Rose Buckner
Location: The Moors
Rose raised an eyebrow at Rosalia's confession that she had followed a fairy out into the woods. She bit her tongue to keep herself from calling Rosalia an absolute idiot. For all her professing about 'common sense' she apparently wasn't genre-savvy. Had the girl never read a Grimm fairy tale? Or a single source for any of the Disney films? Sure this place seemed to be Dinsey-afied, but that did not mean fairies were safe.
"I can find the way back." She turned around and started her way back to where the caravan had stopped because of the wolves. Rose shook her head. If Rosalia wanted to think of herself above everyone else then fine. When she returned to the caravan she found Merlin and said,
"Merlin, there is an injured man at the lake claiming to be Lancelot. Do you mind following me and identifying him?" When he agreed she led the way back to the lake.
Colby Jackson
Location: Agrabah
Skills:Colby took his paper, and folded it carefully into three parts then slid it into an inside pocket. The plan in general seemed okay. He could see some weak spots. Could see how things could go sideways. Mentally he chewed over those. He didn't like how the guards grabbed the one man off. Now wasn't the time to think of it.
His adoptive parents had tried to instill in him the concept of right and wrong. Maybe they'd be proud of him right now as he thought that this was essentially a fascist regime and he wasn't going to let this world live with it. He didn't know yet if he'd go back to Kansas after this, but a part of him knew he probably wouldn't be able to. He'd be too changed. He had read a handful of portal fantasy books over the years and he always wondered about the ones who went home. How did they cope with it?
When they got to the front he pulled his paper out and flicked it open. He gave an easy grin. This one was full, not his usual half-grin that he gave when he was actually happy about something.