Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship
Well, that didn't go as planned. Niah thought irritation spiking through her as the pain flattened out. She wasn't certain if her nose was broken, but she had been in worse pain so she wasn't too bothered by it. She reached over and grabbed the headphones and shoved them back into her pocket before slamming herself into a seat and buckling in. Even with the others gaining something resembling control over the air ship she didn’t want to risk it going out again. Lesson learned do not ride in aircraft without being seated and buckled in.
Niah didn't really have the time to evaluate her feelings about Celestine dying. She hadn't completely processed it. She also hadn't been close to the woman. She had only just joined and Niah had learned that newcomers were either dangerous or would die soon. Maybe that wasn't a great way to look at things, but she had become a bit desensitized to it. "Thank you, Sparky." She said. Her voice was a little muffled and stuffy sounding.

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship
A lot happened very quickly. Matt held on to the bar and tried to help but there wasn't much he could do without risking getting hurt himself. In the end, he threw himself into a seat and buckled up. "Damn." How the hell the blade had killed Celestine was beyond him. It was a ridiculous series of coincidences in order for it to happen.
They couldn't even ask her what had happened. Matt hadn't been with the group as long. He wasn't used to the string of people joining the group and then dying or being traitors. This was a shock for him. And he didn't even know what to think about it.