Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

Hey guys I got a question for everyone. Nothing important just wanted your opinion. Do you guys think an rp about a revolution would work well here? By revolution in talking like "Wolverines!" Against a foreign government that has taken over. would that work do you guys think that would be a bit racist and just asking for trouble?

First off I created a map? Secondly I would prefer the first it's so much more varied and would allow for many territorial disputes rather then the second one

And just like the mighty 300 I hope you realize it only works in a narrow space where they are forced to meet you. It's an effective tactic but it's best used in massive military endevors

Yeah when I heard you took up a defensive stance with Duth I was thinking about 300
Shadow blade had walked with the guards and he considered that maybe their talking was a new feature it was certainly odd that they told him to get to the castle in the first place but he thought it was just a natural response. He then asked one of the guards plainly "How are you feeling?" he was then surprised when he got an actual answer. He thought they were limited to just NPC responses but they could fully talk. He was surprised and since he worked under an NPC most of the time he wondered how Severnus would act now that he was fully alive. He knew his history from his color text and thought he would be a real hardass or insanely ruthless but Shadow blade wouldn't compromise his ideals for him even if he worked under him. Would he kill a knight if asked sure but he would never kill women or children that was where he drew the line.

He was able to make it just in time to hear the loud yelling from Claudius about how they knew very little about the outside world. Shadow blade took a page from Severnus and stood in a corner somewhere in the room as he listened to the game plan. Soon he heard from Severnus to just kill the knights and if need be suppress the village which was simplicity and would be easy to execute at least if under the right conditions Shadow blade could even do it himself with his assassination techniques but that all depends on just how strong the knights are, tanks are always a problem for someone like him but he wasn't sure if they played out like players or bandits with better armor. When given the opportunity to speak he raised his hand and then said "I vote to cut off the head of the snake, find the leader of the knights and kill him. Without leadership, the knights will be easy to pick off" he said unsure if he counted as a lord or not considering he was under an NPC but he was still a player. A player that was stronger than most NPCs that would even show up on the map. Only an exceptional warrior could really give Shadow blade trouble but that was why he joined a guild that was filled to the brim with warriors to make up for his own shortcomings.
Ah that i did not know i thought they did the basic hi and quest giving

He wouldnt be he would only be surprise if they started speaking complex things. "Return to the castle" isn't that impressive compared to any npc talking strategy. He thought it was just simple npc talk

Church Of Darkness, Begin Purification

The goblins were then pushed into the church and were set at defending themselves properly. Thankfully the two goblins fetching food and their tag-along got in the church before the skeletons noticed them so they still had a few brief moments before the true fight began. They had 11 skeletons to still deal with if the graves in the cemetery were anything to go by. They had prepared the best they could and they could eat the rabbits that Gird and Luz brought along.

The goblins soon gave a prayer to the goddess of death and while she didn't respond immediately like Shirila did they did get an unnatural chill go down both their spines as if death herself was putting a hand on both their shoulders as if to silently urge them forward into proving themselves. She would recognize them until they proved their worth but she saw the devotion of the male cutting their own hand in prayer.

It only took moments until they heard the shuffling and moaning get closer and louder to them. Then like last night banging came onto the door. They needed to do this right or they would be the next corpses to walk the earth without end.

Goblin Zats and goblin Ren learned Military Strategy Centurian position: The goblins have unknowingly used a formation of perfect defense and defensive strikes. This position when used in a funnel or with a group can wreak devastation to the enemy forces

@Crusader Lord

The goblin was smart in gaining supplies on the way back and it didn't take long for them to head back to the cave where goblin grandpa greeted them. Now the goblin had the supplies necessary to make better weapons in the future but now that it was night all they could was go to sleep and hope to see their brothers and sisters the next day.
Shiba had set himself up in the village nearby watching the countdown from his screen and he was ready to say goodbye to one of the best games he has ever played. He had to admit he would miss playing this character, being able to walk through walls was insanely useful and fun to use. He had been drinking in a nearby tavern drinking to his heart's content making sure to use his cloak to pick up the glass otherwise he would freak out the NPCs with his ghastly form. He had just hit his 10th drink and was hammered though thankfully he could just log out without the hangover which was awesome. He then looked at the clock on the menu and sighed as he lifted his glass up high "Oh Yggdrasil I will miss you. Reality shall hit me in a matter of moments, 3...2...1" He said with a sigh as he closed his eyes and expected to be back at his desk facing his laptop.

When he opened his eyes again he looked around and saw that he was still in the tavern. He was at first confused and he saw that he was still in his cloak and in a tavern of fearful NPCs though now they were more suspicious then frightened though that could be because he had his ghastly face hidden under his hood. He tried to open the menu and each time he tried nothing happened and he couldn't even talk a GM or if their even was one anymore there was supposed to be a system shut down. Well, he had an inkling of what has happened to him so he decided to try something that was only available to his character and this game. He swore if he just got hurt he would be so pissed. He finished the last of his drink and tried walking through the wall and to his surprise he did it. He then laughed loudly "I'll be damned. This will be fun, though now I am pissed I lost my good looks in favor of wraith" he said with a loud sigh.

Shiba was no more and now all that was left was shadow blade a spy and an assassin. He soon watched as the silver guards from the guild came over and informed him that he needed to return. He gave a simple nod thinking that if the other guild members were still here then it only made sense for all the players to get together and figure out what happened and what they will do next. He got to walking knowing it wouldn't take long for him to arrive and go to the meeting room.
Alright I'll get something up tonight I'm just thinking about how this event should go.
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