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Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Rose raised an eyebrow as Hansel and Gretal spoke. Their story paralleled her own mother's in a way. Children lost in unforgiving woods. A shiver went down her spine, would children tell stories about what she did in her life? Would she become a fable? How did that all work? She shook her head to stop her mind from wandering. She could ask those questions after they had her mother safe in hand.

"Bouncing off Megan's questions. How many guards? What sort of training? Should we expect magic users among them? How many on our side? Not counting us. We have several ranged fighters, and I guess a novice magician, his boyfriend is a melee idiot." Rose hoped this wasn't the whole resistance. She didn't sit like the others. She was too nervous, which made her worry she'd not get enough sleep. At least she was used to sleeping weird hours, and often not enough hours since she tended to burn the candle at both ends with work at the bar and the restaurant. "And can I have a drink?" She was used to dive bars. This place didn't bother her that much.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

Colby munched on his food. Thankful he had swiped it. No one had said anything about it. That was better than what had happened so far. Since as far as he could tell no one was going to let him live down the skeleton thing. He could say he wasn't the first to steal food if someone gave him shit but not Taylor.

Rose was talking and he glared at her when she called him an idiot, but she didn't seem to notice or if she did she didn't care. He was paying attention to Hansel and Gretel though. If he was going to be involved in a jailbreak (which was cool), then he wanted to know what he was up against too. He'd wait to take his turn with the map. "Is the sewer your only plan? No distraction?" Distraction was what sleight of hand was about. You had them looking where you wanted them to be looking and they wouldn't see the card change or the coin being palmed. If these guys didn't have a distraction planned, he'd have to see about making one himself. And he was very good at distractions.

Location: St. David's Hospital - Cardiff
Skills: Blindsense (Passive)

The head stopped screaming. She could tell because just as she was going to let it go the vocal cords stopped vibrating. Even without her hearing though she sensed something else. The air was shifting around as someone walked toward them. She looked up and saw Fury. Her stomach twisted again, and her heartbeat rose. Odd that at this moment she was more freaked out by Fury being here than her sister's mutilated head. That probably had something to do with her fear from what felt like years ago now that Fury had been replaced with an LMD. Was that before or after Skrulls started invading?

Niah snapped off her power so she could hear. She had missed whatever it was he had said though. "Sir." She caught herself before calling him Director. "What are you doing here?" She glanced down at the head she had just been examining that now sat silent. "It isn't what it looks like. That's my sister. I think. Actually, I don't believe it is her. We came to the hospital here for Oliver, to visit his mother." She stopped herself before explaining more. He no longer was her boss, Hill was, even if she didn't agree with Hill's policies. Fury no longer had the clearance.

Location: Stark Tower - Quinjet
Skills: Jack-of-all-trades [Guns], Specialization in Guns [Hand guns] and Weapon Proficiency

Matt didn't want to play fair. Taking out Captain America and his team was important. Required for them to move forward. He however didn't want to kill what looked like an actual child. He shook his head. Did Rogers seriously recruiter a teenager? That was the whole point of Hill's laws. To keep kids like her off the battlefield.

He raised the ICER he had on him for just such a situation, borrowed because he preferred more permanent damage. His first shot went wide, he hadn't missed a shot in ages. Not since the Moon at least. He took his next two shots quickly. Still missing the kid. The ICER's weight was different enough from his normal gun and if he was honest he really didn't want to shoot a kid, even with a non-lethal method such as the ICER.

Location: Argo III - Galley

Andy noticed that Arthur perked up a bit at the idea that monsters once killed weren't really dead. At least not forever. She wondered if he could forgive himself a little more for fighting the monsters knowing that. She smiled and finished her food. She stood up ready to head topdeck for the next part of their adventure. She paused though at her brother's question.

What happened to demi-gods when they died? Did they go to the pit? Would they be trapped in a nightmare of fighting creatures for the rest of time? Or did they get to stop existing? Andy hoped she'd be allowed to just stop having to fight. She looked at Leda expectantly. She had gotten used to Leda answering her questions back at camp when she helped clean the shrines with her. Andy had somehow never asked this question.

Location: Base of Mount Othrys

"Not bad Waverly." Emily nodded at Waverly impressed. And then went to examine the disappearing body. She let the plants go in her will and now there was a small garden of vined plants around where they had fought the pit scorpion. "Always check after you fight a monster. They often leave a trophy behind. Sometimes that trophy can mean the difference between life and death in the future."

Niah nodded at Prometheus' explanation. It made sense. He also tended to be on the human's side, considering his brush with fire. "Was there a reason that you assumed Atlas was involved? Other than his prior involvement in stuff? Like did you overhear them talking about him specifically?"

Emily found what she was looking for. The nasty-looking stinger from the pit scorpion. "You killed it. It is rightfully yours." She said and picked it up offering it to Waverly. Then started back toward the Hunter's camp. "Come on. We should let the others know we aren't dead." She paused in her step, "Before we do though I want to say something. I know you don't feel like you belong and that we are a military cult or something, but consider us family. We technically all are in a weird way. Pretty certain Nancy is my cousin. We don't think about it like that, even though our fathers are brothers. I don't know how your linage fits in, but you get it right? I've been to military school before, believe me, this place is not like that. I also have family back home that are basically in a cult. I don't fit in with what they view the world should be like and they hate me for that. To belong here you just have to prove you can fight, and follow orders in that fight. Nancy is the Preator because of the excellent leadership skills shown on the battlefield. You'll have to get her to tell you the story of them fighting the dragon, but she earned the place she's in.

Niah watched Marco out of the corner of her eye with interest. She had heard him mention his compact before but had never seen it in action. She smiled as Nancy joined them. "Just asking Prometheus some questions. Apparently, he heard that Camp Jupiter was going to be attacked so he was on his way to warn us. The story he tells seems legit enough and Marco is letting Alexandra know what's going on." Niah gave Nancy a quick update of what she had missed. "Oh, Emily ran after Waverly who dashed into the woods blindly. Hopefully, they are back soon. If not we'll probably have to go look for them." She added, then turned her attention back to Prometheus expectantly.

Ed Penior

Location: Xavier's Mansion: Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Thamaturgy: Shield

"What? I'm cool. I'm hip. I like things like music. Who doesn't like music?" Ed gave Guin a goofy grin. He was obviously making a joke, but he did still sound a little punch drunk from his own blood loss. "I think Guin has a point. The fire really was a bad idea. What are in the tomb of horrors?" He snorted and thought about how broken assassin vines were for their challenge rating.

Ed focused around Iris and reached into his pocket to touch the small shield emblem there. A bubble of orange light appeared around Iris and cut the vines around her. He shifted the shield into a soft bubble of air and when she hit the ground it was like landing on pillows. He was proud of himself for the idea.

Ed picked up the dice from the game board and rolled them. A one and a five came up. He looked into the center of the game board worried. As he watched the small Keratin Rhinocerous that was his and Annie's game piece moved onto the center of the board. His eyes went wide.

"Jumanji." He said with a tone of reverence most people reserve only for church. In the blink of an eye, the group was back in the living room. Still beaten and battered and now missing Runa and Klara. He sank into a couch and closed his eyes. Normally he felt elation at winning a game, for now, he only felt relief. He was concerned about Runa and Klara not being there anymore. They also had now probably lost their immunity Runa had given them.

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Andy looked at the token that Zarina was showing her. It looked like it was a piece of red shaped metal. It didn't mean anything to her. "Weird. The old guy was Magneto. He basically is the leader of all the mutants that cause the most trouble. They hate normal people. I've never heard of Genosha." She shrugged. She never interacted with anyone who followed Magneto before, let alone the man himself, well before today. She thought about it, before yesterday. Since some of the people, today had been people from yesterday.

She set back to helping clean up. "I do not know what to make of that guy." She shook her head and spoke under her breath to Zarina and Kristina. He had been startled by something, supposedly the Ben person, and fallen out of his chair. Her past experiences told her to avoid people who talked to themselves like this guy did. But it wasn't her group running the joint. She was just passing through to somewhere warmer.

Ed Penior

Location: Xavier's Mansion: Blackbird Hangar

"Oh my shields are gone." He frowned. His concentration had wanned and he hadn't realized it. He started to reach into his pocket but before he could start casting the monkeys were gone.

Ed gave a wry smile as the monkeys were finally defeated. "You should have played I'm a believer. It's by the Monkees that'd have been funny." He says toward Guin. That was the only Monkeey song he could even think of. He hurt, a lot, and worse he was still pretty dizzy. He looked over at Klara, had she helped Mary?

He saw Bethany roll the dice, and was going to ask her to read the riddle. He liked guessing. But there was no need for her to read it because the consequences of the roll started appearing. As it did he really hopped that Mary was feeling better. "This is something fire might work on Iris. However, that might be better for Mary to try to control before you light it on fire. I cannot imagine flinging tentalces of fire would be a good idea."

Niah Bautista

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

"Sorry just thinking of all the ways this can go wrong." Niah explained and put the armor on. It took a moment. Once that was finished she put the climbing gear over it. Together it was a little awkward of a fit, but at least she knew with the armor on if she fell she'd be less likely to end up as jam on the ground below.

"Alright, let's get this over with." She said, and started toward Mount Rushmore. The cliff was huge. She tried to imagine what it had looked like before it had been defaced by the white people who stole this land. "I wish I could have seen it before it was this." She waved her hand at it. "Do you think the dragon has been here since before white people made this a road sideshow? Or did it move in after? Maybe they woke it up?" She realized she didn't know how long dragons lived or how long ago Mount Rushmore had been made. That would have to be looked up later. It didn't change what needed to be done now. Once the others were ready and hooked up to her she started to climb.

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Rose took in the sights and smells, and people of Camelot. How many of these had her mother seen and might never see again if they didn't succeed? She paid little attention to the food-stealing the group did. She was more concerned with getting to their next destination. So much of what they had been through today had been just getting from one place to the next. Rose hadn't had a chance to digest what was going on. Her stomach growled.

When the old man with the jewels got into Colby and Matthew's face she saw Colby's fist clench, but then Merlin was there shooing the old man away and getting the group back on the path. Rose made note of the fact that there was no code phrase or any other apparent code exchanged between the door guard and Merlin. Magic could change appearances she knew that already, so why were they so trusting?

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot
Skills: Stealth & Slight of hand

It was a good thing for the sake of the old man that Merlin had gotten between Colby and him. Colby had been about to deck the old man out of reflex. He had been considering getting some food, but it wasn't like he had any of whatever type of money was used here. Taylor stole some and that seemed like a way to get some too.

Colby used a bit of the confusion around Merlin and the old man to steal a bit of his own food. He snatched two kebabs like things and handed one to Matthew when attention was no longer on them. He bit off a small piece and tasted it. It was pretty good actually. He pulled a bit off and gave it to his cat on his shoulder.

Inside the secret bar, he took a seat away from the others who sat down first giving room between himself and them. "Who's the boss?" He asked quietly to Merlin, then took another bite of his food.

Location: St. David's Hospital - Cardiff
Skills: Enahnced Sense: Vision, Full Forensic Scienctist mode activated

Niah screamed. Both at bumping into Oliver and at the severed head of her sister. Anger flared through her. She felt like she was in a horror movie suddenly. She had to figure out what was going on. Had to find the clues. Niah shut down the part of her brain that saw dead people as people but instead were just dead things. It was hard considering this was her sister's severed head. "Watch my back, I'm going to turn on my enhanced vision, I won't be able to hear anything."

She closed her eyes and let the screaming fade away. When she opened her eyes she was deaf, but she could see in impeccable detail, many times magnified what the normal eyes could see. Niah leaned forward kneeling and pulling from her field kit a set of gloves. She set to examining the head. The vocal cords were flexing under her fingers, though for now she blissfully couldn't hear the screams, the head was definitely the source of the scream.

Whoever had cut the head from the body had done so badly. The cut wasn't clean, as if someone tried to use a butcher's knife and didn't know what they were doing. She frowned. There was a trail of blood leading from where the head had been to Oliver. Her stomach twisted. Had he done this when they were separated? He did have super speed. Had he been replaced too? Blood dripped from his hands. Had that been there before? Niah set the head down gently, removed the gloves, and tried to keep composure. She had to consider her options very carefully.

Location: Stark Tower - Quinjet

Matt was antsy. His leg was shaking, and his fingers were fiddling. He was also mad. Matt was having thoughts that Asokho had been a mole. Asokho had left them and joined Rogers when the group was meant to go to Stark Tower. For now, though Matt sat next to Cass. He rubbed her should subconsciously. "Yeah, we've got each other." He nodded firmly. He understood why the others had split off. But he knew if Niah, for example, had stayed she would have betrayed SHIELD too. How could they be trusted to come back even if they did sign Hill's law?

His eyes went around the group. Could they trust them all still? Would anyone else decide, at a critical moment, to join Rogers? Or were there more double agents? Matt's stomach twisted a bit at the thought. He got why the team had been so stressed by Hydra for so long. How were you supposed to trust people like this? It seemed part of the group had been replaced by aliens and the other part was defecting from SHIELD. At least he still had Cass though. And he hadn't been with the team that long so he didn't feel as betrayed as he was sure Bonnie and Cass did.

Location: Argo III - Galley

Andy looked up from the hug that her brother had pulled her into and smiled at him. "Of course that's what sisters are for." Andy had a lot of preconceived ideas of what siblings should be like. She also had a skewed foster family view of what some siblings were like. She thought of the fights she had been in and was glad that she wasn't fighting her brother, instead, she was fighting beside him against monsters.

Andy didn't know how she felt about her dreams being prophetic. Especially after the particularly intense one she had had the night before. It seemed the dreams became more frequent when big stuff was about to go down. She was glad to see her brother's spirits lift up a bit. And Mary wasn't mean to him now that she had joined them in the Galley. She didn't know what had happened between them on the upper deck, but she still planned to later make sure Mary didn't keep being mean to her brother. She frowned. She liked Mary and didn't want to make Mary mad at herself, but maybe the two of them needed an intervention or something. Not that Andy actually knew the definition of intervention just that it was when a group of your friends talked to you about something.

"Where do monsters go when we kill them?" She suddenly asked anyone in the Galley who would answer.

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: Chlorokinsis

Emily screamed. She wasn't surprised by the fact that the pit scorpion came back and grabbed them, she just hated that she had let it do that. She had known it was in the woods. Dammit, Waverly. At least Waves apologized and even freed her from the pit scorpion's grasp. Emily did not want to think about where it had been dragging the two of them off to.

Niah nodded as Mads asked if she wanted to go with her to figure out why Prometheus was out and about. It didn't seem like she needed to bind him to an oath though. She was curious about something. "Where were you coming from? How did you get the information that Camp was going to be attacked?"

"Well that was unpleasant. Thank you, Waverly." Emily said and turned to the pit scorpion she was glad she had put her seeds in a more accessible pocket and even happier that Marco hadn't been the one out here. Milo might have gotten hurt if it had been him. Also, would charm speak even work on a pit scorpion? Em shook her head and focused on the task at hand.

Niah could believe that Marco had teased the truth and the whole truth from Prometheus, but she knew how many people swore they'd do something or they meant something and it would turn to lies in their heart. Niah didn't trust people, she really didn't trust the gods. Too often they would swear on the River Styx, her mother, which should be unbreakable, but they would break those Oaths anyway. It made her skin crawl. With all of that in mind, she let her attention focus on Prometheus. It took some focusing but she could feel an old broken oath there. It had to do with him deceiving Zeus when he took the fire to humans. If that was his only broken oath that made him wildly more trustworthy than others.

First, she tossed some of her seeds. Her Chlorokinsis worked best with vined plants, especially ones that the fruit could be used to make alcohol with. So, her seeds were for such plants. Several vines grew out from the ground and she mentally controlled them to wrap around the pit scorpion. Em had no idea what the weak points of it were, but she could at least get it pinned to the ground, and her and Waverly could poke it to death. She went in and stabbed it as she did Emily realized that the tail of the scorpion was not bound, a terrible oversight on her part. She quickly controlled some of the vines to pin its tail down. She took a deep breath. "Stab it Waverly or some other damage-causing thing. I don't know if you can sing it to death or not."
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