Name: Yuka
Titles: Silla (Given at Birth; Means Spirit of the Sky, Wind, and Weather)
Gender: Male
Age: 0
Affiliation: Southern Water Tribe's Wolf Cove, Team Avatar, Reincarnate Alliance
Personality: In his past life there was never a dream too big or a world too far for Yuka. But because of this he tended to spend most of his time in these other worlds than making something substantial of his own. With dreams and aspirations that were endless he never found the "time" or "resources" to accomplish anything. Though, he was truly held back by a fear of success or things not living up to his grand expectations. Despite this he still was able to enjoy the life that he had even if it felt mundane and repetitive at times. Basically he was a perfect target for Truck-Kun, a person brimming with wasted potential. He plans to do things differently in this new world. Always feeling like he was meant for bigger and greater he's going to apply that theory to practice by becoming the hero of this story and world.
°Likes: Food(the man is a foodie), family and friends, sparring and training, pushing his limits, nature and exploring it, reading and writing and watching movies(though he's unable to do that in this era), defeating evil, brainstorming, creating stories, playing video games and games in general(kinda competitive)
°Dislikes: Sushi, fish eggs, poor hygiene, oppression, slavery and forced labor, false imprisonment, jerks, assholes, and the like, senseless murder.
°Fears: Losing the people in this world that he grows close to, pressures of success, being a hero/Avatar that makes things worse for the next one.
°Dream: Unite the World in Peace and Love and make a happy life for himself in this world.
Short Biography: Yuka had so many ideas and goals in his past life that he was essentially frozen as the world passed by around him. Unable to decide on how things would or should start he found it easier to just build these universes in his head instead of seeing them through in reality. This ranged from films and series to book series to whole comic multiverses. He escaped into these realities as well as the realities provided for him through the media he consumed, finding the different ideas and worlds so exciting, and honestly more exciting than his actual life. This led to him becoming interested in martial arts and other things that would help him prepare to live in a world like them, just in case his world became like one. Towards the end of his life he often joked about if Truck-Kun was real he'd be one of his targets. As if testing fate or summoning the blood-thirsty vehicle itself, Yuka was struck by a truck, clinging onto his staff as his life faded. When he died he wasn't sure if he had actually manifested that reality or if he was in some weird coma dream. He decided not to overthink for the first time in his life and just accepted it.
Yuka was born the twin brother of Sokka. This day was considered a major event in the village, in the entire Southern Water Tribe's history. Leading up to their births there was a giant storm, one not seen in the South Pole for ages, if at all. Kya was nervous about giving birth to them in those conditions, but Yuka wasn't giving her a choice. He was ready to enter the world and the world was trying to make itself ready for him. Yuka was born first and instead of crying he entered the world with the closest thing to a giggle he could muster. That alone freaked out everyone involved in the birthing process, but what happened next really left them floored. As if responding to the child's laughter and their birth, the storm outside ceased, the wind calmed, and the snow fell peacefully to the floor. It was clear then that this child was special and would need to be protected. The spirit world sent them a blessing. Sokka's birth was a lot easier and Hakoda and Kya officially welcomed their twins. Word spread to the different tribal villages that the Hope of the Southern Water Tribe was found. They didn't know that Yuka was the Avatar at first. They just assumed he was a powerful bender connected to the spirits, initially dubbing him Silla. It wasn't until the Chief Elders got together that they suggested he was the Avatar and it was the duty of all the Southern Water Tribes to unite once again to protect this bundle of hope for their Tribe and the World.
Yuka was surprised by how fast things were changing with his presence already. His birth jumpstarted the Southern Reconstruction Project about a decade and a half early. What else could happen with this change? Will he be able to save his new mom, Kya? Or will he make things ultimately worse for the Southern Water Tribe?
°Silla's Spear: A spear that manifested into world of Avatar when Yuka was isekai'd. It became part of the world's history as a spear passed down in Hakoda's family from its original bearer, a godlike warrior and one of the first water Avatars. He trained more with a bo staff than a spear in his past life so Yuka mostly uses it like one.
Skills: Both Bending and Non-Bending, update this growing arsenal as needed. You can include skills from your past life, which may potentially provide unique advantages; though, naturally, those skills should be entirely mundane, since your past life lacked any supernatural aspects.
°Martial Arts: In his past life he self-taught himself martial arts so he isn't the best coming out of the gate, but he's pretty good, having actually sparred with people before coming to this world. He mixes quite a number of martial arts.
°Weapon Proficiency: Taught himself how to use weapons like staffs, swords, bows, and guns. Still not a master of any of these, but he's better than your average.
°Muscle Memory(non-comic): In Yuka's past life he had the ability to remember and mimic the things he saw, but limited to what his body was capable of. Just because he could see the perfect split, doesn't mean he could recreate it. He still needed that flexibility. He was also limited by his own doubts about what his body was capable of. He doesn't have those doubts in this world.
°Storyteller: Yuka knows how to tell great stories, whether they're made up or real. He can use this to his advantage when he needs to travel in secret as the Avatar.
°Detective: In his past life Yuka prided himself on his deduction and guessing ability.
°Creativity: Yuka's super creative and uses that creativity to come up with new fighting and bending techniques.
° Avatar
° Twin of Sokka/Brother of Katara
° Fandom Omniscience: Yuka believes his knowledge and memories of the Avatar fandom has been amplified by the Avatar State and strange circumstances of his arrival, though he was a major fan of the franchise in his past life, having watched both(or all three) series, watched both the live action show and movie, read the comics, watched Avatar what ifs, and participated in Avatar roleplays.
Bending/Crossover Power:
Only able to use Water first.
Current Goals:
Short Term: Save his mother and protect the Southern Water Tribe
Long Term: Save the world and live a better life than his old one.
Extra: Any bonus trivia you feel it might be neat to include could go here in this totally optional section. If you have any music you used as inspiration for character creation or other tunes that serve as themes for them, feel free to include them too.
Declaring my interest with Yuka, the Avatar the world didn't know it needed! He's also the twin brother of Sokka because I feel like that leaves room for some interesting changes and developments for the siblings and the Southern Water Tribe before the start of the story.
Finished Yuka! I have some things planned before the start of the canon story, but I decided to wait to add those until the timeskip. Unless we do a 10 year timeskip before the main one.