Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--Die Hard feat. John McCentrocious--

@BrokenPromise @Ponn @Crusader Lord @FamishedPants @SilverPaw

Unlike the bolt she fired at the perverted nun, this time it scored a solid hit, positively shattering the centauric monster's upper head. Valkyrie watched with a modicum of smug satisfaction as the creature lost control of its own limbs, allowing the Silver Warhammer Knight to evade untouched. Leroux was already wounded as she is, no need to add another injury. Of course, a sniper's job was never done as long as she had targets to neutralize; as such, she wasted no time in searching for another blight to cleanse, that mockery of a nun should be good-

-and suddenly, her precious line of sight was cut off by a wall of debris.

"Breacher..." The exasperation in the brunette's voice was palpable even as Su shot the chandelier to drop it upon their enemies. Due to her position, she couldn't exactly assess how successful the maneuver was, but she needed not to wait long to find out as Arzendale's voice echoed from behind said wall. Ah well, if only that chandelier was a grand piano instead.

To make things worse, it seemed that Silhouette was now on fire for some reason, something must've sparked the petroleum on his demonic body; she didn't see exactly what happened as she was focused on her aim and Valkyrie's mind didn't immediately correlate fire balls with blood orbs. There wasn't even a time to ponder about it as two varmints clambered over Breacher's wall. Goddamnit... One was the partially-headless Centrocious - somehow still alive - and the other was an armored demon knight, whose voice revealed that she was the same faux nun.

Leroux maimed, Silhouette ablaze, a mutated nun vaulting over the wall, and a headless monster on a blind rampage; to say that the situation was dire would be an understatement. However, in the end, this too was part of the job, no different than clocking in and out of a 7/11 as a janitor; the only differences were that her mop was a railgun and the filth fought back.

Calm down, Silmeria, remember your training. She let out a single silent sigh, tuning out every distraction, she had been in a life-threatening situation before, nothing had changed, she was an exterminator tasked with cleansing this infested mansion.

"Silhouette, turn yourself intangible to get the kerosene and flames off you." Valkyrie spoke into the comms, meanwhile, she took aim as Teslic Gauss surged with tangerine sparks yet again; breath held, arms steady, knees dry spaghetti, she pulled the trigger...

Just die already...

As a bolt of lightning streaked toward Centrocious' other head.

21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)

DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500

[Bronze Beam] [Damage X] = -72 Mana

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 88
Niiiice~ :
So... anyone wanna collab back stories?

I think it’d best be done once the cast is finalized.

For one, it’d be a bummer if one (or even both) of the collabers end up not qualifying.

For two, our CSs are technically not accepted yet so it’d also be a bummer to collab backstories but then it turns out one (or both) of the backstories need revisions post-review.

--A Marksman's Gambit--

@BrokenPromise @Ponn @Crusader Lord @FamishedPants @SilverPaw

"..." The sniper stared wide-eyed, pupils stayed unblinking but her brows shifted from one of tranquil fury into genuine shock as the unholy nun seemingly shrugged off her melody, one that she flexed all of her arcane muscles into at that. This goddamned human held all of that power and she used it to side with a bloodsucking abomination... well, not that Valkyrie was surprised, some humans were practically monsters after all, thus they should too be considered as enemies of humanity, just like their monstrous masters. The only right thing to do was to cull them like the disease they are.

Valkyrie was indeed about to try again, hey, she was no knight-in-shining-armor, if the enemy allowed her to score a free hit, then she'd graciously take it. If Melodies don't work, she'd simply use regular bullets this time. "Eh...?" But that was when she felt a demonic hand against her chest; being familiar with said hand meant she could immediately identify it as Silhouette's, but what she didn't expect was the sudden feel of being pulled away via magical force, the brunette winced as the oil made both her body and the floor quite slick, causing her to continue sliding until she practically bumped against... something; was it a pillar, a statue, or even a teammate? The chaotic situation didn't provide her with much opportunities to investigate...

For she spotted - and felt - the heat of flames swiftly approaching, their rage fed by the petroleum splashed haphazardly on the hall. With her lying on her back, slick with the very same substance, there'd be not enough time to recover, let alone evade! "Nnngh...!" Fortunately, neither of those would prove necessary as Breacher's magical towers brought her out of harm's way, in addition to giving her a much-needed vantage point. Valkyrie sighed, feeling relieved for a brief moment before she steeled herself again, the battle was far from over.

By the time she had scanned the battlefield and spotted Leroux's position, the hammer paladin was already facing off against the... nun? Huh? Wasn't her opponent the smug pianist? How could the fake sister get there so fast? Magical shenanigans, obviously. Orange eyes widened as the swordsnun struck Leroux's belly, grievously wounding her there. Not only that, some kind of centaur-spider creature thing was barreling toward her too. To say that she should do something to assist her ally was incredibly obvious.

She recovered into an aiming position as that bloodsucker - what was his name again? - started another tirade, yet again proving why monsters must be purged from existence as he murdered more innocents. At this point, her mind had tuned out whatever bile Arzendale could spout as the moment she saw those chained hostages, she knew their lives were already forfeit.

She and her comrades wouldn't be able to save them, that much was true...

However, they could prevent these subhuman scum from ending more lives.

"..." Her composure regained, the Nordic Warrioress' eyes focused on her scope as she trained her aim at Centrocious. Yes, she saw how Arzendale used the victims' blood to lob blood spheres at her, but her personal safety was second to her obligation to Leroux, for she knew that none of them was alone, not Leroux, nor herself.

"Breacher, cover me." Valkyrie informed the shielded dragon, her voice cold without emotion even as orange sparks coalesced along Teslic Gauss' barrel.

She pulled the trigger, launching a bolt straight at the back of Centrocious' humanoid head.

21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)

DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500

[Bronze Beam] [Damage X] = -72 Mana

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 160
The school tour collab shouldn't be a long one so it won't quite measure to the essay posts.


The Essays, this is what I live for!

--The Next Step...--

@Kumbaris @ERode

Lucretia put a hand against her chin as she pondered Sukoro's clarification to her statement; an interesting misunderstanding indeed, if Starsteel didn't just disappear, then why did it do exactly that early morning today? Someone or something must've deactivated them at the source, cut off the electricity powering the Formulization, the tolling bell that happened in tandem was likely correlated. However, it was unsurprising that the Godhand's intention with Starsteel was to delay instead of truly locking something away, which aligned with Lucy's conclusion that to truly secure something, both formulization and mundane measures must be employed simultaneously; Starsteel by itself was designed to stall Technologists, it would accomplish little against an Egoist's brute strength.

"I see, induce a blackout of its power and the pattern will reset, understood," The petite polymath nodded, "Agreed, and I will send Schwarzritter your way by tomorrow at the latest." Although she tilted her head at the last bit, "What competition?" the question was spoken with every bit of genuine innocence the German girl could display, but her green eyes lit up merely a second later, A contest to see who can be most swift at navigating the Starsteel labyrinth perhaps? Intriguing... She'd definitely take a look at this competition for sure; she would be sullying the Konigsmahne name if she let herself be humbled by an Oriental at their own game. Apex Technologist prowess rightfully belongs to the Occident after all, particularly Germany.

With her business done, she turned away from Sukoro, walking together with the Nusantaran Egoist back where they came from, "Because it's a statement, a challenge, one that I must answer as a Konigsmahne Polymath," Lucretia answered, her voice calm as usual but there was an inkling of pride underneath, "Our House never settle for the average, we strive toward excellence in the pursuit of perfection, a 'tough nut' is no deterrence for us." Bunga could swear that Lucy puffed out her chest with that boast there, what little was there anyway.

Perhaps it should've been obvious, but both of them were complete strangers mere hours ago so it'd be justified for Bunga to not know that Lucretia wasn't the type to pursue something that she had no interest, nor obligation to. The answer to her offer was all but written on the wall, "Your happiness is unnecessary because I won't be tagging along with you, Miss Kurniawan." Lucy answered bluntly, yet with that same genuine honesty that she showed to Sukoro, there was no personal feelings attached, "I have other matters to attend, including but not limited to tuning Schwarzritter for Mr. Sukoro. Danke for assisting me in my search." With that she went on her separate ways, sitting on Schwarzritter's arm as the two left the Elysium Conservatory.


A little later, Lucretia found herself standing sitting before the smoldering ruins of the library. So this is why... This Jeanne du Bordeaux... truly a black sheep of the Occident, a sociopath who was somehow blessed with great intellect, something she clearly didn't deserve. So much knowledge, just... gone, and all for what? Was she making a statement against authority and institutions? Or was it something as shallow as satisfying her pyromania? Some individuals in this world truly boggled her mind, it's as if there was no rhyme or reason to their actions, and Lucy believed that it was literally that for a few, genuinely insane people. Was Jeanne one of them? If only she could've been there to prevent this. With a regretful sigh, Lucretia asked around for a bit, particularly the Bermuda staff stationed around the scene of the arson...

It didn't take long for her to receive her next destination, to meet Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de Robespierre, Polymath, Enforcer, and Head of the Committee of Public Safety. His office should be in the City Administrative Center building, westward from here.

Thus, her loyal steel companion carried its mistress there, only putting her down once they have reached in front of the main entrance before furling into its compact form upon her command. Said mistress then entered the multi-story Brutalist-style structure before lining up to meet with the very same Swedish receptionist that a certain Universal Genius charmed a few hours ago.

"Guten Tag," Lucy greeted her native tongue before quickly switching to Latin, "I am Lucretia von Konigsmahne, I wish to arrange a meeting with Herr Robespierre regarding the matter of the library's destruction please. It is of utmost importance."
Will be getting to work on my CS later today after I'm off, but wanted to know if there is a preferred spread for the races or if we can get a list of whats been applied for? I wasn't yet sure what I wanted to play as and I thought about flexing over to a race that might need another body.

Adding to what @dreamingflowers said, not only are Revenants most numerous, but both Humans and Sidhe are minorities, doubly so for Sidhe since they're rare even when compared to humans (who are already minorities).

Furthermore, unless the RP strays really far from canon Code Vein, the bulk of the plot will also revolve around Revenants (which includes the main antagonists - Lost - since they're basically mutated rabid Revenants).

So yeah, it's totally lore-accurate for a majority of the PCs to be Revenants.
@Sonnambula's decided to have Nessie rest

Thank Merlin at least someone here is reasonable.

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