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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


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Sir Brandon the Broken Blade

Art by A.B. Feemster


Sir Brandon of Bainbridge, formerly Knight Captain of the Order of Saint Helios, Sworn Sword to Royal House of Vortigern, Champion of the Crown, Third Blade of the Kingdom, Knight Paragon of the Virtues of Duty and Vigilance. Now known as Sir Brandon the Broken Blade, Traitor and Apostate to the Crown and the Church.



Forty Four

Sir Brandon is a tall man, standing easily over six feet in height. His build is muscular but lean, Brandon's physical prowess always relying more upon his speed than his brawn. His skin is tanned from long hours riding under the sun and time spent pursuing outdoor activities. A lifetime of combat training and actual warfare has left him with a number of faded silvery scars that mostly cross his upper limbs and face.

Brandon's face would generally be considered handsome, if a little bit stern and brooding. It's are long, with an aquiline nose and high cheekbones. A pair of grey eyes stare out from under a dark furrowed brow. Similarly dark hair frames it, shot through with a scattering of grey, and a short beard hides his chiselled jaw.

Captivity has changed him somewhat however, he is thinner than he was before, paler, more dishevelled. Fresh scars and old bruises mark his face and body, the skin at his wrists are raw and bloody from long periods spent wearing irons. Where before his dark hair was merely lightly flecked with grey, it is now well and truly streaked with it, and almost completely silver at the temples. But more than just those external changes, something more fundamental has changed inside of Brandon. There's a look in his eyes what wasn't there before, an emptiness, a void of despair and self loathing even deeper than the prison they have cast him into.

Duty and diligence are the two ideals to which Brandon has organised his life. First to his father and family, later to his lord and liege, and finally unto the Crown itself. Always, he has put the desires and ambitions of others before his own. Always he has done what others have asked of him to the best of his abilities. Brandon was a man made to serve, much more comfortable following orders than being the person giving them out.

He is a man of few words. When he does talk, he speaks slowly in a careful and deliberate manner. His speech is far from coarse, but there is a degree of plainness to it. In fact there's a degree of plainness about Brandon in general. He dislikes ostentatious dress or drawing undue attention to himself. Despite his considerable martial prowess he was never considered much of tourney knight, only ever entering the lists at the command of his superiors.

A stern knight of few words could easily come over as a cold or unfeeling individual. But where he could Sir Brandon would always try to temper what he had to do with other ideals a knight was supposed to uphold. He tried to offer mercy where he could, he tried to be chivalric, defend the poor and the weak from the strong and the wicked. From behind his stony mask he tried to uphold both, his duty and his conscience.

Then it all went up in flames.

Brandon is a lost man. A broken blade. A mess of despair and self-loathing. He has committed crimes against his King and Country and even worse crimes against his own conscience. Sometimes he wishes he did not feel empathy, so he could have done what they asked of him without it destroying him. Other times he wishes he had plunged his sword into Tyronde's heart the first time he had laid eyes on him. Mostly he wishes that he was dead.


Third Blade of the Kingdom: At one point in time Sir Brandon was considered one of the greatest knights of the Westerlands. Particularly skilled with a blade, there few other than the most elite of swordsmen could stand up to him in single combat.

Knight Paragon: Sir Brandon was once a member of the nobility, and served in the Royal Court for many years. He understands court politics, heraldry, the history of the great houses of the Westerlands, and how to conduct oneself amongst the aristocracy.

Knight Captain: Sir Brandon was once a military commander as well as a champion. He knows how to command and discipline men, how to plan a campaign, how to employ military strategy. Some of his former subordinates might even still have a degree of loyalty to their old commander...

Broken Blade: Sir Brandon is not the disciplined and dutiful knight he once was. He is broken man, his convictions shaken, his faith shattered. He despises himself for what he has done both for and against the Crown. Sometimes he thinks it would have been better if he had let himself fall in battle than endure the despair he lives with every day.

Traitor and Apostate: When he killed an Inquisitor of the Sun Temple and forsook his vows to the King, Sir Brandon became more loathsome in the eyes of many than those monsters and heretics the Inquisition dealt with. After all, many were born evil or did not know any better than to believe in evil demons and spirits, but Brandon was raised good true in the Faith and yet still chose heresy and treachery.

The Pyre of Children: He still sees it his dreams. Still hears the screams. He cannot face it again, not in the waking world. Brandon loathes fire, and there is nothing in this world than could compel him to raise his blade against an innocent child again. He would rather die.

Though he mostly discarded his knightly regalia during his attempted flight to exile. Sir Brandon retains a serviceable set of steel chainmail, along with a breastplate, pauldrons, vambraces, greaves, and an open faced helmet. His shield is oak banded with iron, and his sword, although exceptional fine, is unenchanted and largely unadorned. A dark hooded cloak helped to hide his identity before he was finally apprehended.
>"All right, I'll help."
Kass posting an extended dream sequence for an opening post? It's more likely than you think.


The evening air was cool and crisp. Dusk had not long fallen, a thin band of baleful crimson still rimmed the western horizon, casting long shadows of a deep bruised purple. It would be night soon.

Sir Brandon hefted the longsword in his hand. It was his own blade, plain but serviceable, it had been given to him by his brother in arms Sir Hyrwine the Gallant, in recompense for the one he had broken against his fellow knight's shield during the great tourney at Meadowview. It was a good blade, nimble in the hand, well balanced, and honed to a razor edge.

His resolve tightened. He knew what he had to do. He twirled the blade once more, hoping the motion would steady his hands. They continued to trembled.

The knight turned away from the fading light and walked towards the pavilion behind him. He was girded in his mail, the armour gently shifted around him, a reassuring cascade of metal clinking against metal, letting him know that he was well protected.

Tonight, it would be tonight. He would put an end to this wretched folly once and for all. He pulled aside the curtain, and stepped into the tent.

The room he found was not what he was expecting. Inquisitor Thomond's personal pavilion was filled with expensive furniture, lined with plush silks. Instead Brandon found himself standing in a very different sort of room. It was made of bare stone, roughly dressed in places, seemingly hewn into natural rock in others. Light came from a single guttering torch from a metal sconce upon the wall. It was empty save for a kneeling figure.

They were a pitiful sight, whoever they were. Thin and dressed in rags, with long, greasy, tangled, greying hair. A chain snaked its way from the wall they knelt beside to join to a pair of irons affixed upon their wrists and ankles.

This was some kind of cell. And this was its prisoner.

But where was the Inquisitor? It was Thomond that had to find, had to stop, before... before he could do something unspeakable. Unforgivable. Brandon's head began to spin, he felt dazed, confused. He had been looking for the Inquisitor. Why was he here? How had he ended up here?

"You there, wretch! Where is Inquisitor Thomond?" He tried to steady himself, barked an order at the kneeling prisoner. He would find the Inquisitor. He would put a stop to this.

The man on the floor did not answer. Brandon took a step closer.

As he drew closer, he could not help but think that this man seemed familiar somehow. Like he should know who this was. He had faced many enemies and fell foes over his years of service to the crown. Doubtless many of them were housed in cells such as this. But somehow he didn't think that was where he knew this person from. They felt so much more... intimate...

"Look up." Brandon spoke in a hoarse whisper.

Slowly the prisoner stirred, uncoiling themselves from the ball they had cowered in. The rats nest of dirty hair and sackcloth unravelled to reveal a pale face staring back up at him, grey eyes wide, trembling with desperate tears.

Sir Brandon stared in horrified disbelief at his own face.

"Too late." A voice spoke from behind him, it sounded like glass being shattered. "Too late to save anyone, little knight."

And then it all came flooding back. The memory of what he had done. Of what he had failed to do. The horror of it all. The rage, the shame, the hatred, the despair.

Suddenly he wasn't the knight standing over the broken prisoner. He was the kneeling figure, bound by chains, unable to move. Forced to watch as the terrible tableau was played out again once more. The knight before him stepped forward and lifted the guttering torch from out of the the wall sconce.

They weren't in the cell anymore. Oh gods they were there. The Pyre. The Pyre!

He saw himself. Torch in hand. The Pyre already stacked.

Oh Gods. Oh Gods why didn't anyone stop him? Why couldn't he stop himself? But he could not move, he could not even cry out. The light from the torch grew brighter and brighter. Until it was a blazing inferno. Redder than the setting sun. Hotter than the flames of hell.

The world shifted again and suddenly he was not the Brandon stood frozen at the side lines, watching the horror before him unfold. No, now he was the one holding the torch.

He lit the pyre.

And the screaming began.


With a stifled scream Sir Brandon awoke from the nightmare, eyes wide with panic. Slowly he managed to get his breathing under control enough to realise that he had not awoken in his cell. He was in a darkened room, surrounded by other individuals, held by some kind of unseen force.

It did not matter.

Nothing mattered anymore. And anywhere was better than being trapped inside of his own head.
@Red Wizard Sorry busier than expected, should have something up either tonight or tomorrow
>Follow her onto the platform.
I'm working on something but kinda busy ATM, it'll appear on the weekend if not before
@Red Wizard Finished up Sir Brandon, will let you review it before I move him over to the C.S tab.
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