@Izurich: And accepted, of course. Feel free to move it to the Characters tab at your leisure.
D'ya think a Discord would be worth prepping at this point?
Thanks! And I’ll do that after you make the first post in the char tab because if I do it now, I’ll be the first poster in that particular section of the thread (instead of the GM as it should be), which makes things weird.
Mmmmmmm… let’s do that after we get more interest, submissions, and accepted CSs. So in-between that and IC start would be best imo.
@Izurich: Well, I won't be doing any official acceptances before we get the RP up and running in a proper OoC, but I can give a quick preliminary review.
So, I think the big thing to note here is that the main cast will not be part of any government agency for the sake of being able to move about freely between nations; that's the purpose of the skybase in the intro section here. It conflicts a bit with the backstory given, though, so I'd like if you could rework the sections pertaining to that. All of the characters would have been scouted out roughly 6 months to a year prior to when I plan on starting, if that helps any.
Nice! Honestly I’m pretty surprised that it’s only the backstory that needs addressing, since I literally had no prior CS to cheat off :P.
Ez enough, I can change it to Pyra not being scouted by the government, but instead by the skybase’s authority then they convinced her to join the group. A year should be good, yeah.
I’ll poke you again once I’ve made the changes to see if it fits what you have in mind.
Pyra stands at a rather modest 157cm (5'2") with an athletically lean build befitting a full-fledged Frame Pilot, an able body honed and trained with the best facilities the skybase could offer. The late-teen possesses brown hair framing sapphire blue eyes and a light-yellowish complexion that's most known among those of East Asian ethnicity. Said hair is cut quite short, barely reaching past her ears. She has a long prominent scar across the small of her back, a remnant of an old wound, one that changed her life forever.
When off-duty, she usually wears modest clothes of no particular style, blending with the common people. The only notable thing to point out is that her glasses aren't prescription as she has perfect 20/20 vision; it's actually a neat gadget that has all the functions of a mobile phone, interactable via an augmented reality UI that she can manipulate with her fingers.
Aside from all the necessary skills relevant to being an elite soldier, a Frame Pilot specifically, Pyra fancies herself a tactician; whether in tabletop or video games, she loves playing various kinds of strategy games. Although she can't hold a candle to the actual pros out there who fully dedicate their time to RTS games, it's evident that she has talent and had fate spun otherwise, Pyra could see herself competing in the major leagues.
She's aware that tabletop wargaming is quite demanding on the pocket, what's with all the sets, minis, and paint necessary to field an impressive army; fortunately for her, being a Frame Pilot pays quite well considering how important and dangerous their role is as humanity's first line of defense against the Warped.
❖ Appearance:
Front View
Back View
❖ Abilities:
Codenamed "Infernus", Pyra's Chi-Mechframe is designed from the Core of a black-red-scaled wyvern-like Warped, one that could launch fireballs and plumes of flames from its throat. When engaged, Infernus shapes into two distinct forms: First, it manifests an armored dress that possesses the supernatural durability of the beast it came from, with tongues of flames occasionally swirling around its wearer. Second, it conjures a curious lance-shaped weapon that acts as the beast's head and neck, as expected, the weapon is specialized to spew intense flames, and unlike mundane fire, Infernus' blaze is capable of effectively scorching through Warped hide and flesh.
Pyra's combat style enables her to work best as a mid-to-long ranged combatant, particularly artillery bombardment and area denial. Mass destruction is the name of the game for Infernus as it's effective against hordes of smaller enemies or a single gigantic foe due to its destructive AoE potential. On the flipside, the Mechframe struggles against singular man-sized elite targets or simply those agile enough to swiftly get into melee range.
Furthermore, just like the monster whose Core it holds, Infernus grants the wearer free flight as Pyra sprouts flaming wings from her boots, carving a fiery trail through the sky with her movements, although it's not particularly agile. She mainly uses this ability to gain a bird's eye view over a particular area, which will most likely be followed by orbital bombardment of said area, while on the other hand, her lack of speed means aerial dogfighting isn’t ideal. She’s more of a carpet bomber than a jet fighter so to speak.
When at the field, clad in her custom-built Chi-Mechframe, Pyralis is a no-nonsense soldier who displays a nigh-unshakable composure. She seems to always have a cold expressionless stare, always ready to follow orders without delay, no matter how dangerous it may be. Her words become terse, only speaking when necessary. One could argue that in the face of mortal danger posed by the Warped, there's no room for doubt as hesitation means certain death.
However, for those who know her from work - such as fellow Frame Pilots - they may be surprised that Pyra exudes nothing of the tranquil fierceness of her Mechframed self. When not in her suit, Pyra is a much more docile person, demure and compassionate, she becomes more "human" so to speak. In fact, this gentle girl is the real Pyra. This is certainly a far cry from the intimidating cold stare as she unleashes hellfire upon the Warped menace, a living weapon in the form of a mechanized girl. She doesn't exactly know why herself, but the prevailing theory is that the biomechanical suit instills a part of the beast's ferocity into her.
The brunette couldn’t remember her blood parents, at least not through her own memories. What she knew was told to her by her adoptive father. So it went that one Nikolaos Constantina - a (now-retired) foot soldier of the military - was tasked along with his comrades in an operation to hunt down a wyvern-esque Warped that had been terrorizing one too many caravans and smaller settlements. The unit eventually managed to hunt it down, but unfortunately only after it was just done scorching a poor hamlet.
At first glance, it seemed there were no survivors as flames raged through each and every building they could see, but just as he was about to leave with his comrades, Nikolaos heard... something, a cry amongst the fire, an infant's cry to be specific. He located it down to find a toddler trapped inside a burning house. Much to the soldiers’ shock, not only she was about to burn to death, they could also see a nasty gash across the small of her back, like something jagged had sliced her flesh open; the poor thing was both burning and bleeding, crying her heart out from all the suffering she's in.
Naturally, the soldiers did all in their power to rescue the child with Nikolaos himself being the one who personally scooped her up and dashed outside before the roof crumbled behind him. Taken by pity, he brought the sole survivor home and officially adopted her. Though unmarried, he decided to raise the miraculously lucky child himself. He christened her "Pyralis", (Born) of Fire, and what a poetic name it is as she’d eventually grow up to be among the elite Frame Pilots, one that specialized in using flames to purge any and all abominations that dared to threaten what remained of humanity’s existence.
How could she even qualify where so many others had failed, one might ask. Well, as it turned out, there was a very specific reason for that; the wound she suffered was from the very same Warped that burned down the settlement and an Echidna infected her through said wound. As research had shown from the young soldier who became the first Frame Pilot, those infected with Echidna but didn't mutate made fine candidates to be Frame Pilots as the Chi-Mechframes wouldn't reject them. This revelation came to her when recruiters from a certain skybase scouted her out, they extended an invitation for her to be inducted into the Frame Pilot training program.
This was certainly unexpected, but... she didn't really mind, in fact, she was kind of happy about it. See, she had always idolized her adoptive father for being such a brave soul, risking life and limb so humanity wouldn't go extinct, and if she could follow in his footsteps, she'd gladly walk that path. In a way, this was her way of repaying her saviors in kind. She was enthusiastic enough to abandon a normal life and - with the blessings of her father - accepted the recruiters’ offer; now at 17 years old, the brunette had become a full-fledged pilot, Frame Pilot Pyralis, the One Born in Fire.
❖ Color Code: e95f1b ❖ Pyralis is ethnically Japanese, but adopted into a Greek family. ❖ Somewhat ironically, she loves cold beverages and dessert; soft drinks, yoghurt, ice cream, parfait, etc.
@Izurich: Dragon theming should be fine. I should note, however, that by the starting point of the RP things on the level of those big dragons (at least in terms of power and spectacle by our standards) shouldn't have been able to be taken down yet. Bigger game isn't on the table yet and all that.
Of course, nice, makes the power development a lot more satisfying that way.
Co-GM here, that should probably be fine I would think.
Great! For the mythological creature motif, she’d be a dragon, the good ol’ western dragon, maybe even Fatalis (since MonHun is one of the RP’s references).
One question, are Nanoha-based faceclaims close enough to fit the mecha musume theme? I’m thinking of using Material-S (aka Stern) for a PC is possible.
They’ve told me they’ll try to get a post up this weekend.
Great! But my question still stands; extended leave usually - but not always - entails something not good currently happening irl. I just hope everything's alright on their end.
I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
[h3]7/8 Weeb[/h3]
...[s]kill me.[/s]
[sub][i]Avatar drawn by [url=https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane]Vayreceane[/url][/i][/sub]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so... <br><div class="bb-h3">7/8 Weeb</div><br>...<span class="bb-s">kill me.</span><br><br><sub><span class="bb-i">Avatar drawn by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane">Vayreceane</a></span></sub></div>