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Location: Van, Veil’s Group -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Andy felt her face flush. There wasn't any way that Veil could have known she had thought that what they were dealing with was the cure for M-pox, but with Veil clarifying what was going on it made more sense. The White House wouldn't have any reason to have the M-pox cure sent to them if there weren't any mutants on staff. She hid her embarrassment by looking out the window.

"Just tell me who to punch." She offered. Andy wasn't going to be great at anything except punching stuff. Be those people or things, though she was better at punching people. This was her first 'mission' actually. Everything in her life before that was just surviving and getting by. She had never been proactively involved in a situation, especially anything like what she had so far experienced with the Mutant Underground.

Location: Quinjet

Matt nodded, made sense that Cass didn't want to pilot. Hawkeye could though. He wasn't certain he trusted the 'president' to do it right now. But he'd let Cass decide. She leaned toward Hawkeye piloting. They had a history, it seemed like she had a history with the president too, but it was less formal. He took a seat.

"We're all on edge. For now, we just have to get along well enough to get somewhere where we can figure this out. And make a plan. I actually recommend we accept we have to trust each other to get through this. Cass is right. The Skrulls want us fighting each other. We also definitely need Oliver back. He was the one who had the theory first, he's been digging into the Skrulls the longest. Hope they got some answers." Matt said, advocating that they accept they all need to just work together as that gave them the best hope of surviving this and making it through to fix the damage.

As he sat there in the Quinjet he considered his beliefs. He still believed in Hill's Law even if they came from a potential Skrull. There should be structure and a safety net. Training and accountability. It was his opinion that even after they dealt with the Skrull's they should still work on a building something that would make 'Heroes' a truly good thing.

Location: Argo III

Andy grabbed a rope and it was a good thing she did as she lost her footing and would have slid across the deck. When the ship righted itself she stood up and looked around. She saw Arthur standing up grinning. A little weight of worry that had been knotting in her stomach over Arthur released a bit. She had been concerned he would snap and do something stupid, but maybe knowing that monsters didn't really die...which for any normal person would have been terrifying...helped him deal with it. Death wasn't the end anymore. They knew what was beyond. She looked over and saw her brother hanging off the edge Lauryn helping climb back over. "Demi! Are you okay?" Andy asked, offering her own hand alongside Lauryn's helping pull her brother to safety.

They were back in the air again. And that felt right to Andy. Maybe because of who her father was. She smiled looking to the horizon. They were going to meet more demi-gods. More kids like them. Maybe there would be some around her and Arthur's age. Or maybe other kids of Zeus. A bigger family. She remembered though that she had been told to look in the records for Crane. That would be important, she didn't know why yet, but it would be. Everything seemed so big, like that robot. But all they could do was keep going. That's what her life had been like for the last two years, why would it be any different now?

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: Odikinesis

Em had been tackled and attacked by a werewolf. That was not where she had seen this day going. She hadn't thought 'a yes atlas the guy with the werewolves' when they had made the plans to go galavanting off to confront him. She hadn't even had time to stab the guy with her sword before being knocked down and rescued by Waverly. "Thanks, Waverly." She said as she stood back up. "You just saved my bacon." She considered a joke bouncing off of Waverly's, something something guess I'm a cat now. But gave up.

Niah was pissed. She did not like the idea of fighting werewolves again and this wasn't working. There were too many of them. Their group was already getting overwhelmed even with Emily trying to control the field a bit. Niah frowned. She had tried once before to use her Odikinesis to calm down a group of werewolves. It had... gone badly. This time hopefully she would be better at it.

She grabbed Marco's hand. She wasn't about to be an idiot and stick around to fight werewolves. They needed to get back to camp. Tell them what they knew and prepare. The Greeks were going to have a wild reception. She dragged Marco and went through the portal. He had no place in a knock-out-drag-out fight with swords. He really was better with words. And they were back in New Rome. Right in the middle of the Senate. And there was a meeting happening. Probably because of Marco's message. "Uh...hi. Emily here, just your gardner." She announced for the ones who didn't know her, but gave a weary smile to those she did know. "The others should be by any moment."

She hummed a note. Not for any actual reason, except to calm herself down. She needed to be calm for this work. And reached out with her power, touching as many of the werewolves as she could with it. Ten of them seemed to stop and stop caring about the fight. Emily and Marco were off the field, which left Waverly. Niah knew Nancy wouldn't leave till all the rest of them were off the field. "That's our cue." Niah ran and grabbed Waverly who for all El Kabong reenactments still looked a little dizzy. "Don't be a dumbass Nancy come quickly." She said, Waverly following behind, and through the portal they went. Landing almost ontop of Em who looked really embarrassed. "Perfect. You're already in session." Niah said with a bright grin and started toward her seat around the senate room.

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

Rose grabbed a cup of coffee. "I don't have a split mind. I just want to make sure the distraction is good enough to keep us from being overwhelmed. I think fire is a terrible idea. We don't have any idea how fast that could spread to homes of innocent people." She glared at Colby who didn't even seem to notice or care. "The animal idea is pretty good though Willow." She was about to say something else when the Excalibur girl literally stabbed Isabella, "Was that necessary? Jeeze. Are you okay Isabella?"

It did seem that the fire idea was being taken up though. She sighed and gave in. As long as it was controlled. "Merlin if the fire gets out of hand can you control it at all? Keep people safe?" She asked. Once she finished her coffee she followed Hansel, checking her gear as she did. This was going to be intense but it was for her mother.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

His idea had been a throw-away idea but it was being accepted as the plan. Though a couple of people had issues with the idea. He really had just been spitballing ideas. If this went sideways he was going to be blamed for it. He downed his own cup of coffee and followed Gretal outside.

"I don't want to burn down any houses or anything." He mumbled. "Can an illusion be made of fire?" He asked Merlin and Mathew. Mathew had the magic book and Merlin...was well Merlin. If anyone in their group had an idea of what to do it would be one of them.

Ed Penior

Location: Stark Tower - Upper Floor -> Liberty Island

Ed was glad that Guin used his real name. Genuinely surprised by it actually. Had she decided to not hate him for whatever reason she had hated him? Ed guessed that if she had decided that it was because of how he had saved Pietro. He realized quickly the whole group was paired up. There was no one left for him to 'pair' up with. If Beth had joined them it would have been her, and since Annie had decided to go off with Carolina it couldn't be her. Guin was pairing with Mary. Iris was considering suicide by pairing with Mira...He considered joining them just so if Mira decided to go for the killing blow he could put a shield between the two of them.

His task was to protect people that they couldn't get off the island in time. So if he went wandering off with Iris and Mira he might get caught in their drama and not be able to save an innocent person. He was torn. Would the two get into a fight or would they be able to focus on the fight they had at hand? Considering how much fighting they had had when they had been playing the game he worried they wouldn't be able to focus. He decided.

Ed would keep an eye on them and if they started fighting each other he'd bubble shield both of them, but he had to prioritize getting people to safety. He looked up to the top of the statue. After 9/11 the top had been closed off to tourists, but someone might still be up there. If it wasn't so dang tall it'd be a great place for a grandiose gesture of narcissism. However, no one would be likely to see or hear Loki if he were up there. People really didn't think about how big the statue of liberty was unless they had seen it, or the fact that it wasn't super close to the city and didn't face the city. It faced out to sea.

Ed looked away from the Statue and started scanning the crowds. Getting a feel for how many people they had to deal with. His fingers slipped into his pocket and touched the small shield he kept there.

[hider= if any chaos starts Ed is gonna make large shields that protect any people from getting hurt (this includes in case mira and iris decide to fight)[/hider]

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Andy considered that this was essentially a suicide mission. It took her all of two seconds to try to care, since she didn't she shrugged and buckled the seat belt. She didn't have anything to add to the conversation so she listened and watched out the window. Andy wondered what her parents would have thought of how she ended up now that they were dead. A bit of anger rose in her, maybe she should have gone with the other group if it was a Purifier trap.

Since their murder, she was a fan of punching Purifier's till they stopped fighting back. Anger boiled and she clenched her fists before taking a few slow breaths. They weren't going to deal with Purifiers, they were going to stop the cure for M-Pox from getting messed with by jerk Mutants. Andy frowned. Why did the President have cures heading his way anyway? He wasn't a mutant. She considered asking the question, but she figured in the long run the answer didn't really matter.

Location: St. David's Hospital - Cardiff
Skills: Blindsense (Passive)

Niah wasn't certain how she was still conscious. She heard everything Oliver said to her, only giving nods. The part of her that was proud of herself recognized that she really had had something to do with defeating the bear. She had no idea how as her brain currently lacked the blood to put the pieces together.

That was soon remedied though. There was a burst of chaos around her as Oliver got doctors involved in her care. Surgery was required. The leg would be lost. The damage was just too much and she had lost too much blood. Niah didn't even fully process what they were saying. Would she be removed from SHIELD? Did she want to be removed from SHIELD? She could take a desk job again. But as the anesthesia hit she knew she would have to find a way to keep protecting people. No matter what.

Location: Ellis Island - Quinjet

"I can paralyze him. As for who and who isn't a Skrull is it bad that the only person in the group we can be certain isn't one is the crazy girl? Since she didn't die when any reasonable Skrull would have." He frowned at Kwassi, "We have a pilot, Cass." He gestured to the team leader, and his girlfriend. The look he was giving Kwassi was questioning the new guy's sanity.

"How about we fight this out not on the island that's burning around our ears though?" Matt considered just walking up to the President and paralyzing him, but he decided he'd at least wait for Cass to make the call on that. He was leaning into trusting her. He had already put trust in the wrong people. Matt decided he'd rather trust those he wanted to trust and if it turned out wrong then at least he errored on the side of trusting those he cared about.

Matt looked to her and waited for her to give her opinion on the matter.

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Andy didn't entirely follow the conversations, but she was listening. Trying to understand and follow. At least some things were starting to make sense. She followed the Hellfire group to the garage and climbed into the back seat of the car. She folded up pretty well back there and at least she wasn't in the way there. Zarina hadn't chosen a team, but she hoped that the weird green-haired girl would be on their team. Though the other one was really low on people so it would make sense for her to go there.

In the car, she smiled at Kristina. At least one of the other new people was with her. So she wouldn't be alone in needing questions answered if something happened. There was some irony that Andy wasn't aware of, Kristina was hoping for the fire guy to show up, and Andy was very against it.

She pulled her jacket a little tighter around her, it was unzipped. She didn't plan on zipping it ever again in case someone with magnetic ability tried to pick it up and carry her with it. She had loved her jacket cause she could put her electricity through the little spikes and anyone who tried to touch her regretted the decision. Now that she had to consider how dangerous it could be for her safety she was worried. Of course, she wouldn't get rid of the jacket. It had been given to her by Ash.

Ed Penior

Location: Stark Tower - Upper Floor

It was nice to hear all the other X-men argue with Rana that they were definitely going to be involved. None of them were going to let Loki get away with what he had done to them as a group and each individual was pissed with the Asgardian. What Ed knew about Loki it seemed pretty on point.

Ed wanted to make sure any civilians that were on the Island got to safety. "I'll work on getting civilians to safety." He offered. "I've got the shield spell so I can cover their retreat." He wasn't an idiot he didn't really have a damaging spell.

Ed had learned through the course of dealing with Jumanji that he could manipulate his shields to make them dangerous. He already had an idea and he didn't like that he had thought of it. That was against his family's oath. It was better for him to be doing protection rather than getting physically involved in the fight, as much as he wanted to kick Loki's ass. This way the others could focus on dealing with Loki and he knew he was doing good. Though he did figure he doubted he could actually kill Loki, he was literally a god.

Location: Argo III

Andy practically glowed under the praise of her brother. She had hoped the plan would work. Originally she had had the idea when they had been fighting the dragons, but it applied well here. "That does work well. We'll have to keep it in mind." She said getting on the ship again.

Seeing the giant robot thing heading their way her heart started racing. Was it retribution? A part of her wanted to fight the giant robot too and see if they had the skill to destroy it, but everyone else was ready to get going. So she took up a place near the railing to watch, if it got too close she would hit it hard with lighting.

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: Chloroikinsis Short sword

Emily was surprised at how much information they were able to get from Atlas. It was good that they got it though. And between Marco and Niah's abilities, the pair of them were a little terrifying for getting information out of people. Or making them do something someone didn't want to do. Marco could convince them to take the oath and Niah's oath often came with pain of death if it wasn't completed.

A little bit of fear that had been tense in Niah's shoulder released when Atlas told them the plan. Now that they knew what it was they could counter it. They had to tell the camp first. Warn them so Terminus could be protected. She didn't even realize he could leave camp. Her eyes went wide as the werewolves stepped up. There was a lot more of them this time. When they had run into them on the Gem quest Nancy had blown up their heads with her singing.

Em squeezed Marco's hand back. Then released it, she needed her hand to toss the seeds she had in her pocket. Good thing she carried a lot. The seeds spread out and from where they landed vines burst up from the ground and wrapped around three of the werewolves. "I've got three, I don't know if I can get more though. Good luck with your plan." She said to Mads and pulled her own sword from her necklace, ready if a werewolf got too close.

Niah drew her invisible sword and moved in swinging at one of the werewolves hitting it pretty hard, but it was still standing. She didn't want to try what she had done last time she had encountered werewolves, which had backfired. So she decided to keep her Odikinesis for later if they were in trouble. She did maneuver herself so she would be between the werewolves and Mads, ready to protect her friend. She had her armor on also if needed she could get up in the air and fight from above. Niah hadn't used the armor that often but if she needed to it was in the back of her mind as an option.
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