Location: Big House (Basement)
Andy shifted in her seat. She looked at the drawing and was glad Kiera asked what the Lotus Hotel was. Her brother was going there. She sighed frustrated. It was like fate itself was trying to put everyone she knew in danger. The life of a demi-god. She understood Arthur's frustration with the gods really well at that moment.
She didn't know what to say. So she sat back quietly. It was one of those moments she really felt her eleven years old. Most of the time she could deal with the age difference, but today she felt so much a child. Lost and wanting to do something but being unable. She hated it. Hated that feeling. It was too close to hopelessness. Something she couldn't allow herself to feel. She reached out for Arthur's hand without even thinking about it.
Location: Big House
"Well that rules out several of the people voted for. It might be easier to just have you appoint someone Chiron. At least for now." Niah says seeing what Rosie had drawn. She frowned thinking. Then looked up at Kiera asking what the Hotel was. Chiron explained it better than she could so she stood there listening. Niah, having been friends with two people who had been held by the hotel knew more about it than most and less than her friends. More than she wanted to know. If she was honest in her heart she was glad she wasn't going.
It was clear who was supposed to go in this case. Niah didn't know all the people in Rosie's painting, and the ones she did she knew were Greek. That meant Nancy was the only Roman on this quest and that annoyed her. But it meant Leandra wasn't going, which was at least a small favor from the universe. But how did Leandra end up below later? That part of the future was still confusing. And worrisome. It also put the onus on most of the quest on the Greeks. She only had to worry about Nancy.