Location: Woods
Andy thought about what she knew of werewolves. The only thing she really knew was more or less what Arthur had just said. She did remember one night in a foster home she had watched 'An American Werewolf in London' with one of the foster siblings. She frowned. "Are werewolves real then?" She asked quietly.
Andy wanted to know what the rules were for the werewolves really were then. If it was anything like the movie that was terrifying. She hadn't been able to finish the movie running out of the room after the character's had been attacked. Her foster siblings had called her a chicken and she had moved out of that place not long after that. She tried to keep any sort of fear out of her eyes at the idea. If Aunt Mads was a werewolf they couldn't be that bad, right?
Location: Roman camp
"No one gets a happy ending in real life." Niah said sagely. "However, we can keep it as happy as we can for as long as we can." She added with a smile. Niah knew she'd die in battle. If she was lucky she'd live long enough to serve her time. After that maybe she'd be able to have something resembling a decent life. But the life of a Demi-god, even a Roman one, was always dangerous.
She frowned as she saw Leandra. "Great." She shook her head. "We'll have to check and see what she went through." She hoped it wasn't any of the things they used for Mads. A horrible thought of her weakening the silver chains or something equally awful crossed her mind. A part of her wanted to confront her and yell at her, the rest of her just wanted to ignore her. But there was no good in that. Ignoring Leandra completely meant keeping your back open for attack.