Robin Grace Lee
How the time does fly.
Robin, or "Wren" as she had grown preferrable to, reflected wistfully on the days, weeks, and months that had passed. In reality, it hadn't been all that long since she had crossed the threshold into Merryweather Institute. Nonetheless, for all of the changes that had come to pass, both to herself and the world at large, it might as well have been a lifetime ago; somehow still, it had all managed to come and pass more quickly than she'd have expected. Learning about her Primality, and how to control it's effects on a more conscious level, had consumed the better part of the intervening year. In the background, talks of the politics surrounding people like her and the powers they boasted were abuntant, if flitting and hushed around most students. For her part, Wren made it a point not to dwell much on what the world beyond the Institute would hold for her... when she could help it at least. She'd have plenty of time to worry about which pundits would have her strung up or imprisoned once she got closer to clearing her training.
In the moment, her reminscent mind drifted back into the present moment. The immediate dilemma of fashioning herself properly for the openning ceremony took its rightful place as her chief concern. Before her, layed out upon a hastily made bed, were the bits and pieces of the school uniform. She had already segragated the essential from the optional. The cream blazer, dress shirt, black vest, and red tie were set at the head of the mattress. It had felt awkward from day one; she had never needed to wear a uniform before. In her personal opinion, the look might have been salvaged by making the blazer a darker color; black like the vest, or going darker with the tie and matching that with the outerwear. But that was a decision beyond her authority, thus, she sought to make do with the what had been provided.
At the foot of the bed, onto which her attention narrowed, were a few choices to go with the mandatory adornments. A pair of thigh-high stockings matched to the tie, or a crew-length pair of black socks; the black dress pants, or a skirt; an assortment of footwear from flat lip-ons to stiletto heels, all black as per her taste, lined the floor next to the bed. She deliberated for what might have been an agonizing amount of time. By the time she settled on her evening's ensemble, she was confident in her decision. She settled into the skirt, as it would feel much closer to the liberating feel of her favorite pair of sweatpants, the high red stockings, and pair of polished and shined Doc Marten's boots that she hoped wouldn't draw the ire of teachers. She topped off her look by tying her hair up with two bows in a red and cream color respectively.
She emerged like a breeze from her bedroom, pulling a draft of wind to pull the door shut behind her. She planted herself in the midst of the common space between hers and her roommate's quarters. It was simple, decored with with a couch, two small armchairs, and a coffee table that all looked the same as the ones that would be found elsewhere in the school; easier and more cost-effective to buy in bulk. The cozy space was otherwise filled with what personal effects and means of entertainment Wren and her roommate had mustered to the Institute with them. "Ready when you are, Teen Vogue," She called across to Connor's room; she and Connor had become quick friends, and agreed to go to the ceremony together as such. For a flash of a second she was surprised that he had taken longer than her to get dressed, but the feeling fizzled out when she remembered she shouldn't be surprised at all.
Robin, or "Wren" as she had grown preferrable to, reflected wistfully on the days, weeks, and months that had passed. In reality, it hadn't been all that long since she had crossed the threshold into Merryweather Institute. Nonetheless, for all of the changes that had come to pass, both to herself and the world at large, it might as well have been a lifetime ago; somehow still, it had all managed to come and pass more quickly than she'd have expected. Learning about her Primality, and how to control it's effects on a more conscious level, had consumed the better part of the intervening year. In the background, talks of the politics surrounding people like her and the powers they boasted were abuntant, if flitting and hushed around most students. For her part, Wren made it a point not to dwell much on what the world beyond the Institute would hold for her... when she could help it at least. She'd have plenty of time to worry about which pundits would have her strung up or imprisoned once she got closer to clearing her training.
In the moment, her reminscent mind drifted back into the present moment. The immediate dilemma of fashioning herself properly for the openning ceremony took its rightful place as her chief concern. Before her, layed out upon a hastily made bed, were the bits and pieces of the school uniform. She had already segragated the essential from the optional. The cream blazer, dress shirt, black vest, and red tie were set at the head of the mattress. It had felt awkward from day one; she had never needed to wear a uniform before. In her personal opinion, the look might have been salvaged by making the blazer a darker color; black like the vest, or going darker with the tie and matching that with the outerwear. But that was a decision beyond her authority, thus, she sought to make do with the what had been provided.
At the foot of the bed, onto which her attention narrowed, were a few choices to go with the mandatory adornments. A pair of thigh-high stockings matched to the tie, or a crew-length pair of black socks; the black dress pants, or a skirt; an assortment of footwear from flat lip-ons to stiletto heels, all black as per her taste, lined the floor next to the bed. She deliberated for what might have been an agonizing amount of time. By the time she settled on her evening's ensemble, she was confident in her decision. She settled into the skirt, as it would feel much closer to the liberating feel of her favorite pair of sweatpants, the high red stockings, and pair of polished and shined Doc Marten's boots that she hoped wouldn't draw the ire of teachers. She topped off her look by tying her hair up with two bows in a red and cream color respectively.
She emerged like a breeze from her bedroom, pulling a draft of wind to pull the door shut behind her. She planted herself in the midst of the common space between hers and her roommate's quarters. It was simple, decored with with a couch, two small armchairs, and a coffee table that all looked the same as the ones that would be found elsewhere in the school; easier and more cost-effective to buy in bulk. The cozy space was otherwise filled with what personal effects and means of entertainment Wren and her roommate had mustered to the Institute with them. "Ready when you are, Teen Vogue," She called across to Connor's room; she and Connor had become quick friends, and agreed to go to the ceremony together as such. For a flash of a second she was surprised that he had taken longer than her to get dressed, but the feeling fizzled out when she remembered she shouldn't be surprised at all.