☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: Prophecy
"I still can't believe Minerva has children," Nancy said, shaking her head.
"It'd be like Aunt Diana showing up with kids. Or Vesta. Or Juno having another husband. It's so... weird." But her comments were somewhat distant. That really wasn't what Nancy was thinking about at the moment. No, her mind was turning over something else entirely. Her ears had started to ring, and her head felt cloudy, almost out of sync with her body.
It felt like she wasn't in control - that she was watching someone else operate her lips and speak with her voice, as she reached out a hand for her brother.
"Zeke, the-," Nancy managed to stammer, before everything went dark. Zeke would see Nancy's limbs go slack as she collapsed onto the sidewalk. Her eyes rolled back and her breathing became shallow and slow. Then, her body began to convulse, trapped in the grips of a seizure.
Nancy saw something else entirely different though. She was
there. Her throat felt thick, as if she had a brick blocking her airway. Her hands were clammy and she was so certain that if she looked down, she would still see the blood of the men she had killed all those years ago. She wanted so desperately to close her eyes and to scream, to scream as loud as she could until the building fell down from the sheer force of her being, but she couldn't do it. Every time she closed her eyes, the vision slid back into place.
That's when it occurred to her -
this wasn't real. It was just her curse. She forced herself to try to steady her breathing, to try to memorize the faces and details through tear-blurred eyes. The questing group was tied up, held captive by monsters in front of the Doors of Death. They were thrown on through, landing in what must've been the Pit. Nancy caught a glimpse of a wolf - Lupa, she hoped instinctively - before everything faded away.
🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Superspeed, Sword Fighting
Leda cried out in pain as the healing water hit her back, sealing her wounds. Her hair was halfway out of its braid, messy and sticking up at odd angles. Her blood stained the back of her clothes. And in her eyes, there was a sort of a feral fire that had been lit.
"I'm - I'm fine," Leda choked out. It was the nastiest wound she had ever received from a monster. It could have easily been the last one. Kiera had healed the bite, but it still ached and throbbed and
curdled. It'd be one hell of a scar, Leda could tell as much.
The ground shook, and Leda collapsed to her knees. She wished she had been standing when Oceanus entered - that she could have spat in his eye. The water currents collided against her and she flew backwards, her injured back hitting a wall and Leda cried out in pain again.
"Don't kill Ocy-anus until I'm there, luv," Leda requested. She wasn't going to get the yips. She was a daughter of Iris - her entire gimmick was killing dozens of monsters before other demigods could move.
She accepted Kiera's hand up, and readied her sword again. Had the intensity and seriousness of this fight not been dialed up to eleven, she would've complimented Sera on her technique. She was a new demigod, but definitely the sea god's daughter. Instead, Leda took off at a run, ignoring the burning pain as she slashed and slashed and slashed. She wasn't moving as fast as normal, and some of the cyclopses managed to dodge her initial blows. She killed one and injured another. Another strike and the injured one fell. One more swing and another died, but the last one evaded her.
And that made Leda