Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)
Mary had seemed somewhat reluctant to contact Guin. And Ed thought about the fact that he was the one who suggested it. His stomach tightened. He had seen a version of himself that didn't care about the family laws. That person had made him very uncomfortable. He knew now that something could get him to break those laws. He was lucky that the version here hadn't gotten to that point.
Once Mary sent the message, Ed focused on the problem on hand. He could worry about morality and the laws when he wasn't stuck in space...again.
Ed hoped that they might be alright since Mr. Punchable hadn't been hostile. He did keep the tiny shield he carried for his spell craft in his hand, ready to cast if someone did decide to be hostile. He then started down the path opposite of Bethany, Annie, Mira, and Neil.
When Perry asked for juicy stories, he smiled a bit, "What sort of stories do you mean?"