Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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@Izurich: And accepted, of course. Feel free to move it to the Characters tab at your leisure.

D'ya think a Discord would be worth prepping at this point?

Thanks! And I’ll do that after you make the first post in the char tab because if I do it now, I’ll be the first poster in that particular section of the thread (instead of the GM as it should be), which makes things weird.

Mmmmmmm… let’s do that after we get more interest, submissions, and accepted CSs. So in-between that and IC start would be best imo.
Just porting this over from the Int. Check

EDIT: CS moved to the Character Tab.
@PKMNB0Y Alright, made the edit to the government part of the background, plus a few improvements to wording choices. How does it look now?
@Izurich: Well, I won't be doing any official acceptances before we get the RP up and running in a proper OoC, but I can give a quick preliminary review.

So, I think the big thing to note here is that the main cast will not be part of any government agency for the sake of being able to move about freely between nations; that's the purpose of the skybase in the intro section here. It conflicts a bit with the backstory given, though, so I'd like if you could rework the sections pertaining to that. All of the characters would have been scouted out roughly 6 months to a year prior to when I plan on starting, if that helps any.

Nice! Honestly I’m pretty surprised that it’s only the backstory that needs addressing, since I literally had no prior CS to cheat off :P.

Ez enough, I can change it to Pyra not being scouted by the government, but instead by the skybase’s authority then they convinced her to join the group. A year should be good, yeah.

I’ll poke you again once I’ve made the changes to see if it fits what you have in mind.

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR: Up for review!

@Izurich: Dragon theming should be fine. I should note, however, that by the starting point of the RP things on the level of those big dragons (at least in terms of power and spectacle by our standards) shouldn't have been able to be taken down yet. Bigger game isn't on the table yet and all that.

Of course, nice, makes the power development a lot more satisfying that way.
Co-GM here, that should probably be fine I would think.

Great! For the mythological creature motif, she’d be a dragon, the good ol’ western dragon, maybe even Fatalis (since MonHun is one of the RP’s references).
@PKMNB0Y Oh ho, this doth seems dope, fam.

One question, are Nanoha-based faceclaims close enough to fit the mecha musume theme? I’m thinking of using Material-S (aka Stern) for a PC is possible.
Friends got me addicted to WoW classic. I can see how this ensnared so many lives.

It is a well-designed MMO. It was the gold standard for so many years for a good reason.

Glad your absence was due to a good reason tho~
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

They’ve told me they’ll try to get a post up this weekend.

Great! But my question still stands; extended leave usually - but not always - entails something not good currently happening irl. I just hope everything's alright on their end.
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