Avatar of King Kindred


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I've been writing more TV and film scripts lately and focusing on getting all that together but I still intend to write here as well as submit my Flash sheet. But if there are any delays it's because of this.

@Bounce Congratulations on retirement and the new house, but I'm sorry to hear about the bankruptcy. I hope things take a positive turn for you there. Looking forward to you and Teth's potential return.

@Retired I'm sorry to hear things aren't going so well for you right now. I hope life pulls a 180 for you soon.
Kieran: *breaks the sound barrier just to flex*

Super Family:
I don't know if we can have multiple characters outside of groups, but I suddenly have the urge to make a Wally West Flash who inherited the mantle after Barry dies in the Despero attack with the other Wally being Barry and Iris's son and the new Kid Flash. So Wally deals with losing his mentor after finally returning from the Speed Force and seeing so much that passed him by including a nephew named after him. He has to immediately step into his mentor's shoes and become the mentor he never expected himself to be.

Wally 2.0 deals with the loss of his father and having to live up to the legacies of both his dad and his namesake uncle.

I still want to continue to play as Seraph/Kieran and I know it took me a while to get my second post in, but I know I can manage all 3.
<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

It was a good post.

If anyone wants to get in on GM things but is not in your city let me know and I'll power something out for you. I've been a mix of writing and packing during my nighttime hours

Thank you. Sorry I took so long with it. I'd like to be involved in GM things.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Yes, yes. Expect a post no later than tomorrow.

Did I say tomorrow? I meant Tuesday as in now.

Seraph sat atop the Daily Planet globe donning his costume and overlooking the city. To be more precise he was overlistening to the city. He was using his super hearing to search for any signs of crime or distress in the bustling city. He worked through most of the normal noise, but it was surprisingly quiet today as even the criminals were taking a day of mourning. He sighed, almost giving up for the day when he heard a "silent" alarm being triggered at the Metropolis City Bank.

"Finally. I thought I'd have to travel the country searching for something." Seraph stood up carefully as not to accidentally push the giant globe with his strength. With that thought still in mind he ascended into the air with the grace of a woodland fairy and once he was high enough he turned on his boosters going from fairy to a rocket sending a sonic boom reverberating throughout the city.

Meanwhile at the Bank

Seraph's sonic boom even met the ears of the occupants of the bank, including the fiery redhead currently robbing it.

"I know that sound. It's that insufferable Super Brat." Volcana said unable to hide the anxiety in her voice. She expected all members of the Super family to be out of town. She didn't need this on top of all that she was already dealing with. "Alright, who pressed the alarm? I'm already having a bad day and you just made it worse and a bad day for me is a terrible day for all of you." She waited a few seconds for someone to confess eyeing the each employee to see which one was the most nervous. "No one wants to own up to it? Alright. Eenie, meenie, minnie, you."

Volcana pointed to a young ginger teller who almost reminded her of younger self. Before she lost control of her life. She didn't know if she truly believed she was the one or if she simply targeted her for the aforementioned reason. Whatever the case the end result was the same. She pulled her hand back and flung it forward sending a powerful stream of flames that would reduce her to ashes. That is if her flames had actually hit her.

They were instead intercepted by the one and only SERAPH. He stood in the path of flames taking them head on, his suit being retardant to this level of flame and heat.

"You could've killed her, Claire." Seraph said sternly in a tone that surprised even Volcana.

"Don't you think I know that? And the name's Volcana. You and your Super family know that. Stop treating me like I'm not a threat."

"This isn't like you. Stealing, sure. But you've never been so desperate as to hurt an innocent civilian. Everyone, get out of here. She won't stop you."

There was silence as everyone was too scared to move after almost witnessing a live human BBQ.


That did it. The patrons and employees of the bank started scurrying to the door to the annoyance of Volcano who felt like she wasn't being taken seriously at all and she was going to prove that was a vital mistake.

"I said stop treating me like I'm not a threat!" Volcana erupted and drew both of her hands back to scorch them all before they could exit. She shouldn't have broadcasted her thoughts and plan so much around someone who could process things and move faster than even the average human genius could think. Before she was even able to fully thrust her hands forward Seraph was there with his hands wrapped firmly around her wrists.

"That's enough, Claire! I won't let you hurt anyone here, not even yourself. Stand. Down."

Once the last of the hostages were out of the building Claire dropped to the floor with tears in her eyes. The ones that managed to drop were met with the fate of evaporation as they touched her cheeks.

Seraph knew something was wrong with her, but this was unexpected. He never saw her cry before. He never saw her so vulnerable before. What would Clark do here? He didn't have to think hard about it and crouched down to meet her. He wasn't this giant wall or obstacle in front of her. He was someone here to help another person in need. Kieran placed his hand on her chin and gently lifted her up to see that she was dealing with a friend and not an enemy. She could hear his question before it could even escape his lips and answered him before he could ask it.

"It's Ugly. I need your help."
@Supermaxx@PatientBean@King Kindred still around/interested?

Yes, yes. Expect a post no later than tomorrow.
I feel motivated to get a post in tonight. Prepare for your tear ducts to get punched.
Superheroes will literally fight intergalactic warlords before admitting they should go to therapy, let alone actually go to therapy.

Superheroes the last time they went to therapy.

"My fellow Americans, today is a hard day. Four years ago, to this day. An alien by the name of Despero attacked the headquarters of the Justice League, right here. In our nation's capital. When the dust settled, and the heroes went home to lick their wounds we, the people, were left to once again to tidy up the mess of the Superman and the so called superheroes. In my tenure as CEO of LexCorp I did all I could to help restore the Metro-area to what it once was, and as President I have spent my time trying to limit the access, abilities and destruction caused by the meta-human.

In these troubling times it is more important than ever to look out and care for one another and just know that we are here for you, the people and are doing everything possible to make this world, a safer place.-

The TV in Kieran's dorm room would explode mid-broadcast and his eyes would glow a faint red before a knock was heard at his door. The young Kryptonian sped over to his nightstand where he kept his pair of glasses and sped back to his bed just as the door to his room began to open. Kieran quickly put them on and pretended to read a book as his friend Brooke Baker ran inside.

"Kieran are you okay?" She asked frantically before scanning the room. "I heard an explosion." She was the floor's RA but they became close after he came home late after a night of patrolling the campus and city. She spotted the TV and gave it a puzzling look before turning her head to look at Kieran who was acting like there wasn't a busted television in his room.

Kieran was a terrible liar and just said the only feasible thing he could come up with. "It spontaneously combusted. Probably got overheated from the steaming pile of bullshit coming from Luthor's mouth."

"I don't think that's how TV's work, but how are you feeling? I know it's the anniversary since your mom... You sure you don't want to take off from classes for the week and visit the monument with your dad and Jon?"

"He doesn't want me up there. He doesn't even want me around." Kieran put his book down giving up on the facade that he was even reading. Lois and Kal-El had given him everything for three years. He felt their love and acceptance, but all that went away when she died. He still looked up to what Superman was and hoped that his continued actions as Seraph and wearing these stupid glasses would get him to notice him and come back to the light, but that's all it was. Hope. Nothing would be the same ever again and he was coming to terms with that.

"That's not true." She ran up to him and embraced him in a hug that felt like a warmth he hadn't experienced in a long time.

"It is true. He sent me to Metropolis to live with my uncle before I enrolled at MSU."

"He's going through grief, Kent. The life they made together? Lois and Clark are the stuff of legends here in Metropolis. What they had isn't so easily worked through. Give him time. He'll come around."

Maybe she was right. About almost all of it. Maybe he did need to take some time off to work through his grief this week. However he didn't have plans on going to the Memorial. To work through his grief he needed to punch something, hard.
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