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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


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Right so I said I had something for this and I'll give a specific example, but really this goes for all types of this book.

My auto 'nope' book would be Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past by Erich von Däniken. The wider genre of 'nope' books is basically all pseudo archaeological crap about ancient highly advanced civilisations, and especially anything with ancient aliens. The reason I chose Chariots of the Gods specifically is because this 1968 work by convicted fraudster Erich von Däniken is really the one that launched the whole 'Ancient Aliens' phenomenon as we know it.

Why do I hate ancient alien stuff so much? Well partly because its pseudo archaeological crap perpetrated by fraudsters to wring money out of gullible idiots. But there's a much dark under current to a lot of this work. Grahame Hancock repackages Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and the archaeological theories popularised by the Third Reich for a modern audience. A lot of Ancient Alien hypothesises attempt to undermine the idea that complex society could not evolve on its own in places like Pre-Columbian America or Ancient Africa, feeding into really quite racist ideologies about the people who inhabited these places.

Basically its wrong, a lot the ideas behind it are kinda fucking gross, and if I catch you reading that shit the only relationship I will be having with you is an extremely long argument.
I present to you my sad, drug addict, gay samurai.

No worries, thanks for the heads up chief
The 200 character limit to the status bar is proving a barrier to our nuanced discussion of randomly created Art, such as a monkey at a typewriter producing a great novel, so I created this thread instead since apparently we all had something to say about it.

I'll lay out my position, for me one of the fundamental pleasures of art is the communication of ideas and emotion. The idea that someone thought about and tried to evoke something in a piece that I am then experiencing second hand. It's like glimpsing the soul of another, and its even more remarkable when this exchange happens over the great cultural and temporal distances. I've laughed at jokes and cried at words written by another human being over two thousand years ago and in another language, a dead language, would this exchange be as remarkable if those words had been assembled instead by random chance? Personally, no I think not.

That is not to say that random chance cannot create beautiful things, or things in which I can derive pleasure and greatly enjoy. Art created by chance can also be filled with meaning, but only ever the meaning of the beholder. There is no communication of ideas, there is no connection beyond the self, no dialog. I think this will always leave randomly created art somewhat poorer than its consciously constructed cousin.

Anyway, do you think that art can be created by machines or through random chance? If so, do you believe that the art is of the same value as if it had been created by a human? If not, why not?

Have at it!
I finished editing up a sheet for my Dunmer former Buoyant Armiger, Velyn Virith, expanded on it a bit and formatted it in my own way. I'm quite pleased with the outcome actually, this is the most ambitious BBcoded sheet I've ever attempted I think. Let me know if you want any edits!

@Kassarock And yet you did not mention a novel...curious

Okay I'll lay some cards on the table. Some books mentioned here already get a nope from me, Atlas Shrugged for example. I'd also probably nope on a relationship if someone told me their favourite book series was Harry Potter. It's a kids book, and a poorly written one at that, grow the fuck up.

I'll throw in a bonus one, Seventy-Two Virgins, the poorly written self insert racist trash about a British MP saving the President of the United States from a terrorist attack, written by current sitting UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. A book that genuinely uses the line 'a mega-titted six-footer' to describe a woman.
"Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss.

No offense to the people that love that book, but it's about the Gary-est Stu that ever Stu-d, and his (not literally) manic pixie dream girl who states that she doesn't deserve him. So instead, he has sex with everything else and bemoans that he's a too smart orphan, and no one gets him. The end. Except that it's not, because the third book hasn't been written. And it's been 10 years. So, none of the above can be tied up into a believable package. I will die mad about it. Thank you for asking.

In defence of Rothfuss and Name of the Wind, I think a lot of people potentially misread Kvothe as a positive heroic archetype, when if anything I think he's meant to something of a negative one. Kvothe is brilliant and amazing etc. But it doesn't get him anywhere, he continually self sabotages and fucks things up through his arrogance and pride, he's literally his own worst enemy in a lot of the shit that happens to him. And we know he's gonna do something truly terrible by story's end. Kvothe is not a good person a lot of time, and I don't think Rothfuss holds him up as a paragon of virtue or even someone you should aspire to be. I certainly didn't read it that way.

But discussing Name of the Wind is not the point of this thread, so here's my contribution:

This whole thing reminded me for section I read in the comedian Frankie Boyle's autobiography, My Shit Life So Far, about a one night stand he had with an older woman, and how he never came back because of the contents of her bookcase.

It sort of ended badly because she had this shelf of books under the TV. It contained every commercial book that you'd seen people reading on a train for the previous few years: Captain Corelli's Mandolin and so on. I thought it was an ironic statement, a sort of joke, and complimented her on what I took to be some kind of artistic critique about the mundanity of modern culture. It transpired that this was her actual library and our utter incompatibility was suddenly obvious. Still, it was fun. Two days may actually be the perfect length for a relationship.
Frankie Boyle
Sure, that's fine my me. My Dunmer concepts aren't directly involved with the temple, though, mind you - I asked about Vivec because I always found the speed with which the Dunmer abandoned their faith of the Tribunal to be a bit much, even despite, well... The apparent death of two and the revelation that they aren't gods in the literal sense, and whatnot.

Ah in that case I think we should be safe, I too am going for a Buoyant Armiger you see.
I'm very interested! Dunmer fanatic, as you can guess by the profile pic - are we taking the Trial of Vivec as canon?

How would that affect your character, if I were to say yes?

So I don't want to lay all my cards on the table right now, but I was also planning on playing a Dunmer with some association with the Tribunal Temple. I would have preferred it if the trial was not considered canon for the sake of my character's backstory, but I can work around it either way.

@Jeddaven Would it be alright if we compared a few notes privately? I am worried our two character concepts might have significantly overlapping backstories.
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