Role in the team:
The Child Revenant💔 Ex-friends/lovers/enemies
❤️🤍🤍🤍 Neutral
❤️❤️🤍🤍 Acquaintances
❤️❤️❤️🤍 Friends
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Close friends
❤️🔥 Lovers
❤️❤️ Big Boss Man
He's the one in charge of the Commune! The leader! The head honcho! Ionna thinks he truly deserves his position from what she has seen of him so far. Although he doesn't like being called by any kind of title, he doesn't seem to mind when Ionna calls him "Big Boss Man”; maybe it's because he excuses her childish innocence, whether intentionally or not. Also unlike Poppy, he doesn't mind taking a break from work to play a bit even though he's probably super busy.
❤️❤️ Big Blade Man
If Erik is the Big Boss Man, then Ajax is like his quieter vice-boss or something like that. He sure carries a lot of sharp things and is somehow super skilled at using them all in quick succession. As of the moment, he's the person that Ionna goes to should she have any questions regarding how to fight better. To that end, it certainly helps that he has offered to personally train her, honing her unrefined brutality into practiced, deliberate combat techniques. Just like with Erik (and anyone else for that matter), Ionna doesn't consciously realize that her appearance and demeanor subconsciously affect Ajax's treatment towards her, softening those who'd otherwise be more guarded to others.
❤️❤️ Big Grizzly Man
At first impression, Ionna honestly thought that Dallas is a trio with Erik and Ajax as the Big Bosses of the Commune, but apparently he’s only been around for a month. Regardless, Ionna thinks he’s a like big fluffy bear that doesn’t talk much, but fun to hang around with, kinda like Ajax, but larger. Of course, just like him, she doesn’t realize that her appearance subconsciously ‘manipulates’ Dallas’ treatment towards her.
❤️❤️❤️ Herself
She's herself, yet... not herself. After encountering Cerberus, who then taught her the ins-and-outs on what a Revenant is, she comes to realize that there was an Ionna, the human Ionna, who may or may not even be named "Ionna", although it's difficult to have any sense of longing or regret when she can't remember anything of her past life. Regardless, she loves herself and if there's ever a chance to recover her memories of the past life, then she'd have no hesitation to take it even if just to satiate her curiosity; it'd be neat, but the past is the past, no one can change it, unlike the present and future.
❤️❤️ Funny-Speech Plant Person
The olive-skinned plant-person talks funny, and to be perfectly honest, Ionna has a difficult time understanding her. In another universe, they'll have passed mutually ignore each other's existence, peaceful but strangers, but as things stand,
one thing drives the small revenant enough to try forging a bond with the seemingly-aloof Sidhe; both of them were chosen by a crow! Laplace clearly loves Licorice and is always so eager to befriend the older crow, this must mean Ionna too must be friends with Akaia! It's only logical!
❤️ Super Smart Gadget Person
Due to Lysandra being super busy all the time - even more than Erik! - Ionna rarely has the chance to have any meaningful interactions with the only female human of the Commune so far. It's okay though, Erik told her that Lysandra is irreplaceably important to the group and she's like, mega smart so she always has projects to do. Some of her drones are really cute though! Ionna wants to play with them but she's been warned not to because they're not toys, a wise move on Lysandra's part considering the small girl's grossly deceptive strength.
❤️❤️ A Fellow Hero
A fellow new person to the Commune and one that shares her eagerness to - and she quotes - "Knock Lost heads"! Both of them are physically active people who derive enjoyment from eradicating the Lost, finding thrill in the act of combat, flexing their supercharged muscles to smash rabid beasts left and right. It's not far-fetched to see that they have the potential to become fast friends given enough time. Interestingly, Vincent is a Revenant who already knows who he is and what he believes in, a complete opposite from the gray-haired girl who had awakened merely a few years ago.
❤️ Sad Brother
One of the only two humans of the Commune, and the only male. Ionna can only describe Desmond as... "heavy", everything about him is heavy, from the way he carries himself to the burden on his shoulders. After being told why he's like that by the other members, even the naive revenant can understand why. Everything he does, he does it for his sister, who's caught between the realm of the dead and the living, alive yet comatose. Ionna tries her best to cheer him up during the few times they do interact, but she also feels it won't matter much, the only thing that'll change him is Amelia waking up, hopefully that'll be sooner than later.
❤️❤️ Sweet Sister
Cerise is one of those people who are naturally good with kids, only a truly detestable and/or bitter person can irk her and Ionna is neither. The younger revenant looks up to her like an older sister figure and the fact that Laplace likes her too definitely adds to the fondness. This compatibility extends to the battlefield as well since Ionna has a knack for being an escort, providing plenty of cover and distractions so Cerise can take her time picking off targets with her signature rifle.
❤️ Boring Plant Person
Akaia may talk funny, but at least she still knows how to play, but the same can't be said for Poppy. The redheaded plant person honestly just bores Ionna, the golden-eyed revenant can
tangibly feel the mood being drained whenever she's around, all of the liveliness in the atmosphere dashed away, replaced by "No Fun Allowed" seriousness. If Ionna has to guess, meeting with sick people all the time must have sapped all the joy she has inside her. Some may say that Poppy's tough love is more subtle, but all of that subtlety just goes over the short revenant's head. It's okay though as in the end, Ionna knows that Poppy is still a good person, but she'll be the last person in the Commune that Ionna will even bother to approach, and well, it looks like the feeling is mutual anyway.