H A G A K A Z U K I ❖ 芳賀 香月
L A D Y H I Y O ❖ 妃夜
”At the end of the day, even the Daimyo are but pawns for the bigger players”
36 | H A S E G A W A | S O K U S H I T S U | 28
R O S E B U D | █████████
A P P E A R A N C E ___ __ __ _ _ 外観
Long, straight, well-kept black hair. White-grayish eyes that almost look luminescent in the eyes of the beholder and a small mole next to her lip. Kazuki stands at 5’1” / 155cm, giving her an overall non-threatening frame. Her apparel and accessories give off a sophisticated aura, never seen without her smoking pipe on her. The flower only added to her already soft appearance. Strong chemical mages might notice that the attraction towards her was not only due to her looks alone.
B A C K G R O U N D ___ __ __ _ _ 履歴
Being born in a minor clan originating from what are today the Nakamura lands, the Haga clan never peered its head out too much. The clan dates back relatively far, their founder dating back to almost eight hundred years ago. They consisted mostly of merchants before becoming truly landed. They were usually left alone as their collective RAS never truly stood out to the Daimyo.
As the tensions between clans began to rise the Hagas thought of ways to protect their interests. Said answer came in the form of a girl named Kazuki. Born between Haga Kyosuke and Shimizu Emi, a woman known for her outstanding beauty. Their daughter was blessed with both their gifts. Making her an attractive asset for anyone that knew to look beyond her measly capacity.
Kazuki was treated as both a golden child and a bargaining chip by the clan heads. After seeing the sides that began to form it became obvious who to offer the girl to. There was no clearer option than the Daimyo of the nearby Hasegawa clan, revered as one of the great clans. Being in a position that makes her both powerful and powerless in many regards. Kazuki, now going by the moniker Lady Hiyo is seen with a lot of influential people amongst the Hasegawa clan, especially the Daimyo whenever she has the chance.
P E R S O N A L I T Y ___ __ __ _ _ 人格
❖ Calm
❖ Beguiling
❖ Cunning
❖ Philosophical
❖ Observant
Kazuki loves to talk, always seeming to smile brightly whenever she has an intriguing dialogue with someone. Always presenting herself as a dignified woman. Everyone seems to know about her but can’t seem to feel a slight distance being kept at all times. She has shown a disdain for combat of any kind that does not require only the mind. Commonly inviting philosophers into the castle and learning from their wisdoms.
M O T I V A T I O N ___ __ __ _ _ 動機
What gets your character up every morning and, more particularly, why is she involved in this conflict? What does she hope to gain (or fear to lose) and what does she want out of life in general? What matters to her, and
T H A U M A T U R G Y ___ __ __ _ _ 魔法
Kazuki’s magic is very much disregarded by most people around her though it does not mean that she is completely incapable. She has shown great prowess with chemical magic, rumors have been spread that she uses it to keep her appearance youthful-looking. Arcane magic is not one of her strong suits yet her Luminescence and Illusory magics are rather praiseworthy. She has a little knowledge of kinetic magic, using it mostly for her own convenience rather than for combat and lightning magic that she only likes to use when it is really needed.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S ___ __ __ _ _ 技量
❖ Etiquette
❖ Negotiation
❖ Advantageous position
❖ Calculating
❖ Networking
A prime sokushitsu Kazuki shows a willingness to help the daimyo out in political affairs yet not go beyond her boundaries as a mere sokushitsu. Kazuki does not look like a very powerful person at a quick glance, but her network of contacts across the island. It caused her to become an unofficial spymaster of the Hasegawa.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S ___ __ __ _ _ 弱点
❖ Ambitious
❖ Low magic capacity
❖ Controlling
❖ Prying
❖ Non-combatant
Her ambition sometimes has made her overstep her boundaries among the Hasegawa clan and it became necessary to work hard for a similar chance once more. Her manas are looked down upon as it makes her quite a liability in a fight. If she could control her netwerk perfectly by herself she would’ve yet Nikan is bigger than her personal strings can go.
I N V E N T O R Y ___ __ __ _ _ 所有物
Past her smoking pipe and her accessories Kazuki is a woman of little necessities, never having too much on her person except one pistol given to her for when her small amount of magic fails her during an emergency.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ___ __ __ _ _ その他
❖ Colour Code: #F6F1D5