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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


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Current Avatar | Connor Fawcett

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Okay, hunt first it is!

As for Elise's talents - why not do both? I mean the Formori aren't going to know it should only be one right?

And even if you only decide to use one for the talent demonstration, doesn't mean Elise can't have other talents and skills she can show off at other times?
Ummm... So there's some interesting things from a character perspective either way I suppose.

If Elise goes first and impresses Ozragad, then I imagine he might have a sort of 'oh shit I need to take this seriously' moment and then try really hard to make sure he isn't out done by her. But the reverse could be very interesting as well, Ozragad going first and kinda just phoning it in, and then being shown up by Elise.

Of the two, I think the second one, Ozragad going first and then getting a bit shown up by Elise, is my preferred choice.

I also have some side content to the hunt which would potentially explore Ozragad's sense of justice and his relationship with his people that I might do, but it wouldn't be long, a post or two at most.

What were you thinking of doing for the talent demonstration btw? Or is that a secret?
I don't mind actually which we do first, what's your preference?
That sounds good to me.

I'll probably do one post to cover some of stuff Ozra's been doing, might focus in on a conversation or two with some NPCS if I think its important.
Name: Sarcen - the Destroyer, the White Fire, Taker of Life and Wielder of the First Blade

Character: Unrestrained Hedonism is Sarcen’s most key and core essence – they pursue their own enjoyment and amusement to the detriment or even destruction of others and of the self. They are violent, sadistic, self-centred, hedonist and utterly depraved. They live their life as swirling vortex of fighting, drinking, whoring, stealing, killing, and abusing others that sucks in all those around them and spits them back out broken and bruised - and often even worse. However, at the same time as this Sarcen has an intense fascination and interest in humans, their little plans and schemes and intrigues and emotions. So insignificant and weak but crying out for recognition, love, praise and power. Sarcen is sincre in his respect for mankind and their pleasure seeking and often brutal ways (sometimes even he is impressed by their capacity to inflict horrors) but he feels no love for them - or for his own kind of that matter. It's like watching an ant farm... occasionally crushing a few between your fingers to see how they react. And while he can exert his will over many of them for his enjoyment now... its gotten stale... perhaps a larger ant farm to play with is needed?

  • Untrustworthy and completely self-centred makes them a poor and unwilling ally
  • Hedonistic and self-destructive tendencies hamper effectiveness (permanently hung-over or drunk/high)
  • No focus or pre-planning, they act, they don't plan, and if they get bored of something, they will give up and do something else

Appearance: Sarcen is tall man, broad shouldered but slim at the waist. They are muscular but at the same time have a lean and hungry look to them, like they haven’t eaten properly for days or weeks. Angular is their face with high and sharp cheekbones, with a strong chin that always bears a few days’ worth of rough stubble upon it. Unlike his cheeks, his nose is flat and wide, it looks as though it has been broken in the past. Their skin is marred with many scars and pale, like their hair, which is a silvery blonde kept short, tight buzz cut on the sides with low messy spikes on top. Their lips are thin, and pull back to reveal yellowed teeth with long, sharp, canines. Yellower still are Sarcen’s eyes, a bright inhuman and incandescent yellow, with slits for pupils – predator eyes, although normally these are hidden by a set of ever present black sunglasses which themselves rest upon his pointed and multiply pierced ears. A metal bar runs through their right eyebrow.

They dress in an old stained and torn white ribbed vest transitioning down over a black leather belt with a large tarnished belt into ripped washed out jeans and heavy black army boots. Over the exposed part of the his body you can see Sarcen's 'art work', hundreds of different tattoos all in different styles and of different ages, some overlapping each over, some familiar symbols and motifs, others alien and incomprehensible.

Essence: Fire. White Fire, that’s burns hotter than any fire you can imagine, as Sarcen taps into more and more of the flow an essence this heat becomes more focused and more intense – allowing them to create explosions and blasts of superheated air. However, for all the power and strength of their use of essence, Sarcen lacks all forms of subtlety and technique with its use. All he can understand is brute force when it comes to the use of his powers.

Emblem: A silver and black switchblade.


God: Sarcen is ambivalent to God on a personal level, as long as they stay of out his way and doesn't interfer with his enjoyment of the world and its inhabitants. However, ever the seeker of new experiences, he often wonder's what it would be like to be God and what pleasures he could enjoy and sufferings he could inflict.

Ambition: 7
Combat: 8
Essence: 7
Cunning: 3
Reputation: 1


Lem Arronson


47 or 48


Lem Arronson is hard man, he’s lived a hard life and a long one at that considering his profession. He’s tough and reliable, diligent, someone that you can depend upon but will equally require you to work hard and do your fair share – he gives no free rides. He speaks little and sleeps less, he’s patient and quiet, this leads him to be a cautious (yet highly skilled) fighter on the battlefield. After all, there is some truth in the saying that there are old mercenaries, and there bold mercenaries, but there are no old bold mercenaries.

Despite his gruffness and unyielding nature, Lem ultimately has a good heart. If one has the patience to listen to him then he imparts advice freely, and pretty much always speaks honestly. He has even served a sort of mentor in the past to younger men following similar paths to the one he has travelled. He has dry sense of humour, although it tends towards the more grim and macabre end of the spectrum – another side effect of spending a life killing people for money.


Lem’s story is a common one. He is not an orphan, his young life was not filled with hardship or tragedy or formative suffering. He was the son of peasants, and he lived in a small village in the north of Edessa where his father herded flocks of sheep for the local feudal lord and his mother worked all day in their vegetable garden. The eldest of four children that made it past infancy, he worked in the fields and pastures from a young age. Lem did not live a miserable or particularly hard life, sometimes the winters and springs were lean, and sometimes they were not. Ultimately they scraped a decent living for folks such as themselves and his family were content. Lem however, was not.

He was adventurous boy, always dreaming beyond the valleys of his childhood to the world that was outside. He wanted to see it, he wanted to be more than just another peasant, more than his father; he wanted to live. His father was not a bad man, but they clashed a lot, and sometimes he beat Lem, and sometimes Lem deserved it. One day after feeling particular discontent, his arm particularly sore from a slap of his father’s crook, Lem decided to leave his family and the life he faced ahead of him as another peasant farmer- for good.

He ran away south before is fourteenth name day, taking little with him except the clothes on his back. He had little idea of where he was going, stealing and working as a day labourer to get by. For a couple of months he lived like vagabond until one night, while sleeping in a haystack he was seized by a group of recruiters for the King’s Army, had the shilling forced upon him and was pressed ganged into the service of the crown.

Now while this might seem as a set back from most people, it was really the best thing that could have happened to Lem. He was fed and clothed, given tasks to set his mind and energy to, and most of all he was given a life beyond working a plough or crook or scythe. He saw Edessa, fought in a fair number of skirmishes, he became a fair fighter and then a good one. After his ten years were up and he was given the choice between going back to the life of a civilian or continuing as a solider, Lem chose the latter. Although this time, he was not in service to the King, instead he joined one of the free companies of Edessa – mercenaries who do not fight for crown or glory, but for gold.

Mercenary life suited Lem even better than an enlisted man, he earned more and saw even more of the world. For six years he warred his way through the eastern lands, fighting alongside the nomads and barbarians in their never ending conflicts. He made a fortune and returned to Edessa, there was a woman for a while, talk of settling down and having a good, respectable life, but something went wrong and within a year Lem had drank his fortune away and returned to a life on the road. He fought wherever there was fighting needed to be done and in the process made a fair reputation and name for himself amongst the circles in which soldiers of fortune tend to move.

All of this continued uninterrupted until three years ago, when Lem’s horse was killed beneath him during a skirmish on the Welds border. A novice spearman, their very first battle in fact, stepped out from behind a tree as Lem thundered past and skewered the horse in its chest. The beast fell, and Lem wasn’t quick enough to leap clear of the saddle. It landed on his right leg, crushing his knee into a bloody, broken mess. Lem survived the battle, but he would never be the graceful and truly formidable fighter he had once been.

He served on as a mercenary though, he was experienced, he could lead and train men and was still a good enough sword – especially when in the saddle. But when his band was called south again to fight the orcs, he left them and returned to capital. He said that fighting orcs was different to men, and that he was getting too old and would be of no use to them. But everyone knew that was a lie, no one was sure why he went back, but he stayed in the city until the last moment, leaving with the very last caravan on the road north to Ardel.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Accomplished Swordsman - Lem has been fighting on and off the battlefield for over 30 years now. If you can do something with a sword that he doesn’t know about, it’s probably not worth knowing. His main areas of expertise are when it comes to sword and shield or sword and dagger, less accomplished with two handed swords or other combinations.
  • Professional Rider – Lem is very comfortable on a horse, having ridden in both combat and non-combat situations.
  • Professional Spearman – Lem is also skilled in the use of the spear or lance, especially when on horseback.
  • Journeyman Healing – A practical knowledge of how to stich and dress flesh wounds, set and splint broken bones, and relocate joints develops over the years when you main source of income involves getting hurt a lot.
  • Novice Huntcraft – Foraging and scavenging food in the field is important, however Lem lacks any real skill with the bow, so they are limited to snaring rabbits and trying (often unsuccessfully) to spear large game.
  • Novice Armourer – A basic knowledge of how to reshape dented plates and repair rivets on chain mail while on the move. Only quick fixes really until a professional blacksmith can be found.


  • Armour - Lem's armour consists of three layers, a basic thin padded and quilted arming jacket and trousers, over which goes a full length mail hauberk with mail leggings and coif. The topmost layer is a coat of plates sewn into leather, steel vambrices, greeves, a mis matched set of pauldrons (one iron, one steel) and a iron open faced helmet with a nose guard. One his feet he wears hobnailed leather boots and his hands are covered with leather gaunlets with a few small plates sewn into them. Much of the armour is used and has beaten and rough look to it, but is servicable.
  • Arming Sword - A one handed steel Arming sword, a little nicked, but very sharp still. Plain guard and sharkskin grip.
  • Dirk - A steel dagger for small tasks or to be used in his off hand
  • Shield - A round oaken shield with an iron rim that can be strapped to the arm.
  • Boar spear - A short iron spear hafted with ash that can be used as weapon or for hunting
  • Coin purse - A small purse fat with silver and copper coins, additionally Lem has a few gold coins sewn into the lining of one of his jerkins and a garnet hidden in his left boot.
  • Horse - A relatively old grey mare called Dutchess, Lem's horse for the last three years. She carries a set of saddlebags that contain:

    • Two sets of small clothes, two leather studded jerkins (one fur lined), two sets of breaches, one ragged woollen cloak
    • Animal gut thread, a neede and some linen strips
    • A small hammer and set of tongs, a small bottle of oil, some rags, a whetstone
    • A bed roll and a tarred sheet of canvas
    • A water skin, a wine skin, a small leather flask of 'fire water' (a strong alcohol from Varyan)
    • A few days worth of dried provisions (bread, cured meat, hard cheese, dried apples etc)
Z/35712 – Chopper - Z


Z/35712 is technically their official name, it’s a batch number tattooed on the back of their neck from whoever originally birthed them.


Prior to conviction inmate was known by the alias Chopper, an epithet given to them by their non Zeluuri comrades – supposedly derived from their propensity for machetes?

Since conviction they have adopted a new name that was given to them by fellow inmates, Z, short hand on many world’s for Z/35712's race – the Zeluuri.




Unknown – Zeluuri memories aren’t particularly sharp and pretty much end up completely resetting after about fifteen years. Z/35712 has served nine of a twelve year sentence, and we have records stretching back for another ten years before that.


Zeluuri are sexless – most professional or medical reports will refer to them as a ‘they’. On world’s with less stringent laws regarding sentient life Zeluuri are often downgraded to an ‘it’ however, and most people refer to them in the male pronoun as they conform to galactic culture’s general gender expectations for males more readily than females – they don’t seem to mind.

Charged Crime(s)

Currently serving a twenty galactic standard year sentence (reduced to twelve via Picking) with additional five years monitored probation for murdering a settler on the colony of Prander’s World. Has previous convictions for minor drug charges and violent assault on other worlds.


Z/35712 lives up to the stereotypes surrounding Zeluuri well – they’re violent, dangerous, exceptionally strong, but ultimately simple minded and easy to please. General population is mostly scared of Z/35712, given they can damn near tear most other people in half with their bare hands if they wanted to. The guards however are somewhat complacent, as knowledge of how to bribe Z/35712 into following orders is commonplace.


Imagine a Conger eel with six dull glowing orange eyes stuck in the sides of its face. Now put that Conger eel on two legs, give a set of arms ending in clawed hands have two sets of opposable thumbs on each side. Congutulations you have just met your first Zeluuri. They have no lips or eyelids and just slits for a nose, their mouth is a jumbled mess of fangs that sometimes keep members of their race from closing them all dripping with toxic saliva. They start off full height but skinny and lean when first birthed but rapidly bulk up on muscle in the first few years of their lives. They lack sexual organs – instead they produce asexually with a parasitic slime that is used to wrap dead bodies in to create a cocoon. The flesh of the host becomes altered to the genetic code and a 'clone' is made. Because each host is difference, every Zeluuri doesn't look the same and takes on a minor change in format to the traces of DNA left from the cadaver.

Z/35712 is a particularly large and strong example of a Zeluuri, indicating both a large original host, and a long life. They are distinguished from others of their kind through the many scars and markings on their body. They are missing their right middle eye, their left inner thumb and half their ring finger on the same hand. Mercenary and prison tattoos around their pale fleshy body faded like newspapers left out in the rain.


6ft 10inches or 208cm


400lb or 181.5kg


Violent and slothful are two most identifiable traits of Z/35712. Like most Zeluuri they have a natural propensity to violent and war like behaviour, and the fact that their loyalty imprint was activated years ago when they were first birthed means that getting them to do anything is a real pain. However, they do respond well to promises of extra food rations or luxury goods, as long as you remember to keep them. Z/35712 is obedient, trusting when coerced as such and their idleness is made up for by their sheer strength and endurance, making them a relatively effective worker. However, be sure to treat them with respect, don’t try to trick them, break a promise or deceive them because when they get angry… they sure do get real angry, and a 400lb bipedal eel with claws can do a hell of a lot of damage.

When it comes to their interaction with the other inmates, most of them are scared of Z/35712, (hell did you see what he nearly did to Kravat in his first week here? I hear his doing well these days by the way, eating solid food again) but they don’t really seem to realise it – there’s not really that much going on up there. And they insist on sharing double cell for whatever reason which makes more of the gen pop uncomfortable, they keep thinking Z/35712 wants to cocoon them and make a friend for themself. Like the rest of their kind they have the odd habit of referring to themselves in the third person.


  • Meat
  • Sedatives/Opiates/Anything chemical that produces euphoria
  • Sleeping
  • Music of any sort – lone Zeluuri are much more docile when there is constant background noise whether it be classical music or static.


  • Work – unless sufficiently bribed
  • Being tricked, deceived, or lied to in anyway
  • Jokes or witty people - they don’t often understand them and assume they are being laughed at
  • Strong electric shocks – due to their low level psionic hive mindedness
  • Being left alone


  • Really, really, strong
  • Faster than average
  • Skilled at hand to hand combat – both armed and unarmed
  • Has exceptional night vision


  • Dumb as a doornail
  • Uncooperative with others except to other Zeluuri or original owner
  • Easily distracted by sleep, food, drugs and alcohol


  • Strong electric shocks – it’s like being punched directly in the brain for them
  • Being alone – the general pack mentality of Zeluuri means they get agitated and upset when left completely alone.
  • Certain types of ancient alien artefacts makes them completely freak out – anything related to the High Vos culture.


Z/35712 first shows up on any official record about 20 years ago as a fully grown Zeluuri arrested for drug trafficking on Azatone. They served two years there before being released and emigrating to the desert world of Hakkon – trail goes completely cold for four years until they show up an enlisted mercenary with the USSC (United Security Solutions Corporation). For the next six years they fought in a variety of conflicts, the invasion of Fyndii by the Damoosh collective, the Derelict War during the Colchis Offensive on Magu Minor, and the civil war in the Ethelholm System.

Around ten years ago they ended up on a posting protecting one of the frontier colonies on Prander’s World, rooting out pirates and illegal homesteads in preparation for another wave of expansion. One night he was in a bar playing cards with a bunch of other Zeluuri mercs and a stranger joins in and ends up winning a lot of money. A fight breaks out, the Zeluuri accuse the stranger of cheating, someone pulls out a gun and Z/35712 machetes the guy in the face. Supposedly it was self-defence but anyway the card player dies and Z/35712 gets arrested.

Justice on frontier worlds isn’t much so the normal procedure would be for USSC to post a bail and make Z/35712 pay it back. But as it turns out the stranger was the son of some wealthy capitalist from Urras who got wind of what happened and demanded justice – so Z/35712 gets shipped back to a core world and given a proper trial. They get 20 galactic standard years for murder and after brief stints elsewhere, ends up in a penal colony in the Siren System. This was how they managed to get into picking – Zeluuri aren’t bright enough to be good pickers, but Z/35712 is freakishly strong and can do the grunt work of 3 or 4 other inmates.

Name: Karliege

Race: Human, perhaps it should be considered formerly human

Nationality: Aldebarani

Occupation: Sorcerer

Religion: None. Karliege holds that there are no Gods, or that if there are then they are insane. He has seen the other side and all it holds is darkness and terror.


A battered and skeletal waif, with his stooped shoulders and his crooked leg Karliege stands a little under five feet and nine inches and probably weighs half of what a man his size should. He is pitifully thin, every last one of the ribs which make up his hollow chest is bared on display beneath his luminous pale skin. All over he covered in markings, scars, tattoos, some ritual in nature, others demarking his former life as slave to the God-Emperor Dagon, and all the cruelties that it entailed. The left knee is a snarl of scar tissue and fused solid, the result of one too many vigorous beating and years spent in chains. The right arm is hidden beneath a web of bandages, but hangs withered and trembling at his side.

His face is half covered by his lank dark blonde hair, thin and greasy it hangs down to the left to obscure dark red branding scars, ones that permanently etched his station under Dagon’s Empire into this face. It crosses over his left eye and the trauma inflicted by the burning iron has left it milky white and unseeing. The other eye is a soft grey, and usually stares vacantly, whatever intelligence flickering within is distant, sometimes there is great sorrow in that one remaining eye, at other times there is an even greater madness. The rest of the face would have once been considered well-made, slightly effeminate and elfin perhaps, but handsome none the less. A slender nose, now slightly crooked from an old break, leads down to thin and cracked lips the colour of ash. Hunger and privation has made the angles of Karliege’s face even more pronounced, but not for the better, gauntness is the lasting impression rather than beauty. He is only a young man, but he seems old before his time.

Normally the worse of these abuses are well hidden beneath a great woollen cloak of dark gray, its deep hood used to further hide Karliege’s appearance. Underneath he wears whatever clothes he can find, caring for warmth over any form of aesthetic. His boots are mismatched, a necessity brought about by his now uneven legs and limping gait.


Karliege is cold and reserved, not in a cruel or uncaring way, but as if separated from all others around him by an immense unseen chasm. Distant is probably the lasting impression that he leaves on others. Even when he is direct conversation with his peers he has a habit of gazing off into the middle distance, almost as if he’s looking right though someone to something beyond. He’s quiet, in particular about himself and his history, and when pressed upon a subject he does want to discuss, instead of becoming irritated or hostile, he is more like to introvert and become despairing and defeatist. If he were to smile it would be a sad one, and only when he thinks he is alone. He sleeps little, haunted by nightmares that make him wake in fits of terrible screams

And yet at the same time there is another side of Karliege, one that shows itself rarely. It seems a kind of madness that manifests itself sometimes, when he is threatened or finds himself in danger. It starts with fear, despair, and terror. His eyes struggle wide in their sockets and he displays a rare outburst of emotion and becomes much more vocal. After this he might may briefly fit or seize up, at other times he faints. When he recovers from this, he is changed. He is silent and moves and acts with a boldness and arrogance completely unlike his normal cautious self, there is also a sense of hardness and cruelty in this other Karliege. He seems to take pleasure in the pain of others and his unscarred eye has an intense burning focus very dissimilar to its normal gaze.


Karliege is a native of Kuranes, one of few residents of that accursed place that have improbably survived its terror and escaped. He was raised without the love of a mother or a father, only a master, and a cruel one at that. In Aldebaran, children who are born with the gift of power are often taken at a young age to be inducted as acolytes in the Cult of Dagon. The same was much true of the days before the Red Night. The crown had always taken interest in the powers of sorcery and had attempted to monopolise upon, so sorcerers sworn to the crown were given royal assent in the abduction of children from their mothers’ breast. Karliege was one such child.

He remembers little of his birth parents, although he does recall hazy memories of living as a child somewhere in the countryside. It used to bother him that he couldn’t recall his parents’ faces, but as the nightmare that is consuming Geryon continues, he is strangely relieved by it. Something which is forgotten cannot cause more pain or aguish. He does not have to worry about what could have happened to his parents in this new hell, because they were nought but phantoms to him already. There are many things however, that Karliege cannot forgot, events and faces that are burned into his mind like the slave brand burned into his face. One of those things is Colndil.

Colndil was his master, and the first face that he truly recalls. His terror of the man has barely even receded in adulthood. Tall and broad, with a pointed beard and a great black mane, the mere thought of that piercing gaze from his ice like eyes was enough to send shivers down Karliege’s spine. He had been powerful in the ways of dark magic, and one of the closest associates of Dagon before his ascendance to godhood. He had kept a veritable stable of young apprentices to use to further his own power. He abused them all, both physically and mentally, and some, those he took particular dislike to, he abused in ways to sordid to describe here. And where did Karliege stand in all of this? Karliege was his most despised pupil.

Colndil saw him as weak and effeminate, and hated him for it. Karliege was skilled in the ways of sorcery in a way that many of the other boys would never obtain, but he did not have great reserves of power in himself, like most of Colndil’s other pupils, instead he had to rely on more devious and secretive ways to manipulate this veil we call reality. Karliege has always wondered why that irked Colndil so, perhaps it was because in many ways it was the same as how Colndil himself worked his magic. Colndil was a master of the art, the most skilled and knowledgeable of his generation, but still he relied on the reserves of small boys to accomplish his greatest feats. But no matter, whatever the root of Colndil’s abuse it created a mutual hatred between master and apprentice, one that would eventually prove nearly fatal to the pupil.

It was not so for all of Colndil’s students however, some rose to this cruelty and sought to overcome it through the proving of their own might and drive. One such pupil was Frior. He was child of even lower birth than Karliege, taken from gutter in Colndil’s own words, but he had strength above all them and rose to be Colndil’s right hand and acolyte. At first it just Colndil that would go to the Palace to visit the Emperor, then after a particularly long and late meeting with his liege, he began to take Frior with him. These meetings became more and more frequent as the weeks went by and eventually the two would be gone for days at a time. The other apprentices, Karliege included, welcome to the respite from their master and his dog. But this peace was shattered, when they were summoned, every last one of them, to Dagon’s Palace.

They gathered them in the throne room, sorcerers and apprentices from across the land, a larger gathering than Karliege ever heard of in his lifetime. Then it began.

He remembers nothing of the Red Night and what unspeakable horror was done in Dagon’s throne room. He remembers that they lied to him, told him they were doing the greatest of works and were to bring about an era of peace and prosperity for the world. He remembers that he poured his skill and his power in doing whatever was done. But he remembers no more.

After the Red Night, everything was changed. The wars began, and the enslavement of peoples of Geryon was underway. Karliege and the rest of the apprentices were confined to the lower regions of the palace and worked as slaves in the blood magic of Dagon. They saw little of Colndil and Frior now, both had been raised to the status of Perfecti and had been changed in the process. When the sacrifices began, they were the ones to administer them. They were ones required to the work the rights take the blood. The things… the things that they did. Unspeakable. Terrible.

One day it all proved too much. Karliege and another one of the former apprentices, Raul, decided to try and flee the capital or die trying. They escaped from their quarters and roamed the palace searching for a way out, but they failed, and were both captured. Karliege tried to use his magic to kill the legionaries, but there was too many, and by the time he thought to try and turn it on himself, it was too late and he was too weak to even end his own life.

From then on the days were a blur of beatings, and the nights full of lonely freezing solitude. It was then that they branded his face, and smashed his knee. Sometimes the Perfecti would call upon him to use his magic, other times he was left to starve and rot in the darkness. But somehow he survived. He survived long enough, that is, for a shadow from his past to return to torment him.

Colndil. Colndil returned to Karliege and his hell, brought him up out of it and delivered him to another. He… did something to Karliege, something that changed him in ways like no other abuse or torture had. He did not take something away… he added something to Karliege, something dark, something dangerous. They carved it into his arm, this magick, with knives of obsidian and powered grave dust. The plucked something forth from the darkness beyond the veil, and implanted it within his soul.

What it is exactly, Karliege does not know, but is powerful and is alive in its own fashion. He does not fully control it, but neither does it hold mastery over him. Sometimes it feels like it is within him, crawling in the back of his mind, at other times it seems to exist outside of him. He knows that he has seen it on the edge of his vision, a dark shadow roughly hinting the shape of a man. Why it was put there? Karliege has long suspected that he was only a trial run of a ritual that Colndil may have intended for himself, to amplify his own powers even more. Karliege had only been subjected to it because of how he and Colndil had once worked in a similar way. Whatever the matter, it was his salvation, and it allowed him to escape.

It used his body and its power to break down the cell doors and run faster than Karliege’s own crippled body could have imagined possible. It combined his skill of reading and manipulating the veil of reality with its own strength to hide them from the legions, from Colndil, from Dagon. The price was dear though, after their flight, Karliege had lain in a forest, under a great oak tree, vomiting blood , half blind and mad for a week. Never again did either of them push the boundaries of their endurance than in that desperate escape.

After months in the wilds, living on acorns and berries, they finally found their way to the relative safety of the mountainous forests of Varyon, and the rebels under the Scarred King.


- Silver basin, used for scrying in moonlight
- Bag of knucklebone runes, used as a method of divination
- Ritual knife, a simple single edged blade used for drawing blood or reading entrails
- A stout yew staff, iron shod, gently thickening towards the upper end
- Gray woollen travelling cloak
- Undyed tunic, woollen leggings, and a set of mismatched boots in soft leather


Karliege is a somewhat skilled in the use of arcane mysteries, in particular the abilities of scrying and divination. He can learn of events transpiring far away and consult with both the fates and the spirits as to the events of the future – however, they are not forthcoming in their prophecies and will often speak in riddles or intentionally mislead the asker if they fail to ask the right question.

Colndil’s Curse
A shadow follows Karliege. It is bound to him in blood and sorcery. It shares its strength with him, but it also makes us of his body and invades his mind. When the shadow is in control Karliege becomes incredibly powerful and is able to kill his enemies with a wave of his hand, however, this comes at a great cost, both mental and physical. The dark powers that exist beyond this world do not co-exist well with mortals, and the longer Karliege prolongs his contact with this shadow the more power it will exercise over him, until he is little more than a husk.


Karliege wants to see Dagon and his former master, Colndil, dead and all the evil they have wrought undone. It is both personal revenge and a sense of moral duty, for Karliege assisted in the creation of this nightmare and feels the burden to atone. But more than this, they have robbed him of his mind and crippled his body – they had destroyed Karliege’s life even as it barely begun. His existence is pain, and the only thing that drives him onward is thought of revenge and to make sure that Dagon can never do to another that which was done to him. After that, Karliege intends to end his own suffering, as it is the only thing that he believes can set him free of Colndil’s curse.

As for the shadow that follows Karliege, its desires remain a secret to itself, but for now it seems to aid Karliege in his quest. Although considering the circumstances of its creation, it is unlikely to be benevolent.
Name: Lem’ Arronson

Age: 53 or 54

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Occupation: Knight/Mercenary

Personality: Lem Arronson is a hard man. He’s lived a hard life, and a long one at that considering his profession. He’s tough and reliable, diligent, someone that you can depend upon. But Lem’s fortitude does not come free of cost, to get onto his right side he will require you to work equally hard and do your fair share – there are no free rides. He’s somewhat taciturn, with a patient and quiet nature and this leads him to be a cautious (yet highly skilled) fighter on the battlefield.

Despite his gruffness and unyielding nature, Lem ultimately has a good heart. If one has the patience to listen to him then he imparts advice freely, and pretty much always speaks honestly. He has dry sense of humour, although it tends towards the more grim and macabre end of the spectrum – another side effect of spending a life killing people for money.

-Arming sword, steel with leather handle wraps, plain and nicked but in relatively good condition.
-Rondel dagger, steel, used to stab between armoured plates.
-Wooden kite shield, faded and chipped paint, serviceable.
-Woollen tunic, leggings and cloak – natural and undyed
-Leather jerkin, boots and sword belt.
-Padded arming jacket and cap
-Mail hauberk, steel,extends to cover arms to wrist.
-Mail coif, covers head, neck and shoulders.
-Coat of plates, steel and leather, extends to cover thighs and shoulders, contains built on pauldrons, steel.
-Iron ‘guttering’ style vambraces and greeves
-Steel sallet helmet
-Wine skin

Extra: Lem has a horse stabled out behind the inn, a 6 year mare coloured in pale grey. Her name is Smokey.

Johnathon ‘Jack’ Walker

Nicknames: Jack to his friends, Walker to most of the respectable citizens of Boca Diablo

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Sexuality: Heterosexual

- Cars, motorbikes, anything that involves mechanics and going fast really.
- Whiskey, especially bourbon.
- NASCAR, demolition derbies, Monster truck racing
- Hard Rock music, think Led Zeppelin, The Who, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Van Halen etc
- Dogs, Jack used to have a German Sheppard named Al
- Time to himself

- Agricultural work, or any form of work that isn’t on mechanics
- Law Enforcement, the Sherriff’s department continually suspicions rub Jack the wrong way
- Polite society and small talk
- People who think they’re better than him
- People prying into his business

Jack has a wide array of half junked, half built cars and motorcycles on his property. Right now he is driving or working on:
- 1976 Dodge Warlock truck, dark green, his main day to day vehicle
- Harley Davidson FX Super Glide
- 1953 Buick Roadmaster, his main project car, currently without engine
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