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I am Jb; Briton by birth, roleplayer by my own hand, and lover of literature. I am also an amateur historian, a receiver of a Bachelors degree in Ancient and Medieval History - quite a useless degree, actually - and would like to think that I'm a fair, honest and open guy.

As far as RP'ing goes, I'm pretty open to most things really, all you need to do is ask! :)

So, if you've ever any questions for me, wish to speak about RP's involving myself or run by myself, or simply feel like a chat, don't be afraid to get in touch.

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Edmund had already been impressed by the giant of a Sororitas during her two months aboard his ship - her ministrations to the lower decks, as well as the feeling of security she gave them from her presence alone - and her straight-speaking was just another factor on the side of good.

His brow creased ever-so-slightly as she laid out the 'stipulations', nodding calmly at her words, and eventually holding up both his hands in a gesture of submission.

"I can only agree to such things, can I not? How can I go against His will, after all."

The Trader interlocked his fingers and lifted them to his lips briefly, his eyes never leaving those of the Battle Sister.

"For myself, I would make a request - curb what greater... urges... of faith you may have; I have been charged to go beyond the Imperium, to contact those not of His domain or possibly even our species. If you understand this, then I am certain we shall have no problems whatsoever."

His accompanying smile was genuine, but he gave her no real chance to reply, hoping that she would understand that his duty as a Rogue Trader came before her (frankly dogmatic) religious beliefs, turning sharply on his heel and returning to stand behind the lectern.

With one hand he picked up the data-slate once more, looking at it with some annoyance, his fingers beating out a tune of impatience as he awaited the arrival of those whom could be considered of importance to this vessel and therefore to him as its liege lord.

The Magos and the Sister, so far apart that they were - to the mindof Edmund at least - like parts of some joke from Old Terra. Formidatus, the diminutive and oddly (for a member of the Mechanicus) rotund Genetor, and Sister Agathe... well... honestly he had seen smaller Space Marines in his time! Oh yes, they were the beginnings of some jest, but Edmund could not quite put his finger on it at that moment.

"Welcome, both of you," spoke the Trader, reaffirmed most handily by a dashing smile and the reveal of perfect white teeth, his hands sweeping up into first the sign of the cog and then blending into that of the aquila, "I trust you have both found your time aboard thus far to be a pleasant one?"

He stepped jauntily out from behind the lectern, leaving his dataslate and peaked hat on its surface, moving to stand a little closer to the two foremost arrivals.

"I must say, Magos, that your recommendation of Bronithian grox bone broth has done wonders for me," outwardly he sounded as kind and happy as possible, but as usual the more he looked upon the mating of bionics and flesh that was Dahti the further his mind turned to other thoughts, "and I am assuredly blessed by this regimen, keeping my body and mind as sharp as my sabre, hah."

But it is my body, mine, not some fusion of metal and meat, I have had to earn my body and you... you have done nothing... nothing but 'upgrade' yourself.

Keeping the inner thoughts from his eyes, a trick he had learnt from one of his less diplomatic brothers, he swept his gaze over to the utterly different Sister of Battle who accompanied them at present. She was in every way what the Magos was not, being built like a transhuman killing machine without (as far as he knew) any of the augmentations of the Astartes. Edmund could only wonder at what they had fed her during her time at the schola to grow her that large.

"Sister Agathe," he said, this time his smile most genuine, for although he had no aggression toward the Mechanicus - far from it! - he spoke now to a pure human... even if she were a little more fanatical than some, "I do hope that Nyla will be spared further sickness, Alsan and his wife have suffered enough hardship without the loss of another child."

One hand brushed itself over his cheek briefly, Edmund pondering briefly how even he, a man who stood at six Terran feet and two inches, had to crane his neck to speak with the blunt visor before him.

"May I ask, have you thought any more about what I asked?"

It had been over two months now, two months since coming to the aid of the Sister and liberating her from her own last stand, and in the meantime he had asked her whether she would like to rejoin her own warrior brethren or remain aboard as he did what Rogue Traders did best.

"What I have, on that slate yonder," one hand gestured to the lectern and the vital document resting atop it, "may change your mind one way or another. You just need to understand, as I am sure you do, that should you choose to stay you will be - much like the Magos here - bound to this dynasty by oath and more in the eyes of He on Terra and His servants."
Bakka Dockyards, Bakka Sector, Segementum Tempestus

The sound of sweat-slicked flesh, slowly being tenderised by every missed block of a servitor driven baton of wood, echoed most pleasantly around the personal combat-cage of Edmund Andamar.

In his own hand he held a stick of equal thickness and weight, the clack of wood-on-wood alighting in him a a 'rhythm of combat' – something he had always imagined the super humans of the Astartes, or veterans of the Militarum, must feel almost constantly – a grunt of temporary pain and a hiss of sharply taken breath signalled that he had let his mind wander once more, and paid a price that, had all been as real as possible, would have seen him dispatched even before his next voyage into the unknown.

“Halt combat protocol,” came words refined by years of the finest education, and then further years in His Imperial Navy, piercing eyes coolly watching the lobotomised training drones fall back into positions of neutral readiness; he had not lowered his own stave until he was certain of an unopposed exit from the cage.

Bare feet padded out of the confined space, the entire structure containing only enough room to house what come called 'the reaping zone', the area approximately about a person once they had engaged in close-quarters with another. Settings could be changed, things made more-or-less lethal, the reach and nature of his adversary warped for differing types of training, but it was always close and personal.

“Damn me, that is going to leave a bruise.”

While placing one hand idly over the place 'tween pelvis and floating rib where the servitors short-staff had struck, Edmund found a cloth and bowl of water awaiting him, mind focusing on breathing and his eyes taking in the expansive area of his quarters aboard his very own ship.

“I suppose I should be grateful,” he opined into the ether, wiping down his perspiring torso as he took another deep breath, “after all... this is the only decent thing you ever did for me, father.”

There next to the basin, framed in rare wood and protected behind thick-but-clear armaglass, was Edmund's very own Warrant of Trade. It did not look like much, that was for sure, a piece of weathered parchment that showed on its face the names of multiple generations of his family, his fathers being followed by the drying ink of his own, a document touched by the God-Emperors own hand and granting him power beyond the likes of many Imperial servants. Many had lived and died in possession of, or because of possession of such an artefact, and now Edmund was simply one more to bear the illustrious mantle of an Andamar Dynasty Rogue Trader.

In the glass he caught his own reflection; the patrician features of a noble-born scholar, matched correctly or no to the lean and wiry frame of a trained soldier, like a tightened coil of sinew but also of the very highest and expensive quality.

It was this visual aspect that was part of his sires hatred toward him, for he had wished for a warrior-son to succeed him, instead he had got an intellectual without the muscle that his father wished he possessed to back his brains up.

Yes, he was neither too tall nor too short, too heavy or too emaciated, too violent or too submissive – but he was something his four brothers were not, and that was his ownership of a spirit filled with wanderlust.

“Let us take another look at you then, my beauty,” he murmured as he buttoned up a naval-style shirt and jacket over his topless frame, the familiar mode of dress allowing him to relax as he watched the holo-schematic of his flagship rotate above a concealed projector within his personally designed desk, “there you are.

His Divine Purpose truly was a wonder of engineering, of Mechanicus know-how, and above all an icon of what vast amounts of wealth could construct in the Imperium. It still made him scratch his had to think that it was father who had configured her, using his own expertise and wealth of knowledge to made sure his heir (at least in the sense of a Trader) had a vessel capable of carrying him in safety even beyond the reaches of the known Imperium.

Still, something inside Edmund winced at the thought that all this – all the time, the coin, the blood and sweat driven into the ships very core – was all because Cornelius Andamar, the very man who had given half his genes to Edmund, was simply so he could be rid of the son he considered his largest embarrassment.

A sudden clang interrupted his otherwise fractured thoughts as he finished dressing, a comb running itself through his chestnut hair to complete his routine, a perfect side parting giving way to his annoyance at the repeating noise.

“Accept vox...” came his snapped order, “this is Andamar, what is it?”

“Forgive any intrusion milord,” answered an oddly sultry female voice, that of his Master of Vox - a woman who for the life of him he could not understand had actually volunteered for this, in spite of her intellect, looks and charm able to get her into most anywhere she pleased.

“That is quite alright Lin, what can I do for you?”

“All arrangements are complete lord, all supplies of materials, munitions and sustenance, are aboard and the ship is prepared to be on our way at your word.”

“Very good, please ask Mister Kurg to take us to the nearest Mandeville and await my order.”

“It shall be done milord, is there anything else?”

“Yes,” he answered, reaching down to lift a data-slate from his desk and into one white-gloved hand, “please ask our 'guests' to meet me in the Central Observation Dome, I would like to make sure we are all of one mind.”

There was a brief pause, a click, and the return of the disembodied voice.

“Confirmed, may our voyage be Emperor blessed.”


Dome Hex-19/25-K, commonly known as the Central Observation Dome, was placed as accurately as possible precisely mid-way between the prow of the Purpose and the stern of the great ship, being by far the largest and most cathedral-like structure outside of the religious sections of the vessel.

It was beneath the mighty dome that Edmund now walked, one hand sliding effortlessly along a gantry-way railing, while his other tapped out a staccato tune on the hilt of the sabre sheathed at his side.

From under the fringe of his peaked cap he took in his surroundings, everything within the ship almost as new to him as it would be to any of those he had requested to attend him presently, some having been aboard for longer and some for less time. The dome itself would no doubt be familiar territory to those he had picked up during the ships maiden outings, one person here and another there, it's rather luxurious interior able to hold a fully packed musical ball had he wished it! No, this time he simply strode past the lush couches, sections containing exotic flora from thousand worlds, and made his way to the central dais.

From here he could control most anything about the dome, from the night and day cycle to the quality of air that was breathed, all from the small lectern behind which he now stood and gazed heavenward at the stars.

The others would be here soon he knew, and with them the knowledge of where their next journeying would take them.
Edmund Andamar, Fifth son of the Andamar Dynasty, Rogue Trader

The name of Andamar, and the Rogue Trader dynasty bearing both that name and a Warrant on which it is written, are known far and wide throughout the trade lanes and those that take a great interest in exploration; then again there are also those that say its first bearer, Cornelius Andamar of Praetoria, is in fact richer in wealth than even many of the High Lords themselves! This theory, although never proven conclusively, has in recent times appeared to be more true than not.

This tale concerns not Cornelius, nor any of his four older sons, but pertains to the fifth and youngest son Edmund.

Edmund Andamar has been a scholar since the time he first learnt his letters, retaining even into his present thirty-second year the willowy build and long patrician face one would expect to find on a librarian, and not on the vestige of one whose purview is to expand the bounds of the Imperium, others often making the mistake of underestimating him in combat... a misapprehension made only once.

Edmund can more often than not be found on his Command Bridge, hands held behind his back, and his back as straight as an iron rod. With his piercing blue eyes, combed back hair of chestnut brown, and a variety of pristine naval-style uniforms, it can often be forgotten that he has served and seen action before.

It matters little that he commanded a Tempest-class Strike Frigate in Battlefleet Bakka, at least to his old man, Cornelius having gained command of his own cruiser by the time he was twenty, and as such – and due to his extreme love for literature, music, and the profoundly good things in life – he remains a failure in his fathers eyes.

Nevertheless he eventually received his own Warrant, grudgingly given because none of Edmunds siblings appeared to have much get-up-and-go in them, and his father made sure he was furnished with a fine vessel and gotten out of his sight as swiftly as possible.

Now comes his maiden voyage into the unknown, his own ship under his command, and Edmund – even when he was under fire from Drukhari raiders – has never been more nervous.
Dramatis Personae

@Jb - Edmund Andamar - Fifth son of Andamar Dynasty and Rogue Trader

@ClocktowerEchos - Hishiryn 08-MN Kappa - Chief Enginseer

@POOHEAD189 - Grimri 'Ironclad' Haldengard - 3rd Platoon Boar Squadron, (Squat) Mercenary

@Jeddaven - Sister Agathe - Battle Sister of the Order of the Iron Veil, Convent Prioris

@Erezrim - Arbusculus Formidatus - Genetor Carniculae and Magos Errant of His Divine Purpose

@BangoSkank - Road Cliffbloom - Ex-Guard and Ratling Trailblazer

NPCs of Import

Lintandea du Arsune, 34, female - Master-of-Vox

Gallienus Andrafall - 107, male, House Andrafall Nobilite - Navigator of the Purpose

Tyg Kurg – 67, male, former Imperial Navy – Ship's Master/First Officer of the Purpose

Tulah Nesam – 38, female, former Imperial Navy – Master Chief Petty Officer

Ak Te'un - Unknown, male, Kroot mercenary - Mercenary, tracker and bodyguard

A Rogue Trader Adventure

The sickening and thickened smog of Praetoria, mingled with the cheers of celebration and the more refined scent of blessed incense, all were suddenly obstructed by the slamming down of iron shutters. All noise without was silenced and, as a series of specially commissioned ventilation machines hummed into life, the equally hazy room began to clear of the choking fumes.

Internally the chamber looked much like any other on the planet, stale and constructed from burnished metal, one door leading in and out, the windows facing onto just another street full of bustling citizens below. Here and there could be seem specks of sophistication, a splash of colour on an otherwise metallic backdrop, borders painted in white, black and gold or the very systems that now filtered the air and made the room habitable. Not that this much mattered, for only two chairs and a small table provided what could be called 'trappings' in the form of furniture and these were currently empty... but not for long.

With a pneumatic hiss from the corridor-side of the chamber, a door sliding open with more smoothness and ease than its weathered appearance might have suggested possible, two figures entered, each taking a seat on either side of the table.

Fist to sit was the clearly older of the pair, although multiple rejuvenant treatments had kept Cornelius Andamar, naval hero and founder of the Andamar Dynasty, far younger than his appearance may first suggest. Dressed in a simple cream doublet and trousers, his boots shining due to military-trained polishing, he took the left seat and placed his peaked cap on the surface of the table, one hand recently relieved of a glove moving up to smooth out his jet-black hair.

Edmund Andamar sat second, holding the hilt of his naval sabre as to avoid smacking it into the seat as he did so, the youngest son of the dynasty keeping himself informal in a crisp white shirt and blue trousers with a red stripe down the crease, his boots easily the equal of his fathers. Being only thirty-two Terran years of age meant he had no need for treatments, but his face nevertheless echoed that of his sire in so many ways as to be unmistakable – the high cheekbones and arching brow, the thin lips and pointed chin, even the glacial blue eyes that seemed to bore through a man – yes, he was the spitting image of the older man, and he knew without a doubt that Cornelius hated him for it.

“Let us get this out of the way then,” grunted Cornelius, placing an auto-writer atop a piece of parchment so ancient that it was claimed the God-Emperor had touched it himself, “you will have a ship that I commissioned a century ago from the Kormisoshi Dockyards, as well as all the financial aid you may need... up to a point,” ice met ice as the older man glanced up from the table, the quill of the auto-writer scratching out a tattoo even as he spoke.

“Thank you, father,” replied Edmund, dropping his had into the most tenuous of nods, “you do me a great honour with this Warrant.”

“Those fools out there can believe I do this because I favour you, indeed I encourage it, but I hold no love for you. Had any of your siblings desired to extend the limits of our Imperium, rather than continue in His service through His military, I would have chosen them. Your mother may champion you, but your brothers are your equals or more.”

Allowing the words to wash over him, Edmund simply held his expression as it was, flinching inwardly as if he had been struck.

“Yes,” he exhaled slowly, “I know.”

One gloved hand reached out for the parchment, the auto-writer withdrawing its quill and sitting motionless once more. In an almost tender movement Edmund plucked the wax-sealed document from the table, rolling it up and holding it leisurely in one hand, looking once more to his father.

“Goodbye, sir. May the God-Emperor smile on you and my family, blessed for a thousand years more.”

Cornelius could only give a low growl of vitriol, slipping his hands back into his own gloves, meeting the eyes of his fifth son and gesturing pointedly at the door.

“Get your arse out of my sight.”


So here it is, glory to the God-Emperor and to the Andamar Dynasty!
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