Avatar of JJ Doe


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Adorabadass said Yo, JJ, want to collab a post? :P

Rockette said JJ: I hope what I posted about the Appleberry's and Sam was all right and you don't mind it too much! I would have run it by you first, but I didn't want to miss my own deadline.

No worries Rockette, it's perfectly fine with me! NPCs from me are for anyone to use freely ;)

Edit: Also, I have not heard anything from Tenish
Phew! Posted in time.
Before Kimberly could follow his friends out of the office, his superiors stopped him to remind Kimberly that he needed to check in with his doctor before departure. “Yes sir,” Kimberly saluted and left the room. For a while, the group walked down the halls together until each friend had to scatter into different directions to get prepared for their upcoming mission. During their relatively short walk, the old childhood friends started to get into their usual positions.

As long as Kimberly could remember, the group had a certain way of walking when they were together: everyone had a “spot” they naturally drifted to; a place they fit into, like a puzzle piece. Although some of the pieces never moved from its original space, Kimberly had watched most of the pieces move gradually across board. Regardless of where they landed, they always “fit”. If there was any place on the board that no one could ever fill up again, it was in the front. The empty space where Samuel used to be. Kimberly knew this, because he was one of the pieces that never moved: he was that one guy in the back of the group. However large or small the group was, Kimberly walked a few steps away from the bulk. Close enough to be there when his friends needed him, to watch out for every back in front of him, and far away enough that people around them would think that “that Faye boy” had nothing to do with the gang. His dear friends had their own set of problems and rumors, they didn’t need to burden themselves with Kimberly’s. Even to this day, there was the occasional person who would go out of their way to warn his friends and/or legal guardian(s) about Kimberly’s “bad influences”. He didn’t blame these people, though. They only wanted to help. Kimberly was the crazy son of a bloodthirsty killer and a suicidal maniac who only failed to become a murder because her child survived: of course he was pure evil. Bwahaha! …It was just better for Kimberly to keep a certain amount of distance away from his friends in public, for their sake. It may have been even better if he just stopped seeing them altogether, but Kimberly was not selfless enough to do that. He never was and never will be. He didn’t want to be alone. He wanted friends, a family. He wanted to feel accepted. He was probably taking advantage of them. He used them to fill up the sense of loneliness. If that was the case, it was only fair that they used him as well.

Kimberly started to slow down his walking pace, as the group got closer to one of the hallway intersections. He abruptly announced that he had to see his doctor, then turned the corner. After taking a few steps, Kimberly retreated back to the intersection. He looked down at the floor for a moment, before fixing his gaze to the group, “bye.” Mm… mmm! Isn’t that the most silvery-est silver tongue I have ever seen! …Heard. Fascinating. Just fascinating.
The doctor’s office was as generic, minimalistic, and uncomfortable as any medical room Kimberly had ever been in. The overuse of white and the burnish of the unblemished clinical instruments blinded the eyes. Everything in the room lacked any form of warmth. The furniture and large equipment were either in the shape of rectangles or squares. In conclusion, it was an artistically unimpressive room with no sense of character or life. Not that a doctor’s office needed either… And Kami, that smell! The distinct smell of medical supplies continued to irritate Kimberly’s nostrils throughout his visit to the doctor’s office. “I’ll keep this short. I know you only have a few minutes with me.” Dr. Perth cut to the chase, “how are you feeling?”
“Fine, mam.”
“Have any hallucinations recently?”
“I… had one this morning, mam.”
“Did you take the medication I prescribed to you?”
“Yes, mam.”
“Did it work?”
“Yes, mam.”
“Is it still working?”

Kimberly paused for a moment, eyeing his roommate walking around the office as if he was bored out of his mind. “Mostly.” Dr. Perth scrutinized Kimberly, “is it ‘him’?” When Kimberly nodded in response, the doctor’s expression told him she was perplexed by the situation. “Interesting,” she simply said, refraining from giving her opinion on the matter. Dr. Perth started to take some notes.

“They… know about this… right?”
“Excuse me?”
“They… the… Academy Council…”
“Yes they do know about your condition.”
“Then… why?”
“Did they… choose me? I’m… not,” Kimberly tried to come up with the appropriate word.
“Bat s**t crazy?” Kimberly’s roommate suggested.
“Well,” Kimberly finally said.

Dr. Perth’s writing hand halted midsentence. She sighed and placed her pen to the side to give her full attention to her patient. “Have you ever taken a class about sensation and perception?” Kimberly didn’t know where this conversation came from, but nodded regardless. The doctor continued, “then you should know that we experience the external environment through what our senses can detect. If a person can’t sense something, then in that person’s world, that something doesn’t exist. That doesn’t mean that ‘that something’ truly doesn’t exist at all, does it? Most people can’t see spirits, but they exist. Just because we both learned that this,” Dr. Perth touched her golden watch, “is the color gold, does not mean we actually see the same color. We just learned to call this specific color, gold. In short, every person perceives the world in their own way.”

“Are you trying… to convince me… that… the army of samba dancers… are actually real people doing an interpretive dance… that is secretly a pro-environmental musical?”
“Is that what you saw this morning?”
Kimberly hesitated, “yes, mam… but… I think they were just plant spirits... maybe some earth spirits too.”

“Huh.” After a long pause, the doctor finally asked, “have you ever thought that perhaps ‘he’ is not just a result of damaged brain or irregular neurotransmitter activity?” When Kimberly did not give her a response, Dr. Perth smiled, “what I am trying to say is that, despite all these medical exams, we are still not sure what is actually causing your hallucinations… I wouldn’t call yourself bat s**t crazy, just yet.”
Kimberly stopped dead in his tracks when he started to hear familiar samba music coming from the direction of the main gate. For a moment, he expected to see the same performers from earlier that morning, but when nothing came, Kimberly advanced toward the source of the sound. At a bench near the main gate were two old women and a little angle. The woman with bright colorful clothing, also known as Michaela Appleberry, was sitting on the bench, next to the radio, clapping her hands as she watched her “wife”, Clair Appleberry, in a pastel colored dress dancing with a baby. Kimberly approached his family, “Nana, Maw maw.”

The two ladies greeted their grandchild with hugs and kisses. The baby’s cooing shifted Kimberly’s attention to his daughter in his granfa---…mother’s arms. As soon as Clair passed Samuela Jolee Faye to the giant, his beard and hair proceeded to perform phagocytosis on the little giggling ray of sunshine. Considering that she was cute enough to make anyone want to gobble her up, phagocytosis may not have been too far from the truth. Kimberly didn’t care that his daughter drooled all over him or pulled out a tiny fist full of hair just for her own cruel amusement, he planted hundreds of kisses all over her face: something that he knew he would not be able to do once Sam turned five or six... or whenever girls typically turned self conscious. It almost made Kimberly wish she would never grow up, although she would undoubtedly become a gorgeous woman with turquoise eyes and strawberry blond hair. Boys ---or girls--- would flock to her and Kimberly would have to fend them off until finally, one day, Sam would get angry with him and run off with her first love. Thank Kami, Sam didn't inherit anything from him… Imagine the amount of hair.

“I thought... you’d be half way to Helston by now… Didn’t you say you’d be leaving… yesterday?”
“We lied, obviously.”
Hearing that their grandson and their unofficial grandchildren were highly likely to be initiated into SWARG, prior to graduation, the Appleberry’s decided to delay their return to Helston to see the party off if and when they should receive their first military assignment. Knowing that they would not be able to bring the actual presents with them on the mission, the Appleberry’s had given out everyone’s graduation gifts during graduation and instead, packed lunch for the group’s trip to Norton City. “We had to bribe Cid to allow us to give this to you guys and gals. Can you believe it?” Clair laughed, “Love and I made sure to put in everyone’s favorite food, so you better not waste any of it, do you hear? Especially the vegetables. Let me know how it tastes like.” This probably meant Clair grew something experimental and wanted to know its affects on people. Luckily everyone knew that Clair would not use something that was life threatening in the lunch. At most it was going to taste really nasty.

When the time for departure came, the Appleberry’s kissed and bear hugged everyone goodbye. Sam could not do either, but instead gave a sweet smile that distracted most of her father’s friends away from the significant amount of saliva sample she stealthily managed to get on everyone. Kimberly’s family stood at the main gate, waving at their grandchildren until they completely disappeared from view.
Prisk said @EveryoneI don't know what your methods are, but I usually plan my posts by writing small notes and ideas in my phone, or whatever, of things that I want to cover in a post—makes it easier and faster to write the damn thing when I get around to it!

I actually have a notebook dedicated to writing down ideas. It's a complete mess at first glance though :P ...It's a vomit of... stuff.
At first, he could hear nothing. He knew he dreamt about something, but whatever dream he had faded away into the abyss. His mind was still submerged somewhere between unconsciousness and consciousness when he felt something pull him towards the real world. Kimberly was starting to wake up. The last thing Kimberly vaguely recalled thinking about was where “that noise” was coming from, before slowly opening his eyes.

Kimberly Rene “Fuzzy” Faye woke up in one of the many dorm rooms at Oakridge Military Academy. He spent the first few minutes of the brand new day staring blankly at the dimly lit room. There was nothing particularly interesting to be looking at, but his body refused to do anything else. When his brain was finally awake enough to do actual thinking, it started wondering why it was still kind of dark. To find the answer of this question, Kimberly’s neck gathered all of its strength to slightly turn the head towards the clock. “This is as far we can go”, the muscles of the neck seem to say, “go on without us.” The task was then passed on to the eyes. They locked onto their target. “No… No it could not be. It’s impossible!” …Why am I awake at 6 in the morning after graduation? “No! Wait, false alarm,” the eyes focused on the clock harder, “it’s 5 in the morning.” Oh. Phew. And here I thought I had gone completely mad. Good. More sleep for me then. Goodnight. Kimberly prepared himself for a second bedtime rest and would have succeeded had he done so a few seconds earlier. But no. It was too late. Somewhere off in the distance, he heard “that noise”. He thought that maybe it was the last few survivors of last night’s party still partying. Or perhaps no one alive had the strength to turn off the stereo. Either would have been possible, but Kimberly was wrong. The faint noise started to get louder with each passing second. Eventually it became loud enough for Kimberly to realize that the noise was actually samba music. Batucada, to be more exact.

Then, after slamming the door open, a mob of singing samba dancers came flooding in, doing what they did best: dance and smile like they meant it. One by one, the performers danced their way further into Kimberly’s room, steadily taking over every free space the not-so-big room had to offer. That’s when he realized this was just one of those moments. Kimberly groaned as he hid himself under the blanket. “You know they’re not going to leave, Kim,” he heard his roommate say. Not that Kimberly needed the reminder. The dark blue mountain on the bed sighed in defeat. Soon after, a mop with a human’s body emerged from the cover and disabled the alarm clock. He didn’t even know why he bothered with the thing: these “people” always woke Kimberly up as early as possible. Kimberly looked up to see that some of the dancers moved onto the furniture, allowing even more dancers into the crowded room. His roommate was sitting on the last dancer free furniture, next to the bed, staring at Kimberly. He smiled, “morning Kim.”
Kimberly quickly regretted heading for the shower. Why did he do that? He was going to do manual labor outside that involved dirt. He should have taken a bath after the job was done. More importantly, he was forced to shower in front of an audience. They may not be “real”, but they were real enough for any stripper to blush. Kimberly was cornered into the bathroom wall, surrounded by constantly smiling, never blinking dancers who continued to face toward Kimberly’s direction. When Kimberly stayed in the shower a little too long for their liking, the performers started to zero in on the giant. Some even managed to get into the shower with him. Not only were constantly smiling, never blinking dancers watching Kimberly every move, but now, Kimberly could not look anywhere without seeing them, except for the ceiling---… wait, he lied. NOW Kimberly had people dancing on the ceiling as well. Though they did not say sing it, Kimberly thought they were upset that he was getting water on him while they died of thrust outside. I doubt you would want to hydrate yourself with hot water guys. Kimberly turned off the water and managed to squeeze pass the dancers to get to the medicine cabinet. He ingested his well-needed medication, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and left the room with gardening tools, all while attempting to ignore his elaborate musical hallucination.

Kimberly passed by the cafeteria kitchen on his way out. Although the cafeteria was not technically opened just yet, the kitchen staff worked diligently on preparing breakfast for the students and teachers of Oakridge Academy. The staff looked surprised that Kimberly came early, but once they saw his attire, they knew where he was heading. Kimberly paid for his bento, which waited to be picked up by him everyday, and went on his merry way. He could have simply eaten at the cafeteria if he wanted to, but that tended to create unwanted attention.

The walk down the hallways was like a parade: the dancer’s movement became more energetic, more imaginary people joined in on the singing, and the music that literally came from nowhere started to speed up its tempo. It was more than obvious the performers were unable to contain their excitement. “Don’t worry… I’ll get there…” Two undergraduates, unfortunate enough to have been walking in the halls at that time, jumped to the side in fear when Kimberly suddenly mumbled something. The giant blushed faintly and continued to walk towards the doors. He had failed to notice the younger students walking when his hallucinations used up most of his senses. Poor things. Of course no sane person saw or heard what Kimberly experienced. He was going to have to expect some new rumors about him for the next few days.
He should have expected to see the imaginary carnival when he finally reached the school’s garden. Yet there he was, standing there, watching the non-existent attraction play out before him. It rained imaginary confetti, extravagant parade cars of various shapes and sizes scattered around the school grounds served as a stage for a number of imaginary performers, and thousand of imaginary beings danced and sang in perfect unison. From how they the show went on, Kimberly could tell this morning musical was at its climax. The performers gave it their all and when the show came to an end, they all posed for Kimberly.

An awkward silence passed between Kimberly and the imaginary entertainers. The performer’s creepy smiles never disappeared from their faces, but their body movements indicated that they were not sure what to do next. They were waiting for Kimberly’s response. After double-checking that there were no real people around to catch him in the act, Kimberly finally applauded. The imaginary performers’ plastered smile shined brightly more than ever as they bowed to the only audience they were ever going to have. When their heads rose up, their eyes twinkled with anticipation, a hope that their show was enough to appease their gardener.

For the first time that day, Kimberly took a good look at the damage the graduation party had actually done to the school garden. Messy… was an understatement. The garden looked like it was hit by a natural disaster. A warzone even. Garbage was all over the place; a number of plants were trampled on or were pulled completely out of the dirt only to be tossed aside; pools of vomit were spotted in certain areas; traces of urine dripped off some of the plants; some trees had broken branches; and a number of drunken bodies were found dead asleep across the campus.

Kimberly sighed and turned his attention back to where the army of imaginary entertainers was standing. This time, however, there were no performers in sight. Whether the medication had finally decided to kick in or his brain was just tired of making things up, Kimberly knew not, but the fictitious carnival vanished from existence and was replaced with reality. It was the world normal people saw… with an added bonus of spirits that hovered in the air silently. “You know… what would be great?” Kimberly smiled at the spirits as he rolled up his sleeves. “For more people to think that Kim is even crazier by dancing to music that they can’t hear?” Kimberly’s “roommate” appeared out of nowhere only to disappear once again. Kimberly could feel the confusion emitting off of the spirits. Sarcasm was not exactly a spirit’s strong suit. Kimberly rephrased his roommate’s statement, “to listen… to some music while I work…” The spirit of sound was more than happy to oblige to the request.
Despite working on the gardens for the entirety of the morning, and even getting assistance from the official gardeners and janitors of the academy, Kimberly was nowhere near completing his garden-cleaning quest when the school’s intercom summoned Kimberly and his friends. For some odd reason he never thought that the announcement was about the Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group. In fact, Kimberly guessed that Roy had seriously messed something up last night that the old gang was called in for interrogation. He felt slightly guilty for making such assumptions about Roy, but then again, it was Royce “Punk---… Puck” Guyvers. No one could blame Kimberly for thinking Roy did something stupid… right?

“Sure, Kimberly.”
Ozerath said Hey JJ, how would you feel about Thael and Fuzzy/Kimbo being bros? Like, heterosexual life partners level bro?

If you can love a smile like this:

Then sure!
Blackwell said I am excite.

I third that.

My post will most likely be after Wednesday EST (possibly Friday), because I have a group project on heart disease due this week.

*Sees the rule on Meta-Roleplaying*... Oh wait excuse me. Let me try that again. *Clears throat*

........Third it.

.............*Looks lost in thought for a few seconds* Oh yeah...

Got a group project to do..... Maybe Wednesday..... yeah.... that sounds good.... wait.... maybe Friday is better. Yeah. *Looks up at group* Friday....I think I'll be able to post after Friday EST.
Name: Kimberly Rene “Fuzzy” Faye
Birthday: July 19th
Height: 1.99m
Appearance: Kimberly's appearance had always daunted those around him. Maybe it was his hollow dark eyes that observed the world with an intense glare so powerful that it might as well have the ability to disintegrate people with a simple glance. It might have been because his facial muscle was as flexible as granite, usually showing no other expression other than grouchy and a homicidal smile. Or maybe it was just because he was a giant. Something about him made little children cry, women take out their pepper spray, and keep the emergency line busy with calls pertaining to a suspicious individual. Kimberly has been questioned by the authorities, numerous times, on the basis that he looked like a(n): gang member, escaped criminal, terrorist, serial killer, and wild beast. Not many believed he was innocent on all counts.

His unkempt long wavy hair, initially grown in attempt to make himself invisible and less threatening, has been Kimberly's trademark; the reason why he would come to be known as “Fuzzy”. Now that he is capable of growing facial hair, Kimberly has a beard that his equally as long and untamed as his scalp hair, further cementing the name “Fuzzy”. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, Kimberly's family tend to play with his hair so often that it is not rare to find Kimberly walking around with braided hair and beard ornamented with hair clips and ribbons.

Ever since he joined the academy, Kimberly has maintained a muscular body so that he would be better equipped to protect and support his friends and remaining family members from the brutal world.

As for attire, Kimberly has never been picky. He would wear just about anything as long as he was comfortable in them: even if the clothing did not actually match or look good on him.

Personality: Despite the stoic-henchman looking appearance, Kimberly himself is a kindhearted innocuous gentleman who has trouble expressing himself. For those who have no idea what kind of person Kimberly is, he may appear phlegmatic or even impassive, but he is far from both. He is more loquacious in his mind than he is in reality and he is much more emotional than his face allows him to be. Mild emotions only appear like Kimberly feels nothing. Extreme emotions make Kimberly look like he is about to cast a curse on someone or has severe constipation. Any positive emotions make Kimberly present that infamous homicidal smile of his. Kimberly rarely gets angry, but once he is enraged, it is difficult to calm him down. If he ever hurts someone, Kimberly always ends up regretting what he had done, regardless of how justified it may have been.

Kimberly is honest, loyal, and values his friends and family more than anything in the world. He is usually cautious, but can be credulous when it comes to his friends and family: a trait he attained ever since Samuel believed Kimberly when no one else believed Kimberly's father was innocent of the murders.

While having a talent for sports, Kimberly is the most skilled as an artist. Influenced by his mother's side of the family, Kimberly loves nature and various realms of art. When there was still plenty of uncontaminated nature to spare, Kimberly would take walks or simply stare at the scenery as a pass time. Kimberly's current dream is to resurrect green parks so that his daughter and her children would be able to play in it like he did when he was younger.

Though Kimberly would claim that he is over the traumatic events of his childhood, ever since the suicide of his mother, Kimberly has been suffering from chronic hallucinatory psychosis. Symptoms include various sensory hallucinations, the most prominent symptom being auditory hallucinations, which can be either a harmless or terrifying experience for Kimberly. Kimberly is usually aware if what he experiences is a hallucination or not, but occasionally he cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. Kimberly often hallucinates about a man named "Ghost", a cynical and sarcastic individual who does not always share the same opinion as Kimberly.

Biography: Kimberly was born as the only child between Lee Faye, an ex-convict, and Joyce Evette Appleberry, a photographer. Though they were not financially wealthy, the Faye family lived peacefully for the first three years of Kimberly's life. That was, until Kimberly's father was arrested for murders that he did not commit. For two years, Lee and Joyce tried to prove Lee's innocence. For two years Joyce and Kimberly were harassed by the media and those who were convinced Lee was the culprit. For two years they fought and failed. When Kimberly was five, Lee Faye was executed. A few days later, out of a moment's despair, Joyce committed suicide. She had attempted to take her son with her, but Kimberly survived the whole ordeal.

Kimberly was sent to live with his heterodox grandparents, “Mrs.” Clair Appleberry and Mrs. Michaela Appleberry, in Helston. “Mrs.” Clair Appleberry, Kimberly's biological grandfather, actively worked as a botanist while her wife Michaela ran a coffeehouse. Moving to Helston was supposed to be the new beginning that Kimberly desperately needed, but unfortunately for him, everyone in Helston knew Kimberly as the son of a murder. Wherever he went, Kimberly was greeted with cold stares and whispers that he pretended not to hear. Rumors were what people knew of Kimberly. No one got close to him more than necessary and Kimberly kept his distance away from others. It would have stayed like this for the rest of Kimberly's life if he had not met Samuel. Samuel opened the world for Kimberly: he would go places he would never go to, do things he would have never done alone, and become friends with those who would have been simply acquaintances. Samuel's death devastated Kimberly, but like the others, he managed to move on.

In middle school Kimberly met his future wife, Nancy April Rose (a surprise even to his friends). Nancy entered the same academy as Kimberly, as a mechanic. Being extremely talented, and a few years older than Kimberly, Nancy graduated before Kimberly did. However, she was forced to take maternity leave when she discovered that she was pregnant. After giving birth to a baby girl, Samuela Jolee Faye, Nancy worked as a mechanic for active military troops until she was found dead after a sudden attack by the abominations. Some say Nancy was just unlucky. The creature must have managed to slip deep into the facility without any soldier or security noticing. Some say she was murdered... by a human. Why else would only one mechanic be found dead in the middle of one of the best military facilities humanity had to offer, while everyone else in it were, for the most part, unharmed? Did a creature really breach the security? No one knows.

Since Kimberly's academy training often prevented him from going home, Samuela was usually under the Appleberry's care. Kimberly did try his best to spend time with his family as much as possible. When Kimberly was unable to go home for awhile, the Appleberry's visited the academy with Samuela to check on Kimberly and his friends.

Weapon: Kimberly is proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Since his fighting style requires direct contact with his enemies, during missions, Kimberly is covered in armor specialized for close combat from head to toe.

Limit Break: With his “roar” Kimberly’s limit break allows him to summon forth a spirit or an army of spirits of any organism to attack his enemies or to grant him the ability to transform into a Chimera ---a beast which changes in appearance and abilities based on the combination of various traits of the organisms he summoned. This limit break, unfortunately, has a catch: Kimberly must give up something as payment. The more powerful the foe is or difficult the task is, the higher the value of the payment must be. If he fails to make a satisfying payment, Kimberly will go berserk for a few minutes to a couple of days. Not even his allies are safe from him if this should happen.

Kimberly is naturally attuned to the spirits of (or related to) sound, plants, and animals. It seems that the spirits of sound and animals are not fully under Kimberly's command (yet are permanently bound to him even with the power of the Tree of Life), as such, they are the two spirits that tend to primarily provide passive abilities.

Outside of battle, Kimberly often uses his sound and animal spirits for various tasks. His sound spirits: Enhances his hearing; Makes all sounds Kimberly produce undetectable for a few minutes; and Allows Kimberly to mimic other sounds. Kimberly can momentarily borrow the animal's unique ability, for example, see as well as an eagle, track down smells using the dog spirits, or gaining the agility of a monkey.

I believe it was Katherine, but Blackwell decided that she would stay at the dorms of the academy.

Edit: Which reminds me, the Appleberry's would also love to have more "grandchildren" around them :D
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