Madalyne Crane
Andy Phillips Crane
Date: July 1st
Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A
Madalyne sat in the largest tent that the Legion had created after the fall of New Rome they were given permission to stay in Camp Half-Blood for however long they needed to be. Madalyne and Alexandra were working on sorting through their records. She was looking over a map of Camp Jupiter thinking of a way to retake their home once they were able to Madalyne finished fixing her hair into a ponytail. The rest of the Legion were busy working on some drills and sparing as well.
Andy was glad to be back on her home soil, so to speak. She felt bad that they couldn't keep New Rome from falling and was glad that they had invited all of them to stay with them. It made things crowded, but they'd figure it out. She knew Arthur was devastated though since he had been hopeful that New Rome could have given them a chance at real life. Maybe whatever the Romans figured out they'd let them join. Speaking of the Romans. There was one, in particular, she wanted to talk about.
Andy gathered the book that Madalyne Crane had given her just as the Battle of New Rome had begun. It had information in it that Andy didn't know how to interpret. But Madalyne said she would help. So she, with the book, went to the tent that Madalyne was using as her base of operations. Andy wondered if they'd just stay there and have the Hephestus kids make new cabins. Would the two worlds merge? "Uh, knock, knock." Andy said outside the tent since she didn't see a way to knock on fabric.
Madalyne turned her attention she looked at Alexandra for a moment and nodded her that she was free to go for now, she gave a nod and decided to hit the Dining Pavilion that the Greeks were using for meals. "Hey, Andy was it right?" Madalyne asked, the time was rather busy and focused on setting up camp within the Greek's. "What's up?" She asked her.
"Hi, yeah." Andy said. Nodding as Alexandra left. "Andy. Uh. I have the book still. I thought maybe if you have time right now." She trailed off and held up the book. It was big and heavy for the small girl. "If it is a bad time though I can come back." She wanted to get this cleared up before the seventh. She wanted to know what Hecate had to tell her before her birthday.
Madalyne instantly remembered now the night that New Rome had fallen, she had been so busy with setting up everything for the Legion with Nancy and setting up shop in the Greek's camp that she had given Andy her family records. "We can do this now, just pull up a seat." She said gesturing to one of the many chairs that were in the tent.
"Thank you." Andy said taking a seat and awkwardly moving the chair with the book under one arm. She didn't know what to say really about the whole situation of Madalyne having to move here. As such she decided to avoid the situation. "So, what Hecate said was to look at the Crane family records, but I'm not sure how that'll help me." Andy took a deep breath. "See when I was a toddler I was left at a hospital. No one ever found who my parents were. When I found out I was a demi-god that made some sense. But everyone still has mortal parents right?"
Madalyne gently took the book and laid it out onto the table and opened it up, she decided to search through the last fifty years or so. She looked over at Andy for a moment. "Yeah just about everyone has a godly parent and a mortal parent as well too." She said as she looked at some family. "Though most of my mortal family members are probably dead by now, technically I'm in my fifties right now give or take." She said, as she thought for a moment. "Do you know of any documentation like where you were born or birth year?" She asked.
"Uh, you look good for being in your fifties?" Andy looked at her confused. Madalyne looked to be in her teens. How was she in her fifties? Did being a demi-god slow people's aging? If so she might be older. "Best guess is 2009 for when I was born. The system gave me the birthday of July Seventh." She looked down at her hands. It felt weird telling Madyalne her birthday because it was in so few days. Andy didn't like to think about her birthday much since it was another day for her. She hadn't had a proper birthday ever in her memory. "When I was found they guessed I was two. I wasn't old enough to remember much. I know my first name is Andy, but it could be short for something. I was in Pennsylvania. So I might have been born there." She answered.
Madalyne thought for a moment and knew that it probably needed some explanation why she was in her fifties. "Theres a place called The Lotus Hotel and Casino it's in Las Vegas Nevada. Time moves differently in there, a day could mean an actual year or something like that thats where I met Nancy she somehow got there to." She explained as she looked down, she knew that her parents were dead so she went to the closest family, her aunt and uncle who had taken her in. She remembered having two cousins, both of them were really young as she found two names, and looked over at Andy for a moment.
"So says here and I met them when I was younger I have two cousins named Sherri and Chase Crane." Madalyne said as she looked at the names seeing if they had any children, Chase didn't have any kids from the looks of it. However, Sherri did have a child and was also marked with a thunderbolt symbolling Jupiter but didn't have a name. "I think Sherri might be your mom." Madalyne said looking over at Andy.
Andy looked both horrified and a little relieved when Madalyn explained the Lotus Hotel. "Right." She shook her head pushing the thought of what the place was out of her mind for now. She'd have to digest that later. "Sherri Crane." She said. It was her mom's name, hopefully. "Do you know what happened to her?" In all her life Andy had never really craved answers as much as she did at this moment. "So we are related? How? Like I know Demi is my half-brother. And like I guess Arthur is sort of my cousin? But what does that make you?"
"I think this makes me your aunt?" Madalyne said, she was happy to know that she had family now as she looked back at the records and pointed to her mother's name and Andy's mother's name. "My mom and your mom were siblings." She said as she looked more at the record and looked at Andy sighing slightly. "Looks like the records said she died August 17th 2009." Madalyne said looking at Andy for a moment, which was during the second day during the Battle of Manhattan in the Second Olympian War.
"My Aunt." She smiled. But then frowned when Madalyne told her when her mother had died. She had been so young. Only a few weeks. What did that mean? She was somewhere and belonged to someone for a while. But who? "I wonder who was taking care of me then. That's almost two years unaccounted for." She shook her head.
"I know you don't know the answer just thinking aloud."
Madalyne thought for a moment, she wasn't sure either with that amount of time as she looked at Andy. "We could try and look into it, after this whole thing is said and done." She said, she just hoped that they would live through this after the fall of New Rome.
Andy nodded slowly. "Yeah, I think I want to know now. Before when I didn't know anything and just assumed I had been abandoned by my parents I didn't care. I didn't want to know. But now that I know my mom didn't abandon me I want to know who did. I want to know why." Her voice hitched. As far as Andy had been concerned her whole life had been bouncing between homes because she wasn't good enough.
Madalyne reached over and gently rested a hand on Andy's shoulder and gave her a smile, Andy was her family and she would make sure that she was going to be okay. "We'll look into it I promise you, and when we retake New Rome if you'd like you are more than welcome to live there with me if you choose to." Madalyne offered, she paused for a moment and looked at her arm for a moment where she had been bit by a werewolf a month ago she was contemplating on telling Andy about it.
"Thank you. I appreciate it. And I probably will take you up on that. I know that Arthur wants to live there someday too." She said smiling. It was a sudden burst of hope for the future that gave her that smile. Andy wasn't much of a hugger, she didn't care for physical contact because of her life up to this point had not made that a good experience. But she didn't pull away from Madalyne's touch. It was like with her brother. An instant bond formed for her and she trusted Madalyne.
Madalyne gave Andy a friendly smile as she gently rested a hand on her shoulder, she was glad that she had a relative now that she could actually talk to now. Niah and Nancy were like sisters to her, but sometimes they were busy with all of their other duties as well to when she didn't have anything to do. "You'll like it there once we reclaim it back from the Giants and Titans, we even have a university there too for when you are older too." Madalyne said to Andy.
"I've never given much thought to school. I honestly didn't expect to live long enough to get into a college." She told Madalyne honestly. "That was before I even knew I was a demi-god. I've got a lot of school to catch up on if I do go to college though." She'd have to ask Kristin to help her be smart enough for that sort of thing.