Maximillian Gray

Max fought back sending Miranda a glare as she decided to interject on his parenting skills. Obviously he wasn’t going to snag the child from Bonnie’s arms and begin to rock her for her. He’d have gone off on an entire tangent about how stuffed animals were appropriate at any age, so much so that hospitals provided them at birth at times. How the soft plush could help offer comfort to the babe as it cried and helped to soothe it down from whatever temper it had, and in lieu of all that it at least functioned as a suction toy. Babies were notorious for suckling on vastly anything they could get their hands on. Aside from the numerous tomes that Max devoured over his short superheroing break, he also managed to consume many parenting books as his anxiety kicked into overdrive and he at one point went power crazy as he baby proofed every corner of the house. All of it to boil down and say that Max, had he cared to open that can of worms, would’ve turned to Miranda and told her that if he wanted advice from an absent mother and known abandoner of her children then he’d ask for it. His quick rise in temper was immediately extinguished as Bonnie took his small peace offering and thanked him for it before handing it to the baby.
Max made way as Carolina came in for a hug with the new stranger, clearly having known her from her siblings time in SHIELD as it was pointed out. He’d had his own encounters with their agents, wondering if any of the ones he’d met were Carolina’s sister, but now wasn’t the time to ask about the family tree. (Un)fortunately for him, Lance had decided to try and get the ball rolling again, re addressing the questions that Max had already asked, while simultaneously throwing doubt out to the fact that this may all be related. He didn’t see how this was a hard string to follow. Mutant attacks happened at two separate locations, spiriting away several of their team, now a stranger comes in saying her husband was also taken and that she needs help. It was clear to Max that Magneto was pulling out all the stops on his new Genosha, and that didn’t just end with current X-men. He hoped it wasn’t mutants in general, a new fear now springing up inside of him as he worried if his house was attacked. They had a former Xmen there as well as four mutants in total plus his son. If Magnet head did anything to harm his family. He clenched his hands into fists as mystic energy flashed between his eyes for a moment before Bonnie’s holo recording pulled him out of his dark thoughts and back to the current task.
He watched the recording, gasping slightly as he saw who Bonnie’s missing husband was. Apparently she married and had a kid with the prince Max had so unsuccessfully tried to court back in WandaWorld. The man he was fighting (aside from being creepy as fuck) rung absolutlely no bells to him. He didn’t appear to be a high profile mutant like the ones he’d heard of fighting them so far. Did Magneto throw his son a freebie so they could be together? Was Wanda going to be waiting for them up there as well? But then why leave Pietro here? Max offered Bonnie a lopsided smile as he rubbed the back of his neck trying to find the best way to phrase this. ”I mean this in the most respectful way Mrs. Chase, but maybe it's best if you stay here in the mansion or back at home if it's safe there. I don't doubt you're capable but space isn't exactly baby friendly.”