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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella gently patted Arbor as the pup shook the now dead basilisk in his grasp before spitting it out, and growling a bit. There were no more creatures to deal with at that moment, thanks to Jason's quick thinking, and Stella sat up and rubbed at her neck a bit. She was still recovering a bit at that point so she didn't dare talk too much, but she did finally pick herself up off the ground and pet her pups head more, to get him to fully calm down now that the threat was over.

She paused as she heard the other voice and looked up to see housekeeping, but actual housekeeping this time. A mortal, that was there to check in on them and offering assistance. She wasn't sure how to answer or if she should even answer. She probably had some bruising around her neck that was forming already, and it seemed that the woman was going for a first aid kit. So, Stella turned to look at the other two, letting them speak as the two older and more experienced demi-gods.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Outside

Ezekiel breathed a sigh of relief when Kristin left quickly. He really didn’t want to be in the middle of the two of them fighting. Once she was gone, Ezekiel shifted his bag on his shoulder and looked at Nancy. He shrugged and started walking away with her.
”She just always needs to have her finger on the pulse. Daughter of Athena, am I right?” Even though she had been Zeke’s first friend at camp, she could be overbearing.

They definitely needed to find shelter. The only problem was Zeke didn’t know the area well. Hotels were not an option. ”Do you want to try and find some abandoned building or break in some place? I might be able to pick a lock. Haven’t done it in a while,” he confided. ”Also, how do you plan on contacting Dad? I have a few drachma if you want to send an Iris message.” He truthfully didn’t know another way. He never wanted to talk to his father and ask for a favour before.

As they walked, Zeke did feel a bit of guilt. He told Demetri he would be right back, and now he was just ditching him. Zeke wasn't sure Demi would forgive him for this, and part of Zeke didn't want to be forgiven.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: Prophecy

"I still can't believe Minerva has children," Nancy said, shaking her head. "It'd be like Aunt Diana showing up with kids. Or Vesta. Or Juno having another husband. It's so... weird." But her comments were somewhat distant. That really wasn't what Nancy was thinking about at the moment. No, her mind was turning over something else entirely. Her ears had started to ring, and her head felt cloudy, almost out of sync with her body.

It felt like she wasn't in control - that she was watching someone else operate her lips and speak with her voice, as she reached out a hand for her brother. "Zeke, the-," Nancy managed to stammer, before everything went dark. Zeke would see Nancy's limbs go slack as she collapsed onto the sidewalk. Her eyes rolled back and her breathing became shallow and slow. Then, her body began to convulse, trapped in the grips of a seizure.

Nancy saw something else entirely different though. She was there. Her throat felt thick, as if she had a brick blocking her airway. Her hands were clammy and she was so certain that if she looked down, she would still see the blood of the men she had killed all those years ago. She wanted so desperately to close her eyes and to scream, to scream as loud as she could until the building fell down from the sheer force of her being, but she couldn't do it. Every time she closed her eyes, the vision slid back into place.

That's when it occurred to her - this wasn't real. It was just her curse. She forced herself to try to steady her breathing, to try to memorize the faces and details through tear-blurred eyes. The questing group was tied up, held captive by monsters in front of the Doors of Death. They were thrown on through, landing in what must've been the Pit. Nancy caught a glimpse of a wolf - Lupa, she hoped instinctively - before everything faded away.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Superspeed, Sword Fighting

Leda cried out in pain as the healing water hit her back, sealing her wounds. Her hair was halfway out of its braid, messy and sticking up at odd angles. Her blood stained the back of her clothes. And in her eyes, there was a sort of a feral fire that had been lit. "I'm - I'm fine," Leda choked out. It was the nastiest wound she had ever received from a monster. It could have easily been the last one. Kiera had healed the bite, but it still ached and throbbed and curdled. It'd be one hell of a scar, Leda could tell as much.

The ground shook, and Leda collapsed to her knees. She wished she had been standing when Oceanus entered - that she could have spat in his eye. The water currents collided against her and she flew backwards, her injured back hitting a wall and Leda cried out in pain again. "Don't kill Ocy-anus until I'm there, luv," Leda requested. She wasn't going to get the yips. She was a daughter of Iris - her entire gimmick was killing dozens of monsters before other demigods could move.

She accepted Kiera's hand up, and readied her sword again. Had the intensity and seriousness of this fight not been dialed up to eleven, she would've complimented Sera on her technique. She was a new demigod, but definitely the sea god's daughter. Instead, Leda took off at a run, ignoring the burning pain as she slashed and slashed and slashed. She wasn't moving as fast as normal, and some of the cyclopses managed to dodge her initial blows. She killed one and injured another. Another strike and the injured one fell. One more swing and another died, but the last one evaded her.

And that made Leda pissed.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A

Demetri wanted to argue back, to tell Cassian that he wasn’t being fair. A part of him knew that he was right, and all the fight inside of him died out almost immediately, burying itself deep down inside of Demi until it could resurface again at a later time. He couldn’t wait to be back on the train, to have another night shift with Zeke and just be near his boyfriend as he helped to melt his problems away throughout the night. How he’d manage to do that without Alexios intervening was beyond him, but he figured he’d find a way. Demi choked down anything he might have spat back at Cassian and simply let out a scoff instead. ”Yeah…maybe you’re right. But I didn’t ask for any of this, and I sure as hell didn’t ask for the gods eyes to be fixated on my relationship. Come on, we need to get going to the station before the train leaves us behind.” Pain laced his words as he tried to push past it all. He didn’t need to be any more of a burden than he already was to his team.

Cassian simply watched in disbelief as Demi simply took what he said and agreed with him. He hadn’t expected that, but then again he hadn’t expected half of what was going on in this quest so far. He moved off away from the door, hand placed on the handle for a split moment before letting it go. He didn’t know if he should open the door or let Demi do it, but he decided to take the lead on this one. Taking in a deep breath before making his way back out towards the god of parties that awaited them back at the table. But when Cassian opened the door, the god was waiting right there for them, staring at the space where the door used to be. He wondered how much of that he had heard, but then decided it wasn't his place to care. ”Come on, let's get going already.”

Demetri had followed behind Cassian, seeing the god standing there staring. He rubbed his arm absentmindedly as he looked towards the tiled floor of the bathroom. ”How much of that did you hear?” There was a short pause before he spoke up again, cutting off anything Alexios may have been ready to say. ”Nevermind, it doesn't matter. We’re heading off, got to catch the train again before it leaves and we’ve already lingered for too long. Monsters could be circling this place any moment now.” He pushed past Alexios, following behind Cassian as they left the establishment, in tow of Janelle and Kristin, hoping to meet up with a hopefully cool-headed Nancy and Zeke once they all met up once again.

Cassian stayed quiet on the walk back. He didn’t pay attention towards those around him, keeping only a spare eye out for anything out of the ordinary to ensure that there wasn’t a monster about to attack them. So far the coast seemed clear, unlike the heads of most of his teammates. But that was neither here nor there as they all made their way back at their own pace. He figured a quest this large was bound to have some heads clashing, but he didn’t expect it to be all of them clashing against one another. It made hope for success seem slim. Cassian tried to hold on to hope however, after all they'd found a key component to quest early on, the god Alexios. As they roamed the streets however, Demi looked about hoping to catch a glimpse of Zeke before the train. He wanted to hold his hand now more than ever, but while every blonde set of hair caught his attention as a glimmer of hope, he quickly saw that his boyfriend was nowhere to be found on the walk back so far.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train Station
Skills: N/A

She was glad that they were now at this point walking away from the restaurant to the train station. Janelle very much was glad to be wandering around a bit outside, just sort of wanting for them to just get on the train without the others and leave them behind. There was too much chaos. A part of her was wondering why they sent a group of people all out to do something and not just a few or something. It was kind of asking for there to be more issues.

"Wahnder when we can finally get back ahn de train, feels like it 'as been 'ours sence we were dere," Janelle said towards Kristin. She didn't even care if the others caught up to them or not, personally she'd just be fine with them getting a move on and hoping that they could succeed with whoever they had who had gone on the train.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Hotel
Skills: N/A

Well that certainly was a fun situation to experience. Of course the room was still trashed, they probably looked like they got put through the wringer or something overall, which made the next part even worse. It apparently was too much to ask for them to get lucy twice when it came to fights in their room being ignored by the members of the hotel staff. That would have clearly been too easy to deal with.

The question of what happened popped up, and Jason thought for a moment on how best to answer it. The whole joke about killing spiders with fire crossed his mind, so he figured he'd attempt to make light of their current situation. "Dere was a spider, massive din kept bouncin around everywhere," he said with a slight smile and a laugh, not sure what else to say about the matter.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Mary nodded a bit when it came to the plan of what they'd do before heading out. Rest and eat something a little bit longer, then head out in that direction. She wasn't sure what else they could do, but that basic idea made the most sense to her. They couldn't come up with a whole lot without actually going into the area, so they had to make do with what they had, that being ensuring they had the strength and energy to go in and figure out the rest there.

She glanced over at Madalyne as she walked away, and turned back towards Damon when he asked what was up with her. Truthfully she didn't know, and she wasn't going to hide that fact at all. "I don't really know. Then again, I haven't known her for a super long amount of time, so for all I know she could just sort of be that sort of way to begin with. But yeah, I don't know a super whole lot about her to be tell you what if anything is wrong."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Labyrinth

Andy knew exactly what was wrong with her aunt. The closer they got to the sword the closer they got to her doom. She didn't say that though. She chewed on her food a bit and then finally said. "She has two best friends but all three of them were split up on different quests." That was a reasonable reason to be upset. Andy was upset too. She wondered how Arthur was faring, and considered trying to find a way to send him an Iris message.

"So there is this huge prophecy thing happening. You've missed a lot. And we got like four quests at once. We are trying to find this sword. I don't really remember what everyone else is doing to be honest. It was a lot." She glanced at Mary hoping the older girl could explain all of that better. There was no reason another demi-god kid couldn't know about what was going on.

Location: Hotel

Niah had no idea what to say. She froze. But Jason came up with a quick lie. Niah smiled and nodded. "We're mostly fine, just some scrapes and bruises. We do have to catch the train. We can't stay." They were worse off than that, but with the field kit they had they'd probably be alright.

She looked at Jason. "Maybe we can leave some cash for repairs?" She suggested quietly. She had been thinking of doing that anyway but now they had been caught in the middle of it. And her spell had failed. Hopefully, the Mist naturally helped them with this situation.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Harrisburg, Hotel near, Amtrak Train Station:

The woman started to tend to the wounds as she listened to them she stared at Jason when he came up with a story about a massive spider, she thought that was a little bit of an overreaction in her opinion. But she didn't say anything about it as she did a once over the room and noted the animal crate and the dog as well to that was at Stella's side. She ended up just chucking up to the pet being destructive and sighed slightly. "Feel free to leave a tip and check out at the main counter." She said as she motioned for the three of them to get out of the room and started to go about cleaning the chaos that the kids had left behind.

Kiera Donovan

Location: New York City
Skills: Sword Fighting, Hydrokinsis.

"I'll make sure that there is some left for you don't worry love." Kiera said looking at her girlfriend and winked towards her, as she twirled her father's trident in her hands. It felt natural to her for some reason as she stared at the massive titan in the room and pointed the weapon at him. A massive bolt of lightening shot out from the tip of it and slammed into Oceanus knocking him into his make shift throne of sorts. Another massive crack started to form along the walls and ceiling, as Oceanus groaned slightly as he slowly stood up again staring down at the daughter of Poseidon.

"Insolent little whelp!" Oceanus sound sounding really annoyed as he used his powers and controlled the water currents around her and sent Kiera flying backwards. Kiera groaned slightly as she hit the ground pretty hard as she landed awkwardly on the ground, her arm started to hurt pretty badly.

"You die now!" The cyclops yelled loudly at Leda as it charged forward towards her picking up Leda by the neck and lifting her up into the air as he started to strangle her to death. The back of the cyclops was turned towards Sera completely focus on trying to choke the life out of the daughter of Iris to pay attention to the second daughter of Poseidon.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Damon listened to Mary and nodded slightly when Andy was able to answer the question it did make more sense now she was separated from her friends that she had known for awhile. "Thats understandable then." Damon said as he finished up the rest of his food and stood up as he started to kick out the fire now. "Ready to headout whenever you two are." Damon said as he grabbed his pack and started to make his way towards the cave entrance now. "Lets head out now." Madalyne said as he motioned for Damon to lead the way since he knew where they were actually headed.

Madalyne was pretty quiet for the most part as she continued to walk shifting slightly as she looked over her shoulder at Mary and Andy gving her niece a slight smile. It didn't take to long for them to get to the large structure that was at the center of this part of the labyrinth. "Here we are." Damon said as he started to walk along the side of it while sticking close to the brush keeping out of the monster's sight.

Madalyne and him noted that there were about fifteen cyclops patrolling around the area, they eventually found the entrance that they were looking. However there was a rather loud hissing sound from behind Mary and Andy, Andy would suddenly feel something tugging violently at her shirt. If she looked over her shoulder it was one of those demon horses that they had encountered just the night before.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Philadelphia Amtrak Station
Skills: N/A

Alexios perked up whenever he saw Demi and Cassian both finally getting out of the bathroom. "I didn't hear anything honestly." Alexios answered Demi, he was actually more focused on listening in on Nancy and Zeke's conversation at the time. He thought about telling him that Zeke was planning on ditching him and run off with his sister to their location on their own. "You cleaned up pretty quick." Alexios said looking at Cassian and smiled as he followed the two of them back towards the train station.

Kristin and Janelle made it back to the train station without any issue as she looked up at the departure times and spotted their train that they were going to reboard again. "It shouldn't take to long honestly i've ridden some trains before. The main thing that trains get delayed for are usually freight since passenger trains and freight trains tend to share the same tracks." Kristin said, as she heard the announcement that their train would be departing soon and the boarding process was starting again. She spotted Cassian, Demi and Alexios now entering the train, however she noticed that Nancy and Zeke hadn't come back yet which she thought was odd.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Outside

They continued to walk in the opposite direction, or at least Ezekiel thought they were both walking. Zeke paused and turned his head when he heard Nancy call for him and then nothing else. He watched his sister drop to the ground. Ezekiel’s eyes widened in panic as he raced to catch Nancy before she hit her head on the pavement. He scooped her into his arms and cradled her head as she had a seizure. There wasn’t much else he could do but hold her head until the vision passed.
”Damn prophecy,” he muttered to himself. It was not a good sign that she was having another vision. ”It’s okay, Nanc. I’m here….I’m here. Hang in there… You’re okay.” Ezekiel kept speaking while Nancy went through the motions. He hoped she could hear him or feel his hands cradling her head so she knew she was safe.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella continued to keep quiet at that point, which was probably for the best. Her throat still hurt quiet a bit, and she still felt a bit shaky after the attack. She wasn't even sure she could have come up with the story about a massive spider, even if that was so clearly a lie. She had a bruise forming around her neck that no spider could really leave, and she was still trying to hide it at that point. Arbor sat at her side, nuzzling her and licking her hand softly to reassure her.

Between Jason's story and Niah's reassurances, the housekeeper was assured enough to just let it go without too many more questions and seemed to wave them off. Perhaps it was because she had a lot of work ahead of her making the room ready for the next guest? They would never know, and Stella wasn't going to question it. She did nod when Niah suggested they leave some money for the repairs, even if it wasn't going to be that much. They needed to catch their train, and quick. She gathered up her supplies and attached the leash to Arbor and got ready to leave with the older two demigods.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 3 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis | Sword Fighting

"Not so fast asshole!" Sera charges at the cyclops, swinging her sword to attack the monster. She is able to hit the cyclops, killing it quickly. "Are you alright, Leda?" The girl was a bit worried since she was choked out for a little while. Hopefully the daughter of Iris wasn't hurt too badly. Right now there was more to deal with, Kiera seemed to have gotten flung by Oceanus which wasn't great. "Come on. We need to help her out." Sera hurried over to help battle against the titan. Fear lingered in her nerves. To fight against a big bad titan wasn't really a thing she ever thought about doing. But now this was her life, having to fight really dangerous mythical creatures.

What could she do? Going up to Oceanus to attack him wasn't going to work. He could just toss her away like a ball of paper since he was able to control the ocean currents. It seemed they'd need some sort of distraction perhaps? Just so another could go and attack the titan. Since Leda was really fast, it'd probably be a smart idea for her to attack Oceanus while Kiera and herself distracted the titan.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy did not hear Zeke in the throws of the seizure. She wasn’t aware of him holding her head, not until her consciousness dimly forced itself out of the darkness and into the light. She slowly opened her eyes, alarmed for a second at seeing a boy’s face so close to her own - but then it clicked into focus. It was her brother. She didn’t need to punch this man in the face for invading her personal space.

Sometimes, she didn’t know quite what to say when she woke up from a vision. Should she be like one of those oracles from the stories and immediately give up all the information? Or could she keep this to herself? Zeke needed to know the information, but… at the same time she couldn’t find her voice. She had been there. She wanted to be able to do these things on her own timeline, when she felt ready, when there wasn’t the weight of the world crushing them…

”It was… It was there. They threw us through the doors. And there was a wolf. I don’t want to think about this more. That’s all I saw.” She blinked her eyes, realizing that she was starting to tear up. She hated feeling so weak and vulnerable and powerless in her own story.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

The cyclops grabbed Leda by the throat, lifting her up as it attempted to squeeze the life out of her. Instinctively, Leda put her hands up to her throat, trying in vain to pry its hands off of her. This wasn’t how she was going to die. She wasn’t going to be killed by a common run of the mill monster. She had killed so many cyclopses in her life that she had lost count - her death, when it happened, was going to mean something. She was kicking her legs, as if that was going to help, when the cyclops exploded into dust and Leda fell to the cave floor. It took her a moment to recognize her savior. Sera. That girl was the real shit.

Leda opened her mouth to say as much, only for crippling pain to vibrate through her vocal cords. Instead, she gave Sera a thumbs up. Not being able to quip was probably more humiliating than possibly being killed by a cyclops.

Sera was right though - Kiera needed their help. Leda couldn’t speak, so she couldn’t tell Sera her on the fly plan. She just hoped the two sisters would see the opening she was making for them. Leda’s body began to glow every color of the rainbow, as she then blasted a beam of CareBear rainbow light right into Oceanus’ face - wishing she could’ve screamed eat shit, you c$%t! But instead, she put everything she had into maintaining that beam, giving Kiera and Sera an opening to attack.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A

”Thanks, Demi helped a ton really. I was a bit lost in there since the bathroom was basically out of stock for everything.” Cassian replied back towards Alexios’s comment. He hadn’t bothered keeping and eye out for Zeke or Nancy as they approached the train. Out of the six of them, he figured those two were the least foolish enough to stay out in a pair of two while on a quest. Every demigod knew the rule of three, it was good luck, or at the very least safer for them to be in three’s. Too many demigods and monsters were drawn to you like flies to honey, too little and you were easy bait. At least that's the way he saw it. As the approached the train, he spotted Janelle and Kristin boarding the train before the announcement had gone off for their departure.

Demetri on the other hand wasn’t as cool. He kept expecting to run into Zeke or Nancy at some point during the walk back, and not once had he spotted them. When they’d finally reached the station, he halted at the threshold to enter as he looked around aimlessly for them. ”Wait, Zeke and Nancy aren’t here. We need to go look for them.” Concern littered his face as he thought of a dozen different scenarios in which the pair may have been either hurt or taken by some new monster attempting to stop them from completing the quest. He began to walk away from the train when he felt a hand against his arm, squeezing his bicep to keep him halted in place. He turned to see Cassian, a calm expr ession on his face as he looked towards him.

”They’re probably already on the train. That, or they’re still having a chat. We weren’t too far off from the tracks, I’m sure they heard the announcement and will be heading back anytime now. So let's just wait for them on the train, ok?” Cassian didn’t know if any of that was true or not. But the last thing they needed was one of the Big Three to be wandering around a train station all by themselves. He’d done it so often already that he was lucky a goddess was around to keep the monsters at bay. This time however, he didn’t think Demetri would be so lucky.

Demi blinked, his shoulders shrinking back as he looked towards the floor. ”Yeah you’re right. They’re the ones that kept warning me of the dangers of going off alone. If I did it again I'm sure I'd get an ear full. Let's just…head inside.” Demi seemed a bit defeated, worry still hanging over him as he stepped onto the train and found a seat nearby where he could watch the doors. With any luck Zeke would step through any moment now and he could run up and give him a huge hug.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train Station
Skills: N/A

She wasn't entirely sure when the others would get on board the train or anything, but truthfully she didn't very much care still. This whole quest was just an accident waiting to happen to have them all be killed or something like that at this rate. She heard the voices of others boarding the train, so it sounded like everyone but Nancy and Zeke had just gotten on board, which meant that they were still two people short, for the most part anyway.

However she wouldn't be surprised if part of this was Zeke trying to convince Nancy to board the train, which considering her last interactions with most people in this group had gone poorly, it probably wouldn't be going too well. Janelle felt kind of bad for Nancy with even going to the casino. The place did not sound like a good place to ever end up, which of course they all were marching that way. She didn't say anything towards Kristin or the rest of their group at the moment though, figuring they might be wondering what is taking Zeke and Nancy so long too.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Hotel
Skills: N/A

Okay, how the hell did that work? That should not have worked at all. They should be getting arrested or something like that for destruction of property. Sometimes people didn't make any sense. His whole excuse was a joke, a play off of the whole "kill it with fire" reaction that people tended to have towards spiders. Hence how did this whole thing work out like that? Definitely confusing to him, but oh well he was just going to roll with it.

"Sahrry about dat, we'll get out o' de way," he said to the woman, before sort of heading out of the area, "Definitely agree ahn de leave sahme mahney fahr dem, I kend o' feel a lettle guilty over dis whahle din," he said quietly, responding to Niah's comment. They really needed to hurry up and get out of the hotel and check out and all. They still had a long way to go to reach their destination.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: Sword Fighting

She nodded her head with regards to the whole Madalyne thing. Whatever was up with her wasn't any part of her business, she wasn't going to pry and if Madalyne didn't want to talk about it, she wasn't going to bug her. Of course they still needed to trek a bit to get to the actual part of the maze that supposedly housed what they were after. This whole quest was definitely more then a bit unpredictable, so as they headed out, she followed along after Madalyne and Damon, figuring they had a better idea of where they might be heading, though she was keeping a tight grip on the magic map that they had of the Labyrinth in case they needed it.

As they went along, trying to keep out of sight of the monsters, she head this weird hissing sound. It sounded familiar, and it was coming from behind them. Turning to look, she saw one of the flesh eating horses from the other day, which was not a good thing. Carefully moving to hopefully avoid spooking it so it didn't try to yank Andy off her feet completely or anything, she slowly drew her sword. In one swift movement she ran her sword forward, going right past Andy and straight into the monster's head, killing it instantly. "Well that definitely doesn't bode well for the rest of the day now does it? You okay?" she said to Andy, keeping her voice down to not attract any more monsters to them.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Labyrinth

Andy quickly finished her food and gathered her stuff. She left the small cave, feeling a bit better outside of it. She was scared and worried. Andy smiled at her aunt. She tried to do her best to exude confidence, but she knew it was lacking. The closer they got to the sword, the closer they got to Mads' doom. It wasn't fair. Not much had been fair since she had learned she was a demi-god. Her life before that hadn't been wonderful though and here she had friends and people backing her up...and Arthur.

When the horse grabbed her she was ready to draw her dagger and kill it, but Mary slayed it first. Thank goodness the monsters didn't bleed that could have been super gross. "Yeah. Thank you." She said quietly, her voice relieved but a bit shaky as the adrenaline that had kicked in didn't have anywhere to go. She was on high alert now, and drew her dagger from its special spell on her bracelet.

Location: Hotel

"Thank you." Niah told the woman, for helping them and not getting them into a ton of trouble. Niah was just as dumbfounded as the others but she smiled, gathered her things, and headed out of the room.

Once they were a good distance from the room she spoke looking at Jason. "Amazing. Next time you're doing the talking." Niah shook her head but was smiling. "Let's check out." She headed toward the counter.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Harrisburg, Hotel near, Amtrak Train Station:

Once the group had made it down towards the lobby it looked fairly busy, there were some guests sitting and getting some breakfast in the dining room area. Luckily there wasn't a line at all for the group to checkout at, and a young receptionist that was manning the front desk was on his computer probably doing some work and checking reservations or something like that for the day. Seeing the three of them and the little dog that was with them and smiled. "Can I help you all with anything?" He asked.

The three of them would hear some hissing nearby and they would see one of the basilisks that had gotten out and made its way into the ventilation system was now in the lobby. They would see it slithering its way towards the exit as the door opened and a new guest was coming into the hotel to check in. The basilisk quickly made it's escape and out onto the sidewalk probably to cause some more chaos or something.

Kiera Donovan

Location: New York City
Skills: Sword Fighting, Hydrokinsis.

Oceanus started to yell out in pain as he tried to shield his eyes from Leda's rainbow beam into his eyes and he would start swinging his arms wildly trying to get the light to stop. He would clumsily smack himself into the wall as more cracks started to form around the cave that Leda would see. The cave was becoming more and more unstable with each second now, Leda's voice would end up coming back to her. However her throat would be sore as hell now, and she would sound more like a heavy chain smoker.

Kiera would charge forward towards Oceanus and swung her father's trident easily cutting into his leg causing the Titan to howl out in pain as some blood started to fill the water around them all. Oceanus' vision would clear a little bit as he could see Sera nearby he would manage to kick her backwards a few feet away causing a pretty big bruise to form. "Are you guys doing okay?" Kiera asked looking over at her sister and girlfriend.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

Madalyne sighed in relief to see that Andy was okay and went over to gently hug her niece. "Are you okay there Andy?" Madalyne asked looking down at Andy. It looked like the demon horse might have tracked them here or something like that which wasn't a good thing then if it was, and that maybe more were on their way after them as Damon coughed slightly to get everyone's attention. "We need to keep moving." Damon suggested as Madalyne nodded slightly, they did need to move forward and quickly now. "Lets keep going then." Madalyne said as she started to make her way forward and looked around there weren't any guards now which was good then as she went through the secret side entrance to the large structure.

The side entrance was a little bit of a tight fit and they would have to enter one at a time and shimmy their way through, Madalyne was the first to make her way through as she found herself in a hallway of sorts with a few rooms. So far the coast seemed to be pretty clear as Madalyne waited for everyone else to get through as Damon came through shortly after her. "Alright there are a few rooms here we should check each of the rooms to see if it has what we are looking for." Madalyne suggested.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Philadelphia Amtrak Station
Skills: N/A

"So these are trains huh?" Alexios asked as he started to climb onto the train itself and started to look around it seemed like it was pretty small and cramped to him as he followed Demi and Cassian onto the train. It didn't take to long as the train started to close all the doors and the train started to slowly move forward as it left the station behind and they were on their way once more. Kristin started to look a little bit worried now she hadn't seen Nancy or Zeke getting onto the train as she found herself a seat but looked around the train car.

Best case scenario to her they just simply got onto another train car that was on the station, worse case scenario however would be that they missed the train completely. Alexios was actually pretty happy seeing that the train was now moving and he had time to be with Demi one on one now without any distractions. "Is everyone here?" Kristin asked looking at their group as Alexios started to explore the train car some more.

The sidewalk that Zeke and Nancy were on was pretty quiet for the most part, the train was now leaving the station they had missed their ride to Vegas now. The two of them could try and find a place to settle for the night or they could try and figure out how to actually get to where they needed as well to.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Outside

Ezekiel helped Nancy sit up before he let her go and moved back. He stayed within her line of sight but wanted to give her some space. He listened to her brief words before rummaging through his bag and handed her a bottle of water. Ezekiel looked at his half-sister sympathetically before looking away and frowning.
Truthfully, that vision was no help at all. There was always the potential of them being caught or thrown into a pit of death. Those were the perks of being a child of a god. Ezekiel looked around them. They seemed safe for the time being, but Zeke didn’t want to be on the street.
”Okay, there’s not much we can do about that information now anyways. I don’t want to rush you, Nanc, but we should get off the street. We need to find someplace to lay low until morning when we can call dad.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Little Bluebird

Member Seen 3 days ago

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: New York City
Skills: Hydrokinsis

Seraphina grunted as she was kicked backwards. Her body hurt and ached. She barely wanted to continue. Her body felt numb while trying to regain her footing. Even if she rather have just stayed down. This wasn't the time to do so. At least not until the Titan was taken down. Then maybe she could collapse and sit on the ground.

"Not so hot.... Urgh that's going to be a bad one...." The girl responded with an annoyed tone to her voice. Trying to figure out what to do next to bring Oceanus down. She wasn't fast, strong, or quick witted. She had no experience fighting besides fencing and what little she'd done so far with the monsters that attacked them. Kiera and Leda had so much more knowledge while Sera had absolutely nothing. She wanted to help but didn't know how to go about it. She had to think of something before the titan attacked them again. Yet her thoughts where hard to put together due to the pain from the kick. It really wasn't helping at all.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room -> Hotel Lobby
Skills: N/A

Stella was happy that she had decided to keep quiet, as Jason and Niah handled it perfectly. The housekeeper bought it, and seemed to believe that a spider had caused so much panic. They would leave a bit of money for the hotel, to try to help cover the damages, and that was really all they could do. She gently urged on Arbor, having finished putting the leash on him. She patted his head and followed the two older demigods downstairs so that they could check out and head to the railway station. They needed to continue their journey, and make it New Rome, and soon.

She did notice the basilisk slither its way outside, but there wasn't much they could do about it, aside from try to chase it down and miss their train. She decided to keep letting Jason and Niah handle things, as she was sure the adults really wouldn't want to deal with a twelve year old when it came to check out time. She kept Arbor close, even as he growled lowly and wanted to chase the snake like creature. She patted his head more, trying to assure him that it would be fine.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Labyrinth

Andy hugged her aunt back. "I'm good. Mary's fantastic." She followed through the crack. Squeezing through. She had a thought of how a year ago this would have been easier. She had grown over the last nine months. Andy was still small for her age, and probably would always be from malnourishment before coming to camp.

She looked around the space "Maybe the map has some hint." She said without thinking. She couldn't remember if they had kept that information from Damon or not. At this point, she figured it'd be silly to keep it from him. Andy then started to the nearest door. She didn't open it right away, instead looking it over to make sure it was safe to open.

Location: Hotel

"Just checking out." Niah said sliding the keys over. She looked at Jason since he had the money. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the basilisk slither out of the lobby. She bit her lip watching it exit the hotel to the streets.

[color=0080ff]"We have a train to catch, do you know how much time we have till it leaves? The Amtrak?" She asked. Hoping they had enough time to get the basilisk. Or maybe some breakfast and coffee. It was unlikely they were lucky enough to do both.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy took a swig of water from Zeke's bottle, before nodding. Even if they hadn't been demigods, the streets weren't a safe place to be so late at night - particularly for a young woman. She thought for a moment. She didn't really like staying in hotels - motels were more tolerable, but even those ones tended to press on her triggers. And from what modern demigods had explained to her, mortals were much more willing to go around and harass people sleeping outside, even constructing bars on benches to keep you from sleeping there.

"Hmm. I'd suggest a 24/7 diner or we could break into a school, but neither seem to be around," Nancy said. "You're from this time. What do you suggest?"

She also had never been to Philadelphia before, so even on top of just different times and whatnot, she wasn't really sure where they could go. Sunrise wouldn't be until the early hours of the morning, so their plan to try to get their deadbeat dad to give them a ride would require finding shelter somewhere. "... We could do a motel," Nancy then said quietly. "I don't love them, but they're - it's - it's not like there as much as, like... ugh, whatever. You know what I mean."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Superhuman Speed, Agility, Sword-Fighting

Leda's voice was struggling to come back to her, but she managed to gasp out some words. She sounded like she had been chain smoking her entire life with no end in sight. "We don't have much more time!" Leda pleaded. She didn't know who she was pleading with. The Fates, maybe. Kiera had wounded Oceanus, but they hadn't done enough yet to kill him. Poor little Sera looked like she was about ready to give up. Should someone get Sera out of there? Leda wasn't going to leave Kiera behind. But if Sera was too tired and hurt to fight, then she'd be a liability, not an asset right now.

Her mind was racing a million miles a minute, but she didn't have time to think. They didn't have enough time.

She let out a primal scream of rage as she rushed at Oceanus, moving faster than the eye could see. But even then, it wasn't enough to hit him. Her first few waves of attacks were brushed off like she was hitting him with pool noodles rather than Celestial Bronze. On the last pass, as her knees felt like they were going to explode from the strain and effort, Leda managed to get a few good slashes in, Oceanus' weird titan blood pooling out of him. But it still wasn't enough.

None of this was enough.

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