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Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

"I have no desire to carry this mantle. I have family obligations. The two would not work well together." Ed said. He knew that Runa knew enough, and there was no reason to tell Prudence anything more than that. "I would, however, like to protect Earth. I'm quite fond of the planet and have invested reasons to want to keep it safe. As such fixing the spells, as long as that doesn't force me into the mantle is fine with me." Ed spoke honestly.

As he left the mausoleum, apparently the shadow didn't care to attack and that was fine with Ed, he looked around for the source of the crying. His heart went out to the infant he spotted. A purple infant with devil horns and wings. He wanted to go to it. To save it from the cold and cruel fate that was bound to fall upon it. He even shifted a little and took a half step toward it. But he paused. Should he? Could he? Taking the child...in this place...there were risks. Leaving it and the it would die, or something else would get it. Who knew? All the possibilities ran through his mind.

In the end, Ed walked away from the infant. All he could see was his own infant, all he could hear were her cries. Ed wanted to return home. He needed to return home. To his children, his daughter, and the daughter of his heart. This broke him a little. A tiny crack in the lawful being he was.

Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Electrokinesis

April, can you heal with water like Yagoda?" Andy asked, trying to snap her out of her panic attack. They were definitely not going to get marks for this fight. Thankfully she didn't really care about winning the tournament. To her it was a necessary part of going to this school, which she was attending to learn how to protect her mother from people who would want to free her. However, with Mothman still freaking out they needed to get rid of him. There was chaos happening since he was attracted to his own wings.

Andy focused on him pulling from deep within herself and hitting Mothman directly. The electricity sparked across its body. Knowing that it was made of magical water helped that make sense. Andy wondered if that was why Lady Nimue had chosen her for her team. The creature's form wavered and the water it was made of splashed out.

Location: Labyrinth

Andy hugged her aunt back. "I'm good. Mary's fantastic." She followed through the crack. Squeezing through. She had a thought of how a year ago this would have been easier. She had grown over the last nine months. Andy was still small for her age, and probably would always be from malnourishment before coming to camp.

She looked around the space "Maybe the map has some hint." She said without thinking. She couldn't remember if they had kept that information from Damon or not. At this point, she figured it'd be silly to keep it from him. Andy then started to the nearest door. She didn't open it right away, instead looking it over to make sure it was safe to open.

Location: Hotel

"Just checking out." Niah said sliding the keys over. She looked at Jason since he had the money. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the basilisk slither out of the lobby. She bit her lip watching it exit the hotel to the streets.

[color=0080ff]"We have a train to catch, do you know how much time we have till it leaves? The Amtrak?" She asked. Hoping they had enough time to get the basilisk. Or maybe some breakfast and coffee. It was unlikely they were lucky enough to do both.

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

Ed did not like vision playing in his head. At the sound of the infant crying his fatherly protectiveness itched to help the child. An odd contradiction. One he didn't like. It also smelled of a trap. Turning his back on the shadow (or even Prudence), was a bad idea. Even deeper subconscious though was this older Runa was also not trustworthy. Ed, however, did not want to allow that seed to take root.

Ed did not miss Prudence's pointed look. Up to that point she had barely looked at him. An idea of Prudence's personality formed. There would have been no hope for her to be on good terms with him. He recognized this. He also had grown a lot since his 'need to be liked' days. As such he gave it only the barest of nods. A recognition of the comment being directed at him.

"There is nothing good to be used here or found here. Gullveig, would you like to leave as well?" He was still tense, still expecting an attack.

Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy had hoped the way they would protect their teacher was by killing all the bats before they could get to her. That hadn't worked out, all well. She watched as the water transformed into Moth Man. She blinked. She liked bigfoot more since she had spent so much of her childhood in the Pacific forest's shadow.

She paused watching it fly toward the exit. Andy blinked. She nodded at Mads idea. It was a good one. She was a little nervous about shooting lightning directly at their teacher. Hopefully, she wasn't made of water like her creations.

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

Ed bolted after Mary. He did not want to be left alone. Once the others had caught up with where the wall of smoke ended he quickly put up a shield. Instead of shaping it like a bubble, as he normally did, he stretched it across the hallway. Anyone running through the wall of smoke would essentially run into a force field.

"Where do we need to meet up with the others?" Ed was so done with this place and just wanted to get out of there. He had had his fill with space travel for the time being.

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

The stranger that had joined them outside Maleficent's castle offered to help. Rose could believe she knew how to sew human flesh all things considered. She eyed the woman again. Merlin hadn't stopped her from coming in. Was she from a story that Rose didn't know? That was possible.

Rose helped Cassi along. Rose got her into a position that would be helpful for Megan to work on her leg. Then Rose stepped mostly out of the way but still held onto Cassi's hand. "Squeeze as tight as you need to." She told her.

She sort of remembered that Megan was a medical professional of some sort. They had all be introduced and talked a bit when they first met and as they had traveled. Rose did remember flirting with Megan, and if Cassi and her hadn't officially become a thing she would have again. Megan was enough of her type.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby followed Rapunzel's directions and put away the flowers and removed the bottle of alcohol. He didn't want to watch the proceedings so he placed it on the table near Cassiopeia. "Good luck I guess." He told her before quickly leaving the tower again.

It was an odd thing for him. He could deal with animals and help them while they were hurt. Humans though...no thank you. It wasn't a fear really. Just a lack of bedside manner. Whatever empathy he had for animals didn't translate to humans in the same way.

Location: Labyrinth

Andy quickly finished her food and gathered her stuff. She left the small cave, feeling a bit better outside of it. She was scared and worried. Andy smiled at her aunt. She tried to do her best to exude confidence, but she knew it was lacking. The closer they got to the sword, the closer they got to Mads' doom. It wasn't fair. Not much had been fair since she had learned she was a demi-god. Her life before that hadn't been wonderful though and here she had friends and people backing her up...and Arthur.

When the horse grabbed her she was ready to draw her dagger and kill it, but Mary slayed it first. Thank goodness the monsters didn't bleed that could have been super gross. "Yeah. Thank you." She said quietly, her voice relieved but a bit shaky as the adrenaline that had kicked in didn't have anywhere to go. She was on high alert now, and drew her dagger from its special spell on her bracelet.

Location: Hotel

"Thank you." Niah told the woman, for helping them and not getting them into a ton of trouble. Niah was just as dumbfounded as the others but she smiled, gathered her things, and headed out of the room.

Once they were a good distance from the room she spoke looking at Jason. "Amazing. Next time you're doing the talking." Niah shook her head but was smiling. "Let's check out." She headed toward the counter.

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

Ed didn't feel like snipping with Prudence. He only continued into the Mausoleum, not stopping his descriptions. His details were somewhat lacking, not mentioning the rust or cherubs, though strangely mentioning the dead dove and unknown symbols. The cherubs were a continuation of the rest of the graveyard. The dove seemed out of place enough and the symbology of that was not lost on him.

He had long accepted that Runa would call him Edus. He did not prefer it and did not know when she had first heard the full first name. He always introduced himself as Ed. His family had a thing for names being long and strange. That was logical of course when one was as involved with magic as his family was. Edus had been chosen and the nickname Ed used because most people who hear the nickname Ed would assume a different longer name.

"There is text here." Ed frowns. "I do not know why I can read this, it isn't in any language I know, but it says 'To that which you seek, I open the way.' Not particularly excited about the meaning there as there is a knife and a bloodied cup on the altar." Ed kept part of his attention on the shadow, ready to cast his shield if the shadow turned into something more dangerous. The scythe did not assuage his fear of it.

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)
Skills: Force

Ed let himself relax as he flew into the wall. He probably should have bubbled himself but he hadn't had time. He really needed to get the shield into a pendant or something so he didn't have to constantly reach for it. He assessed his wounds, mostly bruising. Nothing felt broken. He was pissed.

Ed realized why he was so angry. It was Max's fault. Max was a portent of doom. Ed had wanted to let it slide, but the reaction...It had been so strong. And of course the tombstone with his name on it. Ed knew what all of that meant. He was going to die, and probably soon. There was a whole lot he had wanted to do that he likely would never be able to do. This whole kidnapped into space thing was not helping that.

He stood up, noting what was happening, and saw that Perry was surrounded by the same person. He didn't know how well she could actually throw a punch, but he suspected being surrounded wasn't her usual fighting style. He flicked his wrist knocking back one of the duplicates. Satisfied he moved to a second, flicking his wrist again. This one only stumbled, but it'd give Perry an advantage. So he flicked his hand at a third. This one seemed to disappear as it collapsed.

"I agree, we need to get moving. I don't particularly want to keep this nonsense up."
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