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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--Myth Debunked--


"..." Now that she had gotten a chance to 'interact' with Teodora up close, literally, Pyra couldn't help but feel her anger... slowly dissipating. It was as if though her engaged primal aggression wanted things to escalate, it just couldn't; twas’ partly due to her docile personality, but the most important factor in this particular case was Teodora's genuine innocence when reacting to her fury-choked inquiry. The short-haired brunette frowned in doubt as she blinked once while breaking eye contact, in distress because the older girl wasn't pouring fuel into the fire so she could justify her anger.

The worry Teo expressed about her well-being was sickening, in a good and bad way, because it directly contrasted against the image Pyralis had built for the Romanian girl. A queen bee bully shouldn't be acting like this, it wasn't supposed to go like this! "Nnngh..." She groaned, feeling equally regretful and annoyed that Teodora was doing a very good job at dismantling any arguments Pyra might have about the blonde being a bitch. The pyromancer went silent, conveniently occuring at the same time as Hoshiko's announcement, giving her plenty of time to mull over her thoughts while Teodora's attention shifted to the spunky girl.

By the time the older pilot returned, Pyralis' demeanor had noticeably relaxed, the embers of wrath all but extinguished. With a rosy tint to her yellowish-pale cheeks, her focus returned to the projections of her holo-glasses as she murmured, "I... just don't like loud noises..."

--I Understand--



Liese mused, noting the dumbfounded nervousness spilling from the gray-haired girl's form, considering the circumstances, there were a myriad of possible reasons; she was a girl in an environment populated overwhelmingly by boys, she was a foreigner exiled from her homeland, she didn't expect to be approached by an individual from the prestigious House Brendorn, she was simply a nervous person by nature, or any combination of these factors. However, as it turned out, the main reason was none of these, at least according to what Dot claimed.

Ah, so that’s why... In that very instant, Liese's respect for the younger student's valor soared faster than a bolt of lightning incantation. A warm, proud smile caressed over the taller blonde's lips, "I'm honored, well, it would be immoral of me to squander the boons I've been granted with squalor and idleness... unlike others of my station, tis' simply a noble's solemn duty to own up to the privileges given to us, do that or relinquish your title to someone else more deserving." He then leaned in closer to Dot, speaking in a lower voice to match her hush, "Of course, my utmost apologies, comrade... and believe me, I know how it feels like to be treated different just because of my body alone... I know very well."

With that, Liese leaned back, his smile had shifted into that of empathy, he had found a comrade-in-arms, "We shall prove to this kingdom that the prestige of knighthood must never prioritize someone due to their nobility, nor gender, Sir Auferrum."

--The 13th Squadron of the Eastern House--


Not a moment too soon, the four Knight-Commanders arrived, Ser Gilbert Tervellan of the Eastern House, Prince Manegold Aelious Grayle of the Western House, Ser Rubeus Valentin of the Southern House, and Ser Caius Ward of the Northern House; all accomplished figures in their own right. As far as Liese was concerned, at the very least, these men deserved their current positions and all the privileges and responsibilities carried within.

The Brendorn's rightful heir kept standing at attention, one of the few who actually listened to what the Heralds had to say for once he achieved his life's goals, he'd be tearing the government of this rotten kingdom from the ground up, dismantle the old corrupt institutions and rebuild them anew. One of the many things he'd do was to see if this knighthood acceptance speech needed amendments. Soon enough, the herald concluded the formalities and began announcing the names of those who qualified one by one.

All throughout the roll call, Liese never let his attention wander. He wasn't selected for the Southern, Western, nor Northern house either, so it must be the Eastern House then. No, he wasn't superstitious enough to think that just because his name just so happened to be listed toward the tail-end of the scroll meant something more than pure coincidence. In fact, it flattered him that he'd be among those selected based on their performance, not his heritage, not his gender, but skills, good.

But of course.

Liese wasn't surprised that he'd make the cut, twas' a foregone conclusion given his skills and talents; as much as these patriarchal stooges wished otherwise, even they wouldn't pass up the chance of having an Absolute as one of their own. Therefore, it was a reasonable presumption that Knight-Commander Tervellan pulled some strings to be able to have a royal prince and - not one, but two - Aurists, and an Absolute in the same squadron. However, on the other hand, he wasn't surprised either that despite all of his aptitude for knighthood, he wasn't chosen as one of the squad leaders.

Rossweine was a given since the slothful brat is royalty, undeservingly so, but the rest of the three? Aurists they might be, but one was a supposedly skilled fighter yet blundered his debut spar against a mere scrawny commoner, falling for an underhanded trick as simple as a pocket sand. What? Did he expect commoners to fight 'honorably'? Did he expect that when melee began in the battlefield that everyone would fight with tact and decorum in a clash of life and death? Naive fool. The other, the blue-haired one, did Liese really need to say more? Some wildling orphan that Ser Kyner Sauvage found in the woods, bereft of even basic human decency, manners worse than even the most unwashed peasant, to think the gods wasted the gift of Aura on this simpleton. And last but not least, all three of them were boys. In fact, Liese wouldn't be surprised if him not having the same sex as them was enough of a reason by itself to bar him from leadership.

What else is new? The female-sexed boy rolled his eyes, mentally and physically.

Ser Tervellan then gave a concise welcome speech. That's right, they were all soldiers now, the elite of the elites, and those who couldn't shape up to be among the best should stand down lest they dilute the ranks. In the battlefield, sentiments meant nothing, having dedication and willpower yet failing to give concrete results also meant nothing. Although the knighthood still had obvious sentimental biases in its roots, Liese could appreciate that it strove to be as meritocratic as possible. What is it I can do for Grayle? He'd scrub off all of the taint of primogeniture and nepotism from this kingdom, starting from the Sentinel Knights.

Just as Ser Trevellan was a commoner, yet impressed the Marshal enough to be elevated to Knight-Commander position. The nobles hate him, but of course they would, an upstart threatening to disrupt their nepotistic regime, this man had done something right, he had proven that being born noble and male wasn’t the be all end all path to power.

Now then, before he'd depart for the Eastern Barracks, Liese noticed a certain name among those assigned in the 13th Squadron, the one who sparked quite the gossip amongst the Lord Council, an exile from Alexandria, apparently an illegitimate daughter of her mother, sired by someone from Grayle, a stain on royal honor. Furthermore, out of all the 'he's' here, she was notable to Liese for obvious reasons.

With his hands crisply clasped behind his back, he strode over to Dot, steps confident and measured, approaching her from the front, making his presence clear. "Lady Auferrum," Liese greeted her, extending a right hand for a shake, "I am Liese Victoire of House Brendorn, pleased to meet you." Whether Dot took it or not, the taller blue-eyed blonde of the squad would continue, "I admire your bravery in joining the knighthood despite your circumstances. I will not lie to you by saying that the path ahead won't be difficult, but as your squadmate, I will do all in my power to make sure that we succeed together. Show these fat, indolent so-called highborns just how little do they worth."

--Opposites Attract...??--


Much unlike her mechframed self, Pyra exuded a completely different presence outside of Infernus; the unflappable stoic gaze of the 'perfect soldier' and that oppressively threatening aura were all but gone, replaced by an introverted geek who was perfectly content to be left to her own devices. The shift went deeper than mere appearances as the brunette's sense of awareness also took a nosedive, now feeling perfectly safe within the hull of Horizon, enjoying a glass of parfait and streams of digital entertainment, not a fiber in her being expected danger to rear its ugly head, any kind of danger, including one that might come from a supposed 'ally'...


Thus when Teodora - who was somehow behind her - screeched like an onryo, Pyralis stiffened up like a deer in headlights, goosebumps raised and limbs frozen in place, blue eyes went wide as her pupils constricted in sudden panic. The sheer conflict between feeling safe a nanosecond before and now being 'ambushed' caused her fight or flight instinct to go haywire, resulting in brief petrification; her body wasn't ready to have another dose of adrenaline, not after that intense physical activity of fighting in a warzone, but the glands didn't care so thus flowed the hormone, elevating her heartbeat among other things.

Everything that had been said only took a few brief seconds, but it felt like an eternity, a horribly unwelcome one.

"...e... eh...?" It was only after that Pyralis consciously realized that it was just Teodora, not a banshee warped, and that the other pilot was being as infuriatingly nosy as usual like an evil version of Hoshiko. The brunette blinked a few times as she took in Teodora's departing form, apparently off to get a parfait of her own. It all came so suddenly that she wasn't sure what or how to feel about this. During her dumbfounded moment, she found herself instinctively taking in her surroundings, noticing that the mess hall was more occupied now; Hoshiko was there scarfing down food that could send an elephant into sugar shock, Seraphima enjoying a meal of more... humane portions, Louisa looking bothered (for obvious reasons), and Norika and Xuan-Yu just arriving. Oh good, there was no Warped here, that inhuman screech really just was Teodora.

When the blonde had the gall to cross the line twice and sit beside her, seemingly set on mimicking Hoshiko's 'diet', Pyralis ever so slowly turned her gaze at the slightly older girl, pissed to the bone. Someone like Norika would probably be cussing like a sailor by now, but Pyralis wasn't that person, the opposite in fact, but it just goes to show that even a 'mere' hateful glare from the firebender conveyed more than a thousand profanities could.

"Why... did you do that?" She inquired out of morbid curiosity, voice dripping with barely-restrained napalm.
@Izurich The only thing I'd really contest here is that Lumiere wouldn't actually know she's immune to Camelot's light for certain. Sure, it makes sense that she could be, but Camelot has never before today actually turned her light on other Magical Girls. So, Lumiere could maybe accurately assume, but she wouldn't have actually experienced it.

Or maybe it can actually effect Lumiere, but she simply assumes it can't due to her superiority complex as an "angel". She might have assumed that Camelot dislikes her enough to have directed hostility towards her in the past and failed to do anything.

Either way is okay with me.

Hmmmmmm... I'm partial to the former because of the reasons outlined in the IC narrative, and the fact that her title is literally "Light" in French. :P It's just more fitting for YHWH's light to overpower the fey's instead of the other way around.

With that context, since you clarified that they'd have never gotten into physical confrontation before, then as far as Lumiere is ICly concerned, she can only assume, but I think that doesn't fit well so I'll remove it for now, saving it until - if - such an encounter happen in the future.

And posted!

Also, to @TheWendil @Lewascan2

Disclaimer: I took a few liberties at the end of the post there, so just poke me if there's anything need editing.

--The Seraph's Judgment--

@Sonnambula @Ponn @Villamvihar

Whether due to Lumiere's encouraging words or that these girls found the courage within their hearts or a combination of the two, Ethereal Rose, Master of Xhar'doth, Captain Goodhope, and Lady of the Lake had banded together as an organized team of magical guardians united by a collective purpose.

First, Xolys unleashed an eldritch beam to consume the enemy, but as it had demonstrated before, the clawed entity was too swift as said beam hit nothing but clouds and droplets. However, the younger girls quickly strategized as Xolys proceeded to use his amorphous body to create platforms and battlements in which Goodhope's sailors could perch upon. The spectral mariners unleashed salvos of ghostly bullets at their target and at the same time, the Water Witch weaponized the rain itself to pepper the Pageless with razor-sharp droplets. This time, the sheer number of projectiles were simply too much for the creature as while it managed to dodge a good chunk of the assault, many more homed into its form. The magical girls needed not to wonder if their attacks were effective or not as the creature's bloodcurdling howl betrayed its reaction.

"It's in pain. Good" Lumiere muttered coldly, tone possessing nary an iota of pity for the being of shadow. "Stout your heart as your fear is exactly what it wants." Conveniently, with Xolys unintentionally being more terrifying than this reaper-esque figure, the seraph presumed that none of the girls would've a problem with it; in fact, knowing Ethereal Rose, she'd be fascinated instead. Alters were surely a unique bunch.

It seemed the dark beast knew that it had bitten far more than it could chew, it realized that its time was up and in all of its bestial limited intelligence, figured that one last desperate attack was the only thing it could do. The silver-haired seraph gazed dispassionately as her eternal enemy gathered orbs of light between its gangly claws...

While Lumiere was but a pale imitation of angels, she still held the power to emulate these divine beings, conceived from the light of the Lord, who in turn was inarguably the most prominent deity on Earth, worshiped by billions throughout the world over countless denominations with tradition and culture spanning millennia of human history. The Omnipotent Father's global fame was to such a degree that even a grimoire embodying just the Malakhim - His Messengers, Warriors, and Guardians - held tremendous power by its own right. Thus, shining from within Lumiere's glowing white pupils was a fragment of His Immaculate Light, and no amount of lesser luminescence could overpower hers.

Then, pray tell, what could a creature of darkness even hope to achieve? Nevertheless, the entity tossed its orbs and blanketed the area in an explosion of unholy light...


Then, as the yellow light dissipated, the group could see Lumiere and the Pageless, the latter's claws hovering mere inches from the former's throat, and yet, it moved no further... in fact, the reaper wasn't moving at all.

"It's fully within your folly to think that your pale light could match the Lord's, foul creature." Even as Lumiere scolded the monster, the answer to the scene revealed itself in the form of all eight of Lumiere's obelisks surrounding the Pageless, projecting an all-encompassing barrier of light, trapping the clawed beast inside it. The seraph exhaled a quiet sigh as she brought the 'cage' in front of her students.

"O' chosen bearers of humanity's stories, place your verdict upon this devourer of tales."
I made Karin ("Nykannis"' real name smh my head) years before you did and with practically the same concept (only mine's better), therefore this is plagiarism and I'll be reporting you to the FBI, CIA, and Interpol.

Furthermore, your Social Credits is deducted by -9001 Points. Stand-by for your execution date. Glory to the Supreme Leader.

--A Foregone Conclusion--

Harebrained fools...

Look at all these so-called "Nobles", no different than the unwashed peasants they often scoffed at, the only difference was that they were - undeservedly - fortunate enough to be born into nobility, both were unskilled fools, but these 'highborns' were arguably worse. The peasantry had little chance to hone their talents when most of their time was devoted to serving their masters, but these blue-blooded simpletons had all the wealth, means, and freedom to sharpen their gifts that the less fortunate could only dream of having. Yet, he could see it in their very eyes, spineless cowards who would run behind their guards upon the slightest hint of danger; in the way they carried themselves, complacent brats spoiled rotten by their so-called birthright, having no need to even worry about their qualifications where their family could just throw gold coins at the problem until it goes away.

It would be an insult to knights everywhere to call these spoon-fed rabble as squires...

Liese Victoire of House Brendorn scoffed as he adjusted the white cuffs of his uniform, bearing the crest and regalia of his house, befitting all the prestige and majesty carried by a descendant of Marquis Childebert Ercwulf Brendorn, one of the four Lord Councilors of Grayle. If there was any highborn out there who could carry the burden of nobility, the responsibilities demanded for all the privileges they received, it'd be him. Never before in his life that he let his boons got into his head, growing up with a deceased mother and an absentee grieving father, Liese carved a path for himself that other young nobles would soon delegate to their servants. He deserved his gifts because he worked for them, not a single piece of his talents remained unpolished, and yet... that fat, lazy, hedonistic excuse of a younger half-brother became first in line to his patrimony, and all just because he had a phallus whereas Liese didn't?!

The very thought was enough to make him squirm in utter repugnance.

This... tradition, these disgustingly immoral laws that placed a person's worth based on their genitals alone, he'd tear it down at the seams and then, just like the Great Sage in ancient times, rebuild a new utopian society where every man and woman would be judged on the worth of their skills. However, Liese had no delusions that he didn't have his work cut out for him, the path ahead would be long and arduous, full of actors who would see him fail, eager for him to give up and accept his lot in life as a mere woman. Oh, worry not, for he didn't come unprepared, Alexander's blood was flowing through his veins, and whether by sword, bow, fire, wind, water, or earth, he'd cut down all who dare to stand in his way, least of all these imbeciles around him. He had decisively vanquished his opponent in the opening spar, so much so that to call it a 'spar' was overstating it, twas' more like a beatdown than anything else, and he certainly wouldn't be the last noble schmuck he'd conquer on his way to the top.

For the moment, he stood at attention at the outer courtyard, among the frontmost of the group facing the stage, trimmed golden locks framing icy blue eyes glaring sharp enough to pierce through enchanted plate armor.
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