Location: Room -> Field (School Carnival)
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)
~First day fit~
Andy sighed. And started putting her roommate's things back where they belonged.
"You can't take Mai's things." She said shaking her head.
"And no. I'm not getting you ritual materials. That's how we got into this mess." Andy realized she shouldn't take Selene into Agatha's tent. She had no idea what Agatha might know and she did not want to deal with the two of them making friends. Even if Agatha was apparently transferring to a different school.
Andy then grabbed the bag she had gotten specifically for carrying Selene around. If Selene had just stayed as a box this wouldn't have gotten weird. But since she was the weird doll... Well Andy wasn't going to lock her in a trunk and hide her from the world. That would drive anyone mad. And Selene was already crazy enough. This way Selene could get enrichment.
"There is a school fair going on. You can join, but please be on good behavior, if you aren't I'll bring you back here." After putting Selene in the bag, Andy headed back out to the field. She hoped the others were still at the sword-fighting thing. Maybe when they moved onto the tent she could grab food for Zari and herself. And if, Zari's roommate...Victoria(?) wanted food for her too. And the other girl, Madalyne. Oh god, would Madalyne know who Selene was? She had said she practiced magic. What was a magic person doing here and not at like Strange Academy? Strange's school wasn't new either.
Her mind swirling and overthinking everything, like usual. She made her way back to the field where the fair was happening. Absolutely nuts. Why had she thought this was a good idea? High school, at her age? It should be different from 2020, but teens didn't seem to change. Maybe she'd have to accept that she needed to try to fit in. Coming here she just wanted to learn how to protect her mother...or rather protect the world from her mother. That was what mattered. She shivered, despite the heat and the comforting jacket that made her way too hot. Maybe she should have left that in her room. Shorts would have been a good idea too. San Francisco was never this hot. Why was southern California broken?