Ha I gfi ally had a long enough lunch break to read Camalot’s intro post, I regret not doing it sooner. Just, damn, I’m hooked. Can’t wait to interact more with her now that she’s become Roma’s #1 target.
The Angel is still #2, but one can’t stare at such radiance and self sacrifice without wanting to peel it apart and see what makes the girl under the armor tick.
Good choice. Honestly after thinking deeper about it, as much I OOCly would like for Roma to go after Lumiere, ICly Lumiere is probably too experienced and wizened to not notice Roma’s attempts and call her out anyway. Camelot’s much younger, more emotionally vulnerable, and less worn in the pragmatic realities of the world.
Sometimes upholding the no metagaming principle results in a less interesting path, but it’s always worth it in the long run. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To the young polymath so self-absorbed in her mission to locate Sukoro Jinga, Bunga's change of mood went completely over Lucretia's head. As far as the white-haired girl was concerned, she had gotten a companion to locate the elusive technologist... Well, until Bunga herself explicitly voiced the misunderstanding. "Hmmm? Oh, I see, so you're not Japanese, yet you called Sukoro Jinga your countryman, that is a paradox." The German girl pondered out loud, but ultimately shrugged her little shoulders, "It doesn't matter, I'd still welcome an ally to assist me. I can assure you that you'll be rewarded for your efforts." Her family had all the funds and resources in the world after all.
The duo spent a few moments just wandering about from public facility to public facility around the area, Lucy continuing on her way to pester every student she met by repeating her question verbatim while Bunga used her enhanced auditory senses to pick up any relevant chatter far better than her shorter partner ever could. So far, however, their efforts bore no fruit, "No, I don't know where he's saying" and random chatters were everything the two received.
...so far anyway.
Not speaking for Bunga, but Lucy showed no indication of giving up. For all of her faults, the German Polymath's capacity for perseverance and focus was legendary. She only stopped accosting students when Bunga spoke up once more, "Then we should move to another location," Lucy was about to do exactly that until the Nusantaran Egoist distracted her with a topic that could've been done later, "Lucretia von Konigsmahne, Technologist, Germany. I'm a polymath engineer." She kept her reply terse as she all but pushed Bunga to continue with their task.
Let's see if they'd have more luck now, only time could tell.
On another note, I've been wondering if I should make a Discord server for this RP given the small number and to better funnel conversation. If that's something people would want, I'll consider it.
I’m neutral about it.
On one hand, the RP’s not really small imo. We have at least 10 people involved, this is on the high-end of medium, or even large in some perspective.
On the other hand, we have been doing fine without a discord server either.
@Izurich That was okay. It was less forgivable during the collab though.
Make no mistake, it wasn’t an admittance of fault. I love long posts, including deep explorations of a character’s psyche and what they think of others via the five senses aka long monologues, then whether it is proceeded by a long or short series of actions is irrelevant, both are good for me.
Unless you specifically tell me that kind of post is against the rules (of a particular RP), then I’ll most likely keep doing it simply because I enjoy writing it. :P
So long as it's not two sentences of action padded out with four paragraphs of inner monolog that just reiterates what's already been established, I'll read without complaints.
Ah yes, literally my first IC post in Symphony of Espers. :)
Hey, different strokes for different folks, I will tell you that I love reading and writing long posts, including multi-chapter novel posts like this. I read everything from feast to beam blast, this shit is my jam.
For the last week, Ilannaq Sigmundottir - colloquially known simply as "Anna" - had been regularly diving into the Ensollian Sea, collecting various trinkets and souvenirs of the ocean, as well as sketching those that she couldn't collect. The sea around Revidia was deeply different than back home, warm and mild compared to the freezing cold that was Rettan's oceans. In fact, she found out that Revidian oceans were safe to explore all year long as opposed to Rettanese where it'd be far too cold to dip into during certain seasons, particularly Hundri and Somnes. Furthermore, due to the vastly different climate, the maritime ecosystem here was quite distinct than Rettan, making for a fresh and exciting underwater adventure. She ought to send some of these back to her parents, especially her mother as the woman was a passionate aquaculturist.
Of course, as avid of an marine explorer as she was, Anna never slacked off in her studies, particularly now that she'd soon begin her enrollment at the most prestigious Magus Academy in the world in the short future. Always an independent young girl, even during the days leading to the entrance ceremony, she self-tutored herself through the tomes and scrolls she had acquired over the years, a significant chunk of them were about the Arcane and Chemical schools of magic, her specializations. She matched theory with practice too as she regularly trained her magic almost everyday; drawing, containing, (sometimes) converting, and casting, these essential four steps for any magus worth their salt. Rarely a day was spent without at least an hour of magical practice as the white-haired teenager flung flaming bolts, lobbed spheres of fire, conjured infernal pillars, and summoned volatile meteors.
An observer might think that she was just a diligent aspiring mage - which she was - but there was yet another factor that incentivized her assiduity, although she kept this one close to her heart, no one else knew, except for herself and Eshiran of course. You see, Anna had a peculiar craving for magic, the casting phase of magic in particular, one might even say that it's an addiction as it's something she must eventually do lest she risked worsening withdrawal symptoms; ranging from restless fidgetings to an overwhelmingly powerful urge to cast a fireball right then and there, regardless of the consequences, the latter could be disastrous in certain situations such as a crowded hall. On the flipside, she received a pleasurable sensation unlike any other whenever she does cast, further reinforcing her habit of practicing often.
Fortunately, her line of study mandated her to cast and practice if she wanted to progress, so it's a win-win for both her career and needs. She never had trouble with this quirk of hers and foresaw it would never ever be. Twas' simply a small price to pay for the boons she had received from Eshiran, a form of devotion she must show to the Destroyer. Well then, just you wait, o Almighty Eshiran of the Pentad, she would realize the destiny that you had given her.
--Entering the Magus Mecca--
Now, it was finally time for Eshiran's Chosen to step forth into Ersand'Enise, the Academy for Magi, its prominence was undeniable through the fact that even the second most prestigious magic academy couldn't hold a candle against Ersand. Her enrollment here was no mere coincidence, the Destroyer had shown the path she must take to be the best scion as she could be and who was she to refuse a god's wish? With enthusiasm, Ilannaq donned her magus robe and wide-brimmed pointy hat, then curled a wide cheery grin in front of her bedroom's full-body mirror before she headed out, setting forth into the sunlight to join her fellow students.
Some time later, the white-haired teenager was among the one-hundred-fifty or so students belonging to the Merchant Class. As according to tradition, she was given a mount of her own, a beautiful light brown mare with a fiery reddish-orange mane, such a fitting steed for someone like her. She accepted the ride wholeheartedly and strode with pride, surrounded by a cheering audience as her group passed under the Arch of Benedit the Blessed. It was everything she could hope and more. Yes, yes! There's no doubt about it, this was where she belonged! Her parents had always told her that she's special from the moment the saw that flames seemed to obey her whims, and they were absolutely right!
"Hailing from Rettan! Lady Ilannaq, Daughter of Sigmund!" The crier declared her name, having an easier job than some of the nobles due to her lack of noble titles. She'd have liked "Chosen of Eshiran" to be thrown alongside it, but there was no need to be so ostentatious~
"Hmmm~" Getting a little fun idea, courtesy of that light show by that Leon Solaire person, Anna decided to perform a little spectacle of her own (and also an excuse to cast more spells). Taking out her trusty wand, she twirled them a few times in her deft right hand then pointed it upward while flexing her arcane muscles simultaneously. She drew from the ambient heat around her, an elementary endeavor in a clear sunny day, contained it within her body, and then cast! "Blaze forth, Fenrir!" She enunciated her focus words and not a second later, a swirls of flames resembling the silhouette of a wolf flew forth from the tip of her hand. Anna shuddered as she felt that tingle traveling up her spine, that pure pleasure that she could never get tired of.
"Ehehehe~!" Giggling mirthfully, the Fireblood swung her wand like a conductor as the fiery wolf began prancing on the air above her; dashing, pouncing, and rolling as according to its mistress' command. Yes, between Rettan and Ersand, she had finally found her second home.
Pre-ceremony background stuff. Participating in ceremony. Ripping off Leon’s light show, fire version.
Another day, another operation in the ever-turning wheel of time. Silmeria - in her full Valkyrie getup - sat unassumingly amidst her fellow G.E.M.I.N.I. espers in the government-issued van, her trusty railgun rested vertically against her shoulder with its butt pointing at the ground. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't sleeping, instead deep in her usual pre-mission meditation where she readied her mind and body for the noble act of culling those abominations from the face of the Earth, them and anyone who took their side. She'd be doing good today, her sister would definitely be smiling down at her from Sovngarde. That thought almost curled a smile at her face, but she kept her enthusiastic joy in her head.
The bump in the road and the resulting jerk of the operatives' vehicle prompted her to slowly open her eyes, ending her trance. She could see her usual comrades, but also a fresh new agent this time. The Steel Hammer Knight Leroux, the Monkey Queen of the East Wu Kong, the Riot Police Dragon Breacher, the Demonic Avenger Silhouette, Fritz's Punching Bag Binky, and last but not least, the Knight of Tomorrow Avenir, the only newbie involved in this operation. This would be the first time that Valkyrie and Ashley met face-to-face, but Merry had read her dossier beforehand, her unique power of emerald-hued lumimancy should prove invaluable in their fight against Justin von Carnage and his cronies. This time, Valkyrie was relieved that they didn't have to rely on any wildcard freelancers.
"..." The brunette turned her gaze at Binky when the cabbage-haired "30-seconds-but-not-actually" esper began the quick briefing. Well, it was basically a recap of their full briefing, but it couldn't hurt to clarify everything before shit hit the fan. Attack Justin's mansion via one of two ways, infiltrate through the Bastion or come knocking straight at the pale bastard's front door. The latter should be riskier but they had an ace up their sleeves, the blood mage that they captured alive from the Cobra Gang operation, then why not press that advantage and use her unholy magic for good, ja? Carve a path to Justin himself and let Binky engage her "30-seconds-but-actually-a-few-minutes" esper form to cream the asshole before he could thrallify another innocent maiden, sounded simple enough, but you know what they say, always expect the unexpected.
"My vote lies with using the blood mage to cover us while we storm front door." Silmeria relayed her opinion on the matter, but not hoping to get anything out of it. After all, her decision-making skills had come under fire after that weretiger bounty incident. Well, at least those women and Protector were safe, and the bounty poster honored his end of the deal even though he could technically shirk paying due to the fact that Tony's still alive.
21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti Northern Sentinel | Government Agent Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock [Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)
DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500
I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
[h3]7/8 Weeb[/h3]
...[s]kill me.[/s]
[sub][i]Avatar drawn by [url=https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane]Vayreceane[/url][/i][/sub]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so... <br><div class="bb-h3">7/8 Weeb</div><br>...<span class="bb-s">kill me.</span><br><br><sub><span class="bb-i">Avatar drawn by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane">Vayreceane</a></span></sub></div>