Ed Penior

Location: Limbo
"I have no desire to carry this mantle. I have family obligations. The two would not work well together." Ed said. He knew that Runa knew enough, and there was no reason to tell Prudence anything more than that. "I would, however, like to protect Earth. I'm quite fond of the planet and have invested reasons to want to keep it safe. As such fixing the spells, as long as that doesn't force me into the mantle is fine with me." Ed spoke honestly.
As he left the mausoleum, apparently the shadow didn't care to attack and that was fine with Ed, he looked around for the source of the crying. His heart went out to the infant he spotted. A purple infant with devil horns and wings. He wanted to go to it. To save it from the cold and cruel fate that was bound to fall upon it. He even shifted a little and took a half step toward it. But he paused. Should he? Could he? Taking the child...in this place...there were risks. Leaving it and the it would die, or something else would get it. Who knew? All the possibilities ran through his mind.
In the end, Ed walked away from the infant. All he could see was his own infant, all he could hear were her cries. Ed wanted to return home. He needed to return home. To his children, his daughter, and the daughter of his heart. This broke him a little. A tiny crack in the lawful being he was.