Kaelara strode into the staging area with her usual measured pace, grey eyes scanning the gathered adventurers and soldiers with quiet scrutiny. She wasn’t in a hurry to sign up—she already knew she was going—but she took a moment to observe the others first, sizing up potential allies and liabilities alike.
The captain looked as grim as ever. A handful of familiar faces, a few unknowns. Some seemed competent enough. Others... well, they’d either prove their worth or be dead weight soon enough.
She made her way to the registration table, sparing a glance at Sonia’s easy confidence as the huntress pressed the captain for details. Kaelara smirked faintly—at least someone was eager for answers.
Taking up the quill, she signed in clean, deliberate strokes.
Kaelara Ashwyn.
She passed the parchment back without a word, stepping toward the equipment cart. Most of what was on offer was standard issue, serviceable but unimpressive. Her own weapons and armor were better suited to her style, but it wouldn’t hurt to take something extra.
She picked up a short sword, testing the balance with a practiced hand before sliding it into her belt. As for armor, she eyed the leather padding before shaking her head. Too bulky. If she needed protection, she’d rely on her own gear.
She caught movement from the corner of her eye “Shelby Appleton,” grabbing a quiver of arrows without a bow. Her lips pressed into the ghost of a smirk. Curious choice. Either he had a plan, or he was in for a rude awakening.
Kaelara snorts under her breath. “That gonna be a fashion statement, courier? Or you planning to throw them one by one?” she murmured as she passed him, low enough for only him to hear. She didn’t pause for an answer.
Instead, she stepped closer to where Sonia was speaking with the Captain, her arms crossing as she listened to the exchange. The sooner she had the full picture of this mission, the better.
The sun was climbing, and soon, they’d be on their way