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Would someone please explain to me magic stuff? I was planning on using a kind of healing magic, but I don't know if I can make my own spells or not...

gimme a few mins to find what Zeroth typed up for me regarding magic, but yea u could do whatever u wanted. lots of the characters rn have made-up magic types but ur rlly only limited as far as ur creativity goes/who u want ur character to be


kres cross
Parin Kia
Coliseum Interior

"That would be my question, too, hah! But, I think the lady means 'cute' like, say...a little dog. Not the same kinda 'cute' I'd use for, say, a pretty face. Am I right...cutie?"

Parin jumped in shock when she'd heard the man's voice. She only now realized she'd been thinking out loud - an unfortunate habit of hers, to be sure - and she would have winced in embarrassment had she not been face-to-face with her target. And gosh, she was pretty! Whatever frown would have raised itself was instantly erased by her disarming smile--

"It's not him, but the little chicks flitting about and chirping around him who're cute. Oh, to be young again..."

But that didn't matter because she was damn-near jumping in shock again. She likes girls, straight like that? Where Parin came from, you'd have to pine for months to get that info, even when it was the most obvious thing in the world. Alas, that was a rant for another time.

"You shouldn't listen in on when others're talking though, sweetie," Meow? Parin felt herself shrink lightly when Camila started to address her. "It's a bad habit that could land you in all sorts of trouble if you get caught by the wrong person."

That much was true. Parin had been acting uncharacteristically carefree. She'd never act this way on a normal day out. Perhaps this was a result of her not taking the exam seriously? Or maybe she felt safe due to the amount of people who'd came? Parin profits off of people making that sort of mistake all the time - she shouldn't fall victim to it so easily. A welcome warning, to be sure. She met the other girl's eyes with vindication, ready to show off her humorous, quippy nature. And...

"Mhm," Parin replied, quieter than she'd intended. She'd become a Bashful Billy in a matter of milliseconds, but there was a girl with pretty purple eyes that Parin was looking into, so it didn't truly matter. It double didn't matter when the exam finally started to start. Parin let out a disappointed whimper as her attention was brought to the captains.

They all looked cool, as captains do, but the rumors floating about made a few stick out to her. The pirate, the witch, and the... knight? Well, they were all knights, but... the blonde one who was strong. Each captain seemed an interesting character. The more Parin goes along with the Magic Knight thing, the more it starts to stick. The idea of training under any of these people sounded fun. So did meeting new people. Hmm...

It might do her good to put some more stock into this after all. She returned Camila's wishes before she shifted her focus to the officials laying out the laws. She hummed a song to herself as she waited.

Parin's name was called and she rose to the occasion. She heard no voices directed towards her, but a rogue cheer that sounded once she'd walked up to the proctor almost broke her focus. She carried on, bouncing and swaying as the proctor explained both tests to her. She felt prepared for this first test especially.

You see, the use of magic was no doubt discouraged in Parin's orphanage. But rules might as well be schmules when it comes to a group of children, so of course they still harassed each other to no end. The youngest ones would splash water on the others or blow wind in their ears, small things like that. The older kids, however, would often have other interests -- many of them held this pipe dream of becoming a Magic Knight that Parin was planning to fulfill. As a result, rather than just simple pranks, they would practice their magic in and around the orphanage.

Many of Parin's earliest memories involve her and a group of friends going down several blocks until finding the abandoned mansion with an equally abandoned backyard. They would climb the gates and find themselves an open arena to play with. This was where Parin learned to use magic; in the trenches.

The game consisted of a Magic Bullet fight, where two parties... fight using magic bullets. The first rule: you can't hurt someone. Some people were babies and flopped after getting tapped with a single pebble, so they quickly amended the new rule: no bruise, no foul. This made it so that you had to make sure the magic bullets were harmless, either by way of density/quality or speed. The second rule: you can only get hit three times before you're out. The third rule: you can't go out of bounds.

It was fun, and cliques quickly developed based on things like playstyle or what type of magic bullet they used. But most importantly it was an invaluable foundation for Parin to learn from. How to concentrate mana, how to use it and the feeling of it within your body were all lessons that stuck with the girl. A small fascination with magic grew within her from a young age, the sort which naturally comes with having something so powerful at your disposal.

Old memories flashed back in front of her eyes as the tiles began to float. Balls of water formed and floated around her in response. The targets were large to her, and the bullseye made identifying her target easier. She worked each shot out in her brain before she let it ring, following the motions of the target and calculating her shot accordingly. It was as it was, target practice. There was nobody putting any pressure on her.

Her body would sway and step lightly with the motions of her target as she shot. Instead of stone tiles, she would start to see familiar faces, running and diving and smiling all around her. She kept her pace throughout the challenge, comfortable and focused.

The first challenge was no problem; she'd seen it completed with maybe one or two close misses and a couple bulls-eyes.

It was this second one she'd seen an issue with...

Parin's magic hadn't the most destructive power to it, so using it to break that whole column seemed daunting to say the least. But seeing as this was one step to becoming a magic knight, this was also for Hari. For Hari, there was nothing she couldn't do. So she made a plan.

She placed a hand on her chin once infront of the stone pillar, as if thoroughly examining it. Parin looked around behind her and took several paces back as she saw it was clear. She then inhaled deep, held it and exhaled, repeating it while trying to relax her body as much as possible. She felt the mana running through her body as she went about her routine, circulating in tandem with her blood. She began stretching while focused on her breathing and fell into a trance, the concentration of energy within her building more and more.

Parin was finished with her stretches after attending to her right shoulder. She crouched down and set her hands on the ground, her front leg leaning forwards as she took one last deep, conscious breath.

She bursted out violently into a sprint. When she neared, Parin planted her feet firmly and launched herself into the air, throwing her arms up behind her head. She extended her legs forward, aiming her soles towards an edge of the pillar. The mana which coursed through her all flowed directly into her feet.

It was released at the same time as Parin's kick made impact. A mini-torrent raged out from her soles, with enough force to bounce Parin back far away from the pillar into the air. Her body swung through the air with knees tucked until she began to descend, feet facing the ground. She released a burst of water from beneath her feet which countered the pull of gravity, slowing her descent. Her grimoire flipped through pages on its' own as she conjured an oval-shaped bubble below for her to softly land on.

Parin was hardly more than six feet off the ground. She sat down on her platform and hung her legs off it as she squinted towards the pillar. Leaning in more, she'd discovered that she had broken a chunk off the left side of the pillar. It couldn't have been bigger than her own head, if that.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, pumping her fist and smiling brightly. Her legs swung back and forth as she happily hummed a song of victory. It may not have been much, but it was honest work. She heard an official call her name and tell her where to stand, so she hoisted herself down and followed. The legs were a tad jellylike, but truly only a tad - nothing that couldn't get walked off. She thanked the orphanage delinquents for her timing.

There was much to learn from her new vantage point. Everyone's magic was just so cool. Parin felt genuine awe at all the different techniques and skills she'd been able to see just from the first test. Every spell was beautiful, skillful, personal. She wondered what it was about the person that made them able to use their magic. Some of them fit the vibe, like, oh... The girl with big, bright flames looked sort of brave. The guy with the snake! The magic snake! Looked pretty, um, hm... Parin didn't want to say shifty, but somewhere in that ballpark. And there was the ox from earlier, who Parin had overheard being just as loud as his spells were hot. But then there were some that didn't quite fit who's magic was impressive all the same. Like when Parin almost had a heart attack after feeling a gigantic explosion go off, and then right after she saw Camila walk over to join the group (Parin gave her a personal round of applause). Or the kid who'd used sun magic, who didn't look like the wielder of something so bright. But the saying does go not to judge a book by its cover - if she were to play this same game with herself, she'd be stumped. Nothing about her really screams water. Parin figured there must be a deeper reason why these people can do what they do.

Regardless, she waited for further instruction, with newfound enthusiasm and perhaps a bit of drive.

I fell down to my kneeeeeees when the law came!

ik im the one that used the gif but you got that song stuck in my head for a whole day

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, @imia
i in da house! :D
I also really enjoyed that post. Was worth the wait. :)
And look, a cute girl came to talk to Camilla! I bet she'll be happy to swap her dwarf smoking conversational partner for this new, shiny and substantiually better-smelling one!

ty^^i appreciate it

@ZerothCan I get a translation here? I only have a passing knowledge of the anime that clip is from.


Parin Kia
Coliseum Road --> Coliseum Interior

Parin didn't know what she expected from this whole "Magic Knight" ordeal. Honestly, nothing -- she expected to get kicked out in a week if she didn't quit all by herself.

...Is the mindset she wished she could look at this whole thing with, but unfortunately that wasn't much of an option for her. Even though she didn't want to do it, Hari wanted her to, so it was different. Parin at least tried to look at her current situation as an opportunity and decided to move with some effort in order to respect her adoptive mother's wishes. That effort was minimal seeing as she still didn't want to be there.

Minimal, but still respectful to Hari. She found herself waking up bright and early for the event somehow. She had even arrived there early too, having received her badge number of #84 before she began stalling. Perhaps that was why she was bored. She had decided that getting the badge was enough initiative and got to dillydallying, aimlessly walking around the outside of the coliseum. Parin played with her necklace underneath the covers of her brown cloak, which she held shut around her body. She carried no bag with her. Instead, she had a myriad of (hand-knit) pockets spread out on the inside and outside of her clothing. She held nothing valuable to her besides a dagger clipped onto her waist, her ring of keys, and a compass, so she hadn't much to carry.

One might've thought Parin was a noble with how much disgust and disdain was written on her face. She wrinkled her nose at damn near every sensation she came across.

The kids that were way too excited to be here, bumping up past everyone, cutting in line? Scoff. The peddlers? Her heart went out to them, but her head turned the opposite way every time. The little shy girl, who she had cut infront of not when she first arrived, still getting pushed out of her spot in line? Okay, Parin might have kept tabs on her, but only for a quick laugh. The smell of some delicious, delicious foodstuffs? She cared not. The sound of-

The sound of coins jingling?

Parin's head jerked eastwards as if she had a sixth sense. Immediately, she began her way through the crowd. She had a knack for finding the path of least resistance through the highest amount of people. It was like she flowed against the flow of traffic, towards the scent of money. Through the hustle and bustle, she heard the words "5,000 Yule" bright and clear, shifting towards the sound.

"C'mon, it's easy money! Isn't that supposed to be what your kind's all about...?"

Just as Parin was about to chime in with a 'why yes it IS,' she was so rudely interrupted by -- by God, it looked like. In truth it was just a girl who was prettier than most, but those were like dieties to Parin anyhow. She found herself stuck in the crowd as a result of the interruption but managed to keep herself floating in the vicinity of the kerfuffle.

It seemed like a noble and two other scrubs were harassing a poor boy, and the young woman swooped in to save the day. Lucky guy, Parin thought idly, not knowing if she meant the bully or the victim.

"Now, now, is this really how you should be spending your time, young sir? Surely there must be something more productive you could be doing with your time, hm~? Do you really want to be spending time on this poor boy when the exams are about ready to begin?"

Parin giggled like a little fan. She saw the black-haired noble immediately draw back into his shell after the girl appeared and decided she was definitely jealous of him.

“Don’t tell me the combat round started already?”

Eugh, she thought. Expected of a boy to bump himself into the spotlight, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Although she did feel satisfied watching him show the lackies where they belonged. He seemed a bit of a hothead, but Parin couldn't judge - her first instinct was to rob the pompous bastard. He was spicing things up, to be sure. And Parin really, really liked his piercings. She took note of him.

These two, the pretty-god-girl and the hothead, seemed interesting enough. Parin thought it a good idea to keep herself around for the rest of the exam.  

“So unless you are interested in starting this round early, how about we take the lead this gorgeous lady has set out for us, and stop this before the exams begin huh?”

Not very lucky, the guy definitely was, cause damn he was getting jumped. The foolish noble was smart enough to slip his bag of coins back into his pocket when he gave the redhead some pets. Unfortunate for him that Parin witnessed such an event. Within the petticoat, on his right side, and Parin also noted the motion he used to put the bag back into safety.

Anyone with eyes could tell how oblivious he was, so she didn't have any faith in his cronies either. You have to be some sort of weak to follow a guy like him.

He's a walking party trick, Parin thought. Nothing more, nothing less.

Parin locked back into the situation as she began her second circle of the group. Again, Mr. Moneybags was playing with fire, throwing out names (Parin let out a small gasp at the 'ox' comment), getting people bumped all about, just generally being a mess. Such an easy target.

Parin thought again. The guy seemed like an easy target for anything, you know. Not just theft. She thought about her commitment to Hari aswell. There was no way the woman would accept any dirty money, especially after Parin was supposed to have been hard at work doing Magic Knight duties.

"Shall we, then?"

This, however, was her breaking point. She had to do something to him.

She didn't even sigh of relief when the young woman cleanly rejected him because it was so obviously going to happen. This man needed to pay for his audacity more than he needed to pay for his attitude towards the poor-

"...You hear that, boys?"

"She's gonna go freshen up for me! I do believe I have her, as they say, in the bag!"

"Yeah, big bro! She was eyeing you up, I saw it!"

"Did ya see the way she was shaking her hips!? She wants him bad!"


"Well, don't fret too much, boys! I'm sure we can find a few more nice wenches-"

No, no. No, no, no. Come back down to Earth.

Parin broke from the crowd she'd been camouflaged in, putting a pep in her step once she had the clearing. She walked a few feet behind the three stooges, her grimoire flying open. Once she was square with the back of that ugly hairdo, she stretched both of her palms out towards the center of his back and braced herself. A fierce, but unconcentrated burst of water was unleashed, aimed for max coverage of the pompadouche. The recoil from the blast caused Parin's arm to jerk back, her body rotating with the sudden movement, ending up in her walking backwards with full view of her victim(s).

Parin shook her hand out. She caught a short glance of the troupe and it was enough to put a smile on her face. They can soak that in themselves. For now, she made her leave as quickly as she came.

As she shuffled her way back into and through the crowd, she wondered if there would be a target on her head (that wasn't a bunch of buffoons). That could surely spell doom for- Somebody is flying. Huh.

Parin let herself breathe.

She felt no inherent rush to get anywhere after having let her anger out. Her patience was rewarded with a noticeably clearer path than she'd been walking so far. Looking further down she'd gotten a glance of the ox-boy from earlier and someone... familiar, yes, she'd been bumped over by that noble not too long ago. More importantly than those responsible for the path was the fact that it was about to start closing up soon.

Parin made her way through what was left of the opening and ended up entering the holy grail; the Coliseum.

A holy grail right now was any point Parin could dillydally at. She decided that this was it, considering all the people and hubbub going on around her. She stretched her arms out towards the sky and yawned as she walked. She went with the applicants, of course, so she already had a couple people in mind to look for. She'd already passed the ox from before; while he was sure to be interesting, she had felt a weird sort of tension when she sized him and his duo up. Parin wasn't planning to be a part of that unless she was a part of it.

"Bored, again..." Parin mumbled to herself. There was nothing... spicy to her. There were a few crowds about, but none too interesting to observe, and most of them involving boys, which she didn't really care much for after that bad taste the noble had put in her mouth. She seriously wondered what could've been so great about that Alwin-sama she'd seen getting worshipped. It was only the entrance exam, no? How did those people know him well enough to ride him like that already?

Parin thought she wasn't interested, but found herself floating around the vicinity of this Alwin anywho. He raised questions, and they needed answ-

"Camilla Azurios, by the way."

-eeeeeeeerrrrrrrs. Scratch whatever Alwin raised, the elephant in the room just got addressed and Parin's here for it. She thanked the lords for their timing, as she managed to catch up just when Camilla had started talking to another man. They didn't even have time to become company before Parin was able to make it a crowd. Not as if that would motivate her, anyways.

Regardless of her intentions, she made her way towards the two as if drawn by a magnet.

"As for that -- I think it's kinda cute."

Parin followed Camilla's gaze and found the crowd of worshippers yet again. She saw Alwin and immediately hmph-pouted. She couldn't help her senses from escaping her.

"What's so cute about him?" She asked from directly behind the two, arms crossed.

CHILLLL OUUTTT!!!! im going to be catching up on everything
for review!

Thank you so much for the response, @Zeroth! I’ll be PM’ing you shortly to figure out the details with my character
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