My big one is rushing. Moving through an RP, pushing from big moment to big moment just to be dome with it. Especially annoying when it means leaving someome behind purely because they're not online to keep up.
@Little Bird Oh, trying to get away from them already eh? Are we going to have THAT scene?
In all seriousness, cool, just tell me what you want from Leon and Launchpad.
@Eviledd1984 When are you available to respond to Dotty's latest deranged rampage? I'm waiting on you before i react to the statues.
@Little Bird Do you want me to have Leon and Launchpad wake up Hoshi for the fight?
<Snipped quote by Little Bird>
Yeah, I'm good. I had already been planning them knowing one another, anyway
Yet in this world, Rayquaza had disappeared when it was needed most.
<Snipped quote by Little Bird>
Both Because its Annoying but i would understand if a gm Can't rp Because of Life Issues
Let's just go with my idea that he has a separate shop and home, and he's at the shop right now, which is why he didn't hear any of the noises just yet. But he can travel between them as he wishes. Which is why different people have different things to say about where they last saw the Wizard. He is seen going in and out of both locations.
So Lucian, Morgan, and Merlin are at the shop, while Taivas and Dotty are at his home.
However... I have another idea for... consequences of entering a Wizard's home uninvited.
@Little Bird
Where does that battle take place again?