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Doctor Belasco said He's not a secret. Those students relevant to him are supposed to be in the know, and I like to think he has periodic meetings with each of them (which he would take about as seriously as the students) in order to double-check they're not going to go whacko and sabotage another family. He also won't bother to keep his extracurricular activities secret - it's not in his interest for emerging (in more ways than one) members of the magical community to be ignorant of what he does.

Which may pose a problem with Paz. He can have the meetings, but he honestly has no idea what's going on (he probably would think it was just a periodic counseling session). Pazel's mother wanted him out of the witch world so kept him oblivious to it all. The Flamels have also kept their promise to leave Pazel out of the circle until he becomes a witch. If he fails to become one, they leave him and his family alone forever.

…But we all know he's going to become a witch sooner or later ;)

@All: Pazel has seen, and maybe been in the same classes with, the other student characters, but that's probably about it. He knows nothing about witches so never treated the non-witches and witches differently.

As for the other non-college related characters, Paz knows absolutely nothing about. Unless he becomes acquainted with them through some kind of part time job.

Maybe Paz will work at some kind of bar/cafe/restaurant place that a lot of the characters go to. *Shrugs*
The desolate dry landscape stretched far into the horizon, so far that it seemed to continue into eternity. Nothing could be seen. Nothing was there to see. In this land of nothingness was a boy and a witch sitting under the shade of a twisted tree without leaves.

“What’s a star?” asked the little boy.

The witch looked down at the child. “A star?”

The boy nodded before pointing at the bright blue sky, absent of clouds, above them. “The adults said that stars are little lights in the sky,” he turned to face the witch. “Are they fireflies?”

The witch smiled. “Some old cultures believed that.”

“What are they then?”

“There are so many explanations to what a star is. They can literally be anything you want them to be. Which version do you want to know?”

“All of them!” exclaimed the boy with a wide smile to which the witch laughed in response to.

“All of them? We’d be here all week, if I did that. Your mother would be furious with me if I don’ take you home before dinner.”

“Then you better get started! There’s no time like the present!”
“You’re starting to sound like someone I know.”
“Ah, yes, that does sound like your mother.”

Chuckling, the witch looked up into the sky. The boy followed the witch’s gaze. “There’s a constellation over there the Phoenicians called Melkarth. The Greeks called it the Phantom,” the witch began when pointing at a specific area in the blue sky. “But we know it as Hercules, the hero who faced and overcame 12 trials to prove his courage and heroism. One day, Hercules put on a tunic that contained a deadly poison. In pain, he climbed a mountain, built a funeral pyre, and perished in its fires.”

“What’s a funeral pyre?” the child interrupted.
“Think of it as a bonfire for burning dead bodies in.” The witch continued. “Jupiter, or Zeus, was touched by this that he had Hercules’s body carried into the heavens and placed it in the sky where his constellation is now.”

“That’s stupid. If Hercules had time to climb a mountain, build a funeral… a funeral…”
“A funeral pie.
“A funeral pyre and burn himself in it. He should have gone to a doctor. Or! Or find some kind of medicine to help him. Mama would save him!”

The witch burst out laughing. When the laughing continued long enough for the boy to wonder if he had said something wrong, the witch finally spoke. “I know right?” The witch sighed deeply and repeated his sentence once again, quietly this time. The boy tilted his head to the side. Before the child could ask what was wrong, the witch smiled and continued to tell the boy stories about stars and constellations.

The witch explained that many cultures believed that the stars were the souls of those yet to be born; of those already born; of those who have died. The stars, or rather their constellations, were like a novel, full of stories about the souls of those who died, those who live, and those who do not yet exist. The boy listened intently as the witch told the story about star-crossed lovers, Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair), who were separated by the Milky Way and were only allowed to meet each other once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. The boy’s eyes sparkled with excitement when the witch reenacted the story of the four persistent hunters and their hunting dog that chased the Great Bear into the sky and killed it, only for it to come back to life, and continue the hunt once again. The boy shrieked in delight when the witch covered the child with a large blanket, while telling the story of Citlalicue, an Aztec goddess whose skirt was literally the starry night sky itself. When the boy’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of the blanket, he was sitting in the dry land under a night sky sprinkling with shining diamonds. It took a long time for the witch to calm the child down.

“Do you have a favorite star story?” the boy asked once the initial excitement of witnessing the stars subsided to some degree.

“Hmm? Hmmm…” The witch stared at the stars in thought. “A fellow witch told me this story once… many, many years ago. She said that powerful deities lived in the heavens. From there, they controlled everything using stars. Everything that happened on earth was determined by the stars. The stars decided who you were, who you were going to be, what would happen, and what you were going to do. The deities were the author of the stories, the stars were the script, and everything on earth was the oblivious actors, playing their parts.”


“Yes, everything was destined by the stars.” The witch’s hand reached for the sky, then stole a handful of stars from it. “Until humans stole the stars away from the gods. From that day on, man was the master of his own destiny. ” Glowing jewels fell from the witch’s grasp into the small hands below.

The boy stared at the star shaped diamonds in his hands. “So… people are the stars?”

“I guess you can say that. People are their own little star, but there are those who shine brighter than the average star.”

“Who are they?”
“They are special.”
“Like you?”

The witch smiled before putting a hand over the boy’s. “Like you.” When the witch pulled away, the star shaped diamonds were replaced with fireflies that flew away as soon as they were free from their prison. Silently, the two watched the insects fly away into the darkness.

“Are the stars gone because humans keep taking them away every time they come out?”
“Not every star. Scientifically speaking, the sun is a star too, you know?”

The boy’s eyes widened at the news. “Really!? Why can we still see the sun?”

“Who knows,” the witch shrugged. “Maybe because we’d die without the sun. Even if the sun was just invisible for 20 years, we’d go mad. Without the sun’s light, we’d be completely lost in the dark. Without the sun… ‘tomorrow’ will never come. Maybe whoever, whatever, hid the stars from us thought taking our sun was overkill.”


The boy looked around his surroundings, quizzically. He thought he heard someone. The witch seemed to notice as well, but continued to talk. “I never truly cared for the stars. They are pretty, yes, but that’s it. They say the universe continues to expand, creating new stars and plants, yet it feels like they have no effect on us. These stars, they’re so far away. So cold. The closest star from earth, other than the sun, is easily over 4 light-years away. The sun might not shine every centimeter of this planet every day, but it’s the brightest, closest, warmest star we’ll ever have.”

“----! ----?”

“Mama?” The boy stood up to look for what he thought would be his mother.



The witch sighed after watching the child become increasingly upset. “I guess I kept you too long.” The witch slowly pulled at Citlalicue’s skirt. As the witch did so, the starry night sky started to shift. The bright twinkling lights of the stars faded away and the black sky started to turn into a gradient of dark blue, blue, grayish blue, and orange. At the other end of the horizon, the edge of the witch’s blanket, the yellow sun appeared. It was dawn.

“You are the brightest star I have seen in years,” the boy thought he heard the witch say. “I really hope you realize your full potential.”


A hand slowly emerged from the warmth and comfort of its blanket cocoon to turn the alarm off. A few moans and groans could be heard in the room, but nothing truly moved for two full minutes. Then six alarm clocks went off at the same time.

Emergence has come, little stars. Run as fast as you can if you want to continue to shine. Run if you do not want to be taken away. Shine as brightly as you possibly can if you do not want to be engulfed by the darkness; the void; the nothingness.
Beauregard D. Flamel was staring at the stars from a comfortable king sized bed in the suite room of a hotel. From how clearly he could see the self-luminous celestial bodies made up of gas, he knew that every person in Seattle was making an effort to turn off as many lights as possible to see the main attraction more clearly. Though he thought the stars were pretty, Beauregard had experienced Emergence more times than the average man, the wonder and beauty of it all had worn off over the years. His lover lying right next to him seemed to agree as well.

The young brunette’s glazed eyes were fixated on Beauregard’s face. He smiled at the woman as he started to play with her hair with one hand. “I would have thought you’d be interested more in the stars than me.” He was lying of course. He knew that Margaret would choose him over everything else. They all did.

“You are more important to me than those stars.” Margaret’s lips planted a number of kisses on Beauregard’s chest. “Besides, the stars have enough attention right now.”

“That’s sweet Peggy.”

Beauregard leaned forward, but a knock on the door interrupted Beauregard from returning her kisses. Margaret whined as Beauregard excused himself to open the door. He didn’t care to put on clothes of any sort to cover his naked body when answering the door. He already knew who it was and it was somebody he loved to mess around with. A mischievous smile painted Beauregard’s face as he opened the door.

As he thought, it was who Beauregard expected: his sister. Beauregard knew he would see a well-dressed petite woman with bright red hair that was fiery as her spirit. She had a facial expression that looked similar to a smile, but one could tell the woman was nowhere near having a good time. Beauregard rarely saw his sister in a good mood. Then again, he always gave her a reason to be in a bad mood. It was what little brothers were for. What Beauregard did not expect was his sister holding an arm full of phallic-symbols ranging from a banana to a cigar stick which the woman, still smiling, snapped in half with a standard dual blade guillotine cigar cutter.

Beauregard’s fight-or-flight response kicked in. He quickly attempted to shut the door, but his sister’s reflex were significantly faster; a foot slid in and inhibited him from accomplishing the simple task. As Beauregard’s arm shook fiercely to close the door, or at least keeping it from opening it any further, his free hand struggled to place the door chain in place. Every time his hand passed the small crack, however, a carrot would whack his hand. With no sign of the door moving either way, the two were at a stalemate.

“Hi Sophie.”
“Hello, brother.”
“I didn’t know you smoked.”
“I don’t.”
“Explains why you wasted a perfectly good cigar.”
“Yes, it is a waste when you cut things so short that they become useless.”
“Is… that a threat?”
“Ahaha. Does it sound like one?”
“Why… do you have those things?”
“Oh, these? These are nothing; I went shopping after work. I just really needed to mutilate something that best represented my business partner. You see, I had a really bad day today. Did you know my partner was this close to single handedly destroying the lives of his employees? It’s amazing really. Which reminds me, brother, what time is it?”
“Night time?”

Sophie flicked the carrot directly into her brother’s face, making Beauregard momentarily paralyzed, and giving Sophie the time to open the door wider. With the dreaded carrot gone, as soon as he recovered, Beauregard managed to slip the door chain into its place before backing away from the door. It was only going to be a matter of time until Sophie the fire spewing mini She-Hulk would break the chains.

The door began to crack and the chains started to scream as Sophie continued to push open the door. “SIX HOURS LATE TO YOUR OWN GODDAMN MEETING! DAMN IT BEAUREGARD, DIDN’T I TELL YOU REPEATEDLY THAT WE HAD AN IMPORTANT EXECUTIVE MEETING!?”

“Yes! And I said I would be absent!”

The chains suddenly snapped and Sophie slammed the door open with such force that the door’s hinges broke. “BY SENDING A F***ING D***O!?”

“No. No. If you were paying any attention, you would have noticed a letter that said ‘Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meeting, I have a date. I sent you guys a present. Think of it as me. Make sure you share it with everyone. Have fu---…” Sophie backhanded Beauregard with the golden d***o in question and proceeded to beat her little brother with it.


Sophie’s ears caught something cutting through the air. Her hair, eyes, and back suddenly emitted a mixture of red, orange, and yellow colored lights for a split second, before turning the fork, in midair, into ash. Sophie’s eyes narrowed as she turned her head towards Margaret. The woman had the decency of wearing a bathrobe, unlike someone else, but the thing barely covered the places that needed to be covered. Based on Margaret’s expression Sophie knew what she intended to do with the knife in her hand. Sophie did not feel threatened. She was p***ed. Who did that bitch think she was throwing a fork at Sophie Flamel? Does she really think a normal human had any chance of defeating Sophie Flamel? The nerve of her! In her head, Sophie knew it was pointless to get mad at Margaret. Regardless of the person she used to be, it was ultimately Beauregard’s fault Margaret was ready to attack Sophie. Anyone could see it in her eyes: Margaret was an addict. An addict obsessed with one man and one man only. People say the obsession was love, pure and simple. What these people don’t know is that any romantic relationship with Beauregard Flamel was poisonous.

“Bo,” she hissed. “Is this filthy whore hurting you?”

Beauregard could practically hear his sister snap. As much as he thought it would be entertaining to watch a catfight, he couldn’t have Sophie burning Margaret into a pile of ash or pound her body into a patty which Sophie would undoubtedly shove down his throat. Not now at least. He chose Margaret for a reason. If she died here, his time spent with her would have been a waste of time. Beauregard got up from the ground with a charming smile and a soothing voice, approached Margaret. “No Peggy, I’m perfectly fine. We were just playing around. My sweet-gentle-wonderful-illustrious-pulchritudinous-intellectually superior darling sister would never hurt me. Look. See? Nothing.” His hand gently touched her hand holding the knife. “It’s okay. You can let go of the knife now.” When Margaret continued to stare at Sophie with suspicion, Beauregard spoke with extra honey, “Peggy.” On cue, Margaret dropped the knife. Completely forgetting Sophie’s existence, Margaret turned to Beauregard as if he was, once again, the center of her universe. “Good girl.” He petted the brunette as a reward. “You always look out for me don’t you?”

“Of course I do!” Margaret hugged Beauregard like a security blanket. “I love you.”

“Damn it all.” Sophie exhaled slowly, attempting to let her boiling blood cool down. “Beauregard. We need to go. We’re having a family meeting concerning… you know what.”

The brother’s smile broadened further as he continued to caress Margaret. “That I do.”
No problem! Things do happen unexpectedly in real life :)

Oh, I was going to ask you this after you posted in the IC (cause I expected it would be answered then), but I might as well ask.

This party, is it on the first day/night of Emergence? Or is it perhaps a day or so before or after the first day/night? … I guess the real question is whether you want all the would-be-witch characters to be officially witches by the time the party started. If it is the first day/night, I don't know how many people had the chance to kill anyone/thing just yet... then again, that might just be my character alone. He has no idea what's going on
Character Sheet (Witch):

Witch Family Sheet:

Character Sheet (Hunter):
Doctor Belasco said My concern is that it would be in my character's interest to ally himself with a powerful family. He might consider yours a sinking ship. Obviously there's a plot here - he might have a history with you, or defect away from you over the course of the RP. Don't expect to keep him :P

Sounds delicious! Without a doubt, my family is a sinking ship. Many members of the family know this, but do not want to give up. In a sense, this is why they excelled in alchemy.

The high-end witch society is a backstabbing one and being in the ring for so long, I would assume my family knows the game, thus, take precautions to who they take in. Since they also have symbol magic (which they will never teach anyone, but their bloodline), they could probably brand outsiders before letting them in their inner circle. So when and if they do---…

… *Thinks about it*

On second thought, it might be safer for your character to be unrelated to my family. If they did brand outsiders using symbol magic, then (based on what I can gather of your character so far), he probably wouldn't risk joining a "sinking-ship" family to learn all that he can from them and betray them, only to be possibly killed by the brand. My family may be a sinking ship, but it is a very dangerous one ;) Although, that can also be a sub-plot (your character carrying the cursed brand, which he managed to keep dormant for awhile and is trying to find away to be free from it).
Moon said @All: I also hope to have one or two player controlled hunters. If everyone wants a witch character, doubles will be acceptable too.

I can double... *Evil grin* In fact, I was thinking there can be a mole in the witch community.

@Doctor Belasco: My offer still stands :) My family is really desperate to "cure" their magic problem. They'll take/hire any help... though they'll think twice if its a rivaling family.
@Doctor Belasco
Doctor Belasco said For the record, I'm looking at a character that goes for the traditional Eye of Newt approach, fire burn and cauldron bubble and all that. In terms of actual magic, he might be more or less incompetent, but, when brewing potions, he is peerless, and so is something a 'fixer'. You want something doing, you go to my guy (and pay him). He is a craftsman, one that will make magical artefacts, or use his potions as a sort of 'fuel' for big, wide-ranging magic with spells that affect the weather, or luck, or wider concepts. Note that this makes him a valuable ally for anybody that is not themselves a witch because he can perform magic on their behalf.Hopefully, another player's magical family will have my character as a sort of 'mage-in-residence' where he would have official ties to the family and all the benefits and duties that that implies, but with slightly more independence and no blood connection.

ViewtifulBastard said @Doctor Belasco Hey I would be interested in hiring your Artificer/Mage for hire. We can work out a backstory, if your interested. My family are survivalists and would not mind working with an outsider. What do you think?

Since there seems to be similarities with my family's specialties and your character's skills, as another option, your character could be a "mage-in-residence" for and/or (ex?) student learning from my family. Their proficiency in alchemy (which includes potion creation and making magic items) can probably benefit your character. They also are facing a decline of witches within their own bloodline, so in exchange for providing an official title to your character, they would want him to marry one of their children and/or contribute to solving the witch-decline problem within their bloodline.

Regardless, your character can expect business competition from my family.
I am currently juggling ideas for my character, but I have a generic idea for my witch family. Posting it here just so others have some clue to what I'm thinking of doing:

I am planning to have a family (we'll just call it family X for now) that is proficient in the school of alchemy and symbol magic. Family X is actually a branch family that originally was part of a larger family (family Y), which was gifted with astrological divination and other star related/effected magic. However, since the disappearance of the stars, their star related magic became practically useless and the family divided into independent houses with their own leaders and their own specialty (if anyone would like to be another branch family, you are welcome to; your witch family would simply have a common ancestor with family X and nothing more). Whether it's related to family Y having star related magic or not, no one knows, but ever since the disappearance of the stars, the decedents of family X are becoming less prone to magic; with each coming Emergence, fewer children become witches. Not all of family X's witches can even execute the simplest forms of magic. The only reason(s) family X retains its dignity within the witch community is the fact that their magical items are considered to be of the best quality and are highly valued… Not to mention their symbol magic is not to be trifled with.
Hi guys/ladies, I'm actually going to be busy for a few days, but I just wanted to drop by to express my interest.

Why can't both happen at the same time? Maybe there was an increase of missing witches cases and/or murder of witches for the past few weeks/months/years prior to the Emergence. Despite that, as is their custom, the witch families can have their masked-witch-unity party and initiation for the newcomers. Since most, if not all, the witch families are already there, the leaders (head of each family) can have a conference about the threat of the Hunters.

They can make a "peace treaty", but whether anyone upholds it can be a different matter. If the feud has been going on long enough, I'm sure someone's going to backstab someone sooner or later. I mean, isn't this the perfect time to get rid of someone and blame it on the Hunters? Even if it wasn't intentional, a little misunderstanding could turn into something nasty very quickly.

…Or the main leader can get promptly assassinated during the whole party :)
*Just saw the OOC again* Whoo! Just look at that! That is a lot of characters and potential characters. Nah, it'll be overkill if I send my CS now. I think I'll resign myself to watching from the shadows… *fuses into the dark corners of the thread* *giggles*

Thank you for the suggestion though! Have fun~
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