 'This'.

I make a mess, I clean it up.

Have to bring some things out into the open, because having stuff all taking place behind closed doors in places and delivered and re-delivered as second hand information... well, it's not gonna get us anywhere good.

First, anyone visiting my own Workshop thread will probably see that I've been chipping away at a start on a Ju-V game. That is because at this point it's the presumptive frontrunner.

That DOES NOT make it the automatic selection. IT IS ALSO NOT the current full premise going forward. What it is, was me fooling about in the short term, tinkering with a premise and ideas, before @Roman fired up a GoogleDoc which is where the ACTUAL Ju-V premise is currently being built.

It is also not the automatic selection. AND we are VERY interested in hearing the thoughts, opinions and also votes of anyone yet to do so. With it taking an early sizable lead, though, we figured it best to get on the same page in terms of how it would basically look so we could more or less hit the ground running.

Thoughts, opinions and suggestions from the group will be considered and, quite possibly, utilised in the world building of this game. @Psych0Pomp's suggestion, being one likely example at this stage.

Further, many of you may have seen a new game proposal/characters being worked away at within @Lord Wraith's Workshop thread. This is basically to hopefully bring some kind of conclusion to the Hyperion arc.

Now, here I am at pains to say I have made my own error. As I have communicated to many of you that I will be helping Wraith in churning out posts to bring about some closure to this arc, I also added that I sought permission and gained it from Wraith to cameo many of your characters in my own matter within this short-term, mini-RP. This is NOT ACCURATE.


I can not stress that enough.

I have been spinning plates on my end, have a good half dozen or so DM threads flying like the wind over the past few days. I asked Wraith that question, in a discussion with many directions and tangents. The flow of the conversation changed to a different area of discussion, within the same RP topic, AND I ASSUMED THE ANSWER, FORMING MY OWN CONCLUSION. I then repeated this to many of you, and that information was wrong. And that was entirely my fault.

He has since said to me:

" ... I'd rather just say the hard no, than lead people on"


"Also I'd rather those desiring this approach me directly than make you the middle man."

Which, given my own error already, combined with the fact he can probably see I've been about as busy as a one-legged man in an arse kicking competition, is frankly greatly appreciated.

This mini-RP is basically only to bring closure to the RP arc, and generally has little to do with the students. I was likely to use anyone who wanted to get involved in a purely cameo capacity, perhaps if I could find a thematic parallel which would work with a specific post's thrust I'd have them in forematter... something like that.

I was however, wrong to say I had permission to do that. I had assumed it on my end when no such answer had been given.

Let alone to share that false piece of information with the rest of you.

Back to this game though. Wheels are in motion. Roman and I have been making in-roads on the less well developed ideas (read: anything out of my own head ) and we both hope you'll stick at this, bring your opinions, thoughts, suggestions (VOTES! those of you still to do so) and vision aboard for whatever we go ahead with next.

Long story short, in summary.

* What's in My Workshop is a garbled mess and not to be depended on.
* Opinions, suggestions and thoughts welcome
* The words of the old man in the chair are not to be depended on.
* Some old people sure do ramble on, don't they?
<Snipped quote by Nemaisare>
The thing is characters like Lakisha, Haleigh, etc. aren't delinquents. I think that's the sticking point.

You're reading "delinquent" into it.
Another timely case of fat fingers...
Also, Pitch #4 looks really cool. It's clear a lot of work went into that pitch, and it looks like a cool dark fantasy. Though I realize that might be a tougher sell and doesn't allow us to continue with the characters we made... or even in the same genre.

"I am Adrianna Dahl of the Iron City! And may this disease of stone fornicate with itself thoroughly and with all the rigour at its capacity!"
Honestly, I am vibing more with number 6 than everything else (besides number 2).

Just to clarify, is that number 6 and then 2... or number 2 and then 6? As your preferences?
For me, specifically, I just like Lucas, so if he fits, I'd be tempted, whether or not I'd end up going with him in the end would still depend on a variety of other factors. Including plot potential and character dynamics, and if I have any other ideas I like better. :P So, there is no special need to ensure he could fit, though I do appreciate any effort thereof. :)

I rather like that street-level heroes community service idea too. Kinda like... the daily Spiderman activities (supervised) as opposed to the main conflict of the movie Spiderman shenanigans... It would certainly fit with the attempt to raise public opinion of people with superpowers and avoid having superpowered individuals feel like they have to take matters into their own hands and then doing it wrong... >.>

In some ways I think Lucas would fit even better in that environment. It's more difficult to imagine him being snapped up as a H.E.L.P agent, to me, than being marked as a person of interest by some Government program intending to pump morality into the superpowered and send him on his way.

At least to me.

Juvenile Vigilante System/Program

In a world of great tension between superpowered people and regular humans, Ju-V is a last ditch effort by a desperate society to prevent the cataclysmic results of more superpowered "villains" being created by a society which all too often sees an "Us and Them" divide between those with powers and those without.

Not a superpowered Academy/School, but a "rehabilition system" to instil morality and allow identified powered "Persons of Interest" (either from criminal act, wonton destruction, extra-sensory capabilities which may potentially add to the widening rift between the superpowered and humans, or a scenario primed for retaliation which would exacerbate the superhuman/human divide) the opportunity to learn how to control their powers and either not use them in the future, or display a newly gained sense of morality over when to use them. It's a place designed to prevent the worst case scenarios of superpowered villainy from being unleashed on society as a whole, with a focus on personal control and self-restraint.


  • Any and all dissent will be punishable by crushing at the hands of the GM. The severity of said crushing will be entirely at the GM's discretion.
  • Questioning of the rules, qualifies as dissent and as such will be met with crushing.
  • Have fun. Or else be met with crushing.

About The World

There are superpowered amongst us. Gods and monsters. And what could possibly differentiate between the two?

A sense of order. A moral code.

Humanity, whilst still great in number, would be hopelessly outgunned if brought into direct conflict with this new threat. They have been opressed, marginalised and repressed for years, in order to keep their numbers down and disorganised. They have since passed the threshold. They now comprise a clear and present danger to regular humanity. And with that, the policy for dealing with them had to change.

But what of the humans that still greatly outnumber and fear them? The humans that control the ballot box? How could they still see adequate representation from a Government forced into a position of appeasement with this great threat?

The Government holds true to it's names, but the meaning of the policy becomes changed beneath it.

A "rehabilition program" becomes softer. Gentler. More focused on truly instilling morality and personal control for the people within the program. Less a detention center of a different name.

Under Warden Rowell, of the (insert decided upon location for game's setting) Ju-V program. Students are shown a better way, a better path, for the use of immense power as we look to move into a 21st Century which is less about Humanity Or Superhumanity, and more about People, whatever form they may take.

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