‘A comprehensive analysis of the princes of the oblivion plane’.
‘The rise and fall of Michealangelo Young’.
‘Baphomet, the voidling prince of might’.
These three books stood out profoundly in Barrackers mind, these three were deciphered and rummaged through thrice over. Carefully dissected each page, pages flickering back and forth through. Other literature rinsed over, but eventually placed in a pile of books to be forgotten about as they would hold too much knowledge about things that were not relevant. Based on the information James had given the Paladin, the pale man had taken upon himself to help with the task of dispelling Zell’s curse. They had both been in quite a predicament, a dilemma consisting of high level stress thrown their way and Barracker suspecting that the two must have felt as if they were losing part of themselves in the process. This was worrying and he would like to be of help to James, the captain of Second Chance always being around to take on everyone’s feelings and bring balance to the group with his skilled management. But he was also in trouble, the very least he could do was help cut the list of problems down on what his party members had to struggle with. Not being from this world and pushed into a line of fighting for Mytheria, this was enough to deal with.
He slapped a hand to his head, his chin tucked in, shaking his head a little. Focus, stay focused on the goal. This can work. Everything is here in these three books.
‘A comprehensive analysis of the princes of the oblivion plane’- Book I, a collection of quotes and sources that provided a full breakdown on the motives and personalities of the six most powerful entities of the Void.
‘The rise and fall of Michelangelo Young’-Book II, a breakdown of one of the more notable cases, and ruination of the notorious nephew of the Empress at the time, during the mythic age, Ileandra Young. Someone so made of steel and divine blood was consumed by hatred. No, no. Not just hatred, something else. Paranoia, tricks, anxiety, leading into bad actions that could then bring on guilt, depression and insanity too. Some say before Baphomet got to him, he could not be beaten or out witted. He was remarkable and he was righteous.
And lastly there was, ‘Baphomet, the voidling prince of might’. Book III was about the devil himself. There were six devils in all, of different aspects of power. Baphomet was of 'Might.' This book mainly referred to the time that Baphomet managed to gain so much influence that his cult used a Wellspring to tear a rift in reality that was big enough to allow him to set foot in the mortal realm. This era of the Mythic Age was dreadful and full of suffering, but after several defeats, the first special ‘Raid Group’ of the strongest, fully ascended adventurer parties eventually managed to defeat and banish him back to the oblivion plane. Those adventuring parties formed ‘The Council of Heroes’ who became an institution within the Churches branch of Government.
He truly feared for Zell but also knew his captain needed someone to be there for him too, but did not know how to approach James’ unique problem just yet, other than give him some words of encouragement and support. Zell however needed confronting quickly and harshly, a big reality check for the man who was falling like all the others that fell before. The ritual had failed because of Zell, which meant he was already going down the dark path, step by step. James had shown remarkable resilience and Barracker judged him to be steady enough to handle his own issues with resolve for hopefully long enough to deal with Zell first, but he would not ignore his captain.
His eyes remained engulfed in the books as if they were flames of a fire flickering away. His eyes were sore from the constant squinting, his neck began to sore, his posture was all bent for way too long, The vampire had thought maybe it was in the early evening but the time had passed on and on. So much reading went on until Neebs had taken himself to Barracker and told him how long he had actually been here and had told him the time, which proved to be even later than he had thought. The Academy was already closed but Barracker had used his ‘Piety Rank’ to gain access, but now it was so late that even he had to go.
“That late? I didn’t realise.” He looked back at the book as he closed it. “It is remarkable how much I have learned. Is this your area of expertise?” The vampire had thought maybe, someone more knowledgeable on the topic of dark domain could be of help. To hear something extra that wasn't at the forefront of his mind, or didn’t have the right level of importance surrounding it, he might have missed.
“Dark domain you say? Aw shucks, my specialization is in the Water Domain. Not even close to Dark, I’m afraid. Sorry about that.”
A water mage, huh? The vampire paused a moment, stroking his chin as he considered how he'd awakened to his Domain finally, back in the fight against Zigmund. Perhaps a second try at the tutoring might be successful this time. But it was not nearly important right now, so the thought was gone as quickly as it came.
“May I take these three books, I will return them tomorrow as soon as I am done.”
“Yeah sure, why not. Bring them to the front.”
Barracker gave his thanks. Don’t worry. James, Zell, I have you covered.