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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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In SPIRITUM 2 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Rassvet - Tanker Crash Site--

Between her squadmates' responses and Justice's radar-sense report, it was beyond any shadow of a doubt that they were under attack by... Fucking wildlife! Really? Out of everything that could accost them; between the local populace, hostile warbots, and the unidentified airship, it seemed like everyone and their mother were out to get the Barghests. For a fleeting moment, Valerie had the feeling that Collette might be better off staking out on her own rather than sticking with them. At this point, she wouldn't be surprised if a meteor of precisely the right size suddenly dropped right on top of them, just because it could.

For the moment though, she still had enough fucks to make lemonades out of these toothed lemons life gave them. Right, what was the current situation? They were under attack by a pack of landsharks, Morden "birthed" himself from one attempting to swallow him, Kalina disemboweled another with her unconventional weapon, Justice brought the literal hammer axe of justice upon the beast, Collette subjected an overeager landshark to a slow, painful death via immolation, and Gerard was making sure said princess stayed unchewed, also, there was a survivor of some importance in the RV, and last but not least, Silje designated herself as shark bait.

... ... ...


By the Earthmother, Siljeee!

"Tch...!" Gritting her teeth in palpable frustration, Valerie began flowing power into Haylel, raw mist processed into violet-colored energy as the weapon's glowing parts shone brighter while its rotating barrel spun faster. An increasingly louder hum came from the unique weapon as the ex-Maiden prayed to the divine Gaia she had enough time to save her childhood friend and squadmate from becoming shark meal.

Just as the Nephilim finished charging, no fewer than three bullet sharks came at Silje, the largest one - the broodmother - erupted from the ground below, but its attempt was disrupted by the RV that the battlemage was perching on, then there were two other, smaller beasts; they were assaulting Gerard and Collette before Silje did Silje things and lured them too. Unlike the matriarch, the pair had less weight to carry and were unhindered by any vehicular wreckage as they launched themselves off the ground, maw gaped, incisors bared to snatch the petite WARDEN like wingless hawks to a white-furred rabbit.

Without even a second to spare, the slightly shorter white-haired WARDEN made the decision to prioritize her targets. Her feet dug into the ground, bracing herself as she aimed the energy-choked Haylel at the two leaping predators...

...then unleashed a lethal beam of weaponized mist!

The indigo concentrated laser promptly sliced through the landsharks' hide, flesh, bones, and innards in one fell swoop, cleaving them in twain. No amount of cauterization would prevent a wound that wide from raining gore and viscera all over whoever or whatever unfortunate enough to be below. Regardless, as the two hungry sharks became four pieces of dead flesh, Silje had fewer things to worry about. She probably still could appreciate a helping hand or two with the big one though.

"Anyone available, assist Silje!"

Goddessdamnit, Silje...

--Mizutani Mansion - Interior--

Rudolf’s little gambit worked, the hairless dolt couldn't discern friend from foe as he wasted ammunition, effort, and most importantly, attention to kill what was already dead. This blunder exacted a most terrible cost as Miina's upward thrust sent him on a bloody journey to the afterlife. For Eve's part, though she still thought this whole operation was a pointless farce, she could at least take pleasure in personally watching these scum die in agony, the dimwitted gunner being the latest entry in her ever-growing list of culled pests.

With their greatest obstacle neutralized, the Kirins moved forward with all the haste they could afford; Esben ingeniously slipped through three of Mizutani's best henchmen, making a fool out of them, and more practically, setting them up to be easily picked off by his comrades. One found his end at the end of Eliane's gunblade barrel, another was subjected to fatal impalement courtesy of Galahad's halberd, and the last of the three stooges was reminded for the final time why Izayoi was the Emperor's champion instead of him.

Finely executed, all of them. Eve couldn't help but let a small smirk cross her face, she was once again assured that her encounter with the Kirins was fated, thrust upon her by the Dragon King himself so she could put a stop to Valheim's desecration of the natural order.

However, it still didn't mean she'd conform with each and every single decision they had made. Thus, when the way into the traitorous rat's study was cleared for the rest of the group, Eve... casually ascended the steps and simply stood back while the others handled their business with Tane or whatever her name was. The Pseudolon had nothing to do with the crime lord other than what Captain Bikke demanded, and she didn't believe for a second that Ciradyl was ever in danger; she was a Bard and the second best espionage operative in the group, anyone who couldn't see that she was merely playing the oh-so-helpless hostage was a delusional fool, which Tane was.

"... ... ..." The False-Dragon leered with palpable unamusement at the whole commotion; all the melodrama of unrequited love, misplaced jealousy, and right, the interrogation. When Miina began stuttering out her questions, Eve rolled her eyes as she leaned her back against the study's doorframe, keeping watch just in case a foolhardy goon or two followed them.

While doing that, she procured a vial from one of her cloak's inner pockets, the transparent tube filled to capacity with liquefied ether, her literal lifeblood. With a quiet, exasperated sigh, she uncorked the thing and began quietly sipping its contents, out of sight, out of mind.
<Snipped quote by Ithradine>

I'm going to have to bow out. :(
I don't do anime. sorry

Then why did-...

...why did you join a fandom roleplay of a series with this kind of art style?

Furthermore, even if you didn't know any better, the tag "Anime/Manga" is right there on the tag list right below the title.

It's like entering a DC Comics fandom roleplay and then bowing out when they ask you to use a faceclaim art style that conforms to the associated comics.

Are we going to have any takers on one of the Iowa class ships I wonder.


I believe that Izurich has claimed New Jersey.

Yeah, pending changes, I'll be apping a Fog Mental Model based on New Jersey.

Be forewarned though, I'm far from being an actual ship nerd so I'll certainly not be as knowledgeable in naval trivia as an actual veteran or a warship history nerd.

--Mizutane Mansion - Interior--

Between the gravity materia, dragonfire, and good ol' gift from Skael, whoever or whatever that once stood against them in this particular floor was done for, minced and well-cooked. However, the job wasn't over yet, the Kirins could only call this mission accomplished once they have Mizutane's severed head served on a platter. So, they marched on. "..." As she did, Eve briefly shot Izayoi an unflappable stare that might be interpreted as expressing polite disagreement, really, it was the Samurai herself who underestimated the Kirins' abilities to scale down a burning building; between her wings, Galahad's dragoon powers, Miina's feline agility, and Izayoi's own athleticism among others... but, too many words, too little time.

Especially when they had to deal with this bullet belching lunatic!

"...!" The dragoness took cover along with the others, but this time, either through plain dumb luck or the sheer number of bullets sprayed her way, even with the convenience of having a space-efficient body, one of Gatling Goon's innumerable projectiles managed to graze her left upper arm, ripping through cloth and slicing the pale skin underneath. "Tch...!" Eve gritted her teeth as she closed an eye, her right hand clasping the wound. To any would-be observers, they'd be able to see... blood...? No, the liquid had blood-like viscosity, yes, but it was translucent with pale hues of all the seven colors of the rainbow, it bore similarities to the prismatic beam that devastated Proudclad.

Ether. The Pseudolon was bleeding ether, from ether she was born, to ether shall she return... but hopefully not today, not in this manner.

To make matters even unnecessarily complicated than they already were, she could feel the muted presence of the world's ether around the enemy's weapon, the godsforsaken thing was fitted with some sort of arcane nullifying shield. Though Eve doubted the brute was even aware of the twelve-barreled gun's functions beside the steps required to aim and fire, regardless, for obvious reasons, it still presented a major issue for her.

"...?" Then, the Blight-Host had a rather audacious idea to draw the madman's attention. Would he sacrifice himself? No, of course not, not with how adamant he was, one could even say he's the complete opposite of the suicidal samurai. So, surely, he had some other plans...

And what a plan it was, use the enemy's own 'resources' against them, plus they got to disrespect their dead too, good, there'd be no open casket funerals for any of these lowlife scum!

With a determined nod directed at Rudolf, Eve slowly unclasped her hand, putting the matter of her ether-bleeding arm away for now. Instead, she'd assist him in this gambit of his. The black mage built up power once more as angry winds began coalescing along her right arm. Then, as soon as Rudolf heaved the cadaver forward, Eve directed her open palm at the flung corpse, mid-air, then fired her spell, launching a gust of wind forward to accelerate the lifeless meat bag's established momentum. Now let's see if that dimwitted thug would - Ilias willing - take the bait.

--Nieve - Embassy--

@PKMNB0Y @Drifting Pollen @Rezod92

By the time Anne elaborated further about their circumstances then irrefutably proved the group's otherworldly nature via showcasing her machine-like body, at that point, Remilia's smug satisfaction had peaked... and in a somewhat ironic twist, actually calmed the Scarlet Devil down. She had been vindicated enough, allowing her to bask in the catharsis and think clearer. On a related note, this was definitely why her blood magic didn't manage to completely heal Anne back then, Remilia couldn't mend the machine part of her body, alas, if only Nitori was here.

The Blood Mistress' demeanor took a noticeable shift as she seemed to regard the ambassador with more dignity, perhaps him willing to take them seriously lifted his image, certainly above those insipid guards. He was clearly educated too, many unwashed peasants would simply label anything and everything their tiny minds couldn't grasp as 'magic' or 'witchcraft', Remilia herself had certainly been on the receiving end of such treatment, centuries ago in the past at the Outside World.

"Very well~ we shall humor these... tests of yours, fufu~" Remilia giggled, using her right hand to partially cover her lips, "Purely altruistic intentions? I'd say nay, good ambassador, as all of us would like to be returned to our homes, justified as all of us were abducted by that so-called goddess Lavielle." The youkai nodded solemnly with closed eyes, before opening them back up, "However! I won't stand idly by either as after all, evil must not be allowed to fester. These... 'Raven Heralds' and their wicked wings shall be clipped, and we can only accomplish that together."
I know @Lugubrious has tagged everyone, but for convenience since notifications are temporary and posts are eternal: Link to the OOC.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

No worries, whatever changes you want to make, we can make them.

I sure hope he'll take it. 😏 I really think it'll open up into a more interesting plot direction, but I shouldn't count the chickens before they hatch.
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