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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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@The 42nd Gecko has been absent for 10 days now. Hope they’re doing alright.
Oh yeah, there's also that bit where logically, Lucette would've observed Chinami's most recent Round Table (the one after her talk with Jonathan) since Liliana tasked her to be Chinami's "guardian angel", but I'm OOCly unable to do so because that part was written as a set in one post; it's a meta problem that disrupts what should've transpired ICly.

Practically, not a big deal though, it's something I'm willing to easily handwave, let's just say Lucette didn't know about that particular feast or she did, but decided to not personally be there, observing from afar instead, making sure there aren't any Pageless about the area.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Lilian: "I don't think the board of directors would approve of a girl trying to build a harem with all the newbies, but I appreciate your devotion nonetheless."

Gotta get them all first before Roma poisons their mind with anarchist propaganda.
@TheWendil Okay, sorry, this is bugging me a bit. I seem to have found contradictory statements in GM posts, so I'm wondering exactly how long it's been since the Pageless fight.

The intro posts for the Academy indicates that the girls were up before the sun, and the sun is rising on the Academy. However, the latest plot post has this segment:

Is it still the same day Nessie arrived, or is it the day after? This seems to imply it's the latter, aside from the "last night" bit. The wording right at the end there just tripped me up, so I wanted to be sure.

Yeah, it should be "the incident of two nights ago" or something like that.
I dunno, fam, double posting is a pretty sussy sign.
Whelp, time to meet the bunny and hear some Anti-Ministry Propoganda. Surely nothing bad can come of this.

EDIT: Player resigned. Consent given to GMs to do whatever they wish with this character.

Ayyy, there we go, made my post and tagged the appropriate players.

Just ask me if any of y'all want something specific.

--City Tour--

@Sonnambula @Ponn @Villamvihar

After her short meeting with Lady Marywell, the rest of the day didn't have anything particular to note with one exception; Nessie was to be her new roommate, yet it was unsurprising as Lucy preferred to be paired with new students anyway. In fact, she wouldn't mind being roomed with all of the new girls, but she knew that would be far too impractical, she was but one girl after all. Fortunately, when it came to teaching, she could address many more students at once due to the nature of the activity, albeit yes, it's a less personal endeavor than being roomed with one.

With that context, it should come as no surprise that the same Scot was amongst the trio assigned under her. As a side note, Lucette also noticed that the team - herself included - was comprised of magical girls who either fought at range or use summons/minions do to their bidding, and considering the fact that Chinami's team were all close-combat specialists, the angel had no reasons to believe this was a mere coincidence. A wise decision really.

Thus, the group of four - Lucette, Nessie, Olivia, and Wilhelmina - found themselves roaming through the streets of London in broad daylight, in their mundane forms and clad in civilian clothes of their choosing. This was a particularly fine day with few clouds and clear blue skies, something to be cherished in a city known to host constant rain for roughly half of every month, including on sunny days even. Lucette was used to it though, she had lived in England five times longer than all the years she spent in France; at this point, the Seraph was more English than French with only her name being the last remaining vestige of her heritage.

A short while later, the ironically "youngest" of the quartet took her group to a lovely city park, where green nature thrived in an otherwise densely-populated metropolis. The girls could see Londoners milling about, many of them couples or families; they jogged, walked their pets, enjoyed a picnic, and generally enjoyed leisure time free from the hectic city life.

"Girls, do you see this?" Lucette addressed her group, curling a solemn smile as her right hand gestured toward the civilians, "This is what we strive to protect, we fight so they don't have to, we're awake at night so they may sleep in peace." She paused to let her words sink in for a moment, then took a seat on the pristine grass, motioning for the rest to join her if they so wished.

"Is there anything in particular you'd like to ask of me? I'll aspire to answer them to the best of my abilities."
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