"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams."Name: Yuna Bolt (The Y in team VYLT)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2014/04/08/326746/e236a9e87aca180d47f7368e79637be9.jpg The image was too large to post here.
Yuna looks like that more or less. Instead of of the leg pieces she has on in the pic she has Knee high black and white striped socks.
Yuna is 5'6'' tall and usually has a pair of small earbuds in listing to a variety of music. Most people don't notice them due to her long hair covering them. She ALWAYS has her scarf on her as she will hide behind it when she gets nervous.
Weapon Name: Midnight Shadow
Weapon Appearance/Function: Basically the scythe in the picture other then the teal being the shade of purple as shown in the "Colour" section
Type: Midnight Shadow is a Melee and a Ranged style weapon. It can transform into a curved dagger or boomerang when needed.
Weapon Derivation: It was inspired to be a scythe that did not look like a blade but more like darkness itself, It would blend in completely in the dark if it wasn't for the purple flame like effect that came off the edges of the blade.
Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: When Holstered it folds in on its self so the darkness of the blade hides all the components while on Yunas left hip taking a similar appearance to that of a sheathed sword.
Form 1: When transformed the handle of the scythe can be retracted along with part of the blade to make a curved dagger.
Form 2: When the need for Yuna to attack from a distance her scythe can transform into a large boomerang with the same visual effect that her scythe has. This boomerang form is light enough to be able to attack at a rapid rate keeping inline with her speed and agility stats but also can carry Dust for more effects and versatility in a fight.
Personality: Yuna prefers to be alone in most aspects of her life. She does not trust people until she gets to know them. She is reserved when it comes to her emotions as she feels that they can reveal to much about what she is thinking and that it can be used against her. As she is the daughter of shopkeepers she has learned to be charismatic and able to use charm to help persuade peoples actions. Yuna can be distracted fairly easily by numerous things mainly dogs. Yuna doesn't take orders fairly well, she follow them as loosely as she can while still doing as she pleases as often as she can.
History: Yuna grew up a pretty normal life withing Vale reading stories of heroes and hearing about Hunters/Huntress and these grand adventures they have and decided she wanted that in her life so she started practicing. She is the fist in her family to do so as she comes from a long line of merchants who have owned various small shops in town. She used to always be bullied for her love and fantasy of wanting to become a huntress that she had to learn to not let it bother her. She would help her parents with the general goods store that they ran in Vale and got good ad convincing people to spend more money and helping her family. When Yuna was around the age of 10 she lost her father to a Grimm attack on the outskirts of town. This has fueled her passion for wanting to become a huntress even more.
Combat Style: Speed and Agility over hard hitting, Many quick strikes instead of one powerful
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths - Speed, ability to react in stressful situations with a level head. Weakness - Not overally smart, easily zones out, not good at showing emotions so people always thinks she is bored or unimpressed.
Semblance: Haste & Slow - Much like Wiess from the show Yuna has 'glyphs' but are strictly for buffing allies with speed so that they can move faster in combat or slowing the enemy so their reaction time and speed are lessened. These effects are dependent on Yunas concentration levels so if she is fighting she cant force her abilities to be stronger but if she is off on the side lines she can basically channel them and make them more efficient. The more targets she uses them on decreases her concentration levels.