Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴘᴇ / ꜰɪᴠᴇ ʙʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

why are you looking here
Location: Headmaster's Office, Merryweather Institute

A stocky, giant of a man looked out the window of his office, his face grim as he watched the daily lives of the school's students outside the building. He lifted his hand, passing it through the ruffled tips of his graying beard as he pondered the new year—and what it was to bring not only for primalists, but also the students that were under his watch and care.

"Natascha," The man spoke, his masculine rasp breaking the silence that had befallen the room. "Do you happen to remember how you felt when you had your awakening?"

Across the office, a brunette glasses-wearing woman peaked from behind a newspaper. In her hand had been a cup of tea, of which she took a short sip from before setting it down alongside the day's paper.

"It has been some years since, but yes," She replied. "Seeing my body whisk away into sand is difficult to forget. Why do you ask?"

"I fear for them."

"We all do, James."

"I know." James responded, fists slowly clenching in frustration. His gaze refused to leave the window. "And yet we can not be blind to what is before us. Tensions between man and primalist are higher than ever. Primalists are being targeted in the streets. They're being forced out of their homes. Even Atkins, that sonuvabitch, is using us as blame for the damage Milton caused as part of his presidental campaign—and his supporters are believing every single sweet, honeyed word that comes out of his crooked mouth."

Natascha took a deep breath, and stood up to walk over to where James had been standing by the window. She pressed herself against his back, and gently wrapped her arms around him.

"That's why we're here." Natascha replied, speaking softly. "To be the light at the end of the tunnel. To guide these children forward and show the world that they have no need to fear us. Only then can we make this world a safer place for primalists."

"I can only hope, Nat." James answered, his dire expression now since allayed. "We can only hope so."

i told you to stop spying
Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute

Pulling the cream white blazer over her shoulders, Sarah stood before a large easel mirror and took in her newfound appearance.

It had been some time since Sarah had last chosen to see her own reflection. Her blonde hair, hastily cut in an uneven tomboyish mop, had become a stylist's nightmare. The Lichtenberg scarring that now ran down much of her body was more apparent than ever, existing as a vibrant pinkish red and fern-like in figure. She was a mess in every such form, and yet, despite the shaky nerves that had come and gone in waves ever since her awakening, Sarah felt free.

Free to be her own person, no longer restrained by the forced idealization of others. This time, Sarah told herself, she'd be doing things her way, no matter how disappointed her parents were in her.

You've got this, Sarah, She thought, attempting to establish her confidence as she smiled at herself in the mirror, Sure, you may be a walking conduit now, but things are changing for the better.

An uneasy pause was had.


Finishing her self-pep talk, Sarah glanced in the direction of the other bedroom—her new assigned roommate. She had yet a chance to truly meet them, although Sarah was nonetheless familiar with their family name owing to their families' influence in American politics. It was difficult for Sarah not to be, after all, given how many times she had heard her father rant about the Jägers' donations to primalist causes and how it had been destroying the American Dream.

Of course, Sarah hadn't believed a lick of what the anti-primalist senator said. Still, the cold gaze he held towards primalists, and later herself, however, was forever burned into her memory. At that point, Sarah had been cast aside, and told she had no right to the name Parker. No longer did he have a daughter, for she had been "tainted" by the primalist blood inside of her.

Sarah sighed depressingly as she reflected upon the past. She had to remember, though. With every end came a new beginning. Blood wasn't the only family to be had. She wasn't something to be so easily discarded. It was why she was here; at Merryweather. Her father may have seen it as an excuse to push his daughter out of the limelight, but Sarah knew better.

It was her first chance to forge her own destiny and path in life.

"Elena," Sarah called out, uncertain if she had left yet or was still sleeping. "I'm heading out. Don't forget the opening ceremony is today; they're expecting us all to attend it, so make sure you're not late."

Walking to the door, Sarah opened it and made her way out into the world. It was a brand new day, after all, time to make the best of it.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Conner stared at the uniform laid out on his bed like it was the enemy. The cream blazer, red tie, and sweater vest practically screamed serious and boring. It was like something his parents would have made him wear.

With a sigh, he flopped back onto his mattress, staring at the ceiling. “This is… bullshit!” he exclaimed, draping the tie over his face. It felt like a leash. “Who thought this was a good idea? ‘Oh, let’s take away their freedom and their style.’”

After a moment of exaggerated mourning, he sat up, running a hand through his hair. If he had to wear this uniform, he was going to do it his way.

Fifteen minutes later, Conner stood in front of the mirror, admiring his handiwork.

The blazer was slung over one shoulder—because there was no way he was wearing that unless forced. The white dress shirt was untucked, its sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow, and the top buttons undone intentionally. He couldn’t really do much about the stupid sweater vest… The tie was tied loosely, more decorative than functional. He’d opted for brown loafers, with blue socks with dolphins on them, and of course, his signature blue swim trunks underneath his black dress pants.

“Perfect,” he declared, grinning at his reflection. “Formal, but make it fun.”

Even though he had adjusted the uniform a little bit, Conner couldn’t help but feel like he was playing dress-up. The halls of the Merryweather Institute were a far cry from the salty air and sandy beaches of home, and even though he was free from his parents, the weight of everything still felt heavier than he let on.

Shoving the nervous thoughts aside, he grabbed a pair of shades from his nightstand and perched them on his head, and made finger guns at his reflection.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Location: Dorm Building Exterior, Merryweather Institute

Smoke trailed from the end of Marko’s cigarette and up into the open air. He leaned numbly against the exterior of the dorms, some ways away from the door. He knew these were bad for him. He always knew that. Yet, each inhale of that cheap poison into his lungs seemed to warm a part of him that would otherwise remain frigid. He sighed and watched listlessly as the smoke poured from his mouth, curling up and away. He really should quit at some point. Gram and gramps would be happy. A cold breeze blew past that made Marko shrug his shoulders forward, pulling the heavy coat he wore further around his body.

It's barely any warmer here than back home...

His right arm was unbothered by that fact.

He looked down at the foreign clothing he wore then. The uniform was… fine. More of a palette swap to the kind of things he wore on a daily basis anyways. Not as warm as his normal attire either though. All being said, he wasn’t even going to try and wear the blazer. Getting dressed in the morning was enough of a pain. Hopefully the faculty would be understanding.

A bitter smile worked its way onto Marko’s face as he took another drag. Asking people to be understanding of him was starting to become a running theme. Realistically, one that would continue. Even so. For now just get through the opening ceremony, was all Marko could muster in the self-motivation department. He must have told himself "don't squander this opportunity" about a thousand times while staring at himself in the bathroom mirror earlier this morning, for all the good it did. Now? Here? The reality was hitting him harder than he would have preferred. No more do-overs. He didn't think he had it in himself to make it through this mess in one piece.

Still. Have to try.

As other students began to mill out of the dorm building's various entrances, Marko hung back against the wall, a bit overwhelmed. Should he say hi to someone? And then what? For now, he resolved to hang back and finish his cigarette. Maybe someone would make it easy for him and come say hello. Or maybe they'd all make it even easier than that and ignore him entirely. It's not that he was some sort of dedicated loner, but how was he meant to act? None of his "friends" in the past had been particularly good people. His head was starting to buzz, and not in the good kind of way. He felt the pressure behind his eyes. He took another drag and began to count to count to twenty in his head as he exhaled. Just stay calm, He thought. Unless you want your scars to come in a matching set, calm the fuck down. So he did.

Marko was calm.

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Robin Grace Lee

How the time does fly.

Robin, or "Wren" as she had grown preferrable to, reflected wistfully on the days, weeks, and months that had passed. In reality, it hadn't been all that long since she had crossed the threshold into Merryweather Institute. Nonetheless, for all of the changes that had come to pass, both to herself and the world at large, it might as well have been a lifetime ago; somehow still, it had all managed to come and pass more quickly than she'd have expected. Learning about her Primality, and how to control it's effects on a more conscious level, had consumed the better part of the intervening year. In the background, talks of the politics surrounding people like her and the powers they boasted were abuntant, if flitting and hushed around most students. For her part, Wren made it a point not to dwell much on what the world beyond the Institute would hold for her... when she could help it at least. She'd have plenty of time to worry about which pundits would have her strung up or imprisoned once she got closer to clearing her training.

In the moment, her reminscent mind drifted back into the present moment. The immediate dilemma of fashioning herself properly for the openning ceremony took its rightful place as her chief concern. Before her, layed out upon a hastily made bed, were the bits and pieces of the school uniform. She had already segragated the essential from the optional. The cream blazer, dress shirt, black vest, and red tie were set at the head of the mattress. It had felt awkward from day one; she had never needed to wear a uniform before. In her personal opinion, the look might have been salvaged by making the blazer a darker color; black like the vest, or going darker with the tie and matching that with the outerwear. But that was a decision beyond her authority, thus, she sought to make do with the what had been provided.

At the foot of the bed, onto which her attention narrowed, were a few choices to go with the mandatory adornments. A pair of thigh-high stockings matched to the tie, or a crew-length pair of black socks; the black dress pants, or a skirt; an assortment of footwear from flat lip-ons to stiletto heels, all black as per her taste, lined the floor next to the bed. She deliberated for what might have been an agonizing amount of time. By the time she settled on her evening's ensemble, she was confident in her decision. She settled into the skirt, as it would feel much closer to the liberating feel of her favorite pair of sweatpants, the high red stockings, and pair of polished and shined Doc Marten's boots that she hoped wouldn't draw the ire of teachers. She topped off her look by tying her hair up with two bows in a red and cream color respectively.

She emerged like a breeze from her bedroom, pulling a draft of wind to pull the door shut behind her. She planted herself in the midst of the common space between hers and her roommate's quarters. It was simple, decored with with a couch, two small armchairs, and a coffee table that all looked the same as the ones that would be found elsewhere in the school; easier and more cost-effective to buy in bulk. The cozy space was otherwise filled with what personal effects and means of entertainment Wren and her roommate had mustered to the Institute with them. "Ready when you are, Teen Vogue," She called across to Connor's room; she and Connor had become quick friends, and agreed to go to the ceremony together as such. For a flash of a second she was surprised that he had taken longer than her to get dressed, but the feeling fizzled out when she remembered she shouldn't be surprised at all.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Elena Charlotte Jäger

Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute

It was....a most peculiar matter. To be a primalist. In so many places it seemed people were welcoming and kind enough to them, or at least treated them like anyone else. In others, especially with regards to a certain senator, it seemed like the train of distrust and dissatisfaction with their existence continued to chime along as it had for the past three hundred some odd years she wagered. One one hand, they were just people and it had long showed. On the other, even she had to admit that being able to conjure swaths of fire or to shake the earth was dangerous and could potentially kill someone even if by 'accident' if not being properly noticed, controlled, and trained on the user's part. It wasn't a simple black and white matter to her, at least in her own mind, but the fact that she had been tossed this as her element was a curveball unlike any other she'd had before.

Fire? She could at least do cooking without need for a stove, if she had the supplies at least. Water was useful for not having to run up the school's water bills, frankly, and Earth or even more specialized Metal would at least be useful in making ad-hoc tools for cooking or working on potential class project or such for all she knew. Most things seemed to have a good and versatile use, even some of the more specific stuff, but.....fungus of all things, really[/b]?! Really? Yes, really. She was stuck with something that felt so very unbecoming of someone like herselfto enough of an extent, even if she'd been putting in the time to read about different types of fungus and such in trying to, desperately more or less, get a grasp on what in the world she'd be able to do using this element.

And, as it turned out, those uses seemed to be a bit better than she'd initially though. Fire-resistant char layers protected some species when exposed to flame, and naturally things like the 'white mushrooms' people got in grocery stores as well as edible portabellas or oyster mushrooms were among the edible kinds (and there was even one edible kind she'd seen a video or two called 'chicken of the woods', apparently?). Yeast could be stimulated to make bread without having to buy tiny packs of the stuff either to reconstitute or such. Some were also toxic and harmful, should the need frankly ever arise (persish the thought), or produced psychadelic substances like psilocybin in the case of certain species. Etc, etc.

It wasn't enough to make her feel fully happy about the matter, but at least it wasn't worse! She could have gotten far worse, like 'poop' or 'oil' or 'bacteria' or frankly even a highly volatile chemical or something inane or outright even more dangerous like that.

Yet beyond this, and since she'd arrived and learned where she'd be rooming...well...

"Elena. I'm heading out. Don't forget the opening ceremony is today; they're expecting us all to attend it, so make sure you're not late."

As Sarah opened the door to make her way out, however, she'd find the silver-haired Elena standing there just outside in the dorm hallway before her. The fashionably-dressed girl was seemingly rummaging through the bag she'd normally carry on her back, as if looking for something. Or...making sure something was there?

Elena paused as Sarah came out, her head half-turning toward her for a moment of somewhat 'awkward' silence on her part.

How was one supposed to feel about rooming with the daughter of a politican who'd sound like someone that would rather make an internment camp for their 'kind' than tolerate seeing on on the street? Had people not learned after two world wars, and the incident 300 years ago when a primalist had gone the way of 'total violence' after people had tried to kill him and others like him in witch-hunts (well, primalsit witch hunts and not the other kinds she supposed). Beyond that, she couldn't fathom or truly process the thought of being the child of that sort of person and be a primalist as well. It sounded 'maddening' at the very least, so she'd designed to at least try not to say anything to her roommate.

Well, depending on how her roommate acted and was like at any rate. She hadn't even so much as interacted with her properly as of yet, not even in a proper introduction of all things. It felt strange, just as much as the situation of being a Jager roomed with someone from a certain senator's family felt given the utter irony in that, at that. If she was someone with her head just as far up her own arsehole as her father was, then, oh she'd have words and then some for her. If she was reasonable enough, then, certainly they could at least get along as roommates or such. No way to know for sure, really, until she talked more to the girl or saw her 'in action' or something of the sort...even if they did certainly have differing fashion senses as far as she could tell.

"A-Ah! Yes, Sarah, I had been hoping to, ah, get moving before this point in time. I was hoping to go for some brunch at the dorm cafeteria, perhaps, before looking into one or two things. All of the travel from the other day was...a tad exhausting.

But I seem to have miscplaced my travel bag of makeup. Just a small thing, in a pink-colored zipper pouch. Er...have you seen it fallen on the floor near the doorway of our room or such by chance?"

While she aimed to keep her tone of voice as clear and professional as she could, the awkwardness of asking somone of Sarah's seeming 'fashion choices' was not lost on her either. Nor was the awkwardness unable to be kept fully out of her tone of voice while asking. Such a trifling little thing, she hoped she hadn't lost it on the way out of the room. She'd tried to be stealthy about leaving as well, at that, hoping to give her roommate space or more to to avoid a potentially awkward first-contact scenario like...well...this.

Ugh. Today was just going to be starting on a brilliant note, wasn't it?

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Hidden 1 mo ago 29 days ago Post by Chrys
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Legs dangling off the edge of the brick wall, Paige gave no thought to the drastic drop of at least 100 feet down to the ground. Instead, she let the wind ruffle her hair as she sat serenely in the little alcove of the clock tower and watched the students and staff below. From this height they seemed closer to scattered ants, milling around on the lawn or quickly walking from one place to another.

The longer she watched, the more she could start to see them all heading for one building in particular. The big hall.

Sighing, she could already tell that if she were able to look up at the big ticking clock it would tell her she was supposed to be getting her ass down to the same place for the opening ceremony. Yet she found herself with no such motivation to get up just yet.

This was the only real place she was truly calm. The only place where she felt safe. Not safe from others, though let's be honest she had already wondered how putting dozens of students who can't control their powers together in the same place was a smart idea. No, up here, it was safer for others. Up here, she could be herself and no one was going to get hurt just because she couldn't rein in her own emotions.

It seemed like all she had really learned in the last couple of months of being at this 'institute' was to hold her breath and count to ten. All good that did when she felt like her whole world had been stripped from her.

The wind started to rush past her with more strength, playing at the loose tie that either was done up by someone who had no idea how to tie a tie or just didn't care enough to even try.

"Yeah yeah, I know," she said to who appeared to no one in particular.

Slowly standing up, she stretched out her arms behind her. The sleeves of her fancy school uniform were pulled up to around her elbows, and there was no jacket in sight but otherwise, she had conceded and worn the starchy dress pants and dark vest. Nothing short of a miracle was going to make her wear those dress shoes though and they and her jacket had been conveniently gotten 'lost'. Instead, she wore some boots with just a little extra heel that gave her just that bit of extra height.

She lazily began her descent down the stairs.
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Hidden 29 days ago 29 days ago Post by AWildSquirtle
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Mary Tarbell

Mary didn't wake up for class at the usual time as other students. Contrary to popular belief, roosters didn't crow with the dawn- but whenever they damn well pleased. It just so happened most of them did so at dawn. She was up and about at 5 in the morning, though took care to be quiet rolling out of bed. Her new roommate was definitely not on Farm Time and she did her utmost to not wake him at that early hour. It also gave her a bit of privacy with the mixed gender dorm.

There was a small stink raised when the room assignment came down, but it was more to see if the school would give her a private room than anything else. No luck there though. Doesn't bother me too much if it doesn't bother Avery. Try harvesting in the summer heat and worrying about who's looking where instead of heat stroke, see how far that gets you.

She was up, showered, and getting herself ready for the day within twenty minutes. The blazer, skirt and blouse were all school provided. The dark black leggings weren't on the approved list of clothing items, but they weren't on the banned list either. So long as the school didn't fight her on it she would always be wearing a pair of those. At least until everything healed.

Mary took her time to tie her rust-colored hair into a proper braid after drying it out, but makeup was a no-go. She hadn't packed any and the school didn't give any out for free. After quietly shutting off the fan and stepping out in her uniform, she checked her watch- 6 am.

What the heck am I gonna do with myself until assembly?

The answer was fairly obvious after thinking it over. First thing was first- be a good roommate. Mary shuffled into a pair of quiet flats and stepped out of the dorm before scurrying down to the cafeteria. The sound of the kitchen staff getting started for the day, turning on stoves and reading off menus was the only thing she heard in the halls as she stepped into the otherwise empty dining hall on the first floor of the dorms.

"Linda," she called into the kitchen as the smell of potatoes hitting the stovetop started to permeate the air. Her nose was fixed on something else entirely though. "Can I steal two coffees to go?"

Her morning fixer, Ms. Linda, was a muscled line cook in her thirties. She ran her side of the kitchen like a drill sergeant- but the two had hit it off when Mary had asked about the web of tattoos and the detail work running up Linda's arms.

"Coffee is for teachers," Linda grumbled from her station by the kitchen entrance. "Kids can't have any. Stunts your growth."

"But I'm eighteen. And adults can have coffee. Says so right in the student handbook."

Linda arched an eyebrow at Mary, setting down her knife and dumping another pile of soon-to-be hash browns on the stovetop. "Then why're you asking for two? Got a coffee date lined up?"

Mary sighed and stepped over to the fruit station, gathering up a pair of oranges and popped them into her blazer pockets. "Just trying to be a good roommate is all."

Linda pointed to one of the industrial-sized coffee makers by the refrigerators. "You're allowed to have one. I'm going to turn around and focus on my potatoes for the next sixty seconds."

If I don't see anything, then I can't narc on you. Part of the reason Mary got along with Linda so well; her willingness to let small transgressions go. She picked her battles.

Mary grabbed two coffees- one black, one with sugar- and scurried out of the cafeteria fast as she could, the disposable cups warming her hands as she left a wafting scent of coffee in her wake.

She paused at the dorm room, listened for any sound of Avery, and when she didn't hear the shower running or an alarm buzzing, opened the door. 6:30, on the dot.

Mary didn't bother waking Avery, not right away. The coffee would do that eventually and if it didnt, his alarm should. She left one cup for him and an orange along with the sugar packets. She swapped out her pair of flats for her "nice" shoes- a pair of black sneakers. She almost forgot to grab her tie but managed to snag that also, tossing it into her bag. Mary left with her own morning cup and orange, heading down to campus.

While other students were starting to roll out of bed, Mary perched herself at the big fountain outside the assembly hall, gathered up her sketchbook and pencil, and started working on a new image. She'd noticed the bird's nest in the elm tree on her first tour of campus. And as the first signs and sounds of activity started to emerge from the mess of twigs and leaves, she set to work sketching the cardinal that perched briefly on its edge...
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Hidden 29 days ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Contrary to his dormmate, Avery Lowell was usually a man who rolled out of bed at the last minute. Today, of course, was a special occasion, so he staggered half-awake into the shower about twenty minutes earlier than he would've otherwise to let hot water and anticipation jolt him into consciousness. It gave him ample time to get his uniform in order afterward, which turned out to be absolutely necessary; he'd probably gotten this dressed up fewer times in his life than he could count on both hands, and now he was expected to do it every day.

Avery didn't hate the idea; he even wore the uniform exactly as intended. It was kind of stuffy, sure, and he wasn't crazy about the color, but it was kinda snazzy once he got used to it. In the colder months, it would probably be a boon, even. Plus it kinda made him feel like he was a TV show character - not that he'd say it out loud. The only real issue was the matter of the stupid tie. He was on his third rewatch of an instructional video on how to tie it on his phone (okay, technically fifth, but he didn't have his glasses on the first two times so it didn't count) and it was still a bit lopsided. Nevertheless, he was running short on time and the misshapen knot was close enough that he was almost scared to mess with it further, lest it look even worse. Besides, he had better things to be focusing on, like his cool magic school. When was magic class, anyway? Surely they weren't sent here just for academics.

He was getting ahead of himself.

Staggering out of his room at last, Avery intended to make his way through the common area of the dorm and out the door, but he paused at the unattended fruit and cup combo left on the counter. His dormmate was nowhere to be seen, though she could've simply left it there with the intent to grab it as she left. He could check if she was still in her room, but- ugh, rooming with a woman was so awkward. Mary wasn't so bad - so far, at least - but Avery wasn't sure what the protocol was regarding privacy and whatnot. Was it because he had a unisex name? Did they throw him in with the girls on accident?

Was he overthinking this?

"Uh. Mary?" he called toward her room. No response. No noise, either. And, given there were things on the counter that weren't there the night before, she couldn't possibly still be asleep. Which meant she had left already. Which... meant the cup was for him? Unless she liked stale, cold coffee.

Avery hesitantly lifted the lid off the cup and gave a confused squint. That coffee was way too dark for his liking. He wanted some coffee with his cream, not the other way around. He was pretty sure this was still black, with far too few sugar packets of pity resting beside it. Maybe he should just pretend he didn't want to touch it because he wasn't sure if it was for him - it wouldn't even technically be a lie. Shame he'd have to leave the orange behind too in order to sell the bit, but he felt bad just dumping the coffee out or telling Mary he didn't appreciate her gesture in the slightest.

And now the coffee confusion threatened to make him late, he realized with a glance at his phone. Straightening his lopsided tie one last time, he promptly broke into something between a power walk and a jog that he could manage at a socially acceptable speed as he rushed out the door and toward campus proper.

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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute

One year - that's how long Emiliano planned to stay before returning to Europe. There were several rules he needed to adhere to during his visit, most of which he had no issues in following. When it came to restricting a primalist's freedom, Merryweather seemed no different from its European counterpart. Forced to stay until they learn to harness their power for the good of mankind, something along those lines. He understood it was for safety reasons, but what happens if someone is incapable of meeting those graduation requirements?

In Emiliano's case, there is a possibility that he will never learn how to control his salt magic. Far more often than not, he would find a few grams of salt in his pockets, wondering where the hell it came from this time. The ground? A nearby saltshaker? Or a person? Regardless of its origin, Emiliano would never use it for cooking, unless he knew it came directly from the pantry.

Beyond his magic's practical uses in cooking, there is really nothing else he desired from this 'power'. And yet, the salt desired him. Emiliano wanted no part in this twisted romance, if you can call it as such. At least now, he remains optimistic to progress in his studies. The methods used back in Europe did little to inspire him, but here, there are opportunities aligned with his personal goals.

Which begs the question: Would he be able to sneak off campus? Emiliano wants to attempt this at some point for the sake of sightseeing. Never had a chance to since he arrived in America, with jet lag and all. To remedy this, he spent the next couple of days to adjust and settle in before the semester officially started.

Emiliano began the morning brimming with confidence for the day ahead. No more waking up at odd hours or struggling to remain quiet for his roommate's sake. Clad in his school uniform and a pair of dark-colored cargo pants to go with it, he waited for the microwave to warm up his milk. The plan for today was already laid out in his head. Go to orientation, attend classes, try out whatever they had to offer at the cafeteria for lunch, and see if he can get his hands on a hot plate to upgrade their dorm's sorry excuse for a kitchen.

Easy peasy! Well, depending on what his roommate has to say on the matter.

“Allora, John?” He called out, wondering if his roommate had not yet seized an early head start today. “How would you feel about me smuggling in a hot plate?”

Emiliano never posed the question directly beforehand, but it was implied by how discontent he is with their current setup. Vocal, but not excessive to the point it would annoy someone, unless they were short-tempered.

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Hidden 27 days ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

John was already jogging around the campus in the early hours. The morning run had become a routine, as he found the sedentary lifestyle here frustrating, leaving him unsettled and filled with pent-up energy. Sweat gently poured from his brow as he weaved between the buildings, always finding some unusually placed gulley or alley to traverse. That was another thing he had to grow used to, the fact that everything just seemed unusually cramped in these parts, with buildings in the town pushed together tightly like sheep at the feeder, as if, if they were built further apart, they’d be excluded from the area.

He was winding back toward the campus when he saw a figure ahead of him. Unmistakable red hair. It was Mary, who was the closest to him among the students, relative country bumpkins, both of them. Admittedly, he was still deciding whether he was sweet on her, or if it was just the fact that she reminded him of home. Not that he had any immediate interest in romance, given the upheaval of everything that had led him here. He raised his hand in a wave toward her. She appeared to glance back, but, given that her hands were full of a couple of cups of hot coffee, he could easily forgive her for not waving back. He recalled that she was in a dorm with a boy named Avery. It was good that they seemed to be getting along.

John walked into the cafeteria, already bearing witness to Linda’s disapproving scowl. “You can’t eat in here stinkin’ like that,” she gestured toward his running gear with her oversized ladle. He grinned widely and waved his hand. “Jes’ grabbin’ me some breakfast, ma’am. Won’t be underfoot long.” Linda shook her head as she turned away, and he went over to help himself to the buffet. He grabbed two hot plates and began to load them up with scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, hash browns, and beans. He remembered Emil was European, though he tried to think about what Europeans tended to eat. They eat a lot of cheese, don’t they? He grabbed a few slices of processed cheese, or what seemed to pass for cheese in these parts, and put them on the edge of his plate. He took a jug of orange juice and carried the ensemble out of the dining area.

“Brought ya some breakfast, hope yer hungry.” It seemed to be good timing when Emil called out that he’d already brought over a plate for him, presenting him with the cholesterol-laden breakfast. At the suggestion of the hot plate, John said, “Ain’t no harm in havin’ one.”

John settled down and opened the window in his room as he heard the telltale scratches against it. Appearing through the opened window was a ginger Maine Coon, who licked its lips as it moved over to the saucer filled with breakfast bits from John’s own plate. John moved his hand to scratch the cat’s neck. “Mornin’, Benny. Gotcha somethin’ to fill that belly.”

He headed toward the communal washrooms to prepare for the day, but the place was already flooded. Must have been Conner again. He waved to Hugo as they passed, removed his sweaty clothes, and walked into the shower to rinse off the grime. Soon, he was back in the room, dressing smartly in his uniform. That was definitely something about this place, it was fancy and sophisticated, with these trimmed garments that were probably worth more than his entire wardrobe, including his Sunday best. He made a mental note to take good care of his uniform as he dressed sharply and set off toward the Opening Ceremony.
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Hidden 26 days ago Post by Aeolian
Avatar of Aeolian

Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Dorm Building Interior, Merryweather Institute

The dorm room gleamed with a spotless perfection that didn’t match the chaos and clutter from the night before. Every surface was wiped down, every item meticulously placed in its rightful spot. The scent of lavender polish hung in the air, mingling with the faintly herbal aroma of tea from a steaming mug left untouched on the desk. Hugo stood near the window, his hands raw from scrubbing and his body aching from bending over the floor. Cleaning had become a ritual for him, a tempered ceremony to bring some semblance of order to a world he couldn’t fully control. Though no one had asked him to do it, not even his dorm mate Paige, he couldn’t help himself. For Hugo, there was something soothing about the monotony of it—some way it quieted his mind when everything else felt too loud.

Yet his face betrayed him. He looked unhappy, his delicate features pinched in quiet frustration. His thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ring of his phone, vibrating against the now-pristine bedside table. The screen lit up with a familiar name: Mother. Hugo hesitated, his finger hovering over the answer button before finally pressing it.

"Hello, Mother," he greeted, his voice soft but steady.

"Hugo," she began, her tone clipped and devoid of warmth. "You called earlier...What do you need? Make it quick."

"I wanted to ask if you could send my diary from home. It’s important to me," Hugo said carefully, knowing how this conversation would likely unfold.

There was a pause on the other end, followed by a sharp sigh. "Your diary? Hugo, I don’t have time to deal with your childish whims."

"It’s not a whim," he replied, the strain in his voice barely noticeable. "You don’t even have to do it yourself. Just send the butler with Athena and Malcom. I’d… I’d like to see them."

Her voice turned colder, each word like a knife. "You know that’s not possible. I don’t want you near them, Hugo. What you are—it’s dangerous. I won’t have you corrupting them with… whatever this is."

Hugo’s grip on the phone tightened, but his tone remained calm. "I don’t plan to come home, Mother. I just—"

The line went dead before he could finish. He stared at the phone for a moment, his heart sinking into a familiar ache. Even now, away from their house, the shadow of his parents’ disapproval followed him. They had always taught him to hate Primalists, to fear what they could do. Now, being one himself, that self-loathing was a quiet undercurrent in his life—one he didn’t dare share with anyone else. Though he cared for those around him with a motherly tenderness, there was always a part of him held back, unable to just let go and be like the others.

He slipped his phone into his pocket and took a deep breath before stepping out of the dorm room. The hall outside was bustling with the sounds of students, but Hugo’s attention was immediately drawn to a figure leaning casually against the wall. Francisco. The tall student’s presence was a dark cloud in Hugo’s day, and he knew exactly why Francisco was here. Before Hugo could even react, Francisco was in front of him, his broad frame blocking the hallway as he loomed over Hugo.

"Morning, Darling," Francisco said, his voice syrupy and mocking. He held out a stack of papers and shoved them into Hugo’s hands. "Homework. Due next week. You know the drill."

Hugo stared at the papers, his jaw tightening. "You’re so childish, Francisco," he said evenly, but the words lacked venom.

Francisco’s smirk widened. "And you’re so obedient. That’s what I like about you. Always the perfect little helper." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Don’t forget—I’ve got a whole folder of dirt on your family. You can thank my dad for that. Would be a shame if the tabloids got hold of it, you know?"

Hugo’s chest tightened. His thoughts went immediately to his siblings, to the quiet lives they deserved. Protecting them was all that mattered. Without a word, he gave a small nod of compliance.

Francisco’s grin turned predatory as he reached out and ran a finger down Hugo’s cheek, a gesture that sent an icy shiver through him. "You’re so beautiful when you comply, you know that?" Francisco mocked, his tone dripping with condescension. "Smart, pretty, and so delicate. You’ll make the perfect bride for some lucky man someday—always following the rules, no backbone to speak of. Just a delicate little flower."

Hugo closed his eyes, letting out a weary sigh as Francisco finally stepped back. His tormentor strolled off, whistling as if he hadn’t just crushed Hugo’s spirit underfoot. The snowmancer stood there for a moment, his hands trembling slightly before he steadied himself. Hugo clutched the papers to his chest and headed toward the opening ceremony. The halls were alive with chatter, excitement buzzing in the air as the school prepared to welcome the new arrivals. As he passed by one of the communal washrooms, Hugo noticed a familiar figure waving at him—John Summers. Always so cheerful, John greeted everyone he passed, Hugo included.

"Good morning, John," Hugo replied with a slight bow of his head. His tone was polite, even friendly, but there wasn’t much else to it. He didn’t linger, didn’t stop to chat. Though John had always been kind to him, Hugo’s mind was elsewhere, preoccupied with worries too heavy to share. Hugo straightened his posture, smoothed the creases in his uniform, and continued forth, ready to bury his own troubles for the sake of the ceremony.

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Hidden 22 days ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴘᴇ / ꜰɪᴠᴇ ʙʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

i told you to stop spying
Location: Dorm Hallways, Merryweather Institute

"Come to think of it," Sarah replied, "There was a small bag I found on the floor when I woke up. Let me go get it."

Turning around, Sarah walked back into their dorm room, and over to the kitchen counter. She proceeded to grab a small pink-colored bag, and double-checked the contents. Sure enough, there had been makeup inside—most likely Elena's, Sarah had presumed.

"Here," Sarah spoke, offering the bag to Elena albeit after some initial hesitance. She hadn't been certain how static was affected by her powers, but telling her roommate "to go get it herself" couldn't sound any more rude to Sarah no matter how she tried to spin it. "Is this what you're missing?"

If the make-up bag wasn't, well, there had to be a lost and found somewhere in the building. But that was an issue for later, as Elena had brought up a good point. Neither of them had any sort of breakfast yet. With the long day that had been set before them, perhaps it might be wise to grab a bite on the go prior to anything else. That, and some breakfast would be a worthwhile distraction from the "accidentally fried my roommate" doom thoughts that were now swirling in Sarah's poor mind.

"We might have time to grab some food—if you still want to, that is." Sarah continued, attempting to change the subject away from her swirling thoughts. "It'd probably have to be something quick, though."

Sarah then took the lead, motioning for Elena to follow her to the dorm cafeteria. She weaved in and out between her fellow dormmates, still guided by her uncertainty about her powers. Regardless of how much Sarah tried to push it back to the far reaches of her mind or tried to think of something else, the thought remained there to nag away at her conscience. Thankfully for Sarah, the sudden crackle of the PA system turning on would give her some relief as she and her fellow students began to listen in to the announcement.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS," A booming voice announced over the intercom, echoing throughout the school. "PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE AT THE WOLKWITZ AUDITORIUM FOR THE CEREMONY IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES."

Well, so much for an actual breakfast Sarah had been counting on. Perhaps there was a vending machine or two on the way that they could use for a granola bar or the like.
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Hidden 22 days ago 22 days ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Little Bird

Conner groaned at the announcement. “Yeah, yeah, I heard you…” he muttered.

Adjusting his not up to code uniform, he glanced in the mirror one last time, then he swung the door open. He struck a ridiculous pose in the doorway. “Presenting: Conner Waters, begrudgingly formal but still undeniably hot!” He declared, striking an exaggerated model stance before laughing and giving Wren a once-over. “You on the other hand actually look good. You’re pulling off, I’m here but I’m not happy about it better than me.”

Not wanting to risk being too late, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and started toward the door. “C’mon, let’s get this over with before they send out a search party. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the ceremony will have snacks.” Then, after a moment, he smirked over at her. “And if not… well I always come prepared.” He tapped his blazer pocket, and you could hear the crinkling of a hidden bag of goldfish crackers.

Together, they stepped out the door, and he walked towards the Auditorium,
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Hidden 19 days ago 19 days ago Post by Chrys
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Walking down the old-fashioned brick path, Paige was lazily making her way toward the rest of the larger buildings. She had completely ignored the loudly announced 10-minute warning that had everyone else around her quickly getting their asses into gear.

I mean what were they going to do if she was a few minutes late? Put her in a prison school for freaks? Oh wait, they already did that.

Scoffing, she let her boots do the walking as she boredly watched her surroundings and the hurrying people past her.

As she passed the older brick dorm hall, she finally saw someone else who did not seem to be in a rush to the ceremony. Maybe it was her wanting to see how far she could push her luck by being even later, or maybe it was her curiosity about why someone else wasn't running on orders. Either way, she meandered over to where the broken and burnt man was hiding from view.

Hitting the wall with a soft thud, she leaned up with her wall against the cold brick as she stared down at the smoking student. Looking through the lavender purple hair that threatened to get in her way of studying the man, she asked, "And here was me thinking that was against the rules."

Her words might have been harsh, but a teasing smile played on her lips as she tried to provoke the stranger. Who may or may not have noticed that the smoke from his cigarette was softly flowing away from her direction.
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Hidden 18 days ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Location: Dorm Building Exterior, Merryweather Institute Interaction(s):@Chrys

At the sounding of the intercom, the gradual flow of students from the dorm building became something more like a torrent. Nestling himself firmly against the wall, Marko tried to make his substantial physique as small as possible. He just... needed a minute. Nursing his cigarette like it was his only friend in the world (it was), he took deep, even breaths with the smoke. In and out. Don't worry about the curious stares and the grimaces that often followed. Don't worry about your fingers not moving the way they used to, or not being able to stretch without making your arm tear its scars open in seven different spots. Don't worry about depth perception. Just you and the cigarette.


Hearts pump dust
through petrified veins
while stale air wheezes from our lungs;
one long heaving sigh
gently rattling the bonecage
as it escapes from between mummified lips
and out into the baleful yellow sky.

Dust gathers over our desiccated forms:
paper-thin skin-as-parchment stretched over
hollow skeletons: brittle, sallow creatures
clinging stubbornly to a concept
we have long since lost the capacity
to comprehend.

Gradually, he was able to turn himself over to carcinogenic absolution, and strife gave way to the far more preferable non-sensation of numbness.

"And here was me thinking that was against the rules."

The stub of the cigarette found itself hitting the back of Marko's throat as he sucked in a surprised breath, and quickly doubled over, retching. Who the hell? Hands on his knees, he stood there, retching the taste from his mouth as the stranger watched him. This is unfortunate. The plan was to avoid making an ass out of myself. Scolding himself, Marko finally felt able enough to speak, peering up at the girl through his good eye. "And I think... that you are very purple." What? Kill yourself now. Good Christ. He coughed, more from awkwardness this time than anything else. "Uhm. Well. Yes, cigarettes are against the rules." His lips pressed together into something that wasn't quite a smile. "My choice of vice was either smoking or narcissism. So." You're not funny. Stop trying to make jokes. They aren't funny. Is the punchline that you're a burn victim and therefore not attractive enough to be a narcissist?

Briefly, an expression flashed across Marko's face akin to that of a rat dropped into a cage with a snake, before dropping back into stilted neutrality. He raised his gloved hand skyward towards the student. "I'm Marko. Please don't tell anyone about the cigarettes." His voice rung out in hollow, tired notes. An instrument out of tune with itself, and possibly missing a few strings entirely.
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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Aeolian
Avatar of Aeolian

Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@TiLocation:Dorm Building Interior, Merryweather Institute

The soft hum of conversation spilled from the auditorium doors, but the ceremony had yet to begin. Hugo peeked inside, noting the empty stage and restless shuffling of students finding their seats. With time to spare, he retreated to a quiet windowsill just down the hall, sliding his back against the cool wall and opening Francisco’s homework he'd clutched tight to his chest. His pen moved fluidly over the pages, each question answered with ease. The equations and essay prompts posed no challenge—if anything, they were insulting in their simplicity. Yet with every answer he penned, a knot of frustration tightened in his chest. Not at the work itself, but at himself, for complying so effortlessly. For being this—someone who bowed his head, who obeyed, all for the sake of keeping fragile things intact.

Outside the tall window, the sky had darkened slightly, heavy with clouds. It wasn’t until a faint flurry of snowflakes drifted past the glass that Hugo realized his emotions had slipped beyond his control. The delicate crystals fell softly, dancing against the backdrop of gray. His breath hitched. With a small, sharp inhale, he clenched his jaw, steadying his heart. The snowfall ceased instantly, the magic retreating as though it had never been there. He hated this—the delicate tether between his emotions and his powers. As if the universe conspired to remind him of what he was, every time he slipped.

The hallway grew louder, filled with the buzz of students gathering near the auditorium’s entrance. Hugo kept his gaze down, trying to refocus, but his mind wandered.

John Summers.

The thought appeared uninvited, subtle at first, like a whisper. He frowned slightly, shaking it off, returning to the scrawl of notes before him. But it came back, more insistent this time. John, with his easy smiles and casual waves. John, who was nice to everyone, even people like Hugo.

Hugo tapped the pen against his chin thoughtfully. Perhaps… it was worth a try.

Sliding the unfinished papers back into the binder, he stood, smoothing his uniform with practiced precision before weaving through the crowd. It didn’t take long to spot John in the hall, heading toward the auditorium with that same friendly ease.

Hugo approached quietly, falling into step beside him.

"John," he said softly, his voice smooth like velvet but touched with just enough vulnerability to seem sincere. When John turned, Hugo kept his expression composed, though his eyes carried a weight that wasn’t entirely feigned. "I was wondering if I could ask a favor. It’s… small, really."

He glanced down briefly, as if hesitant, then back up. "I need something from my family’s home. My diary, to be specific. But I can’t go there myself—my mother’s made it quite clear I’m not welcome. She’s…” He let the sentence trail off, as if the explanation was too painful to continue, though it was carefully calculated. "To be honest, I don’t have anyone else I can turn to."

The words hung in the air, soft and deliberate, designed to stir sympathy. Hugo wasn’t close to John, not really. But he knew kindness when he saw it, and John wore his heart on his sleeve. As John began to respond, Hugo’s attention shifted slightly. His eyes caught the crooked angle of John’s tie—a small detail, yet glaring to someone like Hugo. Without thinking, his hand reached out, fingers deftly adjusting the fabric, smoothing it into place with gentle precision. It was a reflex, born from habit more than affection.

"There," Hugo murmured, his hand dropping back to his side. His face remained composed, his usual distant poise settling back over him like a mask. "It was a little off."

He waited, his heart steady, though a quiet tension hummed beneath the surface.
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Hidden 14 days ago 9 days ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Elena Charlotte Jäger

Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute

Turning about, her roommate walked back into their room before returning shortly later with a rather familiar small pink bag. Same zipper. Same look. A small wave of relief washed over the high-class girl's face as she held out her left hand to accept the small bit of evidence of her own prior haste. She wasn't one to put her heart on her sleeve all of the time or kowtow to everyone she met for that matter, or at least that was how she saw it, but she wasn't going to be ungrateful either. It was a small thing, and embarassing at that, but at least her roommate seemed to be a good sport about things thus far.

Perhaps that was good news for later? Eh, if she had to hazard an early guess at least. Though the hesitance in her roommate's handing it back was certainly visible to the upper-class primalist all the same.

"Here. Is this what you're missing?"

"Yes! Thank you, I must've dropped it without noticing the other day after arriving and working on getting my things into the room. I'll try to be more careful moving forward, at least."


The sudden but mild prick of static electricity jumping to one of her fingers as she was given her makeup bag, all as said finger strayed a tad closer to her roommate's hand than the others, was enough to get Elena's hand to lightly flinch in surprise. Though in the aftermath, as it were, she'd simply raise an eyebrow before shrugging things off. The carpets hadn't seemed to be giving her any static thus far. Nor was it a cold enough day. Hmm. Either way it was probably nothing anywho, though her roommate piped up before she could let her thoughts frankly wander any more over such trivial matters as static electricity at that.

"We might have time to grab some food—if you still want to, that is. It'd probably have to be something quick, though."

Elena would respond with an acknowledging nod, following her seemingly eager-to-eat roommate down the hall. Well, follow her as best as she could at a somewhat faster pace, it seemed, as they bobbed and weaved through their peers to get by the farther they went. First the hesitation, and then this sort of haste? It was all certainly something peculiar about the girl, that much Elena felt for sure for the time being. Like she was trying to fight nerves or something....though if so, she could hardly blame her even if she didn't share the same sentiment about being here at this school in general or something. Especially given the other girl's parentage...ouch.

Yet before they could reach the cafeteria-


...How old was this PA system, hmm? The Jagers were not the only non-Primalist donors in the country, she knew that, but perhaps it still worked well enough to save costs for the classes or such. In any case, the crackle of the PA system was enough to get Elena to take pause and stop as others did just as she was catching up to where Sarah was.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS," A booming voice announced over the intercom, echoing throughout the school. "PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE AT THE WOLKWITZ AUDITORIUM FOR THE CEREMONY IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES."

The white-haired girl sighed. As if having to recalibrate her casual attire to things, changed hair color, and all of this wasn't enough? Perhaps she'd slept in too late, though admittedly she had been 'that' tired after arriving the prior day as well. Rest or a bite to eat? Sometimes one chose an option without knowing they had. Alas.

"Certainly earlier than I had hoped they'd begin...well, perhaps we'll be able to last until the ceremony is over then."

Or else she'd attempt to grow edible non-toxic mushrooms where they sat for the ceremony if she got desperate, hmm? Ah, that'd make quite the scene regardless of intent though. Ha. But more seriously, Elena would simply sigh before looking to Sarah and motioning for them to keep moving onward. They had a ceremony to get to, and the food to get thereafter would certianly be even more worth it after all of that according to her own stomach.

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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Dorm Building (Moving to Wolkwitz Auditorium), Merryweather Institute

Emiliano did not expect John to go out of his way and pick up a 'hearty' meal for someone he just met. How kind of him! Emiliano intends to return the favor once he gets his hands on the proper equipment. Unfortunately, he isn't much of a breakfast person. In general, he preferred to skip breakfast entirely and have a big lunch instead. That wouldn't be the case today, it seems.

“Ah, thank you. It looks-”

'Intimidating.' He thought otherwise.

“-Delicious!” Putting his reservations aside, he enthusiastically accepted the plate and settled it on the table, next to the warm cup of milk he just pulled out of the microwave. He never did try the breakfast menu around here yet, so this would be the first for him.

With one glance, Emiliano recognized a full English breakfast anywhere...with processed cheese? A rather unique take compared to other versions he has seen in the past. At least this one presented to him far outranks his uncle's poor attempt at the dish. The cheese itself bothered Emiliano on a spiritual level, while everything else skyrocketed his cholesterol levels just by looking at it.

He went ahead to grab a ziploc bag out of the cabinet and sealed the cheese inside the mini-fridge for later. That just leaves the rest...time to dig in!

Emiliano couldn't finish his plate by the time John left for the ceremony, so he decided to stay behind and catch up with him later. As he ate, he noticed Benny staring at him through the window for a good while before going off to do cat things. Personally, he didn't mind cats. They were good for keeping rats away from the restaurant back home, plus his family adores them. So, if his roommate decides to let the little guy roam around their dorm room, he won't tell him off.

Not soon after, he heard the announcement over the intercom, prompting him to rush through the last stretch of his meal. As expected, Emiliano felt nauseous and overly stuffed by the end of it. The silver lining in this, he probably won't feel hungry for the rest of the day.

On top of that, it tasted good! Thanks, John!

After a quick clean up, Emiliano left the room in a hurry and was en route to the Wolkwitz Auditorium.

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Hidden 10 days ago 9 days ago Post by BurningCold
Avatar of BurningCold

BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Smoke on the Wind

P A I G E & M A R K O

Location: Merryweather Institute Grounds

One moment Paige was standing there with a quirked eyebrow, entertaining herself by pushing the buttons of this stranger and the next she had her arms hovering, out reached as she worriedly hesitated on some way to help the choking man.

Oh god, don't die on me!

When he finally looked back up at her, seemingly done with dying, Paige relaxed slightly standing back up straight. That was until he mentioned how 'purple' she was. Staring down at him for a second that seemed to stand still for much too long, she suddenly burst out into loud rambunctious laughter.

Marko stared back blankly, eyes shifting between her and his outstretched hand. Was it something he said?

"Um..." He coughed. Is she laughing at me?

Laughter petering off, Paige honestly couldn't remember the last time she had laughed that hard. It was about then she heard the awkward hesitation and saw the outstretched hand.

Chuckling dryly, she stretched out her hand to his,

However, instead of shaking his hand, she attempted to pull him up to her level. It was only then she let go of his hand, a mischievous twinkle gaining in her eye as she commented, "Though it seems like you can just call me 'Purple'." She chuckled to herself once again. Oh, she was definitely making fun of him.

"I... If that's what you want," He mumbled his response, rubbing the back of his neck. "Anyways." He shrugged his shoulders back, trying to straighten his features and gain back some feeling of control in the situation. Initial embarrassment aside, so far the interaction wasn't a complete failure. Maybe this Paige was a little snarky, but that was fine. He could deal with snarky. "So," Marko began, feeling the words out carefully. "We should probably head to the assembly. Before we end up being late." He spoke in a stiltedly matter of fact tone, his words still laced throughout with fatigue and general malaise. His expression, now recovered from his initial embarrassment, was similarly dry.

Looking down at the significantly smaller girl before him, he beckoned in the direction the other straggling students were heading. "We can walk together..." He said slowly, almost carefully. "If you'd like?"

Groaning, she rolled her eyes at his suggestion of them actually doing what they were supposed to be doing. She had truly hoped she could have found some kind of excuse to miss out on the whole thing.

"I guess I have nothing better to do," She said resigning herself to the fact that she did in fact have to go to this stupid ceremony opening. Not waiting for Marko, she started to walk forward before calling back, "Come on, Crispy."

At that remark, a mix of emotions washed across Marko's face. Primarily surprise, indignation, and then something resembling relief? The same dry, unimpressed expression won out in the end, however. "I..." He sighed, willing his broad-shouldered body forward. "Okay." He took a few large strides to hurry next to her before slowing his pace.

She looked up at him with a playful smirk and asked, "What? Not a fan of the nickname?"

Marko glanced sidelong at her, the corner of his mouth tugging into an indeterminate shape. "It's... better than you thinking it without saying it at all. I think." His sturdy shoulders shrugged. "I'd rather be teased than stared at. It's not like I'm clueless. It's literally all over my face, after all." He spoke in a wry, slightly bitter tone, the corner of his good eye creasing as an almost-smile rose and fell across his face. "I don't suppose you're also an accidental pyromaniac?"

"It's just payback for the purple comment, don't take it all too seriously," She said waving it off like it was all just a silly joke. She had really not put much thought in her comments, if anything her giving someone a nickname was a sign that she got along with them. If they could withstand her snarky comments and terribly chosen nicknames was a whole different question though.

Seeing his half smile made her instantly thinking she was in the good though and smiled brightly back before replying,
"No, not me. I'm just an accidental mall destroyer."

The way she playfully made the remark made it hard to tell if she was telling the truth or just poking fun at Marko once again.

Despite himself, he let out a light chuckle.
"The whole mall?" He queried, eyebrow raised in mild amusement.

Paige had really put her foot in her mouth, she had no plans to ever tell anyone about Riverside mall and yet here she was making fun of it.

"No, just the food court," She said in an embarrassed huff, before quickly trying to get him off her scent by rolling her eyes and adding, "What do you think?"

"I think," Marko said, in his careful way. "That I should stay on your good side. Especially in the cafeteria." He smiled at Paige, halfway between warm and teasing. This wasn't going too badly at all. Sure. It's just one interaction. Sure. He had, in theory, limitless chances to do something stupid. Sure. But, hey, whatever. At least nobody here knew his reputation back home. It was a fresh start. He didn't have to be the reclusive, delinquent tagalong anymore.

"Smart man," She said with a playful smirk decorating her face. Her bright purple eyes flicked back to him for a moment as if she was for the first time actually assessing the person in front of her before she asked, "So why are you in such a rush for this stupid ceremony anyway?"

Briefly, he bit in the inside of his cheek in thought. "I wouldn't say I'm in a hurry. I just don't want to miss it. On the other side of things, why do you seem so loathe to attend?" She seemed like she had a chip on her should about being at this school. He was sure that was the reason. Still, it was better to ask.

"Once you've done one school assembly, you've done them all." She said dismissively before adding, "All they're probably going to do is go on about how good people they are to imprison us in this supposed school and then if we're really lucky some asshole will come down the lines and pick on our outfits."

With that last comment, she picked at the fancy lapel of Marko's large and decidedly not school approved jacket as to make her point.

He tugged his jacket tighter around himself in response, simply mumbling,
"It's cold." He paused before suggesting, "It is good that a place for people like us exists though, right?"

"I mean I haven't been executed yet if that is what you mean," She said dryly. Then as she saw they were about at the Wolkwitz Auditorium, she added, "Guess you'll have to tell me."

Marko surveyed the other students pouring into the auditorium with a frown, the corners of his mouth deepening into their expression the longer he quietly studied the people around him. At last, in a low, thoughtful voice, he said, "Yes, Paige. If every single one of them is half as dangerous as you or me, us being here is a good thing. I'm lucky that what happened to me-" He cut himself off, swallowing. "Well, I'm just lucky that it happened to me." He could have burnt his house down, and turned his grandparents to cinders along with it. What if he lost his cool in a fistfight and blew the other kid's head off? This is definitely where he belonged. Most likely where they all belonged.

He looked down at Paige with a morose bearing.
"You can sit with me if you like. But I think it's important to attend this assembly, whether someone gets on my case about my coat or not."

Paige let out a large sigh, as much as she hated to admit it he might have actually had a point. After all, it had been lucky no one had actually died during the hurricane that took down the most popular place in town.

That didn't stop the large hmph that came from her as she sat down in one of the back seats though. Nor did it change the fact that she stretched out her legs and rested them in the nook between the seats in front of her as she snarkily said,
"Well I'm not so sure about 'dangerous'. I heard some unlucky fuckers just have the ability to ruin meals."

As the pair descended into general chatter, waiting for the assembly to begin, Marko pondered that it wasn't such a bad start here, all in all. Paige was definitely... very different from him, which was likely a good thing. He imagined that he would struggle to hold a conversation with himself at the best of times.

It's only a first impression, but it's a start. Hopefully things go as smoothly with everyone else I meet, too.

A breeze whisked through the auditorium, and Marko pulled his coat around himself tighter still.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴘᴇ / ꜰɪᴠᴇ ʙʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

i told you to stop spying
Location: Wolkwitz Auditorium, Merryweather Institute

"I don't think it'll be long. They probably just want to welcome us to the school."

Following the now-swarming crowd, Sarah continued to lead Elena, taking a staircase down to the bottom floor. She made no move to use the railing, her uncertainty and fear rising once again. Static was one thing, but the thought of a human barbeque was another. Metal was a strong conductor of electricity. Holding the railing, Sarah feared, without the slightest thought of how to control her powers, was sure to give everyone a good zap—or worse.

Not wanting to make a scene, however, Sarah continued her hastily hurry out of the building. She hoped Elena might brush it off; that she just didn't want to be late... and wasn't stuck on the thought of frying people to a crisp.

"If I remember correctly," Sarah began to explain, turning to Elena. Better to keep acting the part if she wanted Elena to think so. "The Wolkwitz auditorium should be right across this courtyard."

Taking the lead once more, Sarah walked across the stone-brick pathway, and towards the large auditorium building. As they entered, she immediately looked around the auditorium in a search for seats for herself and her roommate. Even though they had arrived early to the auditorium, it was clear that the building had been filling up fast with attendees. Finding their seats as soon as possible would help them stay out of the stampede of students that were now charging into the auditorium.

That's when Sarah spotted them—a purple-haired girl, legs propped up on the seats in front, and a towering giant, whose face appeared marked with scars. It seems she might've had more in common with her fellow students here than she originally thought.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" Sarah politely asked, motioning to the empty seats beside the two of them.
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