Avatar of Kassarock


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1 yr ago
Mahz finally picked up the milk.


29 | M | GMT
Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


Current Roleplays and Interest Checks

My 1x1 Interest Check Thread | Currently CLOSED

Other Things

Current Avatar | Connor Fawcett

Check out my Character Archive for other/old character sheets.

Most Recent Posts

I hit the cul-de-sac on the spiritual path
Retraced my steps back home
But the house burned down before I got there
And I found myself alone

Hey Vey, welcome to the guild.

Mature roleplay is indeed allowed on the site, though there are some rules and guidelines. The long and short of it is basically keep anything explicitly smutty off of the public forum (you can act it out through private messages instead if you want to), and don't do mature roleplays with people under the age 18. If you can follow those, you're golden.
Eli Redgrave

The bike ride to school had been somewhat frenetic, through largely uneventful save for when Eli had almost ran over some other kid wearing a hooded sweatshirt who had unexpectedly stepped out in front of him. He hadn't got a good look at his face, but had heard what sounded like angry yells emitting in his wake. Westcliffe wasn't a large town, he probably knew who it was, and they probably knew him, they were probably in the same class. Oops. I should probably try to not accidentally kill one of my classmates. Especially not this time of year... He set that grim thought aside, and pedalled harder.

He rode along the 'quaint' tree lined main street of Westcliffe, past the handful of mom-and-pop stores that had been run by the same families for generation on generation, finally stopping in front of the old schoolhouse. He chained his bike to the gently rusting set of cast iron railings that lined the school's grounds and considered taking the time to sneak one last cigarette, before disregarding it, and heading inside.

Eli went to his locker first, he kept an emergency pack of breath mints in there for mornings just like this. As he fumbled with the lock, his eyes involuntarily drifted to the locker two doors down from his own. The name tag on it still hadn't been changed. Even after a whole year. Almost two now.


He couldn't remember how many times they had stood here, talking and joking as they prepared to head into class together. He missed his brother all the time, but in that moment it wasn't sadness that hit him, but rage. Rage with a sudden intensity he was totally unprepared for. Two years. Two years! How could he have gone and left him for two years with that fucking bastard?! He had relied on him. He had depended on him... they had depended on each other.

Unless. The thought slipped into his mind unbidden, like a serpent. Unless, he didn't choose to leave, and someone took him away from me. He shook that vile secret from his head, took a deep breath, and headed into class - wearing a smile.

It had made it in time, class hadn't started yet. He walked in to see a knot of his fellow classmates gathered around Emily's seat, amongst them Ben Ruiz and Violet DeWinter herself, heiress to the 'noble' and 'venerable' DeWinter dynasty. Eli had a natural dislike of DeWinters, but amongst the clan he supposed he disliked Violet the least, despite her being somewhat stuck up in his opinion. He liked Emily, she was weird and more than a touch naive (despite being older than him), but she was nice and almost kinda... cool, he guessed? Ben was fun, if at times something of an idiot. He instantly recognised the hoodie that Ben was wearing.

"Goddam it seƱor Ruiz, if I knew it had been you, I wouldn't have swerved earlier, I would have run you straight down y'know?" He playfully slapped Ben on the arm with a wild grin. As soon as he finished he turned to Violet and offered her an overly dramatic and sardonic bow. "Good morrow to you, Miss DeWinter, we are eternally grateful to be graced by your graceful presence. And Emily, my oh my, isn't someone popular today?"

Eli glanced around him after he had spoken. He hated himself for doing it, but his eyes went automatically to Alex's empty seat, the one near the back of the classroom by the wall. But this time, it wasn't empty. Eli was so surprised that for a moment he thought it was Alex, just sat there as if nothing had happened. But no, it wasn't Alex, of course it wasn't Alex. There was a girl sitting there, about their age, with long blonde hair. He didn't know who she was, which was weird, since Eli knew pretty much everyone in Westcliffe.

"Damn guys... I know I've been off for a few days, but what did I miss? Who's she?"

Interactions: @sassy1085@bumbles guthrie@bumbles guthrie
Yeah been a busy week for me, will have something up today
Of all the people in the palace, she had whom Ozragad had least expected to appear through the double doors of the council chamber. The King's golden eyes widened in surprise. He had given specific orders confine her to her to her rooms had he not? How had she come to be here? Had she escaped? No, someone must have countermanded his orders, but who? It did not take long for the culprit to reveal himself. Manawyndan stepped out of the shadows beyond the doorway and positioned himself at the far end of the hall, behind the Princess.

The King's face grew grave, set with a frown. He felt his mouth opening, a harsh rebuke forming on his lips for both the Princess and his Steward for defying his orders. He had sent Manawyndan with the attention of avoiding this exact situation. How dare he spring a trap upon me like this! But, no. He stilled his tongue, straightened his expression. He would have words with Manawyndan later, once the Princess was safely out of earshot.

He let her bow. She was being polite, deferential even. That was another surprise. He had been expecting more fire, more anger. Had it worked? Had he scared her into submission? Or had Manawyndan coerced her into cooperating somehow? He glanced down at his hand, the one that had wrapped around her throat so easily only a few days before. It was clenched so tightly. He let it loosen, and raised it, bidding her up from her supplication. If she had seen reason, then was no need for any further... cruelty.

"I... I had not expected to see you so soon, Princess." Ozragad glanced at his Steward as he spoke, but his eyes quickly flicked back to settle on the Princess. "But this is as good a time as any other. Sit." He gestured towards the seat at the opposite end of the long table.
3 Points - Peep
2 Points - Mckenzy
1 Point - Onyx
Hey, know I said I get a post up a few days ago, haven't forgotten, just been busy with some other stuff.
Current Writing Ambience:

Category: Dogs
1st Pick: Bowie
2nd Pick: McKenzy
3rd Pick: Gizmo

Category: Cats
1st Pick: Boris
2nd Pick: Phat Boi
3rd Pick: Suki

Category: Misc
1st Pick: Enigma
2nd Pick: Danica
3rd Pick: Peep (Maybe if you hadn't woken me up with your screaming this morning I'd vote you higher)
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