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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

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@Xiro Zean Cooking ideas, I got a couple questions:
1. Can a Constellation start off as an ordinary civilian and only discover their talents (inc Anomaly powers) later?
2. How crazy are we allowed to go for Anomalies? Is something like Gundam 00 Raiser-style quantization allowed?
3. Can Constellations and Pilots operate in deep space?
4. Will the RP have a Discord?
Pending changes in ideas and muse, I'd probably go Constellation and make a Legally Distinct Raiden/Virgil/Mei/Lucia.

Looks dope! Pinning my interest here.
In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Rassvet - On the Road--

Once everything was prepared for, well, as much as they could given the lack of adequate resources, Valerie boarded into the truck along with the rest. She debated whether to sit shotgun just in case the vehicle needed another mist-fueled boost or at the back so she'd be in a better position to provide covering fire, in the end, she decided on the latter.

Brutally honest as Kalina was, she brought up a good point, though assuming Valerie's sacrificial pawn theory was true, then it'd be the answer. Why would they use one of their more important royals for this? Still, it was just an assumption, an unproven hypothesis. Regardless, she was curious what the 'victim' had to say about it herself.

The white-haired WARDEN listened to Collette's elaboration regarding the various internal factions within Vangar. Not that it surprised her as surely, not every single person affiliated with the empire was a bloodthirsty warmonger. So, this conflict was mostly due to the Imperialists, the megalomaniacal tyrants of the nation, and unfortunately, they were the ones holding most of the power. Now, if the princess was of the Doves... that 'scapegoat' conspiracy theory just became likelier.

"..." The Nephilim gave Morden a side-eye as Collette entertained the more... 'eager' Rassvetians wishing death upon her ilk. "It wouldn't surprise me if this whole thing was a set-up by your own people, Caroline." ...what? They were told to keep the princess' true identity on the down low.

It seemed the talk must end there as, of course, they soon encountered yet another roadblock, this time in a quite literal manner. "Sigh..." With a small sigh, the 2nd Class Vanguard hopped off their vehicle and approached the crash site.

She sniffed the air a few times, "Etherium..." then continued sweeping her purple gaze across the immediate area, "I'll check on the engine." With the squad informed, Valerie indeed walked over to driver side of the truck, then would force open the bloodied door with her superhuman strength.
so if there were to be a timeline, liz's ability would have come before james's own move?

What Shy said, Beth saw James unwittingly restraining himself by impaling Iava with his spikes, then she decided to capitalize on that by freezing his hands so he can't pull those spikes out of Iava's body for a brief moment, practically shackling him in place.

also if james cut his finger off and then ate it would he be able to grow it back. does he have infinite food

I think he'd eventually tire himself out since casting spells exhausts you just as any other strenous activities would.
@Izurich I smell a character dynamic coming on. How will Elizabeth react when Veronica wants James back in her fleet

I can foresee her acting like a jilted lover, but also unsurprised since she knows Veronica and her personality.

--Liverpool - The Galley--

Well, well, well, what's this? The oh so jovial captain was getting quite into it too, wasn't he? Yes, she recognized that unmistakable look, the thrilled grin that could only come from someone who relished in bloodshed. She had heard of this Captain Monroe, heard that he was one of her kind, those who were most alive when dancing with death.

It appeared the rumors were true after all, and the same could even be said for the Wise Woman, how unexpected. Then again, Erzsébet didn't know the expression was courtesy of the rogue spectre possessing her instead.

As the fight escalated, the trio collectively managed to keep up with the pirate captain, trading blows, scratches, and lacerations. But then, the Raider who she assumed to be the most physically durable amongst them took a pair of nasty stabs from Bone Chime's... bones. Mmm... those looked quite urgent, but it did force him to stay put.

Force... aha~

With a wider sly grin, the Sanguineus Maleficarum let her chakrams dissolve back into droplets and return to her, meanwhile she concentrated all of her focus to dig deep into the veins in Bone Chime's palms and wrists. Against the 'arcane-touched', her puppeteering technique would be significantly dampened by their innate resistance to magical intrusion, but by narrowing all of her efforts into just a select part of their body, the Blood Witch could still exert her influence for a brief yet crucial period.

Thus, with invisible puppet strings hooked on James' upper arms, she compelled those limbs of his to remain where they were, robbing the captain's faculty over his own hands for a few seconds, hopefully enough time for Shiara's throat-slitting pounce to proceed uninterrupted.
At this point, I think Liz has stopped thinking about winning and just relishing in their little bloody dance.

Just never let her know James' power allows him to basically be a giant blood bag too, she might develop a crush on him, and that's bad, the crush part. 😆
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