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I think I’m in the same pickle as Ex. I have plans for a post (not including the collab post with Rockette) AFTER they evacuate the facility (after their talk, which is now possibly a fight, with Sam); when they change/upgrade their spirits/abilities (and even when they start discussing what happened/what to do next), but I have nothing for where the characters are right now.

Motivational posts? Oh wait, let me go find one! Uh... Uh... Ah, here:
PMed you again Prisk :)

JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:
Prisk said The song is Kimberly killed by one of his vegetable xenomorph thingies.

I must disagree, dear Prisk. If anyone is going to be slaughtered by vegetable xenomorph thingies, it’ll be happening while this song is playing in the background:

JJ’s Random Image of the Day:
Continuing on the subject of vegetables…

Oh yes, Prisk. A PM is waiting for your attention.
Prisk said Eeww! I hate insects, JJ! What's wrong with you?!
It's a long list, are you sure you want to read the whole thing? ;) Actually, I always looking for monster ideas and insects tend to be the perfect candidate for such ideas.

Prisk said Anyway, I've been thinking about maybe doing a spin-off roleplay set in Oakridge Academy, like a school tv-series thingy, a year or two prior to the events in this roleplay. If this became a thing, would any of you be interested in the idea? I don't know if it will happen, or when, but I can test the waters with you guys, here.
Interesting idea! I tend to only focus on one RP at a time, so I'll most likely only be following it (and maybe have Kim appear as a cameo) if it's an entirely separate thing from this thread.

Sixsmith said And JJ, I'm not a big fan of bugs but the Orchid Mantis things were the most beautiful things I've seen in the insect kingdom, minus some butterflies.

Aren't they?

Sixsmith said By the way, just yesterday I saw two slugs and I couldn't tell if one slug was mating with the other slug or draining its insides out.... it looks a little gross, but also fascinating. And then gross because I think it was eating that other slug and I was like, "NOPE." Cause the other slug was like significantly smaller than the one doing the thing to it and I just... I was like... maybe it wasn't that small prior to what is currently happening and that's when I realized it may have been devoured and I said fuck it, ran into my house like a wuss and locked my door. The moths didn't seem to mind it, since they were preoccupied with the light at my doorstep.


I have read that slugs can (and will) eat their own kind, but the smaller one was most likely dead before the other slug ate it since slugs are considered decomposers.
JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:

I never heard of this insect before, but the scorpion fly looks... interesting.
*After much time trying to remember and failing, gives up* Prisk, who’s that one man you mentioned was an expert on spirits? I know you mentioned his name once, but I don’t remember when it was.
Hahaha! Only so much I can do through the internet. But! Everyone has their own remedy :) In my case, I'm not really a city person (too many people in one place). I can do shopping though! ... Shopping for books, video games, and art materials... but shopping none the less! Then I need to return back to the wilds, as soon as possible, before the humans discover that I kidnapped one of their kind and stole its skin just to blend in.

Rockette said You're evil.
This is very true >:)
Prisk said Don't worry my darling JJ, I'm not going to close it down or leave, but it doesn't mean that I can't feel like doing so.

Phew! Good to hear! … Or wait no… it’s not a good thing that you feel like doing that… Hmm… Well, when I feel really stressed out or sad, some times I just write crap on the thoughts room to vent it out… well, that or beat a sandbag with a kendo stick, but I don’t know how many people have either.

Prisk said Haha, yes! Those are fantastic, such quirkiness! They could definitely be xenomorphs. Like, parasites or spores that infested fruit/vegetables by accident!

Now I feel like this must happen at some point…! If I remember correctly, Roy hates onions, but likes kale and cabbage… Kat is allergic to strawberries and hates tomatoes… and Mag likes cherry tomatoes, so if it does ever happen, there must be onions, kale, cabbage, strawberries, and tomatoes.
That is true. They (commitment and consistency) also seem correlated to me.

Prisk said I suppose I'm just cranky and agitated by my own mistakes, weirded out by this place, and nothing would delight me more than to close this down and either start over or leave.

… Um….. Well……… I posted, as promised… and if anyone is wondering what the “Vegetables with two or four limbs, a mouth, and a pair of eyes" looked like, they look something like this:
I think they are also potential xenomorphs… But I could be wrong… they might naturally exist somewhere in Atlas… but if that's the case, I’d never want to go there.
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