Name: Kimberly Rene “Fuzzy” Faye
Birthday: July 19th
Height: 1.99m
Appearance: Kimberly's appearance had always daunted those around him. Maybe it was his hollow dark eyes that observed the world with an intense glare so powerful that it might as well have the ability to disintegrate people with a simple glance. It might have been because his facial muscle was as flexible as granite, usually showing no other expression other than grouchy and a homicidal smile. Or maybe it was just because he was a giant. Something about him made little children cry, women take out their pepper spray, and keep the emergency line busy with calls pertaining to a suspicious individual. Kimberly has been questioned by the authorities, numerous times, on the basis that he looked like a(n): gang member, escaped criminal, terrorist, serial killer, and wild beast. Not many believed he was innocent on all counts.
His unkempt long wavy hair, initially grown in attempt to make himself invisible and less threatening, has been Kimberly's trademark; the reason why he would come to be known as “Fuzzy”. Now that he is capable of growing facial hair, Kimberly has a beard that his equally as long and untamed as his scalp hair, further cementing the name “Fuzzy”. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, Kimberly's family tend to play with his hair so often that it is not rare to find Kimberly walking around with braided hair and beard ornamented with hair clips and ribbons.
Ever since he joined the academy, Kimberly has maintained a muscular body so that he would be better equipped to protect and support his friends and remaining family members from the brutal world.
As for attire, Kimberly has never been picky. He would wear just about anything as long as he was comfortable in them: even if the clothing did not actually match or look good on him.
Personality: Despite the stoic-henchman looking appearance, Kimberly himself is a kindhearted innocuous gentleman who has trouble expressing himself. For those who have no idea what kind of person Kimberly is, he may appear phlegmatic or even impassive, but he is far from both. He is more loquacious in his mind than he is in reality and he is much more emotional than his face allows him to be. Mild emotions only appear like Kimberly feels nothing. Extreme emotions make Kimberly look like he is about to cast a curse on someone or has severe constipation. Any positive emotions make Kimberly present that infamous homicidal smile of his. Kimberly rarely gets angry, but once he is enraged, it is difficult to calm him down. If he ever hurts someone, Kimberly always ends up regretting what he had done, regardless of how justified it may have been.
Kimberly is honest, loyal, and values his friends and family more than anything in the world. He is usually cautious, but can be credulous when it comes to his friends and family: a trait he attained ever since Samuel believed Kimberly when no one else believed Kimberly's father was innocent of the murders.
While having a talent for sports, Kimberly is the most skilled as an artist. Influenced by his mother's side of the family, Kimberly loves nature and various realms of art. When there was still plenty of uncontaminated nature to spare, Kimberly would take walks or simply stare at the scenery as a pass time. Kimberly's current dream is to resurrect green parks so that his daughter and her children would be able to play in it like he did when he was younger.
Though Kimberly would claim that he is over the traumatic events of his childhood, ever since the suicide of his mother, Kimberly has been suffering from chronic hallucinatory psychosis. Symptoms include various sensory hallucinations, the most prominent symptom being auditory hallucinations, which can be either a harmless or terrifying experience for Kimberly. Kimberly is usually aware if what he experiences is a hallucination or not, but occasionally he cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. Kimberly often hallucinates about a man named "Ghost", a cynical and sarcastic individual who does not always share the same opinion as Kimberly.
Biography: Kimberly was born as the only child between Lee Faye, an ex-convict, and Joyce Evette Appleberry, a photographer. Though they were not financially wealthy, the Faye family lived peacefully for the first three years of Kimberly's life. That was, until Kimberly's father was arrested for murders that he did not commit. For two years, Lee and Joyce tried to prove Lee's innocence. For two years Joyce and Kimberly were harassed by the media and those who were convinced Lee was the culprit. For two years they fought and failed. When Kimberly was five, Lee Faye was executed. A few days later, out of a moment's despair, Joyce committed suicide. She had attempted to take her son with her, but Kimberly survived the whole ordeal.
Kimberly was sent to live with his heterodox grandparents, “Mrs.” Clair Appleberry and Mrs. Michaela Appleberry, in Helston. “Mrs.” Clair Appleberry, Kimberly's biological grandfather, actively worked as a botanist while her wife Michaela ran a coffeehouse. Moving to Helston was supposed to be the new beginning that Kimberly desperately needed, but unfortunately for him, everyone in Helston knew Kimberly as the son of a murder. Wherever he went, Kimberly was greeted with cold stares and whispers that he pretended not to hear. Rumors were what people knew of Kimberly. No one got close to him more than necessary and Kimberly kept his distance away from others. It would have stayed like this for the rest of Kimberly's life if he had not met Samuel. Samuel opened the world for Kimberly: he would go places he would never go to, do things he would have never done alone, and become friends with those who would have been simply acquaintances. Samuel's death devastated Kimberly, but like the others, he managed to move on.
In middle school Kimberly met his future wife, Nancy April Rose (a surprise even to his friends). Nancy entered the same academy as Kimberly, as a mechanic. Being extremely talented, and a few years older than Kimberly, Nancy graduated before Kimberly did. However, she was forced to take maternity leave when she discovered that she was pregnant. After giving birth to a baby girl, Samuela Jolee Faye, Nancy worked as a mechanic for active military troops until she was found dead after a sudden attack by the abominations. Some say Nancy was just unlucky. The creature must have managed to slip deep into the facility without any soldier or security noticing. Some say she was murdered... by a human. Why else would only one mechanic be found dead in the middle of one of the best military facilities humanity had to offer, while everyone else in it were, for the most part, unharmed? Did a creature really breach the security? No one knows.
Since Kimberly's academy training often prevented him from going home, Samuela was usually under the Appleberry's care. Kimberly did try his best to spend time with his family as much as possible. When Kimberly was unable to go home for awhile, the Appleberry's visited the academy with Samuela to check on Kimberly and his friends.
Weapon: Kimberly is proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Since his fighting style requires direct contact with his enemies, during missions, Kimberly is covered in armor specialized for close combat from head to toe.
Limit Break: With his “roar” Kimberly’s limit break allows him to summon forth a spirit or an army of spirits of any organism to attack his enemies or to grant him the ability to transform into a Chimera ---a beast which changes in appearance and abilities based on the combination of various traits of the organisms he summoned. This limit break, unfortunately, has a catch: Kimberly must give up something as payment. The more powerful the foe is or difficult the task is, the higher the value of the payment must be. If he fails to make a satisfying payment, Kimberly will go berserk for a few minutes to a couple of days. Not even his allies are safe from him if this should happen.
Spirits:Kimberly is naturally attuned to the spirits of (or related to) sound, plants, and animals. It seems that the spirits of sound and animals are not fully under Kimberly's command (yet are permanently bound to him even with the power of the Tree of Life), as such, they are the two spirits that tend to primarily provide passive abilities.
HealingElement: None.
Effect: Heals injuries (to a greater extent than the previous minor healing)
Description: Kimberly's minor healing that improved after the upgrade bestowed by the Tree of Life. The presence of sunlight (and moon light, which is technically the sunlight reflecting off the moon) still enhances Kimberly’s healing abilities.
Increase DefenseElement:

Effect: Protect

and Shell

Description: Increases defense for a few minutes as long as Kimberly and/or his target are touching the earth.

Effect: Creates armor and/or shield.
Description: Generates an exoskeleton (armor) around Kimberly —or a shield near the target— from any geological material readily available (this includes cement, metal, glass, gemstones, and even minerals like salt). At its current low level, the armor/shield can only withstand a few damage before disappearing.
"Corrupt" FungusElement:

Earth &

Effect: Slowly drains target's energy.
Description: Fungi begins to grow on the target. Unless removed, the target’s (physical/mental) energy is slowly drained away. The fungi are fragile and can be easily destroyed.
BacteriumElement: None.
Effect: Weakens target’s defense and causes

Description: As mentioned above, this will weaken target’s defense and the target becomes weak to the next element suffered.
Shape-shiftElement: None.
Effect: Shape-shift.
Description: Can shape-shift into any (animal) spirit that resides inside of Kimberly. In the context of a battle, this will assign Kimberly with different attributes and an element, depending on whether or not there is a Guardian/Aggressor near by. During his transformation, Kimberly can create a link with the closest Guardian/Aggressor and if said Guardian/Aggressor allows Kimberly to "borrow" his/her element, then Kim can use that element and ALL of his attacks will be related to the element he borrowed. If he does borrow an element Kimberly will not be able to use any of his own spirits. Creating a link also means that all the damage that the linked Guardian/Aggressor suffers also hurts Kimberly. The more different Kimberly is from the spirit’s previous body, the longer ---and usually more painful--- it takes for him to transform. Considering the complications, it is not the best idea to shape-shift during battle, unless absolutely necessary.
Outside of battle, Kimberly often uses his sound and animal spirits for various tasks. His sound spirits: Enhances his hearing; Makes all sounds Kimberly produce undetectable for a few minutes; and Allows Kimberly to mimic other sounds. Kimberly can momentarily borrow the animal's unique ability, for example, see as well as an eagle, track down smells using the dog spirits, or gaining the agility of a monkey.
Attributes: Commando: 15
Ravager: 2
Medic: 8
Sentinel: 8
Synergist: 2
Although Kimberly is capable of transforming into any animal, if in battle, he tends to transform into a(n)…
Gray Wolf
Commando: 7
Ravager: 7
Medic: 7
Sentinel: 7
Synergist: 7
Kodiak Bear
Commando: 25
Ravager: 0
Medic: 0
Sentinel: 10
Synergist: 0
Commando: 0
Ravager: 25
Medic: 5
Sentinel: 0
Synergist: 5
Commando: 5
Ravager: 5
Medic: 11
Sentinel: 3
Synergist: 11
Random Facts:
- Kimberly actually wanted an occupation in either the medical or science field; jobs that he thought would really save or improve people’s lives. Kimberly largely gave up the dream because his childhood friends expressed their desire to join WARG and fight the xenomorphs. He hoped to support them to increase his friend's chances of survival and to contribute to ending the xenomorph threat sooner with few casualties as possible.
- There are very few things in the world that Kimberly doesn’t like to eat (most likely due to the wide range of tastes the animal spirits have ---had in their previous life), the very few being Sweet Dreams’ products. Sweet Dreams is a company notorious for it’s bizarre candy, which Nancy absolutely loved, including Balut ’n Cream with Licorice flavored lollipops. Ghost, on the other hand, doesn’t like really spicy foods or bitter tasting things, but has an extreme sweet tooth. If he had his way, Ghost would eat cake for breakfast, chocolate for lunch, ice-cream for dinner, and wash everything down with honey.
- In the Appleberry/Faye household, Michaela has the highest cooking skills; Clair, while not a bad cook, is better at baking; Kimberly is a moderate cook; the one time Ghost “cooked” something (popped popcorn in a microwave) he managed to burn half the popcorn while simultaneously leaving the remaining kernel unpopped; and the food that Nancy made was legendary: her cooking was so bad that it was thought that it could decimate entire populations. Luckily, the military did not discover the potential of Nancy’s cooking as a weapon.
- Kimberly is flexible enough to be considered an amateur contortionist.
- Although it is not clear whether or not being a member of the Caravan has any causation, Michaela and those of her bloodline tend to have some kind of artistic talent in one form or another. Michaela was and still is a wonderful dancer; Joyce became a photographer; and Kimberly is skilled at drawing and painting. Even Ghost shows signs of great skill with the piano and instruments of the violin family.
- Kimberly and Ghost have different monikers for the group:
Kimberly: Aaron
Ghost: Ron
Kimberly: Emily (sometimes Emi)
Ghost: Mil
Kimberly: Fred
Ghost: Rick
Kimberly: Jyn
Ghost: Nettie
Kimberly: Kat (sometimes Kitty or Kitty-Kat)
Ghost: Felid
Kimberly: Maggie
Ghost: Lena
Kimberly: Olive
Ghost: Vi
Kimberly: Remi
Ghost: Rami (sometimes Mercy)
Kimberly: Royce (sometimes Roy)
Ghost: Puck (sometimes Punk)
Kimberly: Sam
Ghost: Samil (sometimes Daemon)
Kimberly: Sofie
Ghost: Fea
Kimberly: Thael
Ghost: Jared

