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Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry + Robert, now with special guests of Guin, Peitro and Bethany)

Ed nodded at Mary when she told him she didn't have any. That was fine. It was probably the better situation. He had quit, he might as well stick with it. That didn't stop him from wanting one though. Some tension that had been building in his stomach released a bit when they met up with Guin, Peitro, and Bethany.

He smiled. "Good to see you. Where are the others?" He had hoped they'd be all together, there had been more with them on the cameras. He glanced at Robert when he called Peitro 'Magneto Jr' and considered punching him. Sure, he wasn't Peitro's biggest fan, but that didn't mean calling him that was appropriate.

Location: Hall - Party
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy grinned at Zari's enthusiasm, wrapping her arm up in her own. Being around Zari always made all the things that were bouncing around in her head settle down. "Well, I know there is some history with the holiday. When you're a kid you can go trick-or-treating, which means you're dressed in costume and then knock on people's doors and they give you candy. Usually, they don't give tricks, though I've heard of a few like someone took onions and made them look like caramel apples. These days that's basically all the holiday is.

There are some pagan roots, but I don't really know what the pagans did with the holiday. And it isn't to be confused with the Mexican holiday of el Día de los Muertos, which is the Day of the Dead. That takes place on November first and second. And that's to honor your ancestors who have died."
Andy knew about the Day of the Dead for the same reason she spoke Spanish, she had lived in a mixed foster home.

The two arrived and joined the line of people waiting to get into the cafeteria for the dance. Andy thought for a moment trying to think of what else she knew about the holiday. "The way Halloween is nowadays," Andy really meant in 2022 as she had no idea what the holiday was like in 2038. "Is just an excuse to party." She shrugged.

Rose Buckner

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie
Skills: Boxing

Rose had grabbed onto Merlin, and very quickly regretted it. Magic wasn't always the solution. She found herself in full agreement with Rosalia. She was a bit distracted though trying to get the guard off of her. Maybe she should have learned Judo. She tried to punch the guy to get him off of her. It was a bit of a struggle, but she was able to get him off of her.

She took a deep breath, thankful she could. He had been trying to choke her, and while that was fine in certain settings with a safe word in place, she did not want to die that way. There was no way she'd be able to get an arrow at the guy, but she could try to stab him. She drew one of the daggers she had and attacked aiming for an un-armored bit of the man. She got the dagger into him, but it didn't take him down, she wasn't totally surprised by that.

Colby Jackson

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team

Colby grinned. And shot a thumbs up at his dad. He had been really close to being a roasted marshmallow. Colby started to cast the lightning bolt again but did something wrong and zapped himself. He shook out his hands trying to shake off the feeling, before trying again. This time the bolt went true and the dragon dropped, seemingly dead. Colby grinned.

Back to plan A. Time to teleport himself to a different part of the field. He didn't want to be pinned down. Colby teleported and found himself next to another dragon that was dropping...out of its throat came Megan. She looked badass covered in blood like that. "Holy shit that was cool." Colby said, with the appropriate amount of awe to be in one's voice when you watch someone climbing out of the throat of a dragon.

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry + Robert)

Ed tried to think of the last time he had had a conversation with the Professor. He frowned. Maybe his intake interview, and even that had been...limited. "Well considering we were literally kidnapped and not sent here, that isn't exactly what happened. The others came after us because of said kidnapping."

If Ed was honest, he doubted the Professor even knew where they were at the moment. It depended on if one of them had had the thought to leave a note or something for him. He hated space. He had quit smoking because of space. He wanted a cigarette. The urge to smoke one was suddenly very strong and he wished he had a pack with him, even if it was stupid to smoke in space.

"Anyone have a cigarette?"

Location: Sierra Trail
Skill: Electrokinesis

"I just want like five minutes!" Andy yelled. She held up her hand and ...nothing happened. ARRGHH!!" She yelled. Trying to draw deeper. Anger and sadness welled within her. She felt so helpless and she refused to allow that to control her. She couldn't be helpless. She had to be able to do something, make some sort of difference.

Lightening cascaded down wiping out most of the harpies. Andy took several deep breaths trying to get the anger she had just released under control. She wanted to cry and wanted to scream more. She wanted to bring down more lightning and destroy the whole area...that last one she knew wasn't a good idea. This was California if she wasn't careful and looked at it wrong it'd catch fire.

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Odikinesis, Short sword

Niah clutched her bag, making sure it was secure, and then she stood up taking in the fight. A whole lot had happened in a few seconds. The eagle had swooped down, but Stella seemed to have that thing under control with her plants. Andy had almost been lifted up by a harpie, but Persephone had saved her.

She reached out with her Odikinesis trying to get the harpies to lose interest in them. She could tell one seemed to have lost interest. So she drew her sword and stabbed at a different harpie. As she did lightning filled the area. Niah stabbed the harpie as all the others fell from the sky roasted. She looked at Andy, raising an eyebrow surprised at the child.

Location: Dorm room
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy had debated what to go as for the dance. Part of her didn't want to even bother, but when Zari had said she had gotten a costume Andy figured she would too. She ended up going for the obvious costume, a vampire. She wore black elbow-length gloves and a dress her mom thought wasn't revealing enough. That wasn't a surprise. She did her make-up to look as pale as she could, without looking like a mime.

When she was done getting ready, she stepped out of her dorm to look for Zari. There was no way she was going to the dance without her. So she headed toward Zari's room. Andy might not have even gone if it weren't for the fact that the winners would be announced there. She didn't even care if her team won. She did know that April was super into it, and for her sake, Andy had tried her best.

Since then she hadn't given it much thought. Andy had been too focused on other aspects of school, like essays and readings. Her head ached from the readings. It felt like it took her ten times longer than anyone else to get through reading, part of that was just not knowing a bunch of background information or what words meant and having to look them up. The other part was reading itself was tiring. She couldn't figure out why.

Andy turned a corner and saw Zari heading her way. Thoughts of school left and she smiled and waved at her girlfriend, before hurrying to meet up with her.

"Nice, love that we both went with the most obvious costumes." She offered her arm, thankful that her type of vampirism didn't seem to affect Zari, though the gloves and sleeves should still protect her just in case.

Rose Buckner

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie

Rose was thankful for Cassie's hand as they made their way into the castle. When they stopped she knocked an arrow just in case. She'd be ready if needed. She didn't draw though. She shook her head at the request for a stealth spell. That felt like something they should have cast before getting this far if that had been part of the plan.

She looked at Merlin, waiting. She didn't add to the conversation. There was nothing to say that would be new. And speaking here was asking to be noticed. Rose scanned the area, making sure they weren't going to be noticed. Rose holds her free hand up to her lips and then gestures to the guards she spots near them.

Colby Jackson

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team

Colby was knocked over by Gabreilla bowling into him. He was going to offer to help, but she seemed to have her shit together. There was now the actual dragon to deal with. He wondered if it was Maleficent in disguise. Riding it was Rumple, jerk. Colby thought he might be able to hit Rumple with some lighting but he was way more likely to be able to hit the dragon. He didn't think fire would do much so lighting was a better idea.

He cast the spell. The bolt hit the dragon. It seemed to hurt it, the dragon likely wouldn't be able to fly. This of course meant it was going to be very angry... at him. He quickly cast again, missing. Colby had been hoping he'd have time to teleport away but taking out the dragon seemed more important suddenly. He casts the lightening spell again. This one hit the dragon and it seemed to pass out. It was still breathing, but at least it was unconscious and couldn't hurt him.

Location: Labyrinth - > Sierra Trailhead

Andy stumbled out into the bright light of California. Her whole body was shaking as she gasped for air trying to control her fear and anger and sadness. She felt cold and hot at the same time. Instinctively she flinched away from Damon, a part of her still hating him for pulling a knife on her, and a part of her wishing it were Arthur that was there to comfort her. She looked up at Mary trying to figure out how to answer her question. Was she okay? Could she be okay? "No." She missed Arthur.

When Andy saw Niah and Jason and Stella she ran over to the trio, not really registering that someone else was with them. She practically flew into Niah, stopping short when she realized Niah was taking something from Mary.

Location: Sierra Trailhead

Taking cover near the bathrooms as Persephone had recommended Niah kept an eye on the sky. If the goddess was uncomfortable that did not bode well for them. She looked over and saw Mary and Andy...without Mads...coming toward them.

"They were in the Labyrinth." Her voice was devoid of emotion suddenly. She already knew that Mads was gone. Fallen into Tartus. Lost to them. She bit back the urge to swear on her mother that she'd get Mads back.

"Thank you, Mary." She said holding out her hand. Niah glanced at the gem. She knew what it was, so she quickly tucked it away in her bag. Her hands were shaking, but her voice remained steady as she spoke.

"Andy?" She didn't say anything else, the small girl stepped up and the two hugged. Niah wouldn't have said she had been fond of Andy, but the kid had been through a lot before learning she was a demi-god. This couldn't have been easy. Even expecting it. To lose the only blood she had, non-god-related blood at that, couldn't be easy. And Niah had lost one of her best friends in the whole world. She needed to call Nancy. After a moment of hugging Andy the two parted, Andy still clutching the sword awkwardly.

"I need to find a way to make a rainbow. I need to let Nancy know." Hopefully Nancy was in a position to take an Iris call (something Niah considered one of the perks of working with Greeks).

"Can I go with you? I want to call Arthur." Hopefully the Harpies and whatever the Eagle were would leave them alone long enough to get their calls out.

Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Energy Vampire
Wearing: rubber suit under uniform

"I did not want to do this." Andy says, pulling the glove off of her right hand. She holds it out, not quite touching Michaela, she doesn't need to, not for what she is drinking. The Eldritch Energy that was pouring off of Michaela was rich, and Andy drank deeply.

She was always thirsty. Always hungry. It had happened slowly that food hadn't quite satiate her the same anymore. She was so careful all the time after what had happened that first training day with Mads. Andy couldn't trust herself. But this was life. This was warmth. If asked to describe the sensation she'd say it was like climbing out of a cool lake on a hot summer day and letting the sun bake you dry. She wanted more and could feel herself tilting ever so closer to touching Michaela.

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry + Robert)

Ed was relieved it had worked. He also hoped it meant Mary had burned (no pun intended) some of that energy that had been building. She had stepped out into the hall. He let his shield drop as the steam dissipated.

"You're right. That is my friend. We know about it. We are trying to help her. If you don't want anything to do with her that's your choice. But we've dealt with some bullshit together. I'm not going to abandon her. I know what a world without her is like, I'd like to keep her in this world. The threat here is Cortez." Ed said fiercely at Robert. He had trusted Mary with the secret fear he had had that Klara had been replaced by Loki. He wasn't going to let her down when she needed him because he was afraid of what she could do to him.

He stepped into the hallway. "Alright, we got those visuals on the others, can we find them now?" Getting the group all together would be ideal. He heard the crackling of electricity. He did not like that noise.

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