Avatar of LadyAmber


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I am experienced roleplayer returning to online roleplay after 10+ year break. I have missed roleplaying and the creative outlet it is for me. I am interested in casual roleplay. I consider myself a decent writer and I will put effort into my writing. I am not into writing a novel for one post though. Descriptive, character building, engaging, yes. I will always write at least 2 paragraphs unless it is a quick fire session revolving around dialogue over private messages. I am a fairly laid back person and don't want to be a grammar nazi. I believe in quality over quantity. Roleplaying is a hobby and a escape from real life pressures.

Genres I am interested in:
Middle Ages
Science Fiction
Crime Drama

Fandoms I am interested in:
Harry Potter
Anita Blake
Dragonriders of Pern
Star Wars

I don't mind roleplaying romance but I am not looking for smut. It has to make sense for the roleplay. I am okay with a fade to black moment instead of roleplaying it out. For me its about the story and the character. I am open to roleplaying it out.

I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone. I work full time and will be seen in the evenings and weekends online.

Most Recent Posts

The Planet Saver

Fireteam Poseidon

Chuck “Boomer” Simmons

Soundtrack: Watch Me Bleed - Fearless Motivation - The Julianno

Ebrima: ”Get a room, you two. One without bioweapons in it.”

Chuck just chuckled, sounding downright happy as he replied.

Chuck: “Well I can’t deny that I would love that but Ebrima do you think it is a smart idea to potentially insult Freya? Not to mention our lovely Battle Goddess could rip your arms off and feed them to you if you piss her off. I am pretty sure her siblings would help her. You do know her father’s temper is legendary right? Besides, the plan is to kill Artemis and woo the lady respectfully first. I like my heads attached to my body, you know.”

Chuck had run headlong into battle. They needed to deal with this damn toxin. Chuck had just taken out four guards as their group engaged the guards coming towards them. Ebrima had gone high and left as he had charged towards the center of the space. Chuck heard heavy clunking up from behind him. He turned back towards the center after kicking a soldier into the wall. Three men in exos were coming towards him. One of them was a giant like chuck. He was in the biggest exo unit that Chuck had ever seen. He easily topped Chuck’s impressive height by about a foot because of the exo. He was more muscular than Chuck as well. He had a nasty jagged scar running down the left side of his face that bisected his eye. The eye itself was cybernetic and glowed a neon blue. The man was shaved bald but had a blonde beard. The black tattoos that ran up the side of his neck identified him as Russian.

Chuck went straight for the giant as the giant surged towards him. The titans met in the middle with a horrendous crash of sound. The groaning and tearing sound of metal could be heard. The exo clad soldier on the left tried to get around Chuck to engage Ban while the one on the right lifted his gun and began firing at Ebrima. Chuck was knocked back as the Russian slammed his boot into his side. Chuck was lifted off the floor by the strength of the blow. Chuck’s fist slammed into the knee joint of the exo in an attempt to immobilize or slow down his opponent. The giant managed to dodge. The tearing sound was some of the outer layer of Chuck’s armor being torn by the blow. Chuck spun and lashed out with an armored boot as the one on the left was trying to get past him. His foot connected with the soldier’s chest and knocked him off his feet. He managed to dent the man’s armor and he was down for the moment. Chuck spun back around and launched a fist at the Russian’s armored head. Chuck’s fist was stopped by the man’s helmet but he managed to crack the helmet.

The Russian growled and shook his head, raising his heavy guns up and taking a shot at Chuck. Chuck didn’t see the Russian because he had turned his back on him to engage the other exo clad soldier that was targeting Ebrima. He managed to surprise the man in the exo from behind. Chuck wrapped his arms around the man and caught his armored head in a lock. Chuck applied his augmented strength and began fighting the enhanced strength of the exo as he tried to break the man’s neck. You could hear actuators whining and metal being stretched. Chuck let out a scream of effort as he put his all into it. There was a popping and tearing noise and Chuck felt the resistance give. At that moment Chuck took a hit to his back as the heavy caliber bullets from the giant ripped into his back plate.

Chuck spun and began dodging but there wasn’t a lot of room for that in here. The Russian managed to continue to hit Chuck. Chuck lifted his wrist and sent some taser flechettes from his wrist launchers towards the Russian. They hit his suit and didn’t seem to even slow him down. He didn’t want to switch to armor piercing rounds because they still had to neutralize the toxin. They didn’t want to pierce the tank and release the toxin before it had been neutralized. Chuck knew what he had to do. He charged towards the Russian, taking heavy fire as he went. He needed to get close enough to grapple with him again. Chuck kept charging even as he felt his armor weakening as he felt pain along the rib cage. He let out a battle cry as he tackled the Russian giant taking him down off his feet. Chuck and Russian began a metal suited wrestling match. The Russian was very good. Chuck couldn’t get a hold on him. Chuck was hard pressed to hold his own. The Russian managed to break Chuck’s armor further and worked a knife in between his ribs as Chuck slammed his knife home up from beneath the man’s chin where his armor was weakest.

Chuck: "Damn that hurts!"

Chuck pulled the knife out as quickly as he could. He pulled an emergency dressing out of the first aid kit in his thigh armor. He opened the pressure dressing and slapped over the knife wound hopefully sealing it up. Chuck groaned as he managed to roll over and get up on his knees with a grunt of pain. He used one of the algae racks to help pull himself to his feet. His voice was gritty as he asked for a sitrep over comms.

Chuck: “Is the toxin neutralized yet?”

Chuck was looking around trying to get a sense of what was happening in the battle. He had lost track of the greater battle while he dealt with the giant. He was feeling a little disoriented.
Valkyrie AGR Team Headquarters

Friday March 10th, 2094

Soundtrack: Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons

Valkyrie Training Facility

Alexander was grateful to be out of his office and finally able to start the actual work in motion. He was on his way to the training center where he was meeting with the pilots, the entire medical team, and the training team. The medical and training team had spent most of Thursday reconfiguring the training center to build, modify, and install the changes to the equipment that were going to be needed. Alexander was impressed that the new simulator was already ready. The board members with the European Union Space Agency had come through by donating a base training rig they use for training astronauts. The engineers, mechanics, and training technicians had already reconfigured and added the rig components to build the new simulator the way they wanted.

The Medical Team was excited to be able to integrate all the monitoring systems for pilots that they wanted. New medical sensors provided by another board member with Biomatter International will give more detailed and live readings about what was going on with the pilot’s bodies as they experienced. The new sensors were developed for augmentation technology and included measurements for neural activity, kidney function, and toxicity levels with more sensitive readings for heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, and glucose levels. Alexander knew these changes would have taken more time without the board members' support. The only catch to their help was that they had to share the research and data with them. Alexander felt that was a fair trade. It had been worth the time he had taken to win their support and his restraint. He still wanted to punch a few of them but he was glad he had tamped down on the urge to do it.

Alexander was looking around at the changes to the area. He hadn’t been here since they started since he had been busy doing other things. Besides, he needed to show his team that he trusted them to get the work done. They didn’t need him hovering over their shoulder micromanaging them. He was surprised to note that the space felt more open. It took him a moment to figure out what had changed. The training section had modular features to facilitate changes as they came up. The gym section had been opened up a little to include some new medical monitoring systems. The new simulator was larger and was set into some steel braces on a platform with steel scaffolding on it with steps leading up to it. There was a bank of 4 computer workstations built into the side opposite the stairs. Alexander could see the open framework design with hydraulics and electric motors that would drive the system. The interlocking gyroscope design with gimbals looked like something you would see at an amusement park or in a science fiction movie. Alexander knew that would allow the simulator to make the pilot feel like they were actually moving in any direction.

Alexander smiled as he approached the crowd of people with Paul and Dorian at the center. Paul and Dorian were in the new training suits with embedded sensors in them. They looked like they were wearing the bastard creation of a space suit and a diving suit. They were ugly and not very pretty to look at but hey fashion could take a back seat to quick and practical.

Everyone was chatting and there was a sense of excitement in the air. No one had noticed Alexander’s entrance yet. The pilots looked amused as the medical and training personnel around them were trying to share all the details with them but were using trade jargon that they didn’t understand. The pilots were the superstars of the team and their coworkers wanted to impress them. Alexander was satisfied to note that the air of anxiety and uncertainty was gone. He had sent out an email detailing the restructuring changes and how they would work yesterday after the board meeting. There was some expected confusion as details were hammered out and clarifications made. So far the changes were being embraced by the majority of the staff. There were a few older hands unhappy about the changes who grumped there was nothing wrong with the way they had been doing things.

Alexander was amused to note that it was Dorian who spotted him first. Dorian gave him a wave of his hand in greeting. Alexander waved back but the motion had people turning around to see who Dorian had waved at. The excited murmur got louder for a moment as everyone turned towards him before quieting down.

Alexander smiled as he addressed the group.

Alexander: “Good morning. Today we start getting ready for Africa. We are making changes as fast as we can to shift to the needs of the season. The first thing we are going to do is some research with the help of our pilots.”

Alexander nodded at Dorian and Paul who looked interested.

Alexander: “The team has developed a new simulator with the help of those snazzy new suits you are wearing that will give the medical team some new information on what happens to pilots during a race. The new simulators will allow you to run any track virtually like you would in your ship. The new rigging will put your body through the same forces and movements you would experience in the cockpit during the race. It is as close to experiencing the real thing as we can get without putting you on the track. The medical and training team will be working in conjunction to support both of you as they put you through some new training regimes. These will include what our team is calling cognitive reflex training which is a method used to strengthen neural chip reaction times and cognitive speed. A new physical training component that will take place in the swimming pool. They will be teaching you freediving techniques to help strengthen your lungs and expand its capacity. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy will be utilized to increase the amount of oxygen you can hold at one time.All of these training techniques will work to strengthen your natural talents and your ability to use your augmentations with the focus of increasing your reflex reaction speeds and active decision making. Oh and the nutritionist will be working with Chef Jacques to ensure that you are getting targeted micronutrients to strengthen eyesight, reflex speed,and cognition. These techniques will make the most of what you already have. Do you have any questions?”

Dorian looked puzzled: “I thought we were already doing a lot of this. I mean we already eat incredibly healthy. How is changing our diet supposed to help?”

Dr. Thorkelson stepped forward to answer that question.

Dr. Thorkelson: “Dorian you are correct. But there are changes we can make to your diet to ensure you are getting nutrition that specifically benefits the health of the eye for example to ensure eyehealth. Likewise there are specific foods that can help maintain cognitive function. Any benefits you see from these changes will take time. While we can’t guarantee you will see any benefits from these foods, you might. Isn’t it worth it to try?”

Dorian looked thoughtful.

Paul looked unsure and confused as he asked: “Freediving techniques but I am a pilot not a diver.”

Volkova stepped forward to champion her idea.

Volkova: “Free divers in Japan have been trained to retrieve pearl oysters from the seafloor long before scuba diving technology was available. They trained their bodies to be able to hold more air and developed techniques to help their bodies oxygenate and enrich their bloodstream so that they could dive deeper for longer. Their techniques will help you strengthen your lungs so they work better, expand your lung capacity so you can breathe in more oxygen, and combined with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy, should give you a significant gain in performance. Your body will be developing more red blood cells which means more oxygen. Your body will be training to gain more oxygen and hold it longer under pressure. This will help you in the race when your body is experiencing g forces which puts pressure on your lungs. You should handle the forces better without a loss in cognitive function or reaction times.”

Paul looked surprised as he looked over at Dorian who was looking just as surprised.

Dorian grinned. He had been worried that Knight was going to focus on Paul and ignore his needs for this season. It was not an approach that Dorian had never thought about. There were so many small subtle things. Could they really add up to an advantage on the racetrack? He could see now what Alexander had meant when he said their new approach was going to be focusing on the needs of the pilot.

Dorian: “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!”

Paul laughed and slapped Dorian on the back.

Paul: “I will race you to the pool later. What’s first?”

Alexander laughed and shook his head. Pilots were always about speed and competition. He couldn’t help but laugh at Paul’s characteristic response of challenging Dorian. It reminded him so much of his father. It brought back memories of Audrick’s smiling face as he challenged him to race wherever they were going. He pushed away the sadness that came with the memory and focused on the here and now.

Alexander: “First the simulator. You are each going to run the Auckland race again to establish a baseline for the staff to work from. Then you will be at Volokova’s tender mercies. If you have any questions about anything, they are here to answer your questions. We are a team and support one another. They know the answers better than me. Come find me after you are done today if you have any more questions about the new training regime. The Engineering Team is working to make the ships faster before Africa without sacrificing our edge in handling and stability. Once those changes are worked out and tested, you will test the changes first in the simulator and then on the test track. I want those ships dialed in before Africa. You will be spending a lot of time in the cockpit next week as they work to get the ships ready for Africa. Dorian you and Paul will need to be honest and share what you are experiencing with the team so they can help adjust the ship or the training to better support you. So be honest about your challenges. If you need something and aren’t getting it for whatever reason, you come talk to me about it. We will work on it to see if we can get it. Understood?”

There was an eager anticipatory feeling in the air now with an undercurrent of excited energy. Alexander smiled as that is how it should feel around here.

Alexander turned to the support personnel in the room to address them.

Alexander: “All of you are part of this team. Their success in the cockpit is due to your success here in this room. You are important to the work we do here. If you see something, have a thought, then speak up. Valkyrie will work best as a team. So bring your passion and your ideas and share your knowledge with everyone. We succeed or fail as a team, not individuals. Understood?”

Alexander gave Dorian and Paul a serious look as he met their eyes.

Alexander: “Dorian and Paul never forget that while you pilot the ship you are supported by a team. You are not alone in this. Listen to their guidance. Make your own decisions but understand they are here to help you. All of the changes being made and implemented were proposed by team members already working here. These approaches were suggested and discarded by previous leadership. Everyone has their area of expertise and deserves your respect. You both already show a great respect for your colleagues but they need to hear from you not me. Make sure your words and actions reflect that.”

Alexander lightened the mood as he gave them a brilliant smile full of warmth.

Alexander: “Now all you miscreants get back to work. We have races to win!”

Alexander was rewarded by loud cheering and laughter by the excited bunch. He left them to get started. They would perform better and bond easier without him there. Besides, he had a meeting with the marketing team. Katherine had some stuff to go over with him.

Alexander’s Office

Alexander had made it back to his office and was attempting to get another cup of coffee when Mabel gracefully intercepted him by taking the empty cup out of his hand and hip checking him away from the coffee machine. She put a decaf pod in and then started the machine. Alexander put his hands on his hips and glared at her.

Alexander: “Mabel I am perfectly capable of making my own damn coffee.”

Mabel gave him a sickly sweet innocent look and crossed her arms.

Mabel: “Alex, I know for a fact that you have already had over 4 cups of coffee this morning. I also know you have been averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night. You need a solid night’s rest. No more caffeine for you today. No arguments.”

Alexander gave her a glowering look.

Alexander: “Mabel I love you but I am a grown ass man. If I want to drink coffee then I can have a cup of coffee.”

Mabel patted him condescendingly on the shoulder.

Mabel: “Don’t sulk Alexander. It is not a good look for the boss.Besides you are getting coffee. Decaffeinated coffee.”

Alexander threw his hands up in the air and gave up walking back to his desk. He began logging into the computer. All at once it dawned it on him that she had known how many cups of coffee he had so far today. Alexander narrowed his eyes as he paused and looked up at her as she brought him his coffee.

Alexander: “Wait a minute… How did you know how many cups of coffee I have had so far today?”

Mabel sat down in one of the plush black leather chairs across from his desk for visitors. She gave him a sly smile and a wink.

Mabel: “I have my ways. Now shall we get to work?”

Alexander shook his head. He would never learn how she found out all she did. She never ceased to amaze him. He nodded and finished booting up his computer. He absentmindedly grabbed the coffee cup and took a sip. He winced and set it back down. It just didn’t taste the same. He sighed and pulled up his schedule.

Mabel: “Next on your schedule today is the meeting with Katherine to go over marketing and public relations issues. The only other important meeting you have today is with Wulfric and Leopold to discuss the investigation into Maier and Zimmerman’s activities. I have already prioritized your inbox for you. You can work on clearing up those details in between meetings. Let me know if you want me to weed out any more of the insignificant stuff for you. I can handle the logistics details if you want me to. This frees up more of your time from dealing with approvals on the number of screws we order and the supplier for the toilet paper.”

Alexander nodded. “Thank you Mabel. I am fine with you handling the standard purchase authorizations with my authority. Send any unusual purchases to me or anything over say $10,000 euros. Is there anything else we need to discuss? Katherine should be here any minute.”

Mabel: “I will Katherine fill you in on the latest gossip. Do you want me to stay for the meeting?”

Alexander nodded. “Yes, because your wisdom is always helpful. I value your insight.”

Mabel just smiled fondly at him and nodded.

Mabel: “Great! Because I can’t wait to see your face when she tells you what is on the agenda.”

Alexander didn’t have any time to try and figure out what Mabel went as he called out come-in. He was pretty sure the knock on the door was Katherine as it was time for their meeting.

Katherine opened the door and shut entering Alexander’s office. She was dressed more casually today in nice tan slacks and a flowy tank top blouse in a blush color and brown leather flats. Her hair was down around her shoulders in soft chestnut waves. She was carrying her tablet with her. She moved quickly to take the other chair in front of Alexander’s desk.

Katherine smiled at Mabel greeting her.

Katherine: “Good Morning Mabel and Alexander. Thank you so much for your help yesterday Mabel. I never expected the press to ask you a question. You handled it well though. My thanks.”

Mabel’s eyes sparkled merrily as she chuckled remembering yesterday’s press conferences.

Mabel: “Good morning Katherine. It was good to remind them that older people are still in the workforce too. Shame on them for assuming.”

Alexander smiled at Katherine and nodded in agreement.

Alexander: “Hello Katherine. I agree Mabel handled it well. Even if it was at my expense.”

Katherine just chuckled. She was more at ease around Alexander now that Mabel was here. Mabel’s information and help had been invaluable to her in understanding Alexander’s triggers where the media was concerned. Katherine opened her tablet and gave them both a smile.

Katherine: “Are you ready to start the meeting?”

Alexander nodded: “Let’s get to work. What do you have for me?”

Katherine: “Yesterday’s press conference was a success. Valkyrie AGR Sport was at least mentioned on most of the major news outlets globally. Some of the questions asked by the journalists have started some rumors you need to be aware of. I am not sure how we are going to address them just yet. So far they sound like the typical conspiracy theory nut jobs focused on your appointment at Valkyrie. However, I need to know from you if I need to be concerned.”

Katherine gave Alexander a serious face as she continued. Alexander raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue.

Katherine: “The EUGossip is a notorious celebrity gossip news outlet. They are just as likely to make up news if it's a slow week as they are to actually have a story that has facts behind it. It has enough plausibility that it is staying alive so far on social media. They posted a story that while you were personally cleared by investigators that your former racing team had the investigation into Audrick Mulder’s death shut down. What can you tell me about what happened, Alexander?”

Mabel looked concerned at the information Katherine shared.

Alexander looked surprised and then thoughtful and angry as he tried to decide what he could share. He worded his answer very carefully. Alexander allowed the pain and sadness he felt about his friend’s death to show as he spoke. His voice was laced with remembered pain and shame.

Alexander: “Audrick Mulder was a fellow competitor and also my best friend. I met him when I started racing Formula AG. We were friendly rivals. We often pranked each other on the track. We hung out and spent time together socially in between races. His team was my team’s biggest competition back then. Please understand that there are things I am not allowed to tell you. I am bound by nondisclosure agreements to my former team.”

Alexander paused for a moment and had a confused look as he looked at Katherine.

Alexander: “Or are nondisclosure agreements voided if the team they were signed for has dissolved? I will need to have the team counsel check on that.”

Katherine was looking worried now. She sat forward on the edge of her chair. Nerves and worry threaded through her voice.

Katherine: “I understand the need for secrecy. I want to help you but I need to know what you know.”

Alexander looked at Katherine once more, debating how much he could tell her.

Mabel reached across the desk and put her hand gently on his arm. Her voice was soft as she told Alexander.

Mabel: “Alexander she will need to know all of it if she is going to help get you through the shit storm I feel brewing on the horizon.”

Alexander looked over at Mabel surprised. He had told her everything once. He had been feeling down about something and had gotten drunk. She had managed to get the whole story out of him. So she knew the truth. Alexander bowed his head and took a deep shuddering breath as he began.

Alexander: “Katherine you will need to keep this information between us three. No one else can hear any of these details until I have checked with the legal department about the non-disclosure agreement with my former team.”

Katherine gave Alexander what she hoped was a trustworthy look.

Katherine: “I am already bound by my NDA for Valkyrie. I won’t disclose any details that could hurt the team.”

Alexander sighed as voice was filled with grief, pain, embarrassment, and guilt most of all as he began to tell her what happened.

Alexander: “The team I was driving for had hired a new crew chief and engineer. The team owner had been hungry for a win. They were putting pressure on me to drive more aggressively. They wanted me to use shady tactics on the track that skirted safety rules. I refused to drive dirty for them. The night before the championship race I had gone to wish Audrick good luck before the race. When I left, I saw one of my team mechanic’s coming out of Audrick’s team garage. The next day a few laps into the race, I saw Audrick’s ship jerk hard to the right and it lifted off the track. The ship began to tumble and bounce down the track. On the fourth bounce, the ship exploded into a fiery ball. The explosion was big enough they had to stop the race. Parts from the ship had been launched into the crowded grandstand. There were injured people everywhere. I lost my best friend that day. I don’t have any proof they tampered with his ship. I can’t help wondering if I have said something to Audrick that he might still be here. I had no idea why the mechanic was there. It was common for teams to borrow a tool or shoot the breeze together. Competition was more friendly back then or so I thought. But I somehow knew in my gut when I saw Audrick’s ship explode that they had something to do with it. I confronted the team owner and crew chief. They had an ironclad NDA and forbade me to say anything. I quit. I refused to race any more. They sued me for breach of contract. They massacred me and vilified me using the press. Alicia Mulder knows what I do. I couldn’t withhold the truth from her. She didn’t blame me for Audrick’s death but I was also a reminder of who she had lost. We were almost inseparable back then. I spent a lot of time at their house when Paul was just a toddler. I can’t tell you if the racing team had managed to shut down the investigation. It wouldn’t surprise me if they bought off investigators or somehow influenced the outcome in their favor.”

Mabel was watching Alexander with a compassionate expression on her face. She knew that he still beat himself up for what happened to his friend. Katherine had a horrified look on her face. She looked shocked and surprised. Mabel couldn’t help wondering if it was because she was still a nice person. Katherine seemed very kind and naive for a professional her age who dealt with public relations. She wondered how she had managed to avoid the dark underbelly in racing so far.

Alexander managed to pull himself back together. He gave Katherine a serious look.

Alexander: “Katherine you absolutely must keep this information absolutely secret. No one can know. At least not until the legal department and I have a conversation about it. You now know the worst of it.”

Katherine had tears running down her face. Mabel handed her a tissue. She used it to wipe her face. She sniffled a few times as she got herself under control. Mabel patted her comfortingly this time on the hand.

Katherine: “Alexander, I am so sorry you went through that. I can see why you want it kept silent. Especially with all the allegations that you had something to do with Audrick’s death. That must have hurt so much.”

Katherine’s resolve strengthened as she scooted back in the chair relaxing her posture once more.

Katherine: “Thank you for trusting me with this Alexander. At least now I can get ahead of it, and know where to focus my investigation if these rumors persist. I think you should have a talk with Wulfric as well. This might be important to your security in the future. He will have different questions than me. I am sure he would appreciate at least a list of names of people you suspected had been involved. That way we can keep potential spies out of our camp.”

Alexander nodded, feeling emotionally drained. He tried to put his focus back on the business of running the team. He only sounded slightly grumpy as he told her.

Alexander: “I have a meeting with Wulfric and Leopold later today. I will speak with them personally about it. Do you have anything else for me?”

Alexander missed the anticipatory gleam in Mabel’s eyes.
Katherine smiled and had to admire his ability to push such a deeply emotional topic back into the past and move on with business. Katherine looked down at her tablet.

Katherine: “After yesterday’s press conference, we were approached by a new potential sponsor. I have forwarded the contract to you for review. It is a men’s fashion company and they are offering an endorsement deal of $10 million euros. There is only one catch.”

Katherine grinned at him and Mabel looked suspiciously like a cat playing with a mouse.

Alexander: “Okay so what is the catch? So far it sounds like a typical sports wear type of sponsorship.”

Katherine chuckled as she informed him of their requirements.

Katherine: “The catch is that it is a line of formal wear for men in business that cater to older men. They want you and Dorian for models. The stipulation is that there is no deal without you. You both would have to agree to model for them in at least one fashion show at fashion week in London and at least one major photo campaign.”

Alexander’s mouth fell open in shock. When he had been in racing he had done the obligatory commercials and photo shoots for sports drinks and alcohol and cars. He had never been asked to do anything with high fashion. His job was now behind the scenes. He could understand them wanting Dorian since he was billed as the gentleman’s racer. Alexander had always been the bad boy of racing and the wild card.

Mabel was laughing her ass off. She pointed at Alexander and confided in Katherine.

Mabel: “Do you know how hard it is to surprise that man? This is priceless!”

Mabel slapped her knee and just laughed before wiping the tears out of her eyes. She turned to Katherine with amusement in her eyes still as she asked her.

Mabel: “Well bless their hearts. They don’t know what they are asking. Do you really think Alexander can pull off high fashion?”

Katherine was amused at both of their reactions. She winked at Mabel.

Katherine: “Evidently the fashion designers were inspired by the press conference. They want to make a whole new line based on Alexander and call it the Knight Collection. They are going to call the line inspired by Dorian the “The Distinguished Gentleman Collection. I know Dorian can handle his bit in this. He will still have to review the contracts and sign them along with Alexander. I didn’t want to send it to him without checking with Alexander first.”

It took Alexander a moment or two to get over the shock. He knew securing sponsorships was going to be a part of his job. He just didn’t think he would be the one in front of the camera again.

Alexander was confused as to why a high fashion company would want racing sponsorships. They were outside the norm for the industry. Alexander shook his head and smiled ruefully at the women.

Alexander: “Help me out here Katherine. Other than the use of Dorian and Myself as models, what does the fashion house want out of the sponsorship in terms of the team?”

Katherine smiled and looked down at her notes before answering.

Katherne: “They want to be named the team’s official designer. They have offered to make all the suits the guys might use for things like charity events, award ceremonies, that kind of thing. Anytime you or they are in public or in a situation that calls for formal wear they want a contract that you will be wearing their designs. They are hoping to attract a new demographic of clients, active middle aged and older men. Their current demographic and target market is conservative older men. They don’t want to compete in the high fashion market for young wearers. They are hoping to attract a demographic somewhere in the middle. They also want to design the team's new racing suits. That is the other mandatory part of the contract.”

Alexander leaned back in his chair as he thought about it. It was certainly different. He didn’t really relish being in the spotlight again but he didn’t really have much choice this deal was too good not to explore it. He winced before he gave a decisive nod.

Alexander: “I will review the contract. It will depend on timing. The appearances at Fashion Week and the photo shoots must be scheduled around the team’s schedule. Races and training come first. They can design the new suits but they will be subject to adhering to racing commission rules and they will have to incorporate the necessary items and materials we require into their designs. They will have to be open to modifications on their designs. Valkyrie retains the right to reject designs that don’t meet our high standards. We have a reputation to maintain. Before I sign the contract I want to see what kind of stuff they design. I am not going down a runway in neon blue feathers!”

Mabel just laughed again and made some notes on her tablet. She knew who would be doing the research for Alexander. Mabel’s voice dripped innocence as she told Alexander.

Mabel: “I don’t know Alexander, you might look very dashing in feathers.”

Katherine was the one laughing now. She made some notes on her tablet as she chuckled.

Katherine: “I don’t know Mabel. I don’t think neon blue is Alexander’s color. Maybe neon green.”

Alexander groaned and growled at them both.

Alexander: “Please don’t encourage her! She will find a way to plant that idea in the designer’s head.”

Mabel glared at Alexander and gave him a look of injured innocence.

Mabel: “Alexander you know I have better taste than that. I would suggest black feathers or white if it was formal wear.”

Katherine just gave up and laughed. She had to admit she was getting to love working with Mabel. She never failed to make her laugh at least once each time she interacted with her.

Alexander just gave up and tried to move them along.

Alexander: “Is there anything else we need to discuss?”

Katherine gave Alexander a serious look before she shook her head no.

Katherine: “That’s all I have for you right now. I will keep monitoring those strange comments on social media. You can count on me Alexander. I will send the contracts to legal for review with your notes. I won’t send them to Dorian and Paul until the contracts are signed. I am working on some good will public relations material for charity and some new potential experiences for race fans. I hope to have the details hammered out for you to review next week sometime. Do you need anything else for now?”

Alexander smiled and shook his head.

Alexander: “Not at the moment. You are doing a great job Katherine. If I think of anything I will reach out.”

Mabel snickered and winked at Katherine.

Mabel: “He means he will ask me to reach out for him. Don’t hesitate to come to me if Alexander is busy. I know where all his skeletons are buried. I helped him hide the bodies after all.”

Alexander groaned knowing Mabel was joking but the look on Katherine’s face said she was not sure how to take that comment.

Katherine: “Umm…..”

Mabel hooted with laughter before winking at Katherine.

Mabel: “Gotcha! Girl you are too easy. I meant you can trust me. This is Alexander’s darkest secret and we both know that. I am here to help Katherine.”

Mabel softened her voice and regained a serious expression.

Mabel: “Seriously though, you two need to lighten up before you both have a heart attack.”

Alexander sighed and just smiled.

Alexander: “On that note, I think our meeting is over. And Mabel… behave. Poor Katherine thought you were serious!”

Mabel just rose gracefully to her feet grabbing her tablet and tucking into the crook of her arm.

Mabel: “Alexander if you wanted me to behave you should have left me in retirement. You should know by now that I am too old and stuck in my ways to change now.”

Mabel gave Katherine a saucy wink before turning and leaving the office.

Katherine was smiling as she left right behind the older woman. Katherine thought she had a new role model in life. She wanted to be like Mabel when she was older and wiser.

Alexander wondered if he was going to survive the women at work who seemed to take great pleasure in surprising him.

Wulfric Gunderson’s Office

Wulfric had arranged to have Leopold and Alexander meet him in his office. He knew his office was secure and bug free. He swept the room daily for listening devices, mini drones, and hidden cameras. The walls of his office had electronic countermeasures built into them to secure conversations. There was a white noise generator and circuits that interrupted any kind of electronic transmission when activated. Wulfric hoped he was just being paranoid but one could never be too careful.

Wulfric had greeted Leopold and Alexander and invited them to have a seat on the small couch in the conversational group that was on one half of his office. He took the chair across from them after pouring them each a glass of aged whiskey. Alexander looked at the glass and then at Wulfric.

Alexander: “I take you think we are going to need this?”

Wulfric just nodded. Leopold watched the interaction and downed the whiskey and motioned for Wulfric to pour him another glass.

Leopold: “Okay rip the band aid off Wulfric.”

Alexander just nodded in agreement as he took a fortifying sip of the smoky flavored whiskey. It was smooth but burned all the way down.

Alexander: “Okay now I am worried. This is a very nice whiskey.”

Wulfric looked serious and laid out what he had found so far.

Wulfric: “First the security guard Ivan who had tried to block Mabel’s entry into the building was doing so as a favor to Miss Guyon. He indicated that Miss Guyon had recruited him with sexual favors and had convinced him that he would be working on the orders of a board member and therefore his ass would be covered because they were your boss. That the board was sending a message about who really had the power here at Valkyrie. Interestingly enough, Ivan never thought to question her on which board member.”

Alexander looked a little disgusted but was not surprised.

Alexander: “I hope you schooled him on how easily he was manipulated by her?”

Wulfric blanched a little with embarrassment since it had been one of his men who had made the mistake.

Wulfric: “Oh yes and then we held an emergency training session for all guards to review the incident. What proper protocols are to follow. We also included additional training on how to spot these kinds of manipulations in the future. Their orders are to call and seek clarification from me even if their orders are from a board member.”

Alexander nodded appreciation in that clarification of how he had worked to resolve the issue and prevent it from happening again.

Leopold looked a little surprised at Wulfric’s choice but couldn’t deny that it made sense to make him the security lynchpin. The man seemed to know the political undercurrents within the team

Wulfric moved on to his next person of interest.

Wulfric: “Miss Guyon was wholly Maier’s creature. From what I can tell she made herself an easy target for his manipulation by sleeping with him for a promotion. She then helped hide Maier’s abuses. If he said bury a complaint, the paper trail disappeared and the staff member was let go. She was Maier’s cutout for a lot. She did a lot of his dirty work for him. It is her name on most of the paperwork I found. I then found emails from him to her telling her to handle it. Maier had developed a code that he could insert into the email and once it was read, it would delete itself from the main system. He had given her the promotion and was paying her additional bribes under the table telling her they were thank you gifts from appreciative board members. He made an error in choosing her. Miss Guyon was not very bright and didn’t hide her digital tracks very well. Neither one knew about the backup servers that are located in my office. No one has access to them but me and the board president. We are the only two who even know about them. She did manage to erase the files from the main system but forgot to check the memory cache and temporary files. She was a nasty vindictive piece of work. I have managed to recover video from her interacting with employees in meetings and in the hallways that substantiate her being fired.”

Alexander’s lip curled in disgust he had hated the woman on sight. He had really wanted to turn Mabel loose on the woman but he felt Mabel had enough revenge after seeing her escorted from the building in disgrace.

Leopold looked concerned. How had all this happened on his watch? He had not been paying close enough attention. Or was his attention deliberately being focused elsewhere. He contemplated that as Wulfric continued.

Wulfric looked smug as he admitted to them both.

Wulfric: “I won’t lie. I took great pleasure in escorting them both from the building.”

Wulfric had a satisfied look on his face with the memory. Wulfric sighed and looked worried as he moved on.

Wulfric: “Bernard Maier was smart and clever. He had set up Miss Guyon to take the fall for his actions. Maier was taking bribes from someone. I have his bank account information to prove that. The bribes to Miss Guyon were taken from company accounts. He was embezzling funds from the payroll. Instead of embedding fake employees, he kept the employees who had been let go for filing harassment and discrimination complaints on the books and funneled their paychecks into an account controlled by him. Reviewing Miss Guyon’s accounts showed the activity. When I investigated the other account, it was owned by Bernard Maier. Maier’s bribes are coming from one of those countries where banking account information is privileged and you need to be God to get it. I can’t find out who owns the account. I don’t know who was bribing him.”

Alexander looked concerned at how complex this conspiracy went and wondered how long it had been going on at Valkyrie.

Leopold looked poleaxed by the information. He had expected Maier had something to hide. The embezzlement was more what he was expecting. He had not expected a complex set up that included bribes. He wasn’t surprised that there was a high placed spy or mole within the organization. The fact he was taking bribes though suggests he answered to someone else.

Wulfric: “I don’t like the implications of that but I have no way to move that part of the investigation forward. Dr. Zimmerman’s abuses are well documented in the files that Maier and Guyon thought they had deleted. I will send a summary of findings to you. Interestingly enough, Dr. Zimmerman had been hired and came in on recommendation from former board member Amantas. I didn’t find evidence that Dr. Zimmerman was being bribed. He was just an asshole who had someone powerful covering for him. I wish I knew why. It could be that Dr. Zimmerman was smart enough to keep the account he received bribes in away from all his doings with Valkyrie. I can’t track what I don’t know about. I can hire a private investigator to look into his property holdings but that is all I could find on the good doctor. Dr. Zimmerman avoided social media. He doesn’t have much of an online presence at all. So again that is all I could find out from our systems. I can tell you that Dr. Zimmerman met for lunch once a month with Amantas. I am willing to bet that Amantas was who Dr. Zimmerman was reporting too and who was bribing him. Again I have no idea why.”

Alexander tossed back the rest of the whiskey. It sat sourly in his stomach. He didn’t like the implications from what Wulfric had found out but what could they do?

Leopold leaned heavily back into the couch. He felt like he had been punched in the gut.

Leopold: “Amantas was one of the board members that had pushed using drugs to artificially enhance pilots through chemical means. Amantas was the representative from Brimex Corporation. Chemical manufacturing is one of the things that they are known for. After the altercation with Knight, he stepped down. He said he couldn’t work with Knight. That he was an asshole. So he stepped down so the company wouldn’t suffer.”

Leopold shared what little news he might have to add to the mix.

Wulfric shook his head in aggravation. “Well you can bet there is a connection there. I just don’t have a clue what it is though.”

Alexander sighed and looked down.

Alexander: “Well now I get to add to your bad news. Katherine and Mabel talked me into sharing this story with you both.”

He looked up and met both men’s eyes with a serious expression. His tone was hard as steel as he continued.

Alexander: “I need your word you will not reveal what I am going to share with you. I have been under an NDA and have not been able to talk about this. I will remind you of your NDAs to Valkyrie as well. I mean not one word till hear more back from legal.”

Leopold blanched as the color drained from his face. He was not sure how much more bad news he could take today. Leopold sighed before he responded.

Leopold: “You have my word. No one will hear about it from me.”

Wulfric just nodded as he told Alexander.

Wulfric: “You know the more people that know about a secret the more likely it is to get out right?”

Alexander flinched but at the same time, this was a secret that needed to come out. It was a thorn that had gotten infected. Maybe if it came to light he could finally begin to heal from those events all those years ago. Alexander’s voice was once more full of pain, sadness, and anger today as he recalled the events from his past.

Alexander: “Leopold I know you are aware of part of the story but you don’t know this piece. Audrick Mulder and I met on the racing circuit. He was my competition and my best friend. We were almost inseparable off the track. The year that Audrick died he and I were in the top 5 contenders for the title. Audrick and I were neck and neck taking one and two consistently. The team I was racing for back then had hired a new crew chief and engineer at the start of the season. The team owner was hungry for a win. He seemed desperate for it. They had pressured me to drive more aggressively. They wanted me to shirk some of the safety protocols to go faster. They wanted me to use dirty dangerous tactics on the track. I told them no. I had gone over to Audrick’s team paddock the night before the championship race to wish him luck. When I was coming out, I saw one of my team’s mechanics coming out of Audrick’s garage. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Mechanics back then would often borrow a missing tool from a friend on another team or a part they needed. The next day a few laps into the race Audrick’s ship jerked hard to the right and lifted off the track. On the fourth bounce the craft exploded. I can’t prove anything. But I know in my guy the team owner and crew chief are somehow responsible for what happened that day. I confronted them about what I saw later that day. They cited the NDA and told me I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I quit right then and there and refused to race anymore. They sued me for breach of contract. Katherine shared with me that rumors are surfacing on Social Media that while I was cleared of any wrongdoing that there is evidence out there that the team I raced for had the investigation into Audrick’s death shut down. She felt that you both should know what is going on.”

Leopold was staring at Alexander. He looked angry.

Wulfric looked contemplative but not surprised.

Alexander sounded so pain ridden and guilty.

Alexander: “Leopold there is nothing you can tell me that I haven’t already thought of myself. I still think what if I had said something to Audrick. Would he have had them double check his ship? Would he still be here? You should know I told Alicia the truth, She deserved to know. She was sworn to secrecy about it. She was worried they might target Paul to keep her silent.”

Leopold looked even angrier than before as he raged at Alexander.

Leopold: “You should have come to me. I could have helped you Alexander. What you are describing is outside the legal bounds of the NDA. The investigation would have taken legal precedence over the NDA.”

Leopold softened his voice and put a comforting hand on Alexander’s shoulder.

Leopold: “I don’t think for a minute that you had anything to do with Audrick’s death. I saw the way you two were together. He was like a brother to you. You loved him. That explains a lot to me about why Alicia was so afraid to let Paul race and why she insisted you be his crew chief.”

Wulfric looked from one man to the other and looked confused.

Wulfric: “Wait a minute. I thought you recruited Alexander. What does Paul’s mother have to do with this?”

Alexander sighed and gave Wulfric another look.

Alexander: “This is another secret you need to keep Wulfric. Paul must never know. Paul’s mother Alicia had tried to keep him from racing because she was afraid that he would be manipulated into severe augmentations, the bad kind you can’t back from. Or that his crew chief would try similar dangerous tactics with him putting his life at risk. So she undercut his confidence by withholding her blessing on the grounds that she didn’t want to lose him like his father to racing. Paul was determined to become a racer like his father. This is his rookie year in the pro circuit. She felt safe letting him come to Valkyrie because she trusted Leopold. She didn’t trust Dominic Ricci. Her refusal to give him her blessing was affecting Paul’s performance. She explained to Leopold that she would only give it if I was his crew chief.”

Leopold looked at Wulfric who was looking more pole axed.

Wulfric had thought he was already dealing with secrets but they just kept coming.

Wulfric: “I understand the need for secrecy. I am the chief of security for crying out loud. Damn Knight, can you bring me any easy issues to solve?”

Leopold was deep in thought but he parroted Alexander’s sentiment.

Leopold: “Wulfric, Paul can never know. It would hurt his relationship with his mother.”

Leopold paused before he shared his thoughts aloud.

Leopold: “Why are these rumors surfacing now? That wreck was one that changed safety regulations but it hasn’t been talked about for years. The only reason it is being talked about now, is your return to racing. So why these rumors about the investigation being squashed? We have seen the rumors resurfaced that you had something to do with the crash too. Wulfric keep your ear to the ground about these rumors. Discreetly hire a good private investigator you can trust. Put them under an ironclad NDA. I want them to investigate Maier, Amantas, and Zimmerman. If they find anything on Audrick’s death and that investigation, I want that too.”

Wulfric tossed back his whiskey.

Wulfric: “I will check into it. I will call a few veterans I trust who might be interested in the work. Would it be okay if I put them on the payroll?”

Alexander nodded before Leopold could answer.

Alexander: “Yes, hire them as a security guard so they get a paycheck. Give them a company card for expenses but tell them to keep the receipts. If I see anything extravagant or out of the ordinary, he better have a damn good explanation. When this is over, you can always use a second in command around here.”

Leopold was startled that Alexander had beat him to the punch but he liked his solution.

Leopold: “I like it. He is right. If something happens to you, I am not sure I can trust in the guards.”

Wulfric looked thoughtful. He did have some mid level guards but no one with as much authority and access as he did. They had a point.

Wulfric nodded. “Okay I can do that. Do you have any more bad news to lay on me?”

Leopold laughed and pointed his finger at Wulfric.

Leopold: “I agree with Wulfric. Do I need any more of his fine whiskey?”

Alexander looked grumpy as he confided in the two of them.

Alexander: “Yes you can talk me out of accepting this new high fashion sponsor that wants to dress me up in a monkey suit to strut down a runway for them. I am the crew chief damn it not the pilot!”

Wulfric held up his hands back away laughing shaking his head no.

Wulfric: “No sir, I suspect Miss Mabel Brown had something to say about this. I am not angering that woman. I would be afraid to lose some precious body parts.”

Leopold just laughed his ass off amused at Alexander’s expense. His voice was full of laughter as he told Alexander.

Leopold: “Nope sorry I can’t do that. Do you have any more good news for me?”

Alexander glowered at Leopold as he answered Leopold.

Alexander: “Company morale is up. The pilots started the new training regime today. The new simulator is already up. They are taking baseline testing today on it.”

Leopold looked at Alexander with pleased surprise.

Leopold: “Well that was more good news. I didn’t expect them to get the new simulator up for at least another few weeks. How did you make that happen so fast?”

Alexander grinned at Leopold as he explained.

Alexander: “Board members from the European Space Union donated a training rig for the techs to cannibalize and new medical sensors were donated by Biomatter International by Steindl. The only catch was we had to share the research data with them. I thought it was a win-win. So I accepted their help.”

Leopold smiled at Alexander.

Leopold: “That is good news to hear after Tuesday.”

Wulfric just laughed at the two of them.

Wulfric: “Well if we are done with our super not so secret meeting. I have some recruiting to do.”

Alexander set his tumbler on the coffee table. He grumbled good naturedly at Wulfric.

Alexander: “I think that is our exit cue. Keep me in the loop as you find things out Wulfric. Remember not a word to anyone. This shit is need to know only. And those who absolutely need to know… know.”

Leopold rose to his feet and followed Alexander’s lead towards the door.

Leopold: “Thank you for the whiskey Wulfric.”

The two men left the office leaving Wulfric to his work.

Social Media

Vogue Europe: Vogue has heard unsubstantiated rumors that the Enigma Lux Fashion House is seeking a sponsorship and endorsement deal with Valkyrie AGR Sport. Insider sources at Enigma Lux state that the contracts would include the new crew chief Alexander Knight.

OfficeDrone#12: What the hell? Isn’t Enigma Lux a high fashion mens wear brand?
SuperfanAGR54: I have never heard of a crew chief being part of an endorsement deal.
DantheMan: NO! You are ruining AG Racing! Fashion does not belong in racing!
Superfan2075: I am confused. Suits and tuxedos?.
DadBod89: I agree with superfan high fashion does not belong in racing. No monkey suits for me!
Hater101: This is proof! No self respecting man wants to wear a (censored) tie!
Papabear34: I may have to stop watching racing.
Nana2050: purrs I would like to see Knight in a suit.
GeorgeFly: I have no words.
ValkyrieFan56: I wouldn’t mind seeing Dorian and Paul dressed up in tuxedos.
Weedhead81: Knight my man…you are truly (censored).
SexyM@m@5: Oh this is great news. Oh yes please. Dorian in a suit!
Paulmulder4eva: Can your sources tell us where the photoshoots will be?
Britball12: Suits in racing? What the hell!
BatDave: My alter ego Bruce Wayne wears suits.
!YouSlow!: This is a sure sign of how the times have changed.
xImFasterthanUx: Maybe it is time to take up a new hobby. Like fishing!
AGInthusiast: @xImFasterthanUx Maybe i will join you on the lake.
Valkyrie AGR Team Headquarters

Thursday March 9th, 2094

Soundtrack: Believer - Imagine Dragons

Alexander had worked late into the evening on Wednesday pouring over the reports from the various teams. The reports allowed him to see where Valkyrie was currently focused, see what ideas the staff had, and what resources they had to work with. The reports were key in his decision making. He couldn’t make informed decisions without as much data as possible. He would not box himself into a corner by relying on limited data. It was not that he didn’t trust the team lead's opinions but the more ideas he had to work with the better. Alexander believed that more hands make light work and more brains working on a problem the better. He needed the team to start acting like… well a team. The racing team had been so siloed into different departments that they didn’t know what each other were doing. He had to open up better lines of communication and trust between the different departments. There was currently an us versus them mentality between the departments. When in reality, they were all on the same team and it should be all of us against the other teams. He had finally gone to bed in the wee hours of the morning exhausted but confident he had put together a solid plan.

Alexander’s Office

Alexander had indulged and slept in till 8am. After a fast breakfast and a shower, he headed into the office. Today he was wearing jeans and a green button down shirt and his favorite work boots. Mabel had already greeted him and teased him for sleeping in. She had his day organized and had already taken care of all the arrangements for the Board Meeting happening at 10am this morning. Alexander knew he needed to address the morale and uncertainty in the air with the other employees. He needed to bring them together and he needed to address them all. The best way to do that was to record a video message that went out to them all. Alexander pondered what he wanted to say and then set up the tech to record the holographic message and began. Alexander knew his talking head would be what the others saw.

“Good morning. For those who have not met me yet or don’t know who I am, my name is Alexander Knight. I suspect all of you know who I am by now. I am the new Crew Chief for Valkyrie AGR Sport. I want to apologize that my first day in the office was so difficult for so many of you. I don’t regret the choices I made on Tuesday. My job is to lead this team. To lead you to victory. We can’t achieve that goal if our team is divided by interoffice politics and pettiness between departments. You are all working for one team, Valkyrie AGR Sport. One team. Not many. You all have different roles and what you do is important to helping this team. Every single one of you is important. From the pilots who fly the ships, to the engineers designing new technology, to the mechanics who keep it maintained, to the marketing team who gets us sponsors which gets us funding, to the janitor who cleans the bathroom. Every single person here is on one team. It means that I value and need every single one of you, working together to make this happen. I am a pretty simple man. I will give you my respect until you prove you don’t deserve it. I will protect, encourage, and support you to be the best you can be. Because I want the best out of you. Valkyrie cannot be the best without your best. It is my job to remove obstacles preventing you from being your best. That is what happened Tuesday. I want to be honest and upfront with you all about what is happening because you deserve to know. I will be meeting with the Board of Directors at 10am to share the proposal for changes and what we are going to be doing to move Valkyrie forward hopefully to a winning season. There are going to be some major changes around here. I do want to squash the rumor that I am planning to fire everyone. The only ones being fired are those who were not doing their jobs or were in violation of company policies.There is not going to be mass layoffs. There will be some restructuring. I will explain what those changes are going to be and why after I have met with the Board of Directors. I don’t need their approval to make these changes. But they are a part of the team just like all of you. I want to have their support and approval on these changes. I want to end the division that has been internally hampering this team. I hope all of you are excited about the changes coming. I want you to be excited to come to work. I am sending this message because I am sure many of you are feeling uneasy and uncertain where I am taking the team after Tuesday. I want you to know that I see it. I understand your uncertainty. Hang in there with me. I promise it will be worth it.”

Alexander sent the message to Mabel and asked her to send it out to all employees.

Board Room 10am

The conference room the Board of Directors favored using was well appointed with a dark mahogany conference table and plush leather swivel chairs. The walls were a neutral white with large screens on them. Along the wall by the door was a long buffet counter that served as the place for snacks and drinks with a built-in one cup coffee maker. The room was at full capacity today as it was a mandatory Board Meeting. Alexander was meeting alone with the board but wished he could have brought Mabel with him. She always made presentations easier. Well let’s face it, Mabel made everything easier for him.Alexander was secretly grateful to her family for annoying her so he should be willing to come and help him. She had already been a tremendous help to him. She had helped him sift through all the reports and helped put forward the best options based on resources and the most promising for development.

The Board of Directors was headed by Leopold Koch who had the position of President and represented Red Bull Racing interests. The Vice President of the board was Astrid Jorgensen who represented the European Union Space Agency. The Board Secretary was Kirsi Virtanen representing the interests of Kivelo Kinetics. The remaining Board Members were Allessandra Ferrari representing Ferrari racing interests, Lucas Dupont representing Renault Racing interests, Lars Olsson represented Sauber Racing interests, Carmen Alvarez and Matteo Aldenburg representing the European Union Space Agency, Oliver Saar was the new board member from Brimex Corporation, Dietrich Steindl represented Biomatter International, and Isak Nielsen representing Hansen Genetics.

Alexander came into the conference room and sat down at one end of the table. He placed his tablet on the table in front of him before getting up to make himself a cup of coffee. It was only his third so far. He had just settled into his seat and taken his first sip when the door opened and Leopold came in followed by others.

Alexander gave everyone a cordial nod.
Alexander: “Morning.”

Leopold: “Good Morning Alexander.”

Alexander got some muttered greetings from around the table. Finally everyone was in and settled. Leopold started the meeting.

Leopold: “Good Morning everyone. I want to make a few points clear about this meeting. Alexander’s contract allows him to make whatever changes he wants to make without your approval. He is meeting with you at his request because he wants your support. The events from Tuesday are still being investigated. This meeting was called so that Alexander can share his proposed changes with the Board.”

There were some angry and mutinous looks from Leopold’s declaration. Others looked more thoughtful and introspective. Several merely nodded in a neutral fashion.

Leopold nodded to Alexander as he spoke: “Then let this meeting begin. This Board of Directors meeting will be recorded for the records. Alexander you have the meeting is yours.”

Alexander opened his tablet and swiped his hand which then flicked the information on it to the screen on the wall behind him. He wanted to be sure everyone had a view of the information.

Alexander: “Thank you for all coming on short notice. There is a lot of work to do and not a lot of time. I want your support therefore I took the time to put together this presentation for you. I want to share my reasoning with you. I want you to understand why I think these are the best directions for Valkyrie to explore at this time. Another reason I am bringing this to you is that you all represent a cross sector of industry that may be beneficial to the team. You may have access to resources or research that I am not familiar with. I want to invite you to put forward your ideas as well. You eleven people are supposed to be guiding leaders of the Valkyrie Anti Gravity Racing Team. I want you all to step up and lead from the front. The shitshow I walked into on Tuesday should never have been allowed to fester inside this team. You are supposed to be the team guardians, not a pack of jackals. Lead from the front and be open to sharing your ideas and what ways your interests can support the team. There is no need to work from the shadows when we can all work together in the light.”

Alexander took a moment as the silence in the room was telling. His words had an impact. Whether his words would make a difference remained to be seen. He could only hope.

Alexander: “The first change that needs to happen is that the team needs to be restructured to facilitate better communication and understanding from the different areas of expertise that have to come together to make this work. The communication barriers between departments have created an us versus them competition between departments and mistrust. Removing those barriers will foster communication and collaboration across disciplines. This is how we keep the ship balanced and achieve the best results for everyone.”

Alexander: “I want to do this by integrating the training and medical departments into one unit. I also want to merge engineering and mechanics into one team. The other departments will be merged into one department called the support division. The support division will include marketing, human resources, and other support personnel.There will be a mandatory weekly team meeting which will be attended by the heads of each department and any critical personnel needed for the topics being discussed that week. For example if the team is discussing an engineering change then the head will attend and the engineer who developed it and the mechanic who made it work.”

Alexander looked around the table and saw interested faces as they reviewed the more detailed information on their tablets.

Alexander: “The second change I want to implement is renovations to the engineering and mechanics section. I am hoping it won’t take long as most of the renovation will be interior construction. I want to break down a few walls and create a central inventory hub for machinery, tools, and parts. The engineers will work alongside the mechanics in the same space and share the same system and tools ensuring that everyone has what they need. This will eliminate inventory discrepancies and reduce costs for maintaining these two departments.”

Alexander’s words created some buzz among the directors as all of them began to apply themselves more reading the plan.

Alexander: “The next set of changes I want to discuss involve both medical and training. One of the reasons that I want to merge these two teams is that I think we are missing a huge opportunity for cross team pollination of ideas and how to implement them. I asked for proposals from both teams. I can see some interesting possibilities by having them work together on some ideas to help our pilots with natural gains without augmentations.”

Alexander grinned at the shocked face and a few surprised looks as heads popped up to look at him with open mouths.

Alexander: “For example, Dr. Ainsworth our Cognition Neural Specialist proposed that there were methods to help pilots adjust to their neural chips and improve their reaction time through training regimes. This will take time but her proposal is backed with science that pilots should see an increase in response time and reflex speed. Sasha Volkova, our team physical therapist, suggested there were physical therapy exercises that could help pilots train twitch muscles to increase reflex times. She also recommended looking at practices used in the past to increase lung capacity and oxygen available to pilots using freediving training techniques. She also noted that antigravity generators generate sounds that might affect neural chip activation. She suggested that we try to tune the pilot’s neural chips to match the antigravity generator of the ship to see if it improves neural chip speed.Dr. Ishikawa believes there might be some benefit to using a similar method to ensure augments are better accepted by the pilot’s body and not affected by the ship. Dr. Montgomery suggested that we review and look at the use of Hyperbaric oxygen therapy to help pilots increase the number of red blood cells which increases the amount of oxygen they can carry in their blood which has been proven to increase performance. Blood doping was made illegal in the past with many sports when using blood transfusion and chemicals to artificially enhance an athlete’s performance. Some of the methods used were harmful. He suggested this method was highly beneficial and with proper monitoring would be beneficial. It is an area of research left behind when these other methods were declared illegal in many sports.”

Alexander smiled as looked around the room. The board members from the European Union Space Agency and the members from medical interests looked excited about the possibilities.

Alexander continued: “Dr. Thorkelson, the team nutritionist, would like to work with the team chef to ensure pilot meals with a focus on what they call micronutrients. The focus would be to increase the vitamins and minerals in their diet that would support things like eyesight, cognition, and faster reflexes. They eat incredibly healthy but they believe they could see some targeted long term gains with diet. Dr. Ainsworth, Dr. Ishikawa, and Miss Kolkova would like to work with the pilots’ physical trainer Agnes Poulsen and the two simulation techs to develop a new simulator and research the effects of g forces during a race on augmentation and neural chip performance. They believe they can develop a new simulator by combining existing simulator technology with technology to train astronauts and those working in space. The new simulator would allow a pilot to practice on a simulation of the track while experiencing the g-forces they would as if they were at the track. This would allow the team to monitor and test changes to the ship and its impact on the pilot prior to implementation in the ship as well.”

Alexander paused for a moment and took a drink of his coffee before continuing.

Alexander: “Before Africa, the engineers and mechanics are putting their heads together to see how we could increase speed for the ships while maintaining our edge in handling and stability. Currently they are exploring how to increase the engine speed by modifying the vector nozzles. They are also looking at tweaking the energy systems. They employed a connection fix to avoid the issue Paul experienced during qualifying rounds. They are looking at ways to decrease the energy loss by upgrading the wiring in the ships. They also have identified a coating that should reduce the amount of energy that other racers can leach from the ship. They also showed me a design for a capacitor system that could be charged and then released for a single burst of speed. More power should allow the craft to go faster for longer.”

Alexander knew he was giving them a great deal of information to process. He took another drink of his coffee before continuing.

Alexander: “I propose we try all the long term ideas that training and medical personnel have proposed. They are fairly low cost and easy to implement. As for long term plans, I would like to redesign the ship and focus on customizing our ships to support our pilots instead of trying to alter our pilots with augmentations to fit the ships. There are some promising design ideas for redesigning the ship to make it lighter, faster, and safer. A new cockpit design using gimbals and gyroscopes to reduce the strain on the pilot’s body and improve inertial dampening systems. This will take some time but will give us greater gains over time but will require significant investment.”

Alexander learned back in his seat and looked around at the board members. All of them seemed overwhelmed with information. Alexander just sat quietly and waited. Leopold was reading on his tablet looking pleased.

Leopold looked around at his fellow board members. He was unsure how to read the room. A few of the board members looked excited by the proposals. A few of them looked concerned about the proposal. The rest looked overwhelmed or had carefully neutral expressions on their face.

Leopold smiled at Alexander. “This is an impressive amount of work in such a short amount of time, Alexander. Thank you.”

Alexander nodded his head and looked around at the board members before speaking.

Alexander: “I hope all of you will review the proposal and decide to support this new direction. It will be the changes that will be implemented for this racing season. This is happening with or without you. I hope you chose to support me.”

Alexander grabbed his tablet and left the room after a courtesy wave to them all.

Social Media

EUGossip: The hot gossip today comes from the Valkyrie AGR Sport Team. Reputable sources disclosed that while official investigations cleared Alexander Knight of any wrongdoing in Audrick Mulder’s death, there has been new evidence uncovered that the team he raced for had the investigation shut down. Are there skeletons in Knight’s closet?

OfficeDrone#12: I don’t trust Knight.
SuperfanAGR54: Sounds like trolls to me.
DantheMan:And the truth will set you free!
Superfan2075: I don’t believe this one. Sounds made up to get clicks.
DadBod89: I am on the fence about this one. Probably fake news.
Hater101: Knight had to be involved.
Papabear34: #knightfail #bringbackdominic
Nana2050: Knight was cleared by investigators.
GeorgeFly: Don’t feed the trolls people!
ValkyrieFan56: I don’t believe it. Watched the press conference. Knight looked surprised by that question.
Weedhead81: Man! Knight needs something stronger than some great weed! Someone please hook that man up! I could never do his job. Too stressful!
SexyM@m@5: Sources inside Valkyrie say big changes are coming.
Paulmulder4eva: Paul message if you ever need a date!
Britball12: Shit got interesting!
BatDave: I am still Batman.
!YouSlow!: I remember that investigation. Knight was crucified by the media.
xImFasterthanUx: He left his racing team high dry over this incident. That’s why he needed the money for his daughter. He lost all his money he earned from racing, fighting them in the court over the non-disclosure agreements and breaking his contract.
AGInthusiast: That was some ugly racing history being revisited.

To Be Continued... Wrapping up with Friday!

Valkyrie AGR Team Headquarters

Wednesday March 8th, 2094

Soundtrack: Ain’t Got Far To Go - Jesse Glynne

Alexander’s first day in the office had been eventful and long. He had spent most of the day dealing with rats within the organization seeking power and profit for their own end. Alexander knew that so far he had caught the ones who were not that smart. He had caught the people who wanted power and didn’t know how to hold onto it. They lost the power as quickly as they managed to seize it. He knew anyone working against him from this point on would have to work in the shadows since he had taken away their mouth pieces and puppets. Any adversaries left within the organization would be intelligent and playing for high stakes.

He had been appalled that such a large organization as Valkyrie AGR Sport, who should have been a shining example of professionalism and culture, had sunk to such lows. The organization was built on the culture of racing teams such as Ferrari who were infamous for quality and integrity. At the end of Tuesday, numerous high-ranking openings within the Valkyrie organization had opened up and one board member had been replaced. Many employees were given promotions. Strangely enough for a racing team the two departments most impacted had been Human Resources and Security.

It had been late into evening before Alexander had finally finished cleaning house at Valkyrie AGR Sport. Alexander felt as if he walked in the door and kicked a hornets nest. He had spent an hour giving a formal statement to the authorities about Dr. Zimmerman’s incident. Maier and Guyon had been escorted from the building after Wulfric had personally locked down all their files, access, and offices after searching them and everything they took with them. He even ran the man’s briefcase and her purse through an x ray machine and used an EM reader to detect any hidden technology. Wulfric’s last report was that he was still investigating everything that happened on Tuesday.

This morning the atmosphere at Valkyrie was mixed. Some of the staff who had been privy to Tuesday’s events were convinced this would be Valkyrie’s best season ever. Those who had not witnessed the various confrontations that had happened were nervous and feeling unsettled. The atmosphere at Valkyrie was tense with an impending sense of action, that life altering changes were about to happen and they didn’t know if it would be good or bad.

Alexander was already on his third cup of coffee this morning. He had been up early so that he could talk to his daughter and check on how she was doing. He was in a great mood after talking with Arianna this morning. He had relaxed hearing the normality in his daughter’s tone as she assured she was going to be fine and was making great progress. He now knew for sure she was going to be okay and that helped him focus on what he needed to do. That had started his day off right. He smiled and nodded cordially to all those who crossed his path as he walked from his apartment and into the main building. He was going to meet Mabel for breakfast but she was already hard at work. He should have known she would be ahead of him. She always was.

Mabel was working with the marketing team to ensure the large press conference went well. They were gifting new sample merchandise to the journalists attending. She left the press packets to the marketing team. Mabel worked with security and logistics to ensure the room was set up the way Alexander wanted it. Mabel had learned from Katherine that the large meeting room that Valkyrie used was custom built just for this purpose. The official title of the room was the Media Center. The staff had affectionately named it the Media Pit. Katherine explained to Mabel how the system worked.

The room had black leather tiered seating with chrome accents. Every seat had a good view of the stage. Built into the stadium style seating in the room was a series of buttons that would show up on the master control board for the room which was located in the staging room on the staff side of the stage. The control booth was essentially a long desk with a monitor screen that almost took up the top half of a whole wall. There were 4 chairs and workstations at the control board. Built-in cameras would allow the operators to see every seat in the room and monitor the action on stage. There was a backup control panel for one person in the back of the media pit on the top tier in the corner.

Journalists could use the buttons on the arm of the chair to indicate they wanted to ask a question. There was a button that would activate the microphone built into the chair. The microphone would only activate if the person running the control station allowed it. There was an indicator light on the arm of the chair to let the reporter know their mic was live. This allowed Valkyrie to avoid issues where reporters couldn’t be heard. It also allowed them to favor reporters that followed their system and didn’t give them any trouble. Was it censorship? Maybe a little. They could still ask questions but if they misbehaved they were not invited back. Valkyrie didn’t shy away from difficult questions but they wouldn’t tolerate abusive reporters using bullying tactics or those who would not give other reporters a chance to ask questions. It was a sneaky way to allow the public relations people to control the narrative as much as possible.

In the ceiling above the stage recessed lighting and special effects equipment were hidden from view with clever architecture. State of art cameras and recording equipment were installed around the stage. There was a long built-in curved counter-like table built on the front of the low stage. The table had lighting, microphones, cameras, and sound system components built into it. The side facing the audience was solid black with the Valkyrie AGR Sport Logo on the front of it. Behind the table were black and chrome chairs on rollers. There was enough room for 8 people to sit at the table. The stage was wide enough to hold an additional row of chairs and tables behind the front table. Today there was another row of square plush black leather chairs with chrome accents against the back wall of the stage. The walls behind the stage had large holograms one on each side that went through a loop showing the pilots and their ships. Sponsors' logos decorated the remainder of the walls. The flooring was environmentally friendly and sustainable bamboo.

Journalists were given access to a special secured encrypted link that allowed them to access the live footage through Valkyrie’s system. The computer systems for the room had their own network. It was a stand alone system and air gapped for security purposes. The only information on the system was the information recorded in the Media Pit and the operating systems for the room. The room was located to the left side of the main lobby. The entrance to the room was on the other side of the receptionist desk from the security checkpoint. Everyone attending the press conference had to go through the security checkpoint except for staff. They came through the rear secured doors to the right of the stage along the back wall. The journalists and the camera operators were welcome but drones were forbidden by Valkyrie.

Mabel looked around the room to see if there were any other details that needed her attention. Technicians were double checking cameras, lighting, and sound and making sure all the technology in the room was ready. There was a gift bag sitting on each seat in the arena. Security was keeping a watchful eye on everything ensuring curious reporters stayed in the areas they were supposed to be in. The staging room was ready. The control panel desks already had technicians doing their preliminary checks testing the system. The remainder of the open room had a large u shaped sofa facing the huge wall screen. In front of the sofa was a black and chrome coffee table with a tray of drinks and snacks on it.This would allow other staff and the board of directors who wanted to watch the press conference a place to do so. It was also a staging area for the people who would be involved in the press conference. Mabel nodded satisfied that the staff had things in hand. Mabel left the remaining preparations to the staff. Mabel went to where her new office was located. Alexander should be getting in soon. She wanted to make sure he didn’t need anything else before the press conference.

Alexander had just settled into his office chair and was pulling up his list of stuff to do today when Mabel came into his office. Alexander looked up and smiled at his assistant.

Alexander: “Good morning Mabel. How are you doing today?”

Mabel had a spring in her step and a sparkle of enjoyment in her eyes. She gave Alexander a wicked grin.

Mabel: “I am great! You know I am glad you took this job. I think I was getting bored. I had the kinks worked out at the engineering firm. It didn’t leave me many challenges. This is what I like to call a target rich environment.”

Alexander just bowed his head and laughed. He could only guess at the mischief Mabel had decided to get involved with so far. Her entrance at Valkyrie had begun with a bang.

Alexander: “Arianna sends her love. She also said to thank you for the flowering plant.”

Alexander’s daughter loved flowers but she didn’t condone cutting flowers to watch them die. Mabel knew that of course. Mabel was a master of observation and discerning what people really like and don’t like. He would always defer to her better taste.

Mabel smiled with maternal warmth. She was relieved the girl was going to be okay.

Mabel: “She is going to be a great botanist one day.”

Alexander just nodded agreeing. He had contacted the college and they were aware of her accident. She will be allowed to repeat her classes for credit. Alexander put on his game face.

Alexander: “Are we ready for the press conference? Anything that needs my attention?”

Mabel put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

Mabel: “I wouldn’t be much of an assistant if you had to micromanage me Alex. Stay in your own lane.”

Alexander laughed as he raised his hands to indicate defeat. His shoulders moving with his laughter.

Alexander replied dramatically: “I yield!”

Mabel just chuckled before inclining her head.

Mabel: “Everything is ready for the press conference. The marketing team has it well in hand and Wulfric is on top of security. You should check your inbox for any last minute updates from him or Leopold before the conference. Dorian and Paul are on campus in the training facility. After yesterday’s chaos, I think everyone is feeling uncertain and unsure where you are leading them. Think about how you are going to address that today.”

Alexander nodded as he looked thoughtful before replying.

Alexander: “Thanks Mabel. I will see you later.”

Mabel left his office, shutting the door. He got to work reviewing everything he needed to before the press conference.

All security staff were wearing black uniforms with combat boots with a lightweight armored vest over their shirts with SECURITY on the back of their vests. They all were armed with taser batons and less lethal options for neutralizing someone. Security had integrated comms with a special communication channel just for them. Most of the security team had been called in and was helping with the press conference. All of the Valkyrie staff were sporting black button up shirts with the company logo on one side of the chest and their name or staff embroidered on the other side. It was a sleek classy look that could be pulled off well by either sex. Valkyrie headquarters was presented as sleek, polished and professional to those attending the press conference.

To journalists who had been there before, they picked up on some tension and an air of anticipation from the staff if they knew what to look for. A lot of journalists had stopped outside the iconic space age looking building to set up their b-roll and introductions to the press conference. Technology might have improved but audiences could still spot authenticity and preferred real images over CGI AI generator filler. A few enterprising journalists might seek to try and interview some of Valkyrie’s staff. All of them were under strict non-disclosure agreements though. They could share their personal opinions but were not allowed to discuss company business or technology. Interviews with staff tended to be opinions and very vague on details which was as it should be. There were always a few journalists who tried to get an employee to slip up and spill dirt on the team.

The Media Pit was packed with journalists. The noise level was almost deafening in the sound proofed room with good acoustics. It was almost time and most of them were in their seats chatting with those around them. Videographers and photographers who wanted their own images were set up from where they were sitting. The experienced ones had managed to nab the seats with the best positions for their own cameras in the middle of the auditorium and the first couple of rows. Staff was guiding people to their seats.

Alexander stepped into the staging room behind the stage. He smiled and nodded to the two pilots who were wearing button up shirts that mimicked the top half of their racing suits. It had the company logo on one side. Their name embroidered on the other. Sponsor logos were in key placement areas. Both drivers were wearing black dress slacks and shoes with his shirt. Dorian’s hair was perfectly styled with not a hair out of place. Paul on the other hand was sporting one of those messy hairstyles that looked good no matter what you did to it. Alexander was wearing the same shirt as the staff with his name embroidered on one side and the company logo on the other. He was wearing black slacks and dress boots. He was not very fond of dress shoes. The dress boots were his compromise for fashion. Dorian and Paul looked relaxed as they sat waiting for the show to get started. The control station had someone at each workstation. Katherine was in the room giving last minute instructions to staff. There was a security guard on station outside the staging room door by the staff entrance and in the Media Pitt entrance. There were a few board members standing around speaking softly to one another. Leopold was sitting on the other end of the couch and was focused on his tablet. Wulfric was in the room and was standing at one of the workstations talking to a technician. Alexander could still hear the rumble of the crowd even though the room was soundproofed. Alexander looked at the wall screens and could see the room was packed. The seats were full and the remaining journalists were leaning against the walls. There were a few daring camera operators who were sitting on the floor in front behind their cameras.

Alexander walked over to check in with Leopold. His timing was excellent as Leopold looked up from his screen. He stood up and motioned Alexander closer and stepped into a clear area away from most of the people.

Leopold: “How are you doing Alexander?”

Alexander was surprised. That was not the question he thought he would hear from Leopold. Alexander was quiet a moment as it took a moment to form a response. He then gave Leopold a genuine smile.

Alexander: “I am doing better this morning. I spoke with my daughter and it sounds like she will get to leave the hospital next week. I can tell from her voice that she is going to be okay. That is a huge relief.”

Leopold responded with a smile, happy to hear the positivity in Alexander’s voice after hearing rage, anger, and disgust in it for most of yesterday.

Leopold: “I know you feel you had no choice about coming back to racing but I want you to know that I am really glad you are here. Valkyrie needs you Alexander.Yesterday was proof of that. I respect you because you have integrity. I want you for the job because you have the skills and experience to do it well. I hope we can move past the shitstorm that happened yesterday and focus on more positive things for the future.”

Alexander studied Leopold’s face and thought about his words. He had been approached by Leopold in the past after he left racing. Leopold is one of the reasons he agreed to do this. Leopold had always treated him right. He knew that Leopold would call him to mat if he thought his behavior or ideas were crap. He had been worried that he couldn’t trust Leopold to stand up to the others who have authority and power inside the team. He felt he could trust Leopold after yesterday. He gave Leopold respectful nod and a smile as he clapped on the shoulder in a brotherly affectionate way.

Alexander: “I trust you after yesterday. We have to get through this press conference before we can start planning. I will have a proposal plan for you and the board by tomorrow afternoon. I would like to meet with you and Wulfric on Friday to discuss the issues happening and how they have been resolved. Now I need to wrangle my pilots and go face the sharks in the other room.”

Leopold felt a huge sense of relief. He had called in a lot of favors in order to get Knight to agree to step into this role. After yesterday’s events, he was worried that he would walk away and force breach of contract on the team. Alexander had the proof he had needed to do so if he wanted to make it stick. He was optimistically hopeful. He gave Alexander a bright smile as he clapped him on the shoulder and shook his hand.

Leopold: “Go get em Tiger!”

Alexander just laughed and turned around looking around the room. Katherine approached him and it was obvious she had been waiting for his conversation to end. Katherine was wearing her staff shirt with a black pencil skirt and black heels. She had on understated gold jewelry that worked well with the company logo and a smartwatch on a gold band. Her long brunette hair was once more up in an elegant chignon twist with just a few stray wisps of hair framing her face.

Katherine: “It is time Mr. Knight. I need you Dorian and Paul to follow me to the stage. I want you to take the middle seat with one of the pilots on each side of you. I will give an opening statement and instructions to the journalists gathered. I will then step back, turning the press conference over to you. I will be watching from the staging room. I will come and intercede as needed. I will be working with the technicians to decide which reporters will have the opportunity to ask questions. As we discussed prior, I think you should start by giving them the statement we worked on. It will answer the bulk of questions that most of them are burning to ask you.”

Katherine looked amused and her eyes lit up as she added.

Katherine: “And it will help you end the press conference quicker. Mabel suggested this would be good motivation for you.”

Katherine winked at Mabel who just grinned and winked at Alexander. Leopold just laughed as he overheard the exchange. Katherine had given Mabel instructions earlier. She would be sitting in the back row taking notes for Alexander on a tablet. She would be sitting with the Board of Directors.

Alexander did a double take at the shit eating grin on Mabel’s face before he gave Katherine a wry grin. He gave her mental points for figuring out his discomfort with the press after being persecuted by the media after he left racing. He gave more points for using Mabel to help devise a strategy to handle his quirks. A smart woman indeed.

Alexander: “You make a good point. After you.”

Alexander made a hand motion indicating she should lead the way.

Katherine turned to the room with a decisive nod and called out in an authoritative voice.

Katherine: “Showtime people. Leopold you and the other board members who want to be involved will follow the pilots onto the stage. There are chairs against the back wall where you can be a part of the action. Remember though, you will be recorded and seen. Watch your reactions and what you say. If you are worried about that, then I suggest you watch it from here. Mabel you will be seated in the back row of chairs as well.”

Katherine’s hand indicated the large wall of screens. She waited for Paul and Dorian to join them. Katherine spoke to Paul and Dorian.

Katherine: “You will follow Alexander up on the stage. He will take the center seat. I want each of you on either side of him. Any questions?”

Katherine’s posture and head tilt indicated she was waiting and listening.

Paul and Dorian looked amused. They had already been briefed and grilled about the press conference and prepared by Miss Dubois.

Dorian had his hands in his pockets as he shrugged and turned to Paul.

Dorian: “Paul do you think there is anything that Miss Dubios has failed to tell us ad nauseam? I am pretty sure she requested we regurgitate it too. Are we ready?”

Paul crossed his arms over his chest and gave Dorian an overly dramatic worried look.

Paul: “I don’t know Dorian.Do you think we have another hour for her to go over it again?”

Alexander smiled glad to see the two pilots had been bonding. It was also nice to see Dorian relaxing a little. He didn’t know he had a sense of humor. Humor laced Alexander’s voice as he replied.

Alexander: “Alright you two clowns. Enough joking around at Miss Dubois expense. While tedious she does a great job of protecting us from those sharks in there.”

Alexander turned to Katherine. “We are ready. Relax Katherine. You have prepared us all as best you can. It is sink or swim time.”

The annoyance Katherine was feeling at the pilot's teasing quickly turned to surprise at Alexander’s words. She was seriously concerned that he didn’t take her role in the team seriously. She found his insight clarifying. She would have to talk to him about it later though. It was time to get this press conference started.

Katherine walked down in front of the center stage. Alexander led the way onto the stage and pulled out the middle chair and sat down in it. Dorian took the spot on his left and Paul sat down to his right. Leopold had taken one of the chairs along the back wall and had been accompanied by fellow board members Allessandra Ferrari, Lars Olsson, Lucas Dupont, Astrid Jorgensen, and Kirsi Virtanen. Mabel took the seat to the far left next to Leopold. She pulled out her tablet and tucked one ankle behind the other. She was wearing crisp white linen slacks with black flats and a team shirt like the rest of the staff. She had on a gold colored scarf over her white hair that matched the colors in the team logo and gold jewelry.

Katherine waited for those on the stage to settle and then raised her hands to get everyone’s attention. She had a wireless microphone clipped to her collar that fed into the media center’s sound system.

Katherine: “Welcome to the Valkyrie AGR Sport Media Center. My name is Katherine Dubois. We hope you enjoy the small token of appreciation we left for you all. Before we dive into the press conference I want to explain how press conferences work here at Valkyrie AGR Headquarters. I know many of you have been before and are anxious to get to why you are here. However, instructions are necessary for new journalists joining us here today. The reason drones are banned is because it is dangerous to have so many flying around here in an enclosed space. We had issues in the past with conflicting controllers and injuries from them crashing into people. This room has built in cameras with varying angles, microphones, and soundsystem devices along with appropriate lighting. All journalists have access to the live recording as it is being recorded. The information on how to set up the secure encrypted link is in your press packet. If you need to set that up, please take a minute to do so now as I finish the instructions.”

Katherine paused as the inevitable scramble from new reporters, journalists, and bloggers started. Katherine gave them a few minutes before resuming her instructions.

Katherine: “Valkyrie has set up this room specifically to facilitate press conferences. You will have noticed a series of buttons on the arm of your chair and a camera on the back of the chair in front of you. There are cameras and recording devices all over this room. You will all be recorded here today. The recordings will be kept in our archive. If you do not wish to be recorded, then please leave now. You have been notified.”

She gave a slight pause before continuing.

Katherine: “The press conference will start with a prepared statement by the new Crew Chief, Alexander Knight. After his statement, you are free to ask questions. To avoid the noise and confusion that large press conferences have, if you wish to ask a question please press the red button on the arm of your chair marked with a question mark. You will see the green light indicator light up if you are chosen to ask your question. This is to prevent you all trying to talk over one another. You will each get an opportunity to ask 1 question. Please pay attention as repeat questions will be ignored. Please pay attention to the information given in the prepared statement as it should take care of the bulk of the expected questions. If the answer to your question was answered in the prepared statement, then your question will be ignored in order to save time. There are a lot of you here today. Please think about your questions accordingly.”

Katheirne looked out over the crowd of reporters before continuing.

Katherine: “Are there any logistical questions before we get started? Has everyone understood the instructions?”

Katherine looked around the room and didn’t see any hands go up. Katherine gave them all a sunny smile.

Katherine: “Then without further ado, I am going to turn this meeting over to Alexander Knight the new Crew Chief for Valkyrie AGR Sport.”

Katherine turned and waved her hand behind her to indicate the guys seated at the table behind her. She then walked away and stepped back into the staging room and walked over to workstations to keep an eye on things.

Alexander did his best not to fidget and keep a neutral expression on his face. Dorian looked cool as a cucumber, his experience showing. Paul looked comfortable and was looking around at the crowd. Alexander had been told how press conferences worked here at Valkyrie but this would be his first one here. It felt like time was stretching out as Katherine spoke yet when she turned to hand over the press conference to him. It felt like it was too soon. Alexander took a deep breath and smiled. He had a lot to smile about today. Alexander began the conference.

Alexander: “Good morning. Thank you for all being here today. I apologize for not granting interviews sooner but the sheer number of requests were overwhelming. I was also very busy getting started.”

He paused to allow for the laughter to stop. Then he looked around the room with a bright smile before continuing.

Alexander: “I want to start with why I took the position as Crew Chief with the Valkyrie team after so much time has passed. Yes I had meant my words when I walked away from racing in the past. I felt angry, betrayed and was grieving the loss of my best friend. I never planned to return to racing ever.”

The audience was quiet and there was a seriousness and tension in the room from Alexander’s statement. Alexander let all the fear and helplessness and rage he had felt at hearing of his daughter’s fate wash across his face and it seeped into his voice.

Alexander: “Then I got a phone call that no father wants to hear. My only child, my daughter Arianna, had been hit in a freak accident. She had been walking home from class and was hit by a drunk driver. She was in critical condition at the hospital. I immediately hopped on a plane and headed to the hospital. By the time I got there, she had made it through the surgery to save her life but she was not out of the woods yet.”

Alexander paused in his story taking a deep shuddering breath as he re-lived those dark unsettling hours. Alexander’s focus was distant as if he was reliving the experience instead of being present in a room full of people and strangers.

Alexander: “When I got to the hospital, there was my beautiful daughter covered in bandages, casts, bruises, and pins. There were metal braces and tubes and wires and machines beeping. There was a tube down her throat making her breath. It was touch and go for almost two weeks.”

The love Alexander had for his daughter was evident at the amount of pain and remembered helplessness in his voice.

Alexander: “She finally turned the corner and we were told she was going to live. However the doctor’s told us that she would be a paraplegic. She was going to be paralyzed from the neck down due to the injuries she sustained. Even though all her broken bones were mending, they couldn’t fix her severed spinal cord and damaged nerves”

Alexander seemed to come back from the past as he paused once more and blinked. It was as if he was aware of his audience once more. His look was sad.

Alexander: “Augmentations and implants have come a long way since I got mine. Full body augmentations though are still difficult to integrate and make work. They are also highly regulated and costly. They are still working to resolve secondary issues with these types of augmentations. My daughter met the strict criteria for a new experimental implant and augmentation combination but it was very costly. I couldn’t afford it. My daughter’s future had never looked so bleak.”

Alexander paused as pain closed his throat at the feeling of helplessness at the memory washed over him. Alexander looked up at the captive audience. The auditorium was still dead silent as he continued.

Alexander smiled as he continued his tone full of joy and love that his daughter was going to be okay.

Alexander: “Then I got a phone call from Leopold Koch.”

Alexander deliberately kept Alicia’s name out of this because she never wanted Paul to learn that she had interfered with this.

Alexander: “Leopold Koch for those who don’t know is the Board President for Valkyrie AGR Sport. I have worked with Leopold in the past. He asked me if I would consider coming back to Valkyrie for a one year contract with a signing bonus big enough to cover the implants that my daughter needed. I told him to send me the contract.”

Alexander smiled and looked around the audience as he continued.

Alexander: “After negotiating a few things, I took the offer. I have a contract to be the Crew Chief for one year with options to renew by both parties. I came back to racing to give my daughter a future. I am happy to report she is on her way to a full recovery. After speaking with her this morning, I am now ready to devote my complete focus on improving Valkyrie AGR Sport.”

Alexander paused as there was some stirring and muttering around the room. Alexander grinned as he continued knowing his statement certainly had dramatic elements to it.

Alexander: “I have spent what little time I have had with the team so far learning how and what they are doing and getting to know them.”

Alexander took a deep breath as he tried not to let the anger and annoyance from yesterday’s debacle influence the next part.

Alexander: “I will confirm the rumors that my first full day at Valkyrie AGR Sport Headquarters was difficult. There was a need to address some internal issues with the team. The team will be restructuring things. We are taking things back to basics and rethinking our structure and path forward. We are making decisions as a team based on the expertise, knowledge, and the skills of our team. I will not disclose any details as to what this approach might entail. So don’t ask me. What I will share with you is that the new approach we are taking is going to focus on our individual pilots and optimizing and supporting them as individuals.”

Alexander paused as his words caused a lot of reaction since usually the answers to those questions are things like we are focusing on speed, stability, energy systems or augmentations. His answer was pretty vague but still left a lot open to interpretation.

Alexander: “My start here at Valkyrie has been difficult but I am happy to be here. It is my hope to bring the team together so we can work together to take Valkyrie to the top. I am very happy that Leopold called me. I have really missed racing. I am looking forward to seeing how I can help Dorian and Paul succeed. I will open the floor to questions at this time.”

Alexander gave a decisive nod and the noise and bedlam almost overwhelmed Alexander as journalists forgot to use the question button. He heard Katherine’s cultured tones come over the speaker system reminding the journalists to use the buttons since they could not all talk at once. Alexander waited as Katherine picked who to start with.

ESPN: “Hello Jeff Bauer with ESPN. My question is for Dorian. How are you adjusting to working with someone who was once a former competitor? Rumors have it there is tension between the two of you.”

Dorian had been expecting this question since he had already been asked the question several times. He just smiled as he answered.

Dorian: “We might have been competitors but Alexander and I have never been enemies or shared ill will towards one another. We are working on learning more about each other and have a good working relationship.”

NBCSports: “Angela Ramirez with NBCSports. This question is for Paul. How comfortable are you working with Alexander Knight? A man who was a former competitor and racer of your father who was accused of being involved with the death of your father?”

Paul looked surprised and a little shocked to be asked this question. It took a minute to find the words to respond. Alexander couldn’t say he was surprised by the question but it worried him where the questions would lead if they were starting with these.

Paul: “I was just a boy when my father’s ship crashed. The incident was investigated by both law enforcement and the racing commission. I am aware of the rumors that still persist but the official investigations have cleared Mr.Knight of any involvement or wrong doing. My father’s accident was ruled a tragic accident. It was after this the Racing Commission implemented changes to safety. I harbor Mr. Knight no ill will. We are still working on getting to know each other. We are working well together so far.”

There was a slight pause before another question came from the journalists.

Worldwide Sports: “Jabari Biko with Worldwide Sports. This question is for Alexander. Can you share if you are planning on short term changes or planning to build new ships?”

Alexander relaxed as the question gave him an emotional reprieve. He kept his face neutral but he struggled with the internal guilt that had stayed with him after Audrick’s death.

Alexander: “I can’t divulge anything that might reveal what we are working on or our strategy. All I can confirm for you is that the team is working on making changes before the next race in Africa. Will the changes be beneficial? Well we just have to wait and see if there are any gains in the next race.”

Alexander gave them a smug smile since he had already answered this question for the press. What they didn’t know was that his strategy and choices had not even been revealed to his team just yet. He had to learn what they were already doing and explore the possibilities available to the team before he could come up with a plan.That process had been started. He was hoping to have a proposal plan to share with the Board of Directors by late Thursday afternoon.

TMZ: “This is Lilly Stryker with TMZ. This question is for Dorian and Paul. Our viewers want to know… Is there anyone special in your life? Are you single or dating someone?”

Dorian preened a little at being asked the question. The press hadn’t asked him this question in some time.

Dorian winked at the reporter from TMZ. “Well Miss Stryker, I have not had time to date anyone for some time. So while I have the occasional date here and there. There is no special someone waiting in the wings for me.”

Paul just smiled and had a look of acceptance on his face. Paul laughed at Dorian’s response.

Paul: “I have to agree with Dorian. Racing at the professional level doesn’t leave a lot of personal time for dating. There is no special girl for me at the moment unless you count my ship. We have a standing date every few weeks right now.” He winked at the reporter as laughter broke out among the reporters.

FoxNews: “Jessica Smith with Fox News. This question is for Alexander. Mr. Knight, can you confirm the rumors that went out over social media yesterday that Dr. Zimmerman Head of the Medical Team and Bernard Maier the Chief Executive Officer here at Valkyrie AGR Sport were fired? And can you confirm that Dr. Zimmerman was arrested on assault charges despite rumors leaked from inside sources on Team Valkyrie yesterday that claim you assaulted Dr. Zimmerman.”

Alexander had expected this after Katherine had been informed that information had been leaked on social media yesterday.

Alexander: “I can confirm that Dr. Zimmerman and Bernand Maier were fired from Valkyrie AGR Sport. All I am allowed to share with you is that Dr. Zimmerman was arrested on assault charges.If you want additional information, please speak to local law enforcement as the case is still pending investigation and I am not at liberty to disclose any information about it. I will answer no more questions about this topic.”

There was another buzz of reaction from the reporters and journalists present at this information.

Victory Laps Racing News: “Lauri Ivan with Victory Laps Racing News. This question is for Alexander. Will you comment on the rumors that you are hiring your lover as your Executive Assistant? And that this caused the altercation that led to Mr. Maier’s dismissal?”

Alexander couldn’t help laughing at the question. He had expected a question about Maier’s dismissal but after Mabel made such a dramatic entrance to the team the day before. He had not expected that this rumor hadn’t been squashed yet. Behind him Mabel was bent over laughing.

Alexander looked amused as he got his laughter under control enough to answer.

Alexander: “The only comment I will make about Mr. Maier’s dismissal was that it was for cause and is still being investigated by the Chief of Security. As to the rumor about my new Executive Assistant, while I think she is a lovely warm person. We do not have a sexual relationship.”

Mabel stood up laughing and winked at Lauri as her comment carried to the crowd of reporters.

Mabel: “Well Lauri, You see Alexander is a very nice and handsome man but he is just not my type. He is a little young for me. I like my men older with wrinkles like me.”

Mabel smiled as she was almost blinded by a sea of flashes going off despite the excellent lighting on the stage.

Alexander smiled and waved a hand towards Mabel.

Alexander: “Let me introduce you all to my Executive Assistant, Mabel Brown. I managed to convince her to come out of retirement and join me in Germany. We have worked together in the past and I knew I could trust her to hit the ground running.”

There was another buzz of reaction from the crowd as Mabel resumed her seat with a smirk. She noticed Leopold was trying not to laugh and his head tilted down with his hand blocking his face as he chuckled quietly.

Alexander couldn’t resist adding. “As you can see, she is perfectly able and happy to speak for herself.”

There was shared laughter around the room at that comment.

EuroNews: “Hilmar Jokum with EuroNews. This question is for Alexander. Do you harbor any ill feelings for Silver Apex? I understand that many of your former team and coworkers now work for the team.”

Alexander was stunned by that news. When he got out of racing he stopped following the people who were central to his personal tragedy and crisis years ago. He had no idea who had gone to Silver Apex or if they were one of the contributors to his story. He couldn’t hide his surprise so he just went with it and shrugged.

Alexander: “I followed racing for a while after I left. I stopped paying attention many years ago. I honestly have no idea who you are talking about. My feelings for Silver Apex are respectful and competitive. They are currently sitting at the top as the team to beat. I want to take that pedestal from them because I am a competitive bastard. I want my team to win. I respect them as competitors because they have earned that by being the best. That doesn’t mean I won’t do my best to remove their crown.”

Alexander was surprised by the question and the response from the reporters to his answer as he saw more flashes go off. He should have worn his aviators, he thought , as he saw spots.

EU Observer: “Baetriz Caetana with the EU Observer. My question is for Dorian. Dorian you actually dropped a spot from qualifying at the race in Auckland. Can you share what happened at Auckland that you lost a spot? And What are you doing differently to prepare for Africa?”

Dorian: “It was the first race of the season. As you so kindly pointed out, I only lost one position in the rankings. There is a lot of new and skilled talent on the field this year. There are always improvements that happen during the pre-season that you don’t know about till your competitors use them for the first time.”

Dorian shrugged as if unaffected and this was to be expected.

Dorian: “This is the cycle of what happens with AG Racing. These things happen. Valkyrie is already making adjustments to the ships before Africa. I have been training hard for the next race and reviewing mistakes made at Auckland to see how I could have countered moves used against me. I will do better in Africa.”

BBC World: “Sabrina Merla with BBC World News. This question is for Paul. Now that you have moved from the Junior AG League to the AG Professional League, do you plan to use more biotech augmentations or implants?”

Paul: “The honest answer is I don’t know. There are alot of factors that go into decisions such as this. Team Valkyrie is under regulations by the European Union which heavily restrict pilot augmentation. It would depend on the augmentations and if they were allowed and what the side effects might be. I am in no hurry to jump on artificial augmentation as an answer to improve my racing position. Any augmentations I do take on will be carefully considered.”

Paul’s answer seemed to surprise Dorian who looked over at Paul with a raised eyebrow. The press mumbled and shifted in reaction to his answer.

Teen World News: Bohuslav Čestmír with Teen World News. This question is for Paul and Dorian. “While our viewers understand that you are unavailable for a serious relationship, our viewers are eager to know what you find attractive. Could you tell us what your perfect date would be? What do you find attractive? A man? A woman? Both?”

Dorian was amused to get this question since he had been in the media spotlight for a long time. Dorian played along like he didn’t answer it once a year. Dorian was happily bisexual. He was an equal opportunity lover but he required more than a pretty face.

Dorian: “For me it is about the person. I am attracted to beauty like anyone but that is not what I am looking for. My perfect date is someone that I find fascinating and can hold real conversations with. I want to be able to discuss world issues, art, and culture. I am looking for someone to connect with on an emotional and intellectual level. Hence why I said that I don’t have time to date right now.”

Paul found Dorian’s answer very insightful about his teammate. It was a deeper and more thoughtful response than he expected. Paul just shrugged and looked sheepish as he answered.

Paul: “I am attracted to women. That has been no secret. Like Dorian, I find a beautiful woman attractive but I am looking for more than a pretty face. Right now my focus is on building my career. I don’t have time to date. I am not ready for a serious relationship in my life. Someday I want a wife and children. But I don’t see that in my future for at least another 10 years.”

Winners Circle: “Germain Lothaire with Winners Circle Vlog. My question is for Alexander. You have been away from Anti-gravity racing for a long time. Are you qualified to be the team Crew Chief? What do you feel you bring to the team that will help them?”

Alexander: “Well you are correct. It is a fact that I have been absent from the racing world for a long time. Since I was a racer in the early days of AG. I do understand the pressures that pilots are under to perform. I understand all the components and people it takes to make a team successful. After I left racing, I went to school for engineering. I have been working as an energy and drive systems engineer for the last 15 years. I have an excellent grasp on the technical aspect of racing as well. My experience in both sectors I understand the people, the technology, and the bigger picture of what needs to happen to take Team Valkyrie to the top of the leaderboard.”

People: Jamaica Williams with People. My question is actually for Miss Mabel Brown. Miss Brown, how long have you worked with Alexander Knight? What would you say his worst habit is?”

Mabel looked surprised to have a question lobbed her way. She chuckled at the question though her eyes practically danced with glee.

Alexander had an oh my god look on his face which shifted into resignation as he buried his face in his hands. He had no idea what would come out of her mouth.

Mabel chuckled as she answered the question. Her voice was full of amusement as she answered.

Mabel: “I have worked for Mr. Knight for the last 5 years.” She paused considering what might be a good answer to the second part of the question. “Well he is a little slow in the morning and grouchy before he has had his first cup of coffee. I always have to let him finish the first cup before he makes any sense at all.”

Again there was shared laughter at Mabel’s answers and Alexander’s reaction.

Gossip: “Hans Keller with Gossip Online Magazine. This question is for Alexander. There is gossip that not only were two high profile employees fired at Valkyrie yesterday but that a board member was replaced. Can you confirm this gossip?”

Alexander was surprised to get this question as he hadn’t seen any mention of the board members on social media last night. It made him wonder who the man’s sources were. This was not something Leopold and he had discussed. Alexander just shrugged and decided to give them the truth since it would be confirmed eventually.

Alexander: “Yes. Sebastian Amantas with Brimex Corporation stepped down yesterday and was replaced by Oliver Saar.”

This must have been news to most of the journalists present as there was a loud reaction as several tried to ask follow up questions without using the buttons again.

Katherine emerged from the staging room and walked to the front of the room to address the crowd holding up her hands to quieten them down.

Katherine: “We apologize for any inconvenience but the press conference is over. We have already run over by a half hour. I did warn you all that we wouldn’t answer repeat questions. Thank you for coming today. Don’t forget your gift bags! We look forward to seeing you at the next press conference.”

Everyone behind her on the stage began to leave, going back to the staging room as discussed before they started. A security guard stepped through the door to the staging room after everyone but Katherne had gone through blocking it after shutting it. It was a clear sign that there would be no surprise last minute questions for anyone who had been onstage.

Social Media

ValkyrieAGRSport: You can view today’s press conference on the Team Vlog. Link Here. Don’t forget to visit the team store for all your Team Valkyrie Gear needs!

OfficeDrone#12: Alexander Knight is already making waves. He is going to ruin my favorite AGR team.
SuperfanAGR54: Wow! Explosive beginning for Knight.
DantheMan: And the culling begins.
Superfan2075: I am withholding judgment. .
DadBod89: Some of the rumors were right.
Hater101: Vague bullshit answers from Knight.
Papabear34:I repeat: Alexander Knight Sucks! #knightfail #bringbackdominic
Nana2050: I have to like a man who recognizes and obviously respects experience.
GeorgeFly: I want to see what changes they make before Africa.
ValkyrieFan56: Why did he start with human resources and the doctor? My god the head doctor was arrested for assault! What if he had hurt one of the pilots?.
Weedhead81:Why do my messages keep getting flagged?
SexyM@m@5: My sources say there were fireworks at Valkyrie yesterday in Human Resources.
Paulmulder4eva: Wow. Paul is like the perfect man.
Britball12: @Hater101 100% agree with you. Bullshit answers.
BatDave: I am still Batman.
Weedhead81: Knight needs a toke, man.
!YouSlow!: Still not Ross Chastain greatness.
xImFasterthanUx: Maybe bringing in an older guy is just what AG needs to get a new perspective and direction.
AGInthusiast: At least Paul and Dorian haven’t been photographed with their peckers out yet.

To be continued... Thursday is coming!

Valkyrie AGR Team Headquarters

Tuesday March 7th, 2094

Soundtrack: Highway to Hell - ACDC

Team Valkyrie AGR Sport Team headquarters were located on the outskirts of Aachen Germany. The racing team was a partnership conglomerate of corporate owners and the European Union government research and development interests. They are guided by a board of directors with 10 members with an elected President of the Board who held the tie breaker 11th vote. The team had top of the line engineers and a solid craft but the team was barely hanging onto their reputation and placement as one of the top teams. The team had excellent financial support from top corporate interests and the European Government but was plagued with leadership that had a divided viewpoint and vision for the team. The result was excellent technology and engineering and an underperforming below average team when they should be placing in the top three places each race. Among the Board of Directors were companies that had racing in their DNA such as Ferrari, Sauber, Renault, and Red Bull. Then there were tech and big pharma companies investing in the technology developed for the team looking at developing marketable products and services to the masses. Then there was the European Union Space Agency that utilized the racing team to expand their research and development of clean environmental propulsion systems and antigravity solutions to some of Earth’s biggest issues with a goal of expanding mankind’s future in space.

The team headquarters was a large complex that resembled a university campus. The campus sat atop a hill overlooking the city of Aachen. The buildings were a mixture of sculptural modern artistic metal and glass laboratory buildings and historic looking buildings. The campus had research and development buildings, a large warehouse and production facility, a large office building, an onsite training facility and a test track. There was also a large apartment building for key staff, trainers, and pilots. The team headquarters had everything the team needed to get the best results.

The office building had a large auditorium that was used for team events and press conferences. It was set up with state of the art holographic equipment and sound systems. The training facility had a well appointed gym and a state of the art simulator. The onsite medical facilities were also housed in the training center. The engineering research and development labs were housed in the large warehouse and production area of the campus. The test track was also in this area and could be seen peeking above and around the buildings in the area. The medical research happening was in one of the metal and glass looking buildings that had clean rooms and would make any big lab proud. The onsite apartment housing was in one of the older more historic looking buildings. The onsite housing was not wasteful on space but they were adequate, well appointed, and maintained. The grounds had plenty of open green space with lovely gardens and trees. Walkways meandered through it all with benches providing a natural respite to the indoor environments at the team headquarters.

The corporate headquarters office building was a staggeringly beautiful modern marvel of steel and glass. The campus was on the city's main public transportation lines. An antigravity bus system and monorail dropped passengers off at the main entrance to the campus. The main office was open to the public but there was security. You didn’t get past the main lobby without an appointment or a staff badge. The main office building had a large industrial kitchen that was attached to a restaurant style space that served food to the workers. This area was run by the team chef. Workers could bring their own lunch and eat it here or could eat at the team restaurant. They could have meals deducted from their pay. The food was excellent and cost effective for employees as well. It is one of the great perks from working at headquarters. There is an onsite daycare for the children of employees that is located across from the cafeteria.

Conference Room 9:00 AM

Engineering Team Meeting

Alexander made sure the conference room was set up with coffee and pastries. Along the back wall was a serving counter with a small sink in it. It had storage cabinets on the bottom. The cabinets were a sleek black wood with a dark quartz countertop. There were chrome plated finishes and knobs that contrasted nicely with the dark and black finishes. It had an individual cup coffee maker set up. There was a spinning pod rack full of recyclable pods with different types of hot drinks, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and apple cider. There was a condiment holder with creamer, sugar, and alternative sweeteners such as agave syrup and honey.There was a holder for utensils, napkins, stir sticks, small plates, and stackable mugs. There was a glass front beverages cooler that held cold drinks such as bottled water, juice, and soda. The pastries were arranged nicely in serving baskets with tongs. There was also a snack basket with granola bars, trail mix, protein bars, and pretzels. He tried to make sure there was something for everyone and enough for a day of meetings.

The conference room was large enough to seat 20 people. The massive dark wood conference table was modular and could be set up to make one large table or moved to create small group tables. There was enough room to set it up like a classroom with rows of desks as well. He had it configured as one large table. There were comfortable black leather swivel chairs with chrome arms and legs on rollers around the table. The room was set up with screens and holographic projectors that tied into the tablets and laptops wirelessly. The room was set up with security countermeasures to keep proprietary information and data secure during meetings. There were also cameras in the room. Alexander had discovered it was company policy to record all meetings. Alexander suspected the Board of Directors would use it to spy on him this week to see what he was doing. He didn’t care. He would do his job his way anyway. He had nothing to hide. It was an efficient way to take notes and have a record of anything that might need to be addressed by the human resources department.

He knew most of the team that traveled to Auckland had to be pretty tired. He grabbed a black coffee and an apple strudel. He polished off his treat and was sipping his coffee as the engineering team began to trickle into the meeting. There were 8 staff and 4 interns on the engineering team. Alexander had taken the seat at the head of the table. He smiled and waved at Felix Burkhart, the Chief Engineer. He indicated that Felix should take the seat to his right. Alexander had been pleased with how Felix had run his team so far. Alexander smiled and stood up to introduce himself. He looked around the room and gave everyone a warm smile as he got started.

Alexander: “Good morning everyone. My name is Alexander Knight and I am the new Crew Chief for Valkyrie. Before we get started, please help yourself to something to drink and a breakfast pastry. This is going to be a long meeting.”

He waited as those who had not yet helped themselves from the refreshments set out on the sideboard did so. There was coffee, tea, water, milk, and juice to accompany the pastry assortment. Everyone in the room had an earwig or as they were more commonly called an ear worm which was a translation device that was worn in the ear like an earbud. It was a device that allowed collaboration and people from different cultures and backgrounds to live and work together without having to learn additional languages. While the bulk of the engineering team was German, there were also some Asians, Italians, and a few English speakers in the bunch.

Alexander waited as the group quieted and looked at him expectantly. He nodded to Felix and grinned

Alexander: “Felix I like what I have seen from you so far. I like the way you run your team. I think you are doing a great job. I want to be perfectly clear with my intentions from the beginning. I will only replace those who are not performing their job to the best of their ability. The person who will make the decisions on the engineering team is Felix. Yes Felix answers to me and I answer to the board. But Felix is in charge of the engineering department.”

He paused to let that tidbit sink in. He wanted to make the chain of command clear that he supported Felix in his current position. It was common when there were changes in team leadership for teams to fire everyone and bring in the new leadership's preferred people. He was pretty sure there were one or two engineers that were hoping to replace Felix who had been wooing Board Members.

Alexander: “With that being said, I have an engineering background. I understand your work and the constraints and limits on it. I don’t plan to interfere in the day to day running of the engineering team. What I will do is highlight areas we can work on to make the ships better. I will suggest areas of research. I am open to hearing your ideas. The biggest disadvantage our team has is restrictions on pilot augmentations. I say we embrace that and see how far we can push natural talents and the limited augmentations we are allowed. Which means that our ships need to be better and faster to accommodate those differences. We need to rethink our approach to match our pilots' needs. We have to try different approaches to achieve the same goals. What works for a pilot with augmentations might not be the best choice for one of our pilots.”

Alexander took a seat and looked around the table. Some of them looked excited and pleased and some of them looked shocked. A few had closed expressions that he couldn’t read. A few looked downright rebellious. He had a few younger interns that rolled their eyes at him dramatically. He chuckled to himself thinking about the vagaries of youth. Was he ever that young?

Alexander: “With that being said, I prefer to work all hands on deck in a team manner. I want to hear everyone’s ideas. I don’t care if it was wild and out there or it was something you drew on a cocktail napkin when you were drunk. The question I have for the engineering team is what can we change on the ship to make it faster? The ship handles well and the ELS systems are solid. We are lacking in speed. This will be critical at our next race. What can we implement between now and Africa to improve the ships’ speed? What is on our ships now that could be improved or changed to help our pilots?”

Alexander leaned back in his chair as the team all looked around at one another and then turned to Felix. Felix looked a little poleaxed and swallowed nervously before turning to Alexander and gulping. Alexander could see the moment that Felix had finished processing what Alexander had said.

Felix grinned and settled into his chair comfortably exuding a new aura of confidence as he nodded at Alexander.

Felix: “Thank you for your trust Mr. Knight and your kind words.” Felix turned to his team and grinned at them. “Well people, don’t be shy. Let’s hear your ideas. What can we do to make the ships go faster? How can we change them for the better?”

The meeting pace picked up as the eager interns were excited to be able to give input. Some of their ideas were not possible but their creativity was inspiring. They spurred the rest of the team to contribute. Alexander sat back and watched as Felix took over the meeting. Alexander made notes on his tablets of the ideas that the team came up with to explore both long term projects and short term projects. Alexander glanced at his watch and knew he needed to close the meeting. He thanked the team for their help.

Alexander: “Thank you all for your ideas and participation”

He turned to Felix and addressed him personally.

Alexander: “Felix, take the rest of the day to get together with your team to brainstorm and develop a project proposal list with the necessary details. Can you have that on my desk by noon tomorrow?”

Felix nodded with a confident look. Felix: “Of course sir.”

Alexander smiled and stood up. He clapped Felix on the shoulder and looked around the table at the other team members.

Alexander: “Well I guess that answers my question of is the Engineering Team ready for a challenge. Good work everyone! Now I have to shoo you all out the door so the next team can come in.” The engineering team filed out of the conference room, most of them in good spirits and eager to get work energy about them. Most of them headed out of the office building towards the warehouse and production areas where their offices and workshops were.

Conference Room 10:00 AM

Medical Team Meeting

Alexander had no time to check his messages or email as the medical team was coming as the Engineering Team was leaving. Alexander could hear whispers as the two teams made comments in passing. He was pretty sure they were asking their colleagues how the meeting had gone. Alexander watched the hurried and whispered conversations with a smile. They were hoping to get an idea of what was going to happen in this meeting.

He noticed a middle aged man with a slight paunch and a large bald spot who had salt and pepper hair with hazel eyes wearing an impeccable designer suit. The man stopped and glared at the employee who had taken the chair at the other end of the table directly across from Alexander. He leaned intimidatingly over the woman.

The young woman sitting in the chair was an intern. Her shoulder hunched down and she ducked as if she was afraid of being hit. In a fearful shaky voice the woman spoke softly “I’m Sorry Dr. Zimmerman. I didn’t know you wanted to sit there.” She quickly vacated the chair and took the chair furthest from the man.

Dr. Zimmerman: “As head of the Medical Team of course I would sit at the other head of the table. That is to be expected. I shouldn’t have to move an intern from my seat.” The man’s tone was condescending and cold. The man claimed the seat and fussed with his tie.

Alexander already didn’t like Dr. Zimmerman. He would give the man enough rope to hang himself. He would keep a close eye on the good doctor during the meeting. Alexander started this meeting like he had the last one. He waited till everyone had come in before standing up.

Alexander: “Hello. I am Alexander Knight, the new Crew Chief. This meeting is scheduled to take an hour. Please help yourself to the refreshments in the back of the conference room then we will get started.”

Once again Dr. Zimmerman didn’t disappoint him as he simply snapped his fingers and glared at the female intern he took the chair from.

Dr. Zimmerman: “You know how I like my coffee.”

The woman made him a cup of coffee and set it next to his right hand. She then proceeded to fetch her own cup. He waited until people had grabbed what they wanted and had resettled into their seats with tablets and notepads. Evidently some of the doctors went old school or were simply pretentious. Most people used strictly digital devices and records to spare the environment. Paper was actually quite expensive these days. Alexander noted that Dr. Zimmerman was one of those with an expensive looking pad of paper and a silver pen next to his seat. Alexander had not missed that one of the male interns had brought him the pad and pen. Alexander had returned to his seat as he waited for everyone to resettle. Alexander turned to Dr. Julian Zimmerman, the Medical Team Lead, giving him a respectful nod before addressing him.

Alexander: “Doctor Zimmerman, Can you explain how the work and decisions are made on the medical team?”

Dr Zimmerman: “Certainly. The Medical Team meets once a month to discuss any issues brought to us regarding pilot training or clearance for racing. In between those times, we work on the research proposed by the race team that will impact the pilot. Some of the members of my team work more closely with the pilots in the respective disciplines. I of course make all final decisions as to what research is pursued.”

Zimmerman turned to point out Dr Johannes Thorkelson. “Dr Thorkelson works with the pilots on nutrition.” He pointed to a woman, Dr. Emerson Ainsworth. “Dr Ainsworth works with pilots to help them with neural integrity and is researching ways to improve cognitive dissonance some people experience from neural chip use.” He pointed to another man “Dr Chandler Montgomery works with restorative medicine and is improving noninvasive techniques to help our pilots recover from injury with minimal downtime.” He moved to the next member of the team Dr Mitsuko Ishikawa. “Dr Ishikawa is our augmentation expert. She handles any issues with pilot augmentations and implants.” He pointed to the final two members of the team. “Konrad is an emergency paramedic that travels with the team. Konrad is there for any emergency medical care that team members may need. He handles all emergency health issues and helps with augmentation maintenance and inspections by the racing authority. And last but not least is the team physical therapist, Sasha Volkova. She works closely with Dr. Montgomery to help pilots recovering from injury.”

Dr. Zimmerman’s tone was very blasé and dismissive of the work done by his colleagues. Zimmerman’s tone changed as he put emphasis on his role. “Of course, I am the official team doctor. I travel with the team. I make all final decisions regarding pilot health and medical care.”

Alexander leaned back in his chair as he looked at the four remaining people in the room. Alexander knew who they were but he wanted to hear Dr. Zimmerman’s answer. Why didn’t the man introduce the interns? He also failed to state the work they did. He also didn’t share if they were working on any ground breaking research. Usually interns were chosen in the medical field because they had something to contribute to existing research happening.

Alexander: “And they are?”

He pointed to the other people in the room who had not been introduced or given a job description. Dr. Zimmerman looked around with a blank stare as he looked at where Alexander was pointing, looking confused. He seemed to get it after about 30 seconds of silence.

Dr. Zimmerman shrugged dismissively.

Dr. Zimmerman: “They are just interns. They are here because your email specified the entire team. They are basically grunts studying and hoping to gain insights into the various specialties represented on the team. Their work is not worth mentioning.”

Dr Zimmerman looked smug, arrogant, and relaxed. Zimmerman seemed confident that Alexander was duly impressed by him. Zimerman raised an eyebrow as if asking Alexander for his next question.

Alexander frowned as he heard Dr. Zimmerman’s explanation of how his team was run. He also didn’t like that he was so dismissive of the interns. Interns are there to handle grunt work yes but they are there to be mentored and taught. It was a great way for the team to locate and find new and exceptional talent. Alexander gave Dr. Zimmerman a contemplative look. Alexander noted that most of the medical staff sat quietly with their hands folded on the table with blank looks on their faces. The interns shifted nervously in their seats and kept exchanging glances with one another.

Alexander: “Dr. Zimmerman, how you run your department makes no sense to me.”

Dr. Zimmerman’s face turned bright red in anger. He sat up straight in his chair. His hands were clenched into fists on the table.

Zimmerman: “What do you mean by that? I have been running this department for the last 5 years. Dominic Ricci was always complementary to my work. You obviously don’t know what you're doing!”

Dr Zimmerman’s voice was going up the longer he spoke. Zimmerman’s angry glare went around the table at his staff.

Alexander looked around the table at the other people present. Most of the older staff had carefully neutral expressions and were focusing on Alexander and avoiding Dr. Zimmerman’s gaze. The interns all looked downright fearful. The rest of the staff were trading worried looks between them. Alexander focused on Dr. Zimmerman and calmly raised an eyebrow at the man’s behavior.

Alexander: “I think some changes are in order. This is what we are going to do. All of you staff members are going to go back to your desks. You are going to compile a proposal of what you would like your work and research to entail. Put it in layman's terms, no heavy medical jargon please. Then you are going to share how that benefits the racing team. Then you are going to propose a leadership structure that you feel works for your department. In your proposal, you are going to share how you are going to use interns while mentoring and teaching them. Please think about and include ways your areas of expertise can be used to benefit and help our pilots. We can not artificially enhance them any further but are there more natural solutions that can help them be better than they are now? Now as for you interns…”

Alexander smiled at the nervous looking interns hoping to put them at ease. Dr. Zimmerman’s face was getting redder and he was shaking his head violently no as Alexander spoke.

Alexander: “I want each of you interns to write me a letter explaining which of our staff you want to work with and why. What research you hope to do here. And why did you want to intern with Valkyrie AGR Sport.”

Dr. Zimmerman looked apoplectic with rage. He rose to his feet slamming his fist down on the conference table. He began yelling at Alexander at the top of his lungs. Alexander noted many of the others were moving away from Dr. Zimmerman and a few who looked fearful. That just pissed Alexander off.

Dr. Zimmerman: “YOU CAN’T DO THIS!”

Dr. Zimmerman began to stride towards Alexander with clenched fists.

Alexander rose to his feet as Dr. Zimmerman encroached his personal space and began to jab his finger towards Alexander.


By this point Alexander was beyond done with the good Dr. Zimmerman. The next time he jabbed his finger into his chest, Alexander casually caught the man’s arm and twisted it behind his back in an arm bar so he could control himm.

Alexander: “Dr. Zimmerman, you seem to have misplaced your manners and professionalism. This behavior is not acceptable for leadership with this team.”

Alexander put enough pressure on the man’s arm until he shut up and was wincing. Alexander’s tone was firm and confident.

Alexander: “I am firing you Dr. Zimmerman for insubordination and abusive behavior towards staff. You will leave now.”

Dr. Zimmerman body was tense with rage and shook. Alexander pulled on his arm again until Dr. Zimmerman relaxed. He finally let him go.


Dr. Zimmerman’s shoulder slammed into Alexander as he moved away from him. The man proceeded to kick his chair into the wall before storming out of the conference room. He slammed the conference room door on his way out. Silence was left in his wake. Everyone looked afraid to say anything.

Alexander smiled gently at the remaining staff. Some of them looked shocked, a few gleeful, and most of them just looked nervous. Alexander addressed the group with a calm and compassionate tone.

Alexander: “I am sorry you all had to witness that. I had expected more professionalism from Dr. Zimmerman. I understand he is a brilliant man in his field. Leaders are supposed to lift their team up and give them room to fly. They lead the way so the whole team can improve and move forward. I believe Dr. Zimmerman has lost sight of that. He will soon find out, I do have the right to change how he does things. That kind of behavior will not be tolerated here at Valkyrie AGR Sport. I want to apologize to any of you who have been victim to that kind of behavior. Please go see the human resources department to lodge any formal complaints. If anyone has a need for it, I am sure we can arrange counseling for anyone impacted. Please compile those reports for me and have them in my office by 5pm tomorrow. Any questions? Is everyone okay?”

Alexander took a closer look around the room. He saw a sea of stunned faces. He saw many shaking their heads.There was one intern who was shaking so hard that his chair was rocking back and forth. He was tall and lanky and was the stereotype for a brainiac. The poor man whispered “What the fuck?” It broke the silence in the room. The man turned and looked at the closed door and back to where Dr. Zimmerman had sat and then back to Alexander. It was Dr. Ainsworth who broke the silence.

Dr. Ainswoth: “How are you going to use these reports? Why are you asking us to write them?”

Alexander: “That is a great question Dr. Ainsworth. I will be using the reports to decide if there are any new approaches or research or maybe even older forgotten research that might help our pilots. We can only artificially augment so far because of the restrictions we are under. I can’t help but wonder how we can improve their natural talents. Athletes have been using a variety of methods for training for years. Is there something we have overlooked? Is there something that can be applied and used differently? Dr. Zimmerman will no longer be head of the Medical Team. I will be using your responses to decide who the new lead will be. As for the interns, it will give me insight into what draws interns to Valkyrie AGR and how we can better support them. Not utilizing interns to their fullest capabilities is a waste of talent.”

Alexander looked around the table. “Any other questions?”

Dr. Ishikawa: “So you want us to include not just current projects but proposed projects?”

Alexander smiled and nodded. “Yes Dr. Ishikawa.”

Dr. Montgomery: “Thank you for not holding the entire team responsible for Dr. Zimmerman’s policies and issues.”

Alexander saw heads nodding as many agreed with Dr. Montgomery’s statement.

Alexander: “I want to share my thinking on this so you understand my leadership style. To hold the entire team responsible for one man’s stupidity is a waste of time and talent. I will hold you responsible for your behavior and your work. If you are in a leadership position then the work of your team does reflect back on you. Just like our team cannot win every race. Research has to go through trial phases and sometimes treatments take time before they show they work. Your team will have failures and setbacks that are beyond your control. I understand that. Poor results due to a lack of effort and a lack of good leadership is another matter. That you should be held accountable for. Does my explanation make sense?”

Alexander saw a few smiles and nodding heads around the table.

Alexander: “Any more questions? Comments?”

There was a chorus of “No’s and No sir” around the table.

Alexander: “Then you are all dismissed to work on your reports. If you need to see human resources please do so. I will be forwarding the recording of this meeting to HR.”

Alexander watched the team leave. Most of them looked excited and a few looked resigned. There were a couple of them that were maintaining neutral postures and expressions. He knew the office rumor mill was probably already hard at work.

Alexander waited till the door closed before he asked the virtual assistant to get him the head of human resources on the phone. He was already using his tablet to forward the video of the meeting and the issues that came to light with Dr. Zimmerman’s abusive behavior of the staff to security and the human resources department.

An annoyed male voice greeted Alexander after being on hold for about 5 minutes.

Bernard Maier, Chief Human Resource Officer for Valkyrie AGR: “Mr. Knight I am a very busy man with a full schedule. I am not available at your whimsy. Why are you calling me?”

Mr. Maier’s tone was condescending and dismissive. Alexander raised an eyebrow before responding. He kept his tone calm and hit record on his tablet.

Alexander: “Well Mr. Maier, I was contacting you personally about a large personnel issue that was unveiled this morning in my meeting with the Medical Team. I was contacting you as a professional courtesy. I thought you would want to be ahead of any lawsuits that your lack of inaction may cost Valkyrie AGR Sport. I am pretty sure the Board of Directors is going to want to hear your explanation of how Dr. Zimmerman’s abusive behavior was not investigated or acted upon. I understand you don’t have time. I will report it to your staff instead. Right after I call security to have Dr. Zimmerman removed from the building. Have a good day Mr. Maier.”

Alexander hung up on the condescending asshole. Alexander dialed the Chief of Security Wulfric Gunderson.

Wulfric: “Go for Gunderson.”

Alexander smiled at the hint of the former military in that commanding deep voice and word choice.

Alexander: “Good Morning Mr. Gunderson. This is Alexander Knight. I have an issue that I need your assistance with.”

Wulfric: “I thought I might be hearing from you. I have already received a call from an angry Dr. Zimmerman who alleged you attacked him.”

Alexander grinned as he felt he was going to really like the Chief of Security here at Valkyrie.

Alexander: “I just fired Dr. Zimmerman for insubordination and abusive behavior towards his staff. I told him we were going to make changes to his department. He told me I didn’t have the right to tell him how to run his department and proceeded to poke me in the chest with his finger. I applied an arm bar hold on him to control his aggressive moves. I have already forwarded the video from the meeting to you and HR. Many of his staff members and interns were showing indications that this abuse is long term and systemic. That shit needs to be addressed. I don’t condone that kind of behavior by leadership.”

Wulfric’s voice rang with sarcasm.

Wulfric: “Well Mr. Knight, that is a serious accusation and if you have his behavior on camera… Well I have to back your concern. He poses a security risk to other personnel. I will dispatch officers to remove him from the building. I know just the two to send. I will be sure they search all his personal belongings for company property digital and physical. I will be sure his security status is immediately revoked and I will personally review all his files for improper handling and malfeasance.” Wulfric’s voice rang with a hint of humor and excitement. “I knew that you would be shaking things up Mr. Knight. I didn’t know it would be so soon. I better clear my afternoon. Call me Wulfric. Keep up the good work Knight.” He hung up laughing.

Alexander hung up with a smile feeling satisfied that Dr. Zimmerman would be handled appropriately now to cover his own ass with HR.

He had the virtual assistant connect him with whoever was on duty and taking calls in the HR department. A warm lovely cultured voice answered the phone.

Valerie: “Human Resources, this is Valerie, How may I assist you today?”

Alexander smiled as he responded.

Alexander: “Good Morning Valerie. This is Alexander Knight. I just met with the medical team and want to report a rather large issue that needs immediate action and investigation. I would like it on the record that I tried to call and discuss this issue directly Mr. Maier but he indicated he was too busy.”

Valerie’s voice sounded unsure and nervous. “Alright Mr. Knight. What is the issue I can help you with?”

Alexander’s tone remained calm and sweet as honey.

Alexander: “I just fired Dr. Zimmerman for insubordination and abusive behavior towards his staff. I will have the virtual assistant send you the recording from the meeting. I suspect that Dr. Zimmerman has been abusive to his staff for some time. I can’t believe it has not been investigated or reported yet. You might want to review surveillance camera footage in his department. I apologized to the staff who were party to the incident. I did tell them if they had any personal grievances that they could file a formal complaint with HR. I also told them that if any of them require counseling services Valkyrie would be happy to provide those services. I hope my fast response will prevent lawsuits from the impacted employees and interns.”

Valerie’s tone dropped an octave in surprise and she spluttered out a response. “I see. Can you do that? Do you have the authority to do that? Usually there is an investigation period while the company investigates claims such as these. You can’t just fire someone…” Valerie’s voice trailed off.

Alexander: “Unless their behavior poses a significant risk to the company and staff. Tell me Valerie, do you think that every employee working in the medical department who have suffered from Dr. Zimmerman’s angry aggressive verbal abuse does not pose a significant risk to the company? I am sure you are aware if they have proof of Dr. Zimmerman’s behavior and reported it with no action being taken that it puts the company at significant risks of lawsuits and pending legal action. Not to mention that it is against the law.”

Valerie sounded unsure and tentative. "Thank you for reporting this incident Mr. Knight. I will forward this information to a supervisor who has the authorization and capacity to handle this issue. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Alexander grinned at her response. It was about what he expected. He was absolutely positive he would hear from the Board before noon about the incident.

Alexander: “Yes there is. I sent a request to hire Mabel Brown as my personal administrative assistant. Her flight is due later this afternoon at 2pm. Have arrangements been made for her that I requested?”

Valerie sounded more confident this time. “Let me check on that for you.”

Alexander could hear clacks and clicks from the keyboard as Valerie accessed files.

Valerie: “Well Mr. Knight, I see we received your request but no one has done anything with it yet. This kind of request usually takes a few weeks.I will see what I can do to expedite it for you.” Valerie bumped his second request up to her supervisor as well. “Is there anything else Mr. Knight.”

Alexander rubbed his forehead. He was getting a headache. He didn’t have two weeks. He needed Mabel’s help now.

Alexander: “Thank you for your help Valerie. Please notify your supervisor that I will be checking at the end of lunch to see what progress they have made on my requests.

Alexander noted the time and it was almost time for his next meeting. He had enough time to run to the restroom and stretch his legs though.

Conference Room 11:00 AM

Mechanics Team Meeting

Alexander was hopeful that his day wouldn’t go downhill from here. He had not intended to fire anyone today. His intention was to learn more about how the different departments worked in relation to the racing team. He wanted to identify changes they could make before the next race to improve team morale and performance. Alexander was a little surprised that Leopold had not demanded he call him already. Leopold was smart enough to know that not everyone was going to embrace Alexander and his way of doing things. He knew putting Alexander in control was going to cause ripples and there would be consequences. When Alexander came back to the conference room most of the mechanic team was already there. A lovely blonde woman with ice blue eyes was wearing a mechanic’s overall with the name Helga embroidered on it with work boots. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a braid. The rest of the mechanic’s team sat on either side of her including the two mechanics that Alexander had overheard in Auckland.

Alexander noted that the mechanics didn’t wait for an invitation and everyone had a drink already. He nodded respectfully to them all as he took his seat.

Alexander folded his hands and placed them on the table top with a sigh. He noticed that all the mechanics had a closed off distrustful look. He could understand why. The mechanics were in the unenviable position to be everyone's favorite escape goat when something went wrong. They were the first ones to get the blame.

Alexander gave them a serious look and a tired smile. He respected that at least they were not trying to kiss his ass or throwing each other under the bus to make themselves look better.

Alexander: “Hello. I am Alexander Knight the new Crew Chief. I wanted to have this meeting to learn more about your team and to clear the air over a few issues.”

Alexander noted that Helga’s eyes narrowed as she leaned forward like a protective mama bear.

Alexander looked over to Zane and Juan.

Alexander: “I overheard your conversation in Auckland Zane and Juan. I was in the paddock when you were rechecking the actuators at my request. I want to clear the air and hopefully avoid future misunderstandings.” He paused and looked directly at Zane.

Alexander: “Please understand that I am just getting started. I don’t know you and your team yet. I don’t know if I can count on you to have my back yet. I don’t know if I can count on you to have the pilot’s back yet. I literally flew in the night before on the red eye. I didn’t have the opportunity to do pre-season with the team. It is my responsibility to make sure this entire team runs and accomplishes its goals safely. There had already been a huge technical issue with one of the ships in the qualifying round. It should have been caught and repaired before the ship ever went to the track. The fact that it didn’t was an issue. It is my job to solve those problems. SO YOUR DAMN RIGHT, I asked you to double check the work.”

Alexander heard the protests forming already and held up his hand to stop them. All the mechanics were looking mutinous.

Alexander: “That doesn’t mean I don’t trust you to do the work. I am asking you to take the time to make sure our pilots will be safe. I am not assigning blame for this incident. I am saying that someone somewhere fucked up. You know and I know that mechanics are the first to get the blame. I know that it is often the mechanic who makes the engineer's thoughts and plans work. I want to build trust with this team. I want to know that if you tell me you did it and something happens or goes wrong. I know it was not your work to blame. I will back you up and have your back in return.”

He let them sit with those words for a few minutes before turning to Juan.

Alexander: “I appreciate that you gave me the benefit of a doubt to your coworker that day. I also know you don’t know me yet either. Respect is earned both ways. I need to earn the respect of this team as well.”

Alexander then looked around the table meeting the eyes of every mechanic at the table.

Alexander: “How do we build that trust between us?”

Helga still looked angry and protective of her team. Her team looked just as protective of her.

Alexander: “Tell me about your team Helga? What roadblocks or barriers are you facing to doing your job? How can I help? Tell me what you need.”

Alexander leaned back and waited for her answer. He could see he had surprised her. She looked more contemplative and was really thinking about her answer.

To Alexander’s surprise Juan was the one who spoke up first. Juan seemed like the quiet typer who kept his head down and simply did his work. The man seemed like the type that normally avoids trouble.

Juan: “Disrespect to the mechanic team is common. Helga is disrespected at the track and by other colleagues just because she is a beautiful woman. The blonde jokes about her intelligence here at headquarters are ignored. I am glad Ricci is gone. He was a pig!”

Alexander looked around the table and many of the mechanics were nodding in agreement with Juan. Helga looked surprised and shocked as she stared at Juan. It appeared Alexander was going to spend his first week fixing discipline issues. No wonder Wulfric had been laughing at him and told him he would be clearing his afternoon schedule. Alexander nodded and made a note on his tablet to have HR conduct a mandatory refresher course on harassment with all employees.

Alexander: “I will have HR conduct a mandatory refresher course on harassment with all employees. In the future, please document cases of harassment and I will ensure they are investigated.” He looks Helga in the eyes and then Inga as he repeats himself. “I mean all types of harassment. Please document any harassment that happens when we are traveling and the tracks. I will address it.”

He looked around the table.

Alexander: “Please all of you feel free to chip in. I want this to truly be a team. Where we look out for one another. What else do you need?”

Helga smiled for the first time in the meeting.

Helga: “We have had issues with engineers borrowing tools and parts and not logging them correctly. Then we are short when we need them. We have to go search for them or reorder because they have not properly logged the inventory."

Zane was still eyeing Alexander distrustfully. He sat with his arms folded leaning back in his chair.

Inga sat forward.

Inga: “I have had issues where engineers make a change and they forget to tell us about it. Sometimes those small changes make a big difference. Better communication between our team and engineering would be nice.”

Alexander leaned back in his chair and thought about that.

Alexander: “You know I was surprised to see that they had split the mechanics off into a separate team. I think it would make more sense to fold you all into the same department. It would be more appropriate to call your team the Pit Crew. The engineers do the design work while you guys implement it. You would still have the same dedicated work space you have now. We could explore options like that. What do you think?”

Helga folded her arms and looked distrustful again.

Helga: “Who would lead the team? Who would be in charge?”

Alexander could tell where Helga was going with this.

Alexander: “I think co-chairs would be appropriate. You would retain your title and salary. You would still be responsible for leading the mechanics on the team. I think it would benefit your two departments to fold them together. One inventory system. One work space. We could break down the walls. Then engineering knows what mechanical is doing and vice versa. Felix would remain in charge of Engineering and lead them. This would allow you and Felix to work more closely and make collaboration easier.”

Helga looked thoughtful. She looked around at the other mechanics who were all looking at her.

Helga: “That could work. I can see the benefits of that.”

The rest of the meeting went up from there. They hashed out a plan to integrate the two departments and their workspaces. He knew it would take a little time to implement but the changes to morale and collaboration would be worth it.

Company Dining Room

Team Lunch Noon

Alexander had wrapped up the Mechanics with just enough time to walk over to the company dining room with the mechanics. Alexander smiled and had them walk in before him. He gave them all a friendly smile and a wave as he made his way towards the front of the dining room where Leopold was standing with the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors were surrounded by different employees. Some of them love the attention and power of their position. Alexander knew that they would probably corner him before this lunch was over but at the moment it was showtime for all of them. The team lunch was a way to get the key racing staff together for some team building and to dispel any rumors. They couldn’t fit all the company’s employees into the dining room at once. Lunch was being provided to everyone but only the key staff would fit in the dining room at one time. There were still almost one hundred and fifty people in the dining room.

As Alexander passed through the crowd the whispers followed him.

“I heard he assaulted Dr. Zimmerman.”
“I heard Dr. Zimmerman hit him first.”
“Dr. Zimmerman was escorted out by two of our burliest security guards.”

“I heard he made someone in human resources cry today.”
“I heard he found a heap of issues which he called HR out on.”
“I heard Maier the head of HR was livid with Knight.”

“Rumors are that he is replacing the head of all the main team leads.”
“I heard he plans to fire us all and bring in his own people.”
“I heard he stood up for the worker bees today.”

Alexander greeted the Board of Directors with a smile and good professional handshake. He nodded to Leopold who had stepped up to greet Alexander.

Leopold gave Alexander a knowing smile as he shook his hand.

Leopold: “Hello Alexander. It is great to see you again. Thank you for thinking to arrange this welcome luncheon for the staff and for inviting the board to attend.”

Leopold chucked before continuing. “I heard you have had a very busy morning.”

Alexander nodded and rolled his eyes at Leopold.

Alexander: “I have. I will fill you and the board in later. Right now we need to get this working lunch started.”

Alexander clapped Leopold on the shoulder and gave him a grin. Alexander accepted the microphone from the technician who had it waiting for him. Alexander gave the man a grateful smile.

Alexander spoke into the microphone so everyone in the dining room could hear him.

Alexander: “Good Afternoon. Would everyone please take your seats?”

There was sudden noise as everyone scrambled to find a seat as chairs scraped across the floor. Finally everyone was seated except for Alexander and looking expectantly at him.

Alexander: “Good Afternoon everyone. I hope most of you are having a good day. For those who don’t know me, my name is Alexander Knight and I am the new crew chief and team principal for Team Valkyrie AGR Sport. My role here at Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is to take a step back and look at the broader picture. It is my responsibility to help the team be successful and win races but that is not my only responsibility. As most of you in this room know, a successful anti-gravity racing team has a lot of moving parts supporting those pilots. We have engineers, mechanics, trainers, support personnel, and marketing executives. All of these different parts have to come together and work as a team in order for a team to be successful. I have been given complete control for this season of Valkyrie AGR Sport. Valkyrie has not been performing as well as it should have. My goal is to unite all of you for the greater good of this team. The success of this team is not just up to the engineers, mechanics, or pilots. The success of this team requires all of us to pull together.I am meeting with all the individual teams today. I have already met with Engineering, Medical, and Mechanics. Yes, changes are coming. Some of you will think they are bad changes. Some of you will agree with the changes. I am working on what will change. My answer is I am doing my homework. Once it is done, I promise I won’t hide anything. Changes will be announced with an explanation of why they are being implemented. I want to be as honest and open with you all as I can be. On a brighter note, I arranged this lunch so we can all get to know each other better. I hope you all enjoy lunch. After you have finished eating please make your way around the room and introduce yourself to a colleague you have not spoken to before. The Board of Directors has joined us here today as well.”

Alexander pointed out the Board of Directors and most of them were waving to the crowd. “So please stop by and talk to them. I want to thank the Board of Directors for taking time out to join us here today. I know you are all very busy people. I wanted to be sure the folks who make this team work know how important their work is to you all. My thanks to Chef Jacques for handling our lunch. It smells delicious!”

Alexander gave a wave as he handed the microphone back to the waiting tech. There was a splattering of applause. Alexander made his way to the Board of Directors table. He pulled out a seat and joined them. A group of servers approached the table and began setting down plates. A plate was set in front of Alexander that contained some kind of chicken dish. It smelled good. Alexander poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher on the table. Alexander could feel eyes on him as he began to eat. Alexander looked up as saw that many of the Board Members were watching him closely and looking expectantly at Leopold who was sitting to his right. Leopold was kind enough to wait until Alexander had taken the edge of his hunger before beginning the conversation.

Leopold’s tone was mostly neutral with a hint of amusement in it. Leopold had heard about the incident within 10 minutes of Dr. Zimmerman leaving the conference room. The Board Members who had not voted to bring Knight on were already baying for his removal and the reinstatement of Dominic Ricci. They were about to learn a valuable lesson at the hands of Alexander and he was going to enjoy every moment of it.

Leopold: “Alexander please share what happened this morning. I have had a phone call from an angry Dr. Zimmerman who said you attacked him. A call from Maier, the Chief Human Resource Officer, who said you were demanding things from his department that were inappropriate and not using the appropriate company protocols. A call from Chief of Security, Wulfric Gunderson, telling me I should be thankful for the way you handled Dr. Zimmerman.”

Alexander looked over at Leopold as he set down his utensils. He caught the spark of mischief in Leopold’s eyes.Alexander looked down the table at the other Board Members. Some of them expectant, others looked angry, and a few curious.

Alexander: “Well Leopold, let me be frank. I didn’t expect I would spend my morning cleaning up the shit show that passes as management and oversight with this racing team. I have only met with three of the department teams so far this morning. I fired Dr. Zimmerman for insubordination and abusive behavior towards his staff. When I suggested that we were going to make changes to his department, he got angry, loud, and began poking me in the chest. It was clear from the body language of his team that he has been abusive towards them for some time. I let him poke me in the chest a few times before I used an arm to control his behavior before I told him he was fired. Now I don’t believe I should need to tell this Board that abusive behavior by a member of management is illegal and the worst kind of publicity for this team to have. It opens this company up to lawsuits and legal actions from both civilian and criminal law. I believe this situation was large enough to warrant calling Mr. Maier so that he could get ahead of it. Instead he was upset with me for daring to interrupt his morning. I then wished him a good morning and then reported the incident to the HR Staff. I spoke with a lovely young woman named Valerie. I assured the employees on the Medical Team that the incident would be investigated. I also told them if they had any grievances with Dr. Zimmerman, and wanted to file a formal complaint to see HR. I also assured them that if any of them needed counseling Valkyrie would be happy to take care of that. I hope my efforts will stave off any lawsuits.”

Alexander paused and took a sip of water before he continued. “In my meeting with the mechanics team, it was revealed that systemic and long term harassment has been happening to our female mechanics both here at headquarters and while we are in the field at the track. I am ordering all company employees to undergo a mandatory retraining course in harassment and the proper procedures for reporting it. This is yet another set of behavior that puts this racing team at risk. There is no way all of these incidents have gone unreported. I suspect that these incidents were swept under the rug by those in positions to do so. You have to deal with issues like these. The truth will always come out.”

Alexander paused and met the eyes of every member of the board looking over their reactions to his statements. The ones who had been angry just looked even angrier but were biting their tongue. Board Member Amantas’ sneering face was a good indication of his rage as he spit sprayed from his mouth as he spat out his words towards Alexander. Alexander was grateful he was far enough away that he avoided being hit.

Amandas: “How dare you fire a respected member of this team without following proper protocols. If you had a problem with Dr. Zimmerman, you should have brought the issue to us to be dealt with. You are overstepping your authority!” He pounded a fist on the table making all the glasses and silverware jump.

Leopold raised an eyebrow and spoke directly to Amandas. Leopold: “Amandas, we are being watched. Knight was given the authority to do whatever he needed to do to turn this into a winning season. This board should be grateful for his interference since Dr. Zimmerman has already gone to the authorities to file a complaint against Mr.. Knight. Our head of security, Wulfric Gunderson, dealt with the issue when law enforcement came to arrest Mr. Knight. He showed them the video of the incident. Dr. Zimmerman has been arrested on assault charges. How will this incident reflect on this team when the government and regulatory inspectors investigate it if Knight had not taken immediate action?”

Leopold looked around the table at the other Board Members. Some of them looked shocked, others were nodding their heads in approval. Only a chosen few like Amandas still looked angry. Amandas was sputtering with rage, unable to form words. Leopold’s voice was cold as he spoke.

Leopold: “Amandas, if you cannot control yourself, you should leave. If you cannot work with Mr. Knight, maybe your company needs to send another representative to act as their Board Member. As you have reminded us recently, none of us are irreplaceable.”

Amandas rose to his feet and stormed off followed by Aldenburg and Steindl. The remainder of the board looked from Leopold to Alexander and exchanged looks. It was Nielsen who spoke and broke the silence at the table.

Nielsen: “I for one am glad you are here Mr. Knight. I applaud your ability to keep your cool in a stressful situation. Not many would have. Did you have any other issues today?”

Alexander regarded Nielsen and nodded.

Alexander:“I have hired a personal administrative assistant. It is someone I have worked with in the past. We work well together. She is on her way and will be here this afternoon. I had emailed HR to check on the arrangements for her. I was told they had not even looked at them yet. I was informed that requests such as these take weeks. I need help now. Is there anything the Board can do to expedite her paperwork and processing?”

Nielsen looked surprised and then disgusted. Nielsen: “You want us to pull favors so you can have your office fling join you?”

Alexander’s patience was at an end. His temper flashed as he stood and loomed over the table.

Alexander: “I tell you I hired someone to help me and that we work well together and that is what you think? What the hell is wrong with you people! Mabel Brown is 89 years old and like an adopted mother to me. I will tolerate no disrespect to her! How dare you!”

Alexander’s fists clenched at his sides. He itched to hit Nielsen in the face.

Alexander: “Even if she wasn’t old enough to be my grandmother, comments like that are disrespectful to every woman working at this company. They are also sexist. How do you know I don’t prefer men?”

Alexander gave Nielsen an evil smirk as he leaned even closer over him sneering.

Leopold reached over and patted Alexander on the arm bringing his attention to him. Alexander’s body trembled with rage as his head snapped around and met Leopold’s gaze. He straightened up and swept an arm out in a gesture to encompass the whole table. Alexander spoke directly to Leopold, his tone hard, cold, and furious.

Alexander: “This shit starts at the top. That comment was in no way professional or expected. That is not the behavior you expect to hear in a professional setting. It's no wonder I am running into all kinds of behavior issues. Fix this shit Leopold.”

Alexander jerked his arm away from Leopold and stalked out in a rage. He needed to bleed off his anger. He needed to hit something. He made his way to the team gym. He ignored all the looks as he made his way to the locker room. He changed into shorts and a tank top. He then proceeded into the gym and began to pound on the heavy bag. Thank god it was one of the reinforced bags that could handle the strength of his augments. He was so angry he couldn’t regulate the strength in his punches if he tried. Alexander moved to the treadmill and ran until he could barely feel his legs. He went back to the locker room to shower and change. He finally had control of his emotions and face once more. Alexander left the gym for his next meeting. He had managed to remove the scowl but he still looked like he wanted to stab something.

Conference Room


Alexander was only a few minutes late with his meeting with the Marketing Team. He had to switch to water after his third cup of coffee. He wanted to be able to sleep that night. The marketing team had been particularly hard on him. They were like trying to herd cats with everyone screaming over the other to get their ideas in. Katherine wrangled her team well. It was just that they were all creative extrovert types and glory hogs. She had a team of vibrant and memorable talent. Alexander couldn’t believe some of the ideas they pitched. They wanted to market new types of fan experiences to capitalize on Paul’s popularity with the younger generation. He had put a hard no on anything new until he had a chance to find out what Paul and Dorian would be comfortable with. He had asked Katherine to submit a proposal of changes and campaigns they wanted to run for review. She promised to have it for him by Thursday since she was busy arranging the news conference.

By the end of the day, Alexander had met with all the teams that were part of the work that made Valkyrie AGR Sport Team a success. There were a lot of support personnel behind the scenes that made the magic happen on race day. Not all his meetings went smoothly. The mechanics team was downright distrustful. The lead mechanic had a chip on her shoulder and an attitude that she earned by the way she had been treated professionally just trying to do her job. Alexander suspected that the mechanical team had been used as a scapegoat by the previous crew chief or other leadership. He would have to work to earn their trust and support. Alexander began to put together his plan to present to the board later that week on what changes they would be implementing and new policies they would be adopting to stop some of the inequalities and abuse that was occurring amongst the team. He was still fighting anger from what happened earlier in the day. He hoped Mabel had gotten settled in okay. He had not heard from her yet. He had not had time to contact her yet.

Valkyrie Lobby That Afternoon

Mabel had dressed knowing she would end up at the company headquarters. She suspected she would need all the authority she could muster to deal with whatever was happening. Mabel knew Alexander. He wouldn’t have called her unless he was really in the shit. Mabel was experienced enough to expect a shit storm of attitude for her sudden position with Valkyrie as Alexander’s assistant. Mabel had worn one of her favorite outfits. The creamy ivory suit with gold accents gave her chocolate brown skin a warm glow. She wore her favorite jewelry, a present from her beloved husband for their 50th anniversary. She was wearing classy looking gold colored leather flats. The outfit always made her feel great and gave her confidence.

The young man who met her at the airport was respectful and handled her bags. She learned on the drive from the airport that his name was Peter and he was an engineering student. He had told her about his mother, sister, and the girl at the office he was crushing on. He dropped her off at the front door to the office. He pulled her luggage out of the trunk and set it on the sidewalk next to her.

Peter: “Do you need help getting into the building ma’am?”

Mabel smiled at the polite and helpful young man.

Mabel: “I would appreciate that. Thank you, Peter.”

Peter pulled up the telescoping handle on the suitcase and grabbed it as he offered Mabel his arm. Mabel chuckled delightfully as it was rare to see such manners in youth these days. Mabel slipped her old hand around his arm not that she needed it. She walked along next to Peter, graceful even in her advanced age. She kept fit and had an active lifestyle. Her hand rested gently in the crook of his arm as they made their way to the front door of the massive building. Peter led her into the building pulling her suitcase. He walked towards the security checkpoint. They got into the line that was going through security. Mabel looked around the spacious and luxurious looking lobby. There were holographic models of the ships. There were videos playing in the background that showed various sponsors and the products and services associated with the team. There was a large receptionist desk in black chrome that curved through the center of the lobby. It had glass walls behind it that separated the rest of the building from the public. There was a set of sliding glass doors just beyond the security checkpoint. The line was moving quickly and Mabel was now standing in front of two security guards one on each side of the door. There was a security kiosk for scanning badges on the right side of the walkway.

The security guards were watching and indicated the scanner with a hand motion. The two security guards on duty were Ivan and Damian. They noted that one of the younger employees was escorting an older black woman who had a regal air about her. Peter motioned for one of them to come over. The guard on the left, Damian, stepped forward to see what the hold up was.

Peter: “Hello this is Mr. Knight’s new administrative assistant, Mabel Brown. She doesn’t have her security badge yet. She needs to go to Human Resources for processing.”

Mabel patted Peter’s arm affectionately.

Mabel: “Thank you Peter. I think I have got it from here. You were a great help. Good Luck with Valerie, remember you will never know unless you man up and ask her.”

Mabel winked at Peter who smiled at her even as his face flushed a little in embarrassment.

Peter: “It was my pleasure Miss Mabel.”

Peter gave Mabel a little half bow with a smile and turned and walked away.

Mabel turned her attention back to Damian the guard. Mabel used her sweetest no nonsense voice as she asked the guard.

Mabel: “Well, where do I need to go? Would you show me the way?”

Damian was already accessing a datapad and had a slight frown on his face. Damian’s tone sounded confused as he replied.

Damian: “Can I see your identification so I can verify your identity Miss Brown?”

Mabel handed over her special encoded ID and international passport.

Damian: “I don’t see you on the approved list of visitors today Miss Brown. Usually we are informed of new hires and have the relevant clearances to escort them about the building.”

Mabel: “Well I know it was short notice. Alexander Knight just hired me yesterday. Maybe they are still processing the paperwork. Can you escort me to Human Resources so I can resolve this issue?”

Damian: “Well umm…” The guard was stumbling over his words unsure what to do.

His partner Ivan came over.

Ivan: “What is the problem? You are holding up the line.”

Mabel’s honey brown eyes narrowed at Ivan’s tone and she smiled sweetly at him as she stepped to the side out of line. Mabel raised an eyebrow at Ivan.

Mabel: “You could have just asked me to step out of line while you worked to resolve the issue, young man.”

Mabel’s perfectly manicured nails began to tap against her thigh. She was beginning to get annoyed. Damian looked even more nervous and unsure. Ivan’s scowl deepened at being reprimanded by the older woman.

Ivan looked at Damian. “Figure it out while I keep processing the line.”

Ivan stalked back to his post, his body language registering anger to go along with the scowl on his face.

Mabel gave Damian a warm smile.

Mabel: “What is your name, young man?”

Damian answered absentmindedly as he glanced at his retreating partner. Damian was a new guard and had only been working the front desk for a week. His focus was on his tablet as he sought the information that seemed to be missing.

Damian: “My name is Damian Miss Brown.”

Damian turned his attention back to the older woman.

Mabel smiled at Damian and patted his arm in a comforting way. Her voice was warm and full of compassion as she offered to help the befuddled guard.

Mabel: “I am going to make a guess that you are a new guard. What did your training tell you to do in a situation like this?”

Damian relaxed a little as he realized that the older woman was not going to knowingly make his life difficult.

Damian: “Yes. I really like this job and want to keep it. This exact situation was not one they covered.” Damian pointed over to Ivan. “He was supposed to be providing on the job training for me and guidance.”

Damian sounded frustrated and blushed as he realized what he had just shared with a total stranger. He winced at that realization. His second week was not going so well.

Mabel’s warm laughter filled the area. She patted him on the arm again. Mabel’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned closer to Damian and gave him a wink.

Mabel: “Well we will figure this out together then. Shall we?”

Damian couldn’t help relaxing again and smiling at the older woman. She reminded him of his great grandmother. She had the same spunk and spirit. Damian had always loved spending time with her.

Damian stood up straight and nodded. She was right he could figure this out.

Mabel watched as Damian seemed to regain his confidence.

Damian spoke out loud as he thought through the problem.

Damian: “Well during training we were told if a situation occurs when a guard needs to leave to escort a visitor into the building then we call the security office and request another guard be dispatched to the main entrance. The main entrance is to be manned at all times with at least two guards. Once the replacement guard gets here, then one of the guards will act as the escort.”

Mabel gave him a nod and a smile as she encouraged him.

Mabel: “So do you know what you need to do now?”

Damian gave Mabel a nod and a confident smile as he spoke into the comms system that connected him to the security office. His voice had more confidence and he spoke with authority this time.

Damian: “Yes this Damian at the main entrance. Mr. Knight’s new assistant has arrived and needs to be escorted to Human Resources for processing. I need another guard to take over my position at the main entrance while I escort her to HR.”

Mabel waited patiently as Damian spoke to security. She observed Ivan as she waited. Ivan was quick and efficient as he kept the line moving. There was finally a break with no one waiting to get in. Ivan was staring at Damian and shaking his head.

Damian turned back towards Mabel and told her.

Damian. “It will be a few minutes, ma’am while they send another guard to replace me. Then I can escort you to HR. Will you need help with your suitcase?”

Mabel caught Ivan following their conversation as he walked back over to them.

Ivan: “She is not on the list. She is not authorized to be in the building. You are breaking protocol. Not to mention offering to be her bellboy.” Ivan sneered at Damian, his voice mocking.

Damian gave Ivan a surprised look.

Damian: “I am following protocol. Unusual circumstances happen. I called for another guard to replace me so I can escort Miss Brown to HR to resolve the issue. Offering to help her with her suitcase is just me being respectful. There is no dishonor in being polite.”

Ivan continued to look angry. Damian couldn’t figure out what was going on. Mabel had an idea about what was going on though. She suspected interoffice politics and power plays. She came prepared to cut through the bullshit.

Mabel looked at Ivan and gave him a piercing look; her tone was suspicious and scathing as she began to question Ivan.

Mabel: “Who asked you to delay me or turn me away? Was it a staff member? A member of the board?”

Ivan looked truly pissed as he scowled at Mabel. Mabel had not missed his body stiffening and the quick look of surprise that he suppressed quickly. Mabel watched Ivan and was not intimidated by his 6’2” muscled frame. The man’s posture was radiating violence.

Ivan’s angry voice barked out.: “How dare you accuse me of such a thing?”

Mabel just laughed in his face knowing she had hit the nail on the head.

Mabel: “Let me guess. This was just a small little favor requested by someone wearing a tight or short skirt?”

Damian was watching what was happening and was shocked by what he was hearing. Ivan’s behavior was over the top for such a minor inconvenience and issue. His eyes narrowed as he began to look closer at the man.

Damian made a snap decision and called the security office again.

Damian: “Please inform Chief Gunderson that he is needed at the main entrance.”

Mabel smiled and winked at Damian.

Mabel: “You are learning, padawan. You show potential.”

Damian kept his eyes on Ivan as the man’s fists began to open and close.

Ivan: “I am your trainer and the shift supervisor! How dare you go behind my back over this unknown woman.”

Damian replied to Mabel with a smile never taking his eyes off Ivan.

Damian: “I appreciate that you think so ma’am.”

Damian nodded to Ivan.

Damian: “We will find out what the Chief thinks of this situation. I trust him to educate me on how this situation should be appropriately handled.”

Damian’s tone and words implying that Ivan was incapable of completing that task.

Tensions were increasing between the two men as Ivan stepped closer and gave Damian a menacing glare.

Mabel smiled and noted that the whole scene was being observed by the receptionist. Her discerning eye picked up the cameras that covered the area and she smirked.

Damian moved so that he was between Ivan and Mabel gently pushing the older woman behind him. If Ivan got violent, he wanted to protect the older woman.

Ivan sneered as he noticed Damian’s movement.

Ivan: “You are a coward who is easily manipulated. Can’t you see you are doing exactly what she wants?”

Damian smiled confidently and nodded. “Yes and it is what I want too. So it was an easy decision to make.”

Mabel just chuckled softly and waited patiently. She rested her hand on the handle of her suitcase so she could pull it out Damian’s way if violence erupted.

Mabel remained behind Damian as two new guards and an older man in a suit came out of the corridor that led deeper into the offices and the elevators.

Mabel stepped out from behind Damian as three men approached. She gave the three men her warmest smile and most innocent look.

Wulfric noted the body language of the two guards. Damian was in a protective stance and Ivan’s body language said he was ready for violence. Wulfric also noted that the older black woman looked relaxed. He hid his amusement at the thought that Knight was going to keep him on his toes.

Before Mabel could say a word Ivan turned to face his boss with anger on his face and in his voice.

Ivan: “I am sorry you were called sir. I was handling the situation when my trainee mishandled the situation. This woman arrived and was not on the clearance list or the escort list to enter the building. I denied her entry. Damian called for another guard so he could escort her into the offices. She is purposefully manipulating him to get into the office sir.”

Damian: “I asked Ivan for help and was told to handle the situation while he went back to processing the line sir. What he failed to tell you is that the woman is Alexander Knight’s new administrative assistant. She explained that she was just hired yesterday and that it was short notice. She requested an escort to Human Resources to resolve the issue. Ivan took exception to that and got angry after I called for another guard per protocol to escort her. He got even angrier when Miss Brown asked him who had asked him to delay her or refuse her entry. That is when I called for your presence sir.”

Mabel just kept smiling and waited patiently for the security guards to sort it out.

Wulfric wasn’t surprised that shenanigans like this would be taking place. He was annoyed that one of his guards had been caught up in it. Chances are there was a member of upper management or a board member was trying to sabotage Knight’s efforts. Knight had already rocked the foundation of the racing team by uncovering and addressing some serious issues. He also had watched the video from the gym as Knight worked out his temper instead of slugging the board member. He had been impressed with his form. Wulfric’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Ivan.

Wulfric spoke into his comms with a deep commanding voice.

Wulfric: “Send another guard to the main entrance.”

Wulfric pointed to one of the new guards.

Wulfric: “Escort Ivan to my office.”

He turned to Ivan.

Wulfric: “You will go to my office and then we will review the footage on this incident and fill out an after action report and decide on what corrective measures need to be taken. Go.”

Wulfric pointed back the way he had come, giving Ivan no chance to defend himself or speak.

Wulfric: “Now.”

Wulfric paid no attention to Ivan’s angry muttering as he stomped down the hall with the other guard. He turned his attention back to Damian.

Wulfric: “Damian I know you are new. However you handled this situation appropriately as far as I can tell right now. After you have escorted Miss Brown to Human Resources, come to my office and we will review the video and discuss this incident. Good work.”

Damian’s spine straightened under his boss’ praise. He smiled and nodded at Wulfric.

Damian: “Yes sir!”

Wulfric turned his attention to Miss Brown. She was nothing like he had expected. He had wondered why Knight had requested her specifically. It was his job to run background checks. Miss Brown had passed with flying colors. He was curious how Miss Brown had handled the situation. He was going to watch that video with interest. He offered Miss Brown his hand to shake.

Mabel smiled at the security chief and shook his hand firmly. Wulfric smiled at her as his deep voice carried in the open space.

Wulfric: “Welcome to Valkyrie AGR Sport Miss Brown. I apologize that there was an issue. My name is Wulfric Gunderson. I am the Chief of Security for Valkyrie. I will make sure your security pass is set up and waiting for you once you are done in Human Resources. Damian can escort you to my office to pick it up.

Mabel gave Wulfric a smile and a nod as she replied with her southern accent prevalent as she thanked him for his help.

Mabel: “Thank you Chief Gunderson. Please call me Mabel.” She winked at Wulfric.

Wulfric had been surprised at the strength in the handshake. Wulfric laughed heartily. He already liked her.

Wulfric: “Then you can call me Wulfric.”

The guards looked surprised when Wulfric offered her his first name.They looked at each other as Wulfric released Mabel’s hand.

Wulfric turned to the other guard and gave instructions.

Wulfric: “Please store Miss Brown’s suitcase until we know which apartment she will be assigned. Then make sure it gets delivered there for her.”

Wulfric smiled as the guard nodded and accepted the suitcase from Mabel. He rolled into the small security booth next to the entrance. Wulfric was glad to see that the other guards were following orders just fine. Wulfric gave a rueful shake of his head.

Wulfric: “I have to go deal with Ivan. If you run into any more issues, please feel free to have them call me. I hope your day gets better Mabel. I look forward to hearing how your day went later. Damian is at your disposal Miss Brown.”

Mabel gave Wulfric another sunny smile. “Thank you Wulfric. I appreciate your assistance.”

Wulfric left with a quick ground eating stride. The guard who had escorted Ivan to the security office was approaching, having passed Wulfric in the hallway.

Damian smiled and offered his arm once more to Mabel.

Damian: “Are you ready to go to Human Resources now?”

Mabel chuckled and tucked her old hand into the crook of his arm.

Mabel’s eyes twinkled as she told him.

Mabel: “Lead on good sir.”

The other two guards just watched with a look of confusion. They watched as the odd pair disappeared into the back hallways.

Valkyrie Human Resource Department

Mabel paid attention to her surroundings as she was escorted deeper into the building. Damian led her to a bank of elevators and pushed a button.

Damian pointed down the hallway to the left.

Damian: “Down there is the company dining room. Food is available there and can be deducted from your salary. Across from the dining room is the daycare center.”

Mabel nodded and tried to absorb all the information Damian was sharing with her.

Damian explained that the main hallways were set up like an I. One main hallway went from the front entrance to the back entrance which led deeper into the campus. There were two main hallways that ran across the building, one they had to cross to get to the center of the I where the elevator bays were located. There was another large hallway that ran across the building just before the dining room and day care center. The front hallway led to the large meeting rooms and the big room where they held press conferences.

The elevator arrived and she stepped inside the chrome mirrored monstrosity. Damian punched the button for the 2nd floor. The elevator was smooth, quick, and quiet. Damian put his arm across the elevator door to ensure she could step off easily without being caught in the door. She smiled and retook his arm as he led her down the hall towards the rear of the building. The hallway let out in the intersection into another lobby of sorts. There was another black and chrome receptionist desk. Human Resources was on the front of the desk in foot high chrome letters. There was a waiting area with plush black leather chairs with chrome accents. A nice attractive young woman was sitting at the desk with warm chestnut colored hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a white button up top and a black skirt with heels. Her name tag read Valerie. Damian led her up to the desk.

Valerie’s head was down as she typed something into the computer. She had heard the chime that said someone had entered their area. Her cultured voice greeted them with warm tones.

Valerie: “Welcome to Human Resources. I will be right with you.”

Valerie finished up what she was typing and closed the screen before she looked up from her desk with a warm smile. Her smile was replaced with a surprised look as she looked Mabel up and down. The rumors Valerie had heard was that Mabel Brown was only being hired at Alexander Knight’s insistence. Rumors had it that she was his office fling.Valerie managed to regain her composure as she smiled at the security guard. Her voice sounded confident and competent once more.

Mabel couldn’t help smiling as she thought. No wonder Peter is smitten. Mabel didn’t miss the surprise or confusion on the young woman’s face.

Damian smiled at the young woman as he explained the situation.

Damian: “Hello there seemed to be some confusion at the front desk. This is Miss Mabel Brown. She is Alexander Knight’s new administrative assistant. Security was not informed of her arrival. Can you help us get this issue resolved?”

Valerie: “I spoke with Mr. Knight about his request this morning. I had forwarded that to my supervisor. Let me see what progress has been made.”

Valerie’s fingers flew over the keyboard as she focused on the holographic screen in front of her. She looked a little flustered and her cheeks tinged a little pink as she reviewed the file. The only work that had been done so far was the background check. Valerie was worried she would get blamed for this after speaking with Mr. Knight this morning. How could her supervisor ignore this important request? Yes it was unusual but not unheard of. Things sometimes moved fast in a racing team. Valerie had bumped the request up the chain because she didn’t have the authority to handle everything that was requested.

Mabel watched Valerie’s face. She was getting annoyed. How many people were trying to block her being hired? It made her wonder how many enemies Alexander had made already. Mabel maintained her calm patient demeanor. She had a feeling that whatever the problem was that Valerie was not to blame. Mabel had worked in the corporate environment for years. She was a pro at interoffice political warfare. Mabel decided the enemy had already given her their warning shot. It was time to start recruiting her own troops.

Damian shifted nervously next to Mabel. He glanced down at the older black woman and noted the look in her eyes. It reminded him of when his great grandmother would begin to use her wooden spoon on someone. That old woman could find a tender spot everytime! He was just going to stand here and watch. Mabel had already taught him a thing or two. He smiled and winked at Mabel. He couldn’t wait to see how she handled this situation.

Mabel’s voice was silk over steel as she asked the young woman what the problem was.

Mabel: “Well I haven’t got all day. What is the problem?”

Valerie's face blanched as she tried to explain the situation. Her voice trembled as she spoke.

Valerie: “Well Miss Brown. I explained to Mr. Knight this morning that typically the hiring process takes several weeks. His request was highly unusual. I don’t have the authority to expedite the process. I forwarded his request to my supervisor this morning. The only thing that has been done is your background check.”

Valerie winced as she explained the situation and told the truth of the matter.

Mabel’s eyes narrowed in thought before she looked down at the young woman who was practically trembling in her presence.

Mabel gave Valerie a warm smile, She reached across the desk and patted Valerie on the shoulder. Her southern accent dripped honey as she spoke.

Mabel: “Young lady, what is your name?”

Valerie managed to squeak out, “Valerie.”

Mabel winked at Valerie before she continued.

Mabel: “It is a pleasure to meet you Valerie. I understand that this is not your fault. Maybe we can solve this together.”

Valerie relaxed as she realized the woman was not holding her responsible for this snafu. She appreciated her relaxed confident demeanor. Valerie gave the older woman a tentative smile.

Valerie: “It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Brown. I am happy to try.”

Mabel: “Well Valerie. How much of the process do you have the authority to do?”

Valerie stopped and pondered the question. In reality she made all the arrangements for onboarding new employees. Her supervisor just had to authorize the security clearance and any additional perks like on site housing, and they set the wages.

Valerie smiled at Mabel and nodded.

Valerie: “Let’s get started. I can do everything but push through the authorizations to payroll, security, and housing.”

Mabel smiled back at Valerie: “I already met with Wulfric. He said to call him if you need him to verify my security clearance.”

Valerie had pulled a chair over next to her workstation. Damian had made himself comfortable in one of the black leather chairs as he waited for Mabel. Valerie had learned that the guard’s name was Damian. It took her about an hour to complete everything. Valerie got to work and finished processing Mabel’s hiring paperwork. She set up her company email and sent her the relevant self guided videos and quizzes on company policies and procedures, the employee handbook, and the relevant training on harassment, reporting procedures, and mandatory security measures. She had worked with Mabel to help her set up and activate all her employee benefits which would be activated when the supervisor sent their approval to payroll.

Valerie smiled at Mabel. She had quickly grown to like the old woman. Her voice was full of genuine warmth as she told her.

Valerie: “I just need to run this paperwork over to my supervisor’s office to get his approval codes for the remainder. Then Damian can escort you to the security office to pick up your security badge.”

Mabel smiled warmly at Valerie: “I appreciate all your help Valerie. Thank you.”

Valerie smiled at her as she rose to her feet and disappeared into one of the office doors behind the receptionist desk.

Valerie knocked on her supervisor’s door and waited for her to respond. Her supervisor, Désirée Guyon, was not the nicest person in the world. Valerie knew for a fact that the woman slept around the office looking for her next promotion. She had seen executives come out of her office looking disheveled with lipstick stains on their collars. The woman was downright vile to Valerie and never missed an opportunity to put her down and disparage the work she did.

Her supervisor made her wait for almost five minutes before she called out to come in. Valerie kept her face neutral as she stepped into her supervisor’s garishly decorated office. Her supervisor scowled as she saw it was her lowly underling.

Désirée Guyon: “What? Haven’t you caused me enough grief today?”

Désirée’s tone was scathing and full of disapproval. Désirée had gotten an earful from Maier about Valerie taking a call from Alexander Knight. She had been ordered by Maier to stall the hire of his assistant. Valerie had to be such a rule follower. She had forwarded the request and information that Knight had called this morning to check on the status of the arrangements for his office skank.

Valerie flushed scarlet knowing she had handled and forwarded two direct requests and issues to her supervisor at Alexander Knight’s request. She could see Désirée getting some flack and heat over the incidents.

Valerie was shaking as she handed her tablet to Désirée. Her voice was tentative as she tried for a helpful tone.

Valerie: “Miss Brown was escorted into the office by security. I checked her file and none of the work had been done. I took the initiative to take care of her file after I noticed all that had been done was her security clearance. I just need you to authorize her hire so I can finish getting her settled in.”

Désirée vibrated with rage at the presumption of the little pipsqueak.

Désirée: “How dare you touch that file without my approval?! Her hire has not been approved yet. Who does that skank think she is? She can’t come in and order our staff around before she is even hired.”

The color drained out of Valerie’s face at the vitriol coming out of her supervisor’s mouth. Valerie spluttered out a defense. Valerie bravely tried to defend her actions.

Valerie: “But ma’am, Mr. Knight requested this hire personally. He has the authority, Miss Guyon. I assumed you would want to take care of this right away. Mr. Knight is the new Crew Chief. We were told he had authority in the interoffice memo sent by the Board President last Friday.”

Désirée was furious as she rose to her feet. Her spiked stilettos made no noise on the thick carpeting. She straightened her skin tight pencil skirt and smoothed down her blouse that was so low cut you could almost see her navel. She stormed past Valerie pushing her aside so the woman stumbled. Her voice was full of hatred for the younger and more attractive woman.

Désirée: “You are an incompetent imbecile! Do not think of dictating company policy to me.I will take care of this myself”

As soon as Mabel heard raised voices coming from the open office door she picked up her tablet and began recording.

Damian tensed as he heard the raised voices. He couldn’t help hearing the conversation and it made him angry. He turned to Mabel who looked cool as a cucumber.

Mabel: “Don’t interfere Damian.” She winked at him. “Don’t worry I got this. You might want to record this too though. I am sure Wulfric will want to see it afterward.”

Damian did as she requested and sent a message through his tablet to Gunderson.
A situation is developing in Human Resources. Miss Brown may need your personal intervention.

Damian nodded to Mabel before responding.

Damian: “Yes ma’am. I am here if you need me.”

Désirée’s stilettos made a satisfying angry clicking sound as she stormed out of her office and into the lobby where Valerie’s desk was located. The ever present sneer on her face as she looked around the waiting area. She saw one of the company guards and an older black woman holding a tablet. Désirée had been told that the woman Alexander wanted for his assistant was his latest secretary and office bunny. She was looking for a slutty dressed attractive woman who could be her competition here at Valkyrie. Désirée’s head snapped from side to side. She snapped her fingers at Valerie as if she was summoning a dog. She turned to scowl at Valerie. Désirée’s voice was full of hatred and dripped with disgust as she looked at Valerie.

Désirée: “Well where is this trumped up trollop? I don’t have all day. Point her out, you interfering twit!”

Valerie trembled as followed her supervisor on shaky legs. Valerie shot Mabel an apologetic look before pointing her out to her supervisor.

Valerie: “She is sitting right there ma’am.”

Désirée scoffed and waved a hand in the direction of Mabel.

Désirée: “You are mistaken. I was told that Alexander Knight’s request to hire a personal assistant was to bring his latest office hookup. There is no way that is Mabel Brown. You are being deceived and manipulated into processing that paperwork against orders I might add.”

Damien noted that Désirée’s loud strident screeching was drawing people from their offices. The women were gaining a crowd.

Valerie looked confused and gestured toward Mabel once more. Her voice was confused but stronger this time.

Valerie: “Miss Guyon you are mistaken. Her security clearance and identity were confirmed by the Chief of Security before he had a guard escort her up to resolve the hire paperwork issue.”

Désirée shook her head no as she continued to glare at Valerie.

Désirée: “Mr. Baier personally told me not to approve her paperwork because the woman was being hired under false pretenses.”

Désirée flinched as she realized what she had just admitted out loud to an audience no less.

Mabel stood up and approached Désirée. Her voice was acid as she looked the hateful woman up and down with disdain.

Mabel: “Show some damn respect for yourself! You give all women working in business a bad name. I am Mabel Brown. I just got here from a flight from the East Coast of the US. Are you telling me you didn’t process my paperwork on purpose? I want you to think about your answer very carefully, Miss Guyon. I am recording this conversation.”

Mabel watched as Miss Guyon flinched but regained her composure. She put on a haughty air as she turned to address Mabel directly.

Désirée sneered as she regarded the other woman with suspicion and disdain on her face.

Désirée: "Miss Brown I don’t care if you record our conversation. I take my orders from the Chief Human Resources Officer who takes orders from the Board of Directors. This is a professional company with set policies and practices for hiring new employees. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Knight tried to circumvent the company’s hiring practices. He is not authorized to expedite the hiring process or make hiring decisions.”

Mabel just kept recording the cold hateful bitch as she helped her dig a deeper hole in which to bury her. Mabel gave her a cold smile. Her voice was ice with hints of steel. She straightened to her full height as she looked at the woman like she was dog shit that needed to be wiped off her shoe.

Mabel: “Miss Guyon I want to clarify and make sure I am understanding what you are telling me. Point one: You don’t believe that I am truly Mabel Brown because I am not a young sexy thing. Point two: You have been ordered to block my hiring by the Mr. Maier the Chief Human Resource Officer. Point three: My hiring is being blocked on the grounds that Mr. Knight didn’t follow proper hiring protocols.”

Désirée looked smug as she crossed her arms across her chest and popped out a hip as she nodded at the ugly old woman. Her tone was full of triumph thinking she had won this battle of wits and wills.

Désirée:”That is correct, you old crone.”

Damian and Valerie were almost mirror images of each as their heads whipped from one to the other like they were watching a tennis match.

Mabel looked like ice wouldn’t melt in her mouth as she regarded the woman with a nod. Mabel held up a finger as if she had just thought of this point.

Mabel: “So you are saying that the company lacks procedures to expedite the hiring process?”

Désirée scoffed again and fluffed her hair before answering.

Désirée: “Of course not. Valkyrie has procedures in place to accommodate expedited hiring.”

Mabel nodded sagely at Désirée as she continued.

Mabel: “I see. So really your only argument for not processing my hire paperwork is that Alexander Knight lacks the authority to hire me.”

Désirée looked satisfied as if victory was hers as she nodded.

Désirée: "That is exactly what I am saying.”

Mabel: “I see. So you are saying that in the company wide memo sent by Leopold Koch the Board President to all staff regarding the authority of the new Crew Chief, one Alexander Knight did not grant him this authority?”

Désirée's confidence was dwindling and she started to fidget and get nervous. How did the old crone know about the memo? She knew she had just told a bold face lie. Maier had assured that the board had never meant to grant that level of control to Knight. Maier assured her he would cover her ass if came to it. That gave her some confidence back. Her lip curled in disgust at the old woman who had interrupted her day and challenged her authority in her own office.

Mabel looked satisfied as she sent the recording to Alexander and Wulfric. She then clicked the record button again. It was about that time that Gunderson arrived on the scene.

Wulfric had to make his way through the crowd that had gathered to witness the latest showdown. He knew it would be useless to tell them to go back to work and sighed. Wulfric looked at Désirée and frowned. He had never liked that pole climbing woman. Wulfric came to a stop next to Damian and looked around at the parties involved.

Wulfric: “What seems to be the issue? I have already processed Miss Brown’s security clearance and verified her identity.”

His tone implied there shouldn't be any issues.

Mabel smiled at Wulfric and her whole countenance warmed and exuded classy older lady. She started to explain when Désirée interrupted her.

Désirée’s simpering voice was strident and grating on Wulfric’s ears as she spoke.

Désirée: “This woman is clearly an imposter and should be escorted from the building. Even if she is not. Mr. Knight is not authorized to make hiring decisions for Valkyrie AGR Sport. I am doing my job by following the orders handed down to me by my superiors.”

Désirée sounded smug and expectant as she looked at Wulfric.

Wulfric was confused as he knew for a certainty that Knight did have the authority. He had a personal meeting with the board president about the special clause in his contract.

Wulfric: “You are mistaken Désirée. Knight does have the authority. Where is Maier?”

Wulfric couldn’t grasp why such an important issue was being handled by an underling. He also didn’t understand why Maier would tell her to stonewall Miss Brown. Wulfric knew that there were some heads going to roll over this. It wouldn’t be his though.

Mabel waited until the trollop had said her piece before turning to Wulfric.

Mabel: “Wulfric, it is a pleasure to see you again. I wish it was under better circumstances. I had hoped to resolve this issue without taking you away from your duties again. Valerie was quite lovely and tried to fix the issue with my paperwork. She did all the work and only needed her boss’s authorization to complete it. That is when Miss Guyon came out here and verbally accosted me accusing me of lying about who I was.I understand from Miss Guyon that Valkyrie AGR Sport has already broken the contract they signed with Alexander Knight. You might want to stick around while I inform him of this. I am sure he is going to be quite upset.”

Wulfric heard gasps and muttering in the surrounding crowd. Wulfric looked panicked for a moment because he knew that Alexander Knight was going to blow through this department like a hurricane. His expression switched to amusement instead. He would stick around and watch the fireworks.

Désirée was nervous as she was faced with the certainty in the Chief of Security’s voice.

Wulfric: “Well let's see if we can resolve this issue peacefully. Let me get all parties here.”

Wulfric turned to Damian and pointed down the corridor in the direction of Maier’s office. Wulfric's voice was full of command and confidence as he gave Damian an order.

Wulfric: “Damian fetch Mr. Maier from his office. Tell him his presence is required to resolve an important issue. That you are there to fetch him on my orders.”

Damian nodded and took off down the hall. Damian had to fight through the crowd.

Wulfric sent a message to have one of the guards bring Alexander to Human Resources.

Mabel looked gleefully smug as she waited for Alexander to make an appearance. She wished she had some popcorn to go with the show.

A few tense minutes in silence passed. Damian almost had to frog march the belligerent executive down the corridor. He had to physically pull the man from his office and tug him by his arm before he finally started walking on his own. The entire time he regaled Damien about how he would lose his job. Damian ignored him since he was working on his boss’ orders. In his mind, Gunderson trumped the head of HR.

Maier appeared in a haughty huff giving Gunderson a nasty look.

Maier:“I don’t work for you Gunderson. I am not in your chain of command. You can’t just order me about. Call off your goon.”

Damian nodded to his boss and stood ready. His body language conveyed that he had not given Maier a choice.

Alexander arrived looking like the Thunder God Thor was in the building. The man exuded angry violence. Gunderson couldn’t blame the man after the day he had had.

Maier’s expression, if possible, looked even more angry as he saw Alexander approach.

Mabel smiled as Alexander arrived. She stepped forward to greet him with her customary hug. Alexander’s anger faded the moment he spotted Mabel. He smiled warmly at her and bent to give her a welcome hug.

Alexander: “I was wondering why I hadn’t heard from you yet. Is everything okay?”

Mabel winked at Alexander as she pulled back from the hug with a dramatic sigh.

Mabel’s voice was full of false regret as she met Alexander’s searching gaze.

Mabel: “Well Alex there has been issues with my hire paperwork. I was hoping to resolve it without having to call you. I regret to inform you that did not happen.”

Alexander turned and looked at the others. His face was thunderous as he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms across his chest. His stance is one of aggression and displeasure.

Alexander looked from person to person as he barked out a terse. “Explain.”

Maier stepped to the front with a sneer. He was looking forward to taking this trumped up outsider down and getting him out of his organization. He didn’t belong here.

Maier: “Mr. Knight, you continue to abuse this company’s policies and procedures. You do not have the authority to expedite the hiring process. All new hires that require the security clearance that your assistant requires must be approved by the board. There has not been sufficient time to get the approval and I have personally denied the request.”

Maier looked smug as if he had won the argument.

The crowd of Human Resource employees were restless and muttering in the background.

Alexander looked confused then pissed and pulled out his tablet and contacted Leopold putting the call on speaker. As soon as Leopold answered Alexander cut him off.

Alexander: “Leopold, you are on speaker and this conversation is being recorded. I am standing in Human Resources trying to resolve an issue about hiring my new assistant. A Mr..”

Alexander turned to Gunderson and pointed out Maier. “What is his name?”

Gunderson grinned as he looked Maier in the eye as he helpfully gave Alexander his answer.

Wulfric: “Mr. Maier the Chief Human Resources Officer.”

Alexander’s eyes narrowed as he heard the name. His eyes latched onto Maier as he began to understand where all his Human Resource issues were coming from. Alexander continued his voice deepening with anger.

Alexander: “Mr Maier is informing me that I do not have the authority to expedite the hiring process for my assistant. I would like to inform you that Valkyrie AGR Sport is in breach of contract. You might want to let the Board of Directors know to buckle up as I take the team to court and tie it up in litigation.”

Maier looked less certain now. He still looked haughty but he was starting to show some nerves.

Wulfric glanced from Knight to Maier to Miss Guyon. She had moved closer to Maier and was hovering behind him like he could protect her. Wulfric snorted knowing that if Knight wanted to truly get violent he would wipe the floor with Maier.

Leopold’s voice was cold with anger. He knew bringing Knight in would shake things up around Valkyrie. He had no idea the number of underground interoffice factions that were vying for power at the company. He was feeling more certain than ever that he had made the right choice. The man had already shone a light on the darkness that was brewing in the corporate structure of the large racing team. Leopold had heard the Chief of Security’s voice answer Knight’s question.

Leopold snapped out: “Gunderson!”

Wulfric: “Yes Sir.”

Leopold: “On my authority you are going to remove anyone in Human Resources who had anything to do with this situation without a good reason. Their involvement is to be documented and added to their employment file. They are to be fired and escorted from the building. You will investigate to see if there are any other ties to this incident with anyone else in the organization. You have my authority to remove Mr. Knight’s roadblocks. You will work with my authority to finish processing Miss Brown’s hire. You will report your findings directly to me. Alexander does this resolve the issue to your satisfaction?”

Mabel looked satisfied and smiled at Alex.

Gunderson looked surprised but pleased as he responded to Leopold.

Wulfric: “Understood Sir.”

Alexander was still seething as he glared at a shocked Mr. Maier. His voice was gruff as he replied to Leopold.

Alexander: “It will do for now, Leopold. I don’t expect this to be the end of this crap. Hopefully you can make this work for us both.”

Alexander hung up on Leopold and turned to the people in the room. His stormy eyes landed on Maier and the woman hiding behind him. He turned back to Mabel. “Who?”

That was all Alex had to say. They had been working together long enough she knew what he wanted. Mabel wrapped a comforting arm around Valerie, who was looking pale and imitating a deer in the headlights. Mabel kept her arm around Valerie’s shoulders as she answered Knight.

Mabel: “Miss Guyon revealed that she was working on direct orders from Mr. Maier. She implied there were orders to Mr. Maier from a board member. Miss Guyon was disrespectful to me, arrogant, unprofessional, and blatantly abusive of her supervisory power. She belittled her staff in front of me and contradicted the company’s own policies knowingly.”

Gunderson and Alexander both looked at Maier and then the woman trying to hide behind Maier as if she could escape notice now that Mabel was revealing her behavior.

Mabel gave Valerie a warm squeeze as the poor girl was shivering. Mabel smiled and nodded at the young woman she was holding.

Mabel: “Valerie was polite, respectful, and bent over backward to rectify the situation. She told me she had sent the issue to her supervisor, Miss Guyon after your conversation this morning. She explained she didn’t have the authority to push the expedited paperwork through. Yet she took the time to help me fill it out so it could be processed. It was the work her supervisor should have been doing. All Miss Guyon had to do was send out the approval. That is when she verbally accosted Valerie and came to confront me.”

Mabel gave Alexander a wicked grin as she winked at him.

Mabel: “Fire the bastard and his painted trollop. Give Valerie the job.”

Wulfric couldn’t stop the laugh that belted out of him at Mabel’s language. Oh he was going to enjoy having her around.

Désirée looked shocked as she protested Mabel's choice of language and her statement.

Désirée: "You can't do that. She can't do that!" She screeched at the top of her lungs. "Maier tell them they can't do that! I was only following your orders!"

Maier looked murderous as he slapped Désirée.

Maier:"Shut up! This is all your fault! I never should have trusted you."

Damian was snickering and grateful he was still recording. He was going to replay this with snacks in the guard’s room on his break. He moved to separate the two of them. Stopping any additional violence.

Alexander nodded at Mabel and finally smiled. Only she could coax a smile out of him after the day he had. Alexander turned to Wulfric and nodded.

Alexander: “Wulfric, Maier and Guyon are fired. I will let you deal with that while I interview Valerie here for Maier’s position.”

Valerie looked stunned as her head whipped to Mabel and then to Alexander.

Valerie replied weakly in a soft voice. “I think I need to sit down.”

Valerie slipped back into her desk sitting down hard. She put her head down on her desk and took a few deep breaths.

Mabel looked at Alexander and swatted him on the arm.

Mabel: “Stop glowering at the poor girl. You are scaring her.”

Alexander flinched when Mabel hit him not because it hurt, she managed to startle him. He did his best to wipe the scowl from his face. It was easier as Damian and Wulfric led the two of them away.

Wulfric’s deep commanding voice filled the area: “Show’s over people. Go back to your desks. Go On.”

Wulfric made shooing motions to the crowd. He took Maier’s arm and marched him back to his office after requesting an additional two guards to come to HR to help disperse the crowd.

Alexander pulled two chairs across from Valerie’s desk. He offered Mabel a hand in getting seated like a gentleman should. He turned his attention to Valerie and gave her a sympathetic smile. He knew she was overwhelmed right now. He trusted Mabel’s instincts though. She had never been wrong. He used a kind and gentle voice with Valerie.

Alexander: “Valerie what is your last name? Can you tell me about your qualifications for the Chief Human Resource Officer position? Would you even like the position?”

Mabel patted Alexander on the knee approvingly.

Valerie took a moment to recover her composure. Now that the chaos had left and the feeling of impending doom and violence was gone. She had stopped shaking. She just felt tired. Valerie smiled gratefully at Mabel.

Valerie: “Thank you Miss Brown. I was really worried I was going to be blamed and caught in a turf war between Alexander, Maier, and Guyon.”

Mabel reached across the desk and patted Valerie’s hand in a grandmotherly way.

Mabel: “It is okay dear. I remember those who treat me with kindness and respect. Alexander Knight is a good boss. You can trust him.”

Alexander looked perplexed and amused as he looked over at Mabel. He just shrugged and went with it.

Alexander: “I would like to offer you Maier’s position, however I want to be sure you are qualified and want it.”

Valerie turned her attention to Alexander. He had frightened her when he came in like a one man army ready to do battle. She liked and respected Miss Brown though. She trusted her not to steer her wrong.

Valerie nodded, mind made up as she answered Alexander.

Valerie: “My name is Valerie Gachet. I have dual bachelor degrees in Human Resources and Business. I have been working here at Valkyrie since I graduated from university 6 years ago.”

Valerie hesitated to continue. She looked again at Mabel who was giving her an encouraging look.

Valerie continued: “My goal is to become the Chief Human Resource Officer for Valkyrie AGR Sport. My concern is that there are other mid level supervisors like Miss Guyon who will protest me leaping over them to take the job.”

Alexander smiled at the woman. His tone was amused.

Alexander: “Valerie do feel qualified for the position?”

Valerie: “Yes”

Alexander: “Is there anyone in the department that you feel will do a better job than you?”

Valerie looked thoughtful before replying. There were a few people who had been here longer than her but they were going through the motions. They didn’t try to keep up with changing regulations. They were at Valkyrie for a paycheck. She met Alexander’s eyes this time.

Valerie: “No”

Alexander: “Then Congratulations! You are the new Chief Human Resource Officer. You can start tomorrow. But first, can you finish processing Mabel’s paperwork?”

Alexander looked a little sheepish as he made the request.

Mabel chuckled and winked at Valerie as she confided to the girl.

Mabel: “Valerie as you can see. He gets into trouble without a keeper.”

Valerie didn’t bother to stop the sudden laughter that Mabel’s comment caused.

Valerie: “I can see that!”

Alexander crossed his arms and gave Valerie a playful smile.

Alexander: “I might resemble that remark.”

Social Media

VictoryLaps: Victory Laps Racing News is coming to you live with insider information on events happening inside Valkyrie AGR Sport. We have confirmed reports that Alexander Knight’s first full day in the office has been tumultuous with changes rocking the foundation of the team. The only details we could confirm were that Dr. Zimmerman the head of Valkyrie’s Medical Team and Bernard Maier the Chief Human Resources Officer have been fired. More updates as we confirm rumors.

OfficeDrone#12: I told you so people!
SuperfanAGR54: I believe it.
DantheMan:Bold moves.
Superfan2075: So what. More made up conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo.
DadBod89: Rumors are sometimes right.
Hater101: I will keep watching.
Papabear34:I repeat: Alexander Knight Sucks! #knightfail #bringbackdominic
Nana2050: I am sure if he did he had his reasons. #realitycheck
GeorgeFly: #dontfeedtrolls
ValkyrieFan56: Not the changes I would have expected him to make.
Weedhead81:[message removed by content filters]
SexyM@m@5:I have a friend who works at Valkyrie. She confirmed that Maier and Zimmerman were sacked.
Paulmulder4eva: Any luck on getting me Paul’s digits?
Britball12: #fakeracingnews
BatDave: I am still Batman.
Weedhead81:[message removed by content filters]
!YouSlow! AG is great and all, but we just don't get the really amazing stuff! No one will ever replicate Ross Chastain ever again!
xImFasterthanUx: I tell ya, racing ain't like it used to be, back in the day of the Greats, crap like what's happening in the AG would never happen. I hear there's racer trouble among (your company). Lots of bad practices, bad machines. Praise Dale, he's probably rolling in his grave.
AGInthusiast: You know what? These guys ain't so bad. Could do with less of a racer from (rival company) and their leaked sex tapes. I mean come on, have some integrity!

(Props to my friend Big for some racing social media help!)

To be continued

Delta Hyper Interview

Aurora:"So, last question for Auckland. After your first race in the championship, is there anyone you would like to say thanks to?"

Paul Mulder: “Well I have to thank the whole team at Valkyrie. I wouldn’t be here without them. If I had to single out a person to thank…”

He paused as he looked very thoughtful as if he was really considering her question. His face lit up with a warm genuine smile that softened his handsome face.

Paul: “I would like to thank my mother. After what happened to my father, it is understandable that my mother does not really want me to race professionally. She accepts that it makes me happy and has embraced supporting me. She supports me despite her fears and how she feels about it. I know she loves me and wants me to be happy. I know she worries, but having her support means the world to me.”

Paul looked directly into the camera as he continued.

Paul: “Thank you Mom for loving me and supporting me to find my own path in life. I love you.”

Paul blew a kiss and then put his closed fist over his heart. It was the same thing he had done at the beginning of the race that cameras caught in the cockpit. Most people will conclude correctly that the gesture was meant as one of respect and love for his mother.

Valkyrie AGR Team Plane

Monday March 6th, 2094

The Valkyrie AGR Sport team had decided to travel on the Monday following the race. Everyone checked out of their hotels and met at the private airstrip that could accommodate the large heavy cargo plane. Anyone who decided to fly by other means did so on their dime. There was room for the entire team and their gear on the company plane. Alexander knew there was enough room for one more passenger and offered Aurora a spot on the team plane to Germany if she was inclined to use it. He was still working on getting back into her good graces after their poor beginning.

Alexander had coffee and a bagel in his room before checking out and riding with some of the other team to the airport on a shuttle arranged by the hotel. The plane was due to fly out at 9:00am. Customs was fast and easy since they were taking a private plane. Everyone was expected to be at the hanger by 8:30am for their 9:00am departure. They would be back in Germany by 6:00pm. The bio-fueled jet space plane was fuel efficient and fast. The plane could be converted to a space shuttle and could get out of the atmosphere providing transport to tracks that were in space.

The custom cargo plane was set up for the team. The plane was painted black with the company’s gold logo and branding on the side. The entire rear of the plane was a cargo area with ramp for loading the team trailers which held all the equipment and the ships that the team used at each race. The team trailers had special cargo locks on them that locked them into special brackets in the cargo hold to keep them from shifting. The front of the plane had two passenger decks and the cockpit. There was a door into the cargo area from the cabin side of each deck with a storage compartment with shelving to store the passengers’ luggage. There were webbing straps and tie lockdowns to keep everything in place and from shifting in flight. The passenger door to the aircraft folded down into a ramp that telescoped down to meet the tarmac. The door folded in and sealed flush to the outer skin of the aircraft. The cabin could be pressurized with oxygen systems and sealed for travel not just in the upper atmosphere but also in space. Across from the passenger door along the wall was a stairwell that winded up to the second passenger deck. Each deck had room for 50 passengers.

The front of the plane was set up like a luxury private plane with reclining white leather seating. Some of the seating were arranged in conversational groupings and others were set into small cubicles that had privacy screens that could be activated. All of the seats could be laid flat to make a bed passengers could sleep in. Thick black plush carpet reduced the noise of the bio-fueled jet plane while adding to the luxurious feel to the interior. Running gold and white lights outlined the black carpet and lit the aisle. Soft white recessed lighting provided interior lighting. Dark wood finishes and gold accents added to the feeling of being surrounded by luxury. The plane had seating for 100 passengers and four stewardesses. The team typically traveled with approximately 60 to 80 people. There was a small kitchenette area where prepared meals, snacks, and drinks were stocked. At the front of each cabin were two seats for the stewardesses that faced the rear of the plane. This allowed them to watch the passengers during the flight and attend to their needs. On board wifi via satellite allowed passengers to stay in communication and enjoy private entertainment while the plane was in flight or get some work done.

Alexander had received a message from the board of directors via Leopold that they were very displeased with the team results in Auckland. Alexander explained to Leopold that the results were the work of Dominic. He had yet to implement any changes. He had let everyone follow their normal procedure to see where the changes needed to be made and what he could possibly improve upon. He had a contract and they were just going to have to suck it up. He had an airtight contract and control for this season. He told Leopold to tell the board of directors “Change takes time. I have been here for 4 days. Results will happen before the end of the season.” The board was pressuring him for plans to get results already. He still had to conduct strategy meetings with the team before he could put a plan before them.

Alexander knew that the board was not going to like his response. They had not been happy about his full control clause in the contract. They didn’t like relinquishing any of their control to him. He was giving them an honest response though. Change would take time and resources before they paid off. The team had to work with the stricter rules inside the European Union. Their racers were limited by the types of augmentations they were allowed to receive. That meant he had to find new ways to help his pilots be all they could be. Alexander Knight had a very strong sense of morality and code of ethics. He was almost sure he would be battling head to head with the stronger personalities that were in leadership positions within the team.

Alexander was paranoid about the board of directors and other leadership within the racing team trying to push unethical and illegal tactics like in the past. He had been so young back then. Excited about getting a second chance at life. He had been so naive about the ethics and integrity of the leadership of the team he had raced under. He still had nightmares about Audrick’s crash. He still felt a pervading sense of guilt about his death. He still was plagued with what ifs. What if it had been him instead of Audrick? What if he had said something to Audrick? What if he had gone to the racing commission back then? Would they have believed him? Or would they have been bought off like the investigators into Audrick’s crash? Thanks to Alicia, he had been given a chance to help his daughter and atone for his sins. He was determined to protect Paul from those kinds of choices and decisions.

Alexander used his time in the air to schedule the large conference room at headquarters for strategy meetings with each department: engineering, mechanical, medical, training, marketing, and pilots. The next day would be full of back to back meetings. He had scheduled hour-long meetings for each department with a whole team in for a mandatory team building lunch. He then spent the time reading more about how the team was currently set up to run and the budgets for each department. He typed his questions into the tablet as he reviewed all the information and personnel files that had been forwarded to him.

Alexander rubbed at his tired eyes. He had so much work to get done in such a small amount of time. He would need to consider help for him as well. He would need an assistant. Alexander would need to interview potential administrative assistants to help manage his schedule and the workload. He groaned as he thought about how hard it was to find his last administrative assistant. Alexander hated sycophants that only wanted to be associated with him due to his fame or what they thought he could do for their careers. He might have been out of the limelight since he quit racing but that didn’t mean people didn’t recognize who he was. It was not like he hid his past or anything. There were still people who thought Alexander was wealthy from his racing years not understanding all the legal proceedings had stripped away his fortune after he walked away.

Alexander had been leading a team of engineers at an American company working on energy efficient mass transit systems for cities. When he had landed the lead position, the company assigned him an administrative assistant. He had issue after issue with the people assigned to him at first. The first was a woman in her late twenties who was a sexual harassment case waiting to happen. After the third time Alexander declined her invitations for a sexual encounter he had the recordings from the hidden camera in his office sent to HR. They sent him a very nice, meek young man next. He had lasted all of 2 days. Timothy was sensitive and broke down in tears after the third materials supplier chewed him out over the phone. He didn’t have the backbone Alexander needed. The next woman was extremely competent and in her late thirties. She was organized and appeared to be the perfect assistant. Then Alexander came in one morning to find that his current project files were up on his computer. He knew he had closed and shut it down the night before. After checking the cameras, she was taken into custody for corporate espionage. Alexander went through 5 more assistants before the company had to start looking to hire from outside. Alexander had to settle for a temp at this point.

That was when Miss Mabel Brown came into his life. She was ancient but had a spine of steel hidden beneath a sweet exterior and was an organizational fiend. Her job was only meant to last until the company could hire some new employees. Within the first week, she had resolved his supply issues, his office had never been more organized, and his schedule saluted her like a general. He had called HR and told them to hire and offer her a significant salary increase. He had never regretted it.

His eyes lit up as inspiration struck. He checked the time before making a call. He smiled as the phone call was picked up and an old familiar voice greeted him.

Mabel: “It's about damn time you called me Alex. How is that precious daughter of yours? Have you been sleeping and eating and taking care of yourself?”

He laughed as her words washed over him. She was one of the few people who had ever really cared and tried to take care of him. She mothered him like he was her own son.

Alexander: “It is good to hear your voice Miss Mabel. Arianna has come through the implant surgery and is responding well to the integration. She is going to be okay. With these implants she will have a fairly normal life.”

He paused for a moment before continuing. His voice was full of guilt over leaving her behind. He didn’t regret his choice but he was sad that it might have impacted this wonderful woman.

Alexander: “I am sorry I had to leave so suddenly. I had to take this opportunity for her. How are you doing? Did they assign you to the new head of engineering?”

Mabel: “Honeychild, you know that company didn’t want to hire me when you twisted their arm and made them.” She cackled evilly before continuing. “You know they didn’t wait till you were out the door before telling me that they didn’t have a position for me. They offered me a very nice severance package which I took.”

Alexander was angry at the company he used to work for. Mabel had worked as his assistant there for the last 5 years. She was a great employee. She was not popular with other employees in leadership positions because Mabel guarded his office like a dragon and didn’t play office politics. They could have found her a position. He knew it came down to the bottom line. Most of the company thought younger meant better trained and smarter. There was something to be said for experience though. Alexander let the anger go and smiled as he asked his next question.

Alexander: “How is retirement treating you Mabel?”

Mabel snorted before answering him and sounding frustrated.

Mabel: “Well my great grandkids are off to college. My daughter is hovering like I am going to need an emergency room in the next day or so. My sweet daughter in law has brought me dinner twice, and you know she can’t cook. My son suggested I take up crochet! …. CROCHET ALEX!”

Alexander could only laugh at the exasperation in her voice. It was the only appropriate response in this situation. His mental image of anyone trying to stop the force of nature that was Mabel Brown and get her to sit still long enough to crochet brought tears to his eyes as his laughter got harder. He drew a few curious stares from others on the plane. Mabel was yelling at him over the phone telling him to stop laughing.

He smiled and shook his head as he resumed the conversation.

Alexander: “I am sorry Mabel but that was funny. Your children don’t know you at all! So I take it retirement is not going well?”

Mabel: “I am bored to death Alex. There is only so much baking I can do. My family is driving me batshit insane. I don’t blame you for leaving to take care of your girl though. It was the right thing to do. You don’t worry about this old woman. I will be fine. I just need a new hobby. Maybe I can find inventive new ways to terrorize my horrible neighbors.”

Alexander knew his instincts to call her were right. He just chuckled as he couldn’t help being curious.

Alexander: “What have your neighbors done to deserve your wraith Mabel?”

Mabel: “Well for starters, their damn garbage can is always overflowing and spilling down the side. They never clean it up. You make the mess, you should clean it up. That is not too much to ask. They play their music loud enough to wake the dead all hours of the day. I am a music fan. I love music. I don’t mind loud music. I like heavy metal. I listen to the classics like Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne. I don't appreciate loud music at midnight when I am trying to sleep on a Wednesday night. I can see having a party on the weekend. Or occasionally but this every damn night! Don’t get me started on their poor parking skills which leads them to blocking my driveway.”

Alexander couldn’t resist asking. He had to know:

Alexander: “You said invent new ways implying you are already terrorizing your neighbors. What have you tried so far?”

Mabel replied with amusement in her tone.

Mabel: “Well Alex for starters, I left a broom and dustpan with a bow on their porch. I always give their children candy everytime I see them. I make sure to bring them baked muffins with extra sugar and fiber on Saturdays. I have ordered pizza delivery for them twice. When they refuse to pay I just call the nice delivery boy over and take care of him. I had one of my great grandsons place a realistic looking rubber snake next to the driver’s side door of their car. I always tell those nice door to door solicitors that my neighbors are easy marks and encourage them to stop by their place. I set up a basketball hoop in the driveway for my great grandkids and encouraged them to invite the neighborhood kids to play. I make sure they have snacks and drinks so they can play for hours.”

Alexander laughed again, shaking his head. The woman was diabolically strategic and evidently determined to kill them with kindness. Alexander sobered as he finally got to the point of his call.

Alexander: “Mabel, how would you feel about moving to Germany? I could really use your help. I need someone I can trust to have my back. Unless you are truly happy being retired. I want you to be happy.”

Mabel’s laughter rang out over the line before she answered him, still chuckling.

Mabel: “Alex you silly man. My bags are already packed. I have been waiting for you to call me. This will be a new adventure for me. I had to get my passport though for that family cruise my daughter in law insisted would be a great family vacation. I can be there tomorrow.”

Alexander gave a deep sigh of relief. Mabel brought something special to his life. He couldn’t imagine working with anyone else. His smile couldn’t get any bigger. Alexander’s voice softened with warmth and affection.

Alexander: “Thanks Mabel. I appreciate your willingness to relocate to help me. This would be much harder without you.”

Mabel’s voice was full of maternal warmth and sass as she replied.

Mabel: “Well someone has to look out for your sorry ass and remind you to eat and sleep. Give my love to Arianna when you speak to her next. Good bye Alex. See you tomorrow.”

Alexander: “Have a safe trip and text me your flight details. I will arrange to have a car pick you up.”

Alexander heard his text notification go off.

Mabel: “Already done. And Alex, Get some sleep tonight.”

Mabel hung up the phone on him. He smiled as he pulled her flight details.He texted the car service that was contracted to the race team and gave them her flight details and where to drop Mabel off. He then assigned her one of the apartments available at team headquarters. He sent an email to HR to get the employee paperwork ready for her to review and sign. He let them know her position and starting salary. He felt a huge relief and felt as if some of the weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He could hang on a few days until Mabel got there and got started.

ValkyrieAGRSport: The ValkyrieAGR Team has made it home to Germany. Don’t forget to buy your gear and tickets for the next race. We will see you in Cape Town, South Africa! #LetsGoValkyrieAGR #DeltaHyper #FormulaAG #LionsHeadOrBust

OfficeDrone#12: Reliable source from inside ValkyrieAGR says Knight is bringing in some of his own people.
SuperfanAGR54: That sounds typical for an uptight controlling a$$hole.
DantheMan: Insider sources say he plans to strip the team’s talent.
Superfan2075: I don’t care if he gets results.
DadBod89: Rumors from the top say the Board is not happy with Knight.
Hater101: Why should they be? He hasn’t done anything for them yet!
Papabear34:Alexander Knight Sucks! #knightfail #bringbackdominic
Nana2050: Change takes time. It is only expected that we will see some changes in personnel. Knight is doing his job. #realitycheck
GeorgeFly: Results are what matter. Africa will be telling.
ValkyrieFan56: @GeorgeFly I agree with you. Will update from Africa.
Weedhead81:[message removed by content filters]

SexyM@m@5:I have a friend who works at Valkyrie. Rumors are all teams scheduled to be in
meetings tomorrow.
Paulmulder4eva: Can your friend get me Paul’s digits?
Britball12: Boring!
Mombaby: Can your friend get me Dorian’s number?
BatDave: I am Batman.
Sexygranny4U: Can you friend get me Knight’s number?
Weedhead81:[message removed by content filters]

Look out for the next installment that will cover the action for Tuesday!

Fireteam Icarus

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Athena Anna Kanataario

Purna Chai Gurung

Samantha Dalton

Skye took out the drone that she had managed to jam the rollers on. Samantha winced a little as she heard Skye cursing.

Skye: "Have that! Appreciate it Chaos, no pressure but that's one problem down!"

Samantha pulled her pistol and popped up and shot two guards before ducking back into cover. She heard Skye’s gun across from her before she heard her illustrious leader cursing and chuckling once more. More guards came towards them. Samantha popped out of cover and quickly shot three more soldiers charging towards them as she got a look at the server room. She ducked out going low that time and emptied her clip into legs and knees coming towards them from a kneeling position. Before she spun back into cover cursing. She quickly popped in a full clip stashing the empty in a pouch.

Skye came over the team coms.: "Fuck me! Where they hell were they hiding?! Viper, hold off that, we may need that as a contingency, make your way to our flanks as we're headed up!"

Samantha had seen Skye in action before and it was always a thing of wonder to watch. Athena worked alongside Skye and it was like a Wild West trick shooting gallery in the server room and the Artemis personnel were the little ducks being knocked over. Samantha started giggling madly as she spun back out to help the other two women. She couldn’t help the comparison to the ducks as the soldiers hitting the floor had their feet pop up. It reminded her of those ducks falling over. They managed to take enough people down to give them a little bit of space.

Chaos: “Athena has to come with us on our next girls night out! We can have a girls competition at a shooting gallery. It will be fun!”

Samantha’s eyes widened as she paused in aiming to admire Athena suplexing the exo-equipped soldier into the floor. Samantha managed to hit two that had just popped up out of an alcove to the side of the compartment before ducking back into cover. They seemed to be getting tied down even though the bodies were piling up in the server room. The fight intensified as shots and bodies were flying through the air.

Samantha heard Skye over comms.

Skye: "Chaos, we need to keep on. I can't see any access into Rose's digital brain here. She must have it configured to her own place up there."

Samantha switched to her knife as a guard got past Athena and Skye. She ducked and kicked the guard in the stomach before stabbing them in the neck with the knife. She took a breath and cleaned her knife before responding to Skye.

Samantha: “I agree with you Skye. The server room is just the server farm. They are locked up tighter than a royal heir’s chastity belt. Okay probably not the best analogy. The servers are hardened against EMP and in sealed cabinets. There is no way to access them in this room. The terminal has to be somewhere else in the blimp.”

Samantha followed Skye staying close on her heels. She threw a knife at a guard who came in from behind them. The knife caught them in the chest and they went down. She retrieved her knife, cleaning it on the guards clothing before heading back to Skye’s side.

Skye: "Well, no way through there. Viper, a hand here?"

Samantha could hear shots coming from the stairway. She slid into place next to Skye. She took the moment to swap out the clip on her gun once more.

Viper: "Gotcha. On my mark. Keep your oxygen on, there'll be a breach."

There was a large explosion above them and the blimp lurched and began to tilt at an odd angle.

Skye: "That's us! Let's move!"

She followed Skye up into a swanky looking living area. Athena followed her.

Athena: "I will redo the decor, but this'll do. Where's the steering wheel?"

Samantha snickered and looked over at Athena who was reloading her guns.

Samantha: “What!? I thought you were driving. So who’s steering this thing? They need their license revoked. Do you need a license to drive a blimp? We should definitely report your crazy ass sister to the authorities Queen.”

Samantha grinned and laughed as she looked at Skye. If the world was going to end, she was going to enjoy every minute she got with her friends.

Samantha: “You know Queen, I don’t know how we will top this girl’s night out.”

Samantha winked at Athena as Skye ordered them to climb up another storey.

Skye snickered as she asked Purna to secure the wheelhouse.

Samantha snarked into their open coms as she took her place along the wall next to Skye.

Samantha: “Is that the equivalent of fetching the car?”

Skye had no sooner asked if they were ready before Athena roared and took off spraying rounds.She just shook her head laughing and charged around the corner after Athena.

Samantha snickered as she asked Athena.

Samantha: “Is this Athena’s careful mode?”

Samantha had dashed to the other side of the room as Athena took most of the action and attention of their enemies so handily. Samantha slid into a small cubby space along a wall. She tucked herself into the corner putting the wall at her back.

Samantha heard Skye call out over coms.

Skye: "Nord, Valkyrie, keep point, Chaos, see if you can find this hacker!"

Samantha got to work with Bob as she worked to isolate the hacker’s signal. She used her knives to defend herself as she continued her work to find the hacker while she fought on.

Samantha: “The hacker is on the blimp someplace. They are using Rose’s closed network. They have direct access that is why we are struggling to do anything. Rose must really trust them because she gave them most of the keys of the kingdom. Bob’s working on tracing their exact location.”
The Planet Saver

Fireteam Poseidon

Chuck “Boomer” Simmons

Chuck had come up after Freya. He cleared the decking and moved into the shadows as he looked around for any more guards. He watched Freya as she dragged the guys she had dropped behind some piping. Chuck’s dopey grin got bigger as she winked at him. He winked back before his head on the swivel, checking the area out. Once the team had all assembled on the decking. The small number of guards meant that the guards were probably on rotations in small squads of four. It wouldn’t be long before more came along.

Chuck was very amused when he heard Adam tell Freya. "Death by snu-snu, Frigga? That's new."

Chuck couldn’t help but add: “Yeah but what a way to go!” He snickered suddenly, having the best time. They might be under pressure to save the world but nothing was going to ruin his good mood.

Adam called them together and gave out orders.

Adam: "Divider here. Algal labs are that way. Command is this way. If that merc is around, be really, really fucking careful. Boaro knows the horror stories, if she comes out, expect a hell of a fight. If it's in our way, clear it out. No friendlies on deck. I trust you guys to get it done. Once you've secured it, dump the counteragent and stop anything that moves. Me and Freya will get air support to lend us a hand, because it's going to be intense."

Chuck acknowledged his orders with a nod to Adam. It looked like he was with Ban and Ebrima to take out the algae lab. Chuck turned to his two teammates.

Chuck's voice came over comms: “I think the best plan is for two of us to distract the personnel and guards while the third goes for the tank. I should be on the distraction team. Ebrima is great on the long gun and overwatch. I suggest Boraro takes the high ground. I will take the center. And Shimura goes for the toxin tank.”

Chuck and his team had been moving towards the algae farm while talking. He paused outside the entrance waiting for his teammates to weigh in on the plan. Then all hell broke loose as the flood lights came on and “intruder alert” blared over the loudspeakers all over the base.

Chuck laughed as he pointed at the guards coming towards them.

Chuck: “What is this an episode of Star Trek?! Hey look guys, red shirts!”

Chuck didn’t wait and ran towards the four man squad in an eager anticipation of battle. He decided to go old school due to the cramped quarters. Besides their numbers so far they didn’t have anything that could scratch him. He let out a battle cry and put his hand to hand combat and martial arts skills to work. It had been a while since he had fought like this. His heavy armor protected his body and made it a weapon that easily harmed anyone not in heavy armor. Kevlar vests didn’t protect from kinetic damage. Chuck was strong enough that he could pull limbs off and dent helmets. He punched one guard in the throat while delivering a spinning back kick to the chest of another which launched the guard backwards about 10 feet where he came to a sudden halt when his body met the steel wall. Chuck quickly used an arm sweep to knock the gun out of the hand of the third guard before twisting and slamming his armored first into the next guard chest causing his chest to concave.

Chuck made that heavy armor look more like spandex as it moved with him. Chuck’s close combat skills are not hidden by the heavy armor he wore. He looked like a mixed martial arts pro wearing sports wear but in reality was clad in heavy high tech armor that shouldn’t move that way. Most would think that his armor restricted his movements and he would move more like a robot. Chuck made looking badass in armor easy while scaring the shit out of the guards attacking him. His armor shrugged off a few pistol shots that managed to land on him.
Round One: Oceania AGP

Sunday March 5th, 2094
Auckland, New Zealand_-_Aotearoa
Race Day

Grid Photo

Paul had just wrapped up the smack talk with Bea and was headed towards the exit when he was approached by Kofi.

Kofi voice was full of warmth and his expression a friendly one as his slightly accented voice called told him.

Kofi: "You really are your father's son. Good to have you in the grid, Paul! Me and Dorian were watching your junior racing, not often a son of a legend comes in...I am glad you found home."

Paul was a little uncomfortable when Kofi smiled and put an arm around his shoulder. It was an invasion of his personal space from someone he didn’t know very well. While Paul was used to that behavior from fans, he was surprised to experience it from another pilot. It made him uncomfortable and he did his best to hide it.

Kofi: "There will be a lot of talk. But you stay true to you, yes? Don't ever let them grind you down. Media, yes? And I'll tell you now. You're now an AG pilot, so there is action But, just be you and it's easy. Do not overthink....the rest you'll put to the fiyah."

Paul was surprised at the advice from Kofi but he supposed he shouldn’t be. Kofi was billed as the gentle giant among the racers. He was that genuinely nice guy in a sea of back stabbing sharks. He smiled and patted Kofi on the back. “Thank you Kofi. I will be sure to keep your advice in mind. Good Luck out there!”

Kofi left him after patting him on the chest and left chuckling. Paul made his way off the pontoon platform.

Before the Race

Alexander saw Aurora making her way through the team paddocks. After he was chastised by the head of marketing, he knew he would need to give a sound bite. He waited for her to make her way into the Team Valkyrie paddock. He had been reviewing the course information and making sure the pilots had been well taken care of. Their ships were ready, physicals had been cleared, pilots had access to the information he had on the course. They could review the turns and memorize as much of the track as possible before the race. There had not been much time for him to make any changes. All he could do is support their existing routines. There was not much time left before the race started and he couldn’t think of anything else to do other than wish the pilots luck.

Alexander approached the fiery looking reporter. He gave her a warm welcoming smile. He extended a hand in greeting to her. He could see the camera drones that followed her. He guessed that they probably never turned off.

Alexander: “Good Morning Aurora. I wanted to apologize for my abrupt departure during our previous interview. As you know my return to racing was a surprise to everyone, including me. I had literally just gotten started and was working on getting caught up. I was exhausted and needed some rest.”

Alexander paused and wondered if he should say anything. He decided to get ahead of any rumors. The media was probably already digging into his personal life. It wouldn’t take much for them to find out about his daughter’s accident. Safety features in vehicles these days have made traffic accidents less frequent. The drunk driver who had hit his daughter happened to be in a vehicle with the safety features had been hacked and turned off. He would be sure to call his ex-wife and let her know that the media might come snooping around. It was inevitable anyway with his return to racing.

Alexander gave Aurora a tired look that was full of love and warmth as he thought about his daughter. Grateful he had been able to give her this chance for recovery and a life.

“You see the truth of the matter is, my daughter had been hit by a drunk driver and was in the hospital. I had not gotten much sleep the week prior. She was in ICU and then when we knew she was going to pull through, she had to undergo multiple surgeries to support her recovery. I had just come in on a red eye from the states. I promise, I will be more available for interviews in the future. I wanted to personally invite you to attend the press conference I have the marketing team arranging next Wednesday at Team Valkyrie AGR Sport headquarters in Aachen, Germany.”

Alexander didn’t miss the gasps and looks of shock on some of the team faces around him who had been listening in to what he had to say to Aurora. He was pretty sure the gossip mongers would be hard at work. He suspected the whole team would have heard about the status of his daughter before the race started.

Alexander gave Aurora a smile that softened his whole face and lit up with love.

Alexander: “My daughter is on her road to a full recovery. I didn’t want to leave her till I knew she was out of the woods. I would ask the media to give her privacy while she heals. She has enough going on at the moment without fending off interview requests. She will talk to folks when she is ready. Prayers and good wishes are always welcome though.”

He waited to see what questions Aurora might have. He hoped giving her an interview exclusive with such a juicy tidbit might redeem him in her eyes.

The Racing Line

Team Valkyrie

Soundtrack: The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up

Alexander was on the headset looking into the monitors in the Team Valkyrie Paddock. He knew the mechanics, pit crew, and engineers all had a monitor with computers to give them data being streamed from the ship to their stations so they could keep track of the action. Alexander had worked to develop a dashboard that gave him the overview he needed to do his job during the race.

Alexander used his comm to speak to his pilots just before the race.

His comm came alive as his voice filled the ears of Dorian as the preflight checks were being finished. “Good luck Dorian. I hope you have a good race.”

He signed off after getting a brief acknowledgement from Dorian.

His comm came alive as his voice reached Paul during the preflight checks. “Good morning Paul. I wanted to wish you good luck. Take a deep breath and remember Valkyrie chose you for a reason. You are good enough or you wouldn’t be sitting in that seat. Just run your race. You got this.”

And before much longer it was race time.

Dorian waved at the camera drones that were focused on him in the cockpit just before the start of the race. He then focused on his instruments as the countdown began. Adrenaline flooded his body as the race began. Right out of the gate he was battling to keep his position. The ship was handling well. The response time was better than his qualifier. The speed was pushing him back into the seat and the g forces were throwing him against the restraints as he sped through the course. He cursed as he lost speed on the long straight way. He cursed a blue streak as he saw Wedgewood pass him. He did his best to chase the leaders but he just couldn’t close the gap that came from the straight aways.

Paul smiled and waved at the camera drones that were focused on getting shots of him in the cockpit. He blew a kiss to the camera with a wink. He placed a closed fist over his heart which his mother would know was for her. He had the biggest and brightest smile on his face. Joy thrummed through him to know she was finally in his corner for this race. It gave him confidence. Paul was in the absolute last poll position due to technical problems during his qualifying round. He had nowhere to go but up. He felt more relaxed after Alexander’s little pep talk. He had been expecting Alexander to put pressure on him to perform instead he offered supportive advice. He was surprised that the cheesy tactic had worked.

He put his ship through its final checks. His engines started and the feeling of power thrilled him. As it always did, Paul’s thoughts turned to his father. He felt as if his father was sitting in the cockpit with him. A warm feeling came over him and his joy exploded into action as the race began. Adrenaline dumped into his system as he began to move through the pack.

Paul was driving like he was one with his machine. The ship was handling like it was on rails. He battled his way through the pack. He fell back again during the straight away. He just couldn’t get enough speed to hold off some of his competitors. He fought hard to continue to move up and at least maintain his gains.

Before he knew it the race was over. He got nowhere close to the top of the pack but was satisfied with the gains he had made. Paul had managed to gain 7 spots. That was respectable in such a skilled tight pack as this racing season was.

Post Race, Auckland: Interviews


Aurora: "Paul, amazing work today finishing 13th in your first race, pulling the ship from last on the grid with a series of brave overtakes and showing off the Valkyrie's sublime cornering skills. Tell us, how did it feel weaving through the back of the pack?"

Paul was still dressed in his flight suit and had his helmet under his hand. He had a joyful and excited look on his face as he smiled at Aurora.

Paul: “Well Aurora, I had nowhere to go but up after starting dead last. I am happy with my performance. I am sure I will only get better as the season continues. It is a new ship and I am excited to work with Alexander Knight to see what changes might be coming to Team Valkyrie AGR. My ship was handling great, allowing me to squeeze more speed in and out of those turns and corners.”

Valkyrie AGR Sport Social Media

TeamValkyrieAGRSport: A press conference is scheduled at Valkyrie’s Headquarters in Aachen Germany next Wednesday at 10:00am.

Follow Team Valkyrie on social media to find out about exciting changes coming to the Valkyrie AGR Team! #TeamValkyrieAGR #VakyrieDorian #ValkyriePaul

Get your Team Valkyrie AGR gear @valkyrieagrsport.gear.com. New gear for rookie pilot Paul Mulder. Show him some love and support!

#TeamValkyrieAGR #FormulaAG

Superfan2075: Disappointing start to the season by team Valkyrie. Paul shows promise though.

Britball12: Team Valkyrie sucks!

Paulmulder4eva: Paul was looking great while killing it! RT if you agree!

Weedhead81:[message removed by content filters]

Hater101: At least Dorian made it into points. Team Valkyrie needs to get their sh!t together or I am changing teams! #ragequit

Mombaby: Me and U Dorian!

Weedhead81:[message removed by content filters]

BatDave: I am Batman.

GeorgeFly: I hope they have a better showing in Africa. #disappointed

Nana2050: I am glad to hear that Alexander Knight is back. I was a fan in AGR when he was a driver. He is great! #longtimefan

Papabear34:Alexander Knight Sucks! #knightfail #bringbackdominic

ValkyrieFan56: My family and I will be cheering you on in Africa. Can’t wait! Let’s Go!

Weedhead81:[message removed by content filters]

Episode One: Finding their Feet
Valkyrie AGR Sport Paddock
Morning Before the Race

Alexander Knight

Alexander felt more rested after getting a solid 8 hours of sleep. He was up at 6am and had called his ex-wife to check on his daughter’s progress. He relaxed to hear that things were going fine. She was continuing to heal and her body was accepting the augmentations that would give her a future and better quality of life. His daughter had been in with the therapists so he was unable to talk to her when he called. He would call her after the day was over. He turned his attention to what he needed to get done today.

He called room service and had them send up a hearty breakfast. Now that his daughter was out of the woods, his appetite had returned. He would need the energy today. It was going to be a long day. While he was waiting on room service he called the head of the engineering team and the pit crew to check on the ships. He wanted to know what they had done to fix the issues that Paul and Dorian had yesterday at qualifying. They didn’t pick up so he left messages for them.

By that time his breakfast was there. While he was eating breakfast, there was a knock at the door. He opened the door to find one of the hotel staff standing there with a box in their hands.

“Delivery for you Mr. Knight.”

The young man passed the box to him and held out an electronic pad to get his thumb print.

“If you could verify delivery sir.”

He held the device out to him and he placed his thumb on the reader. The young man smiled at him and clicked a few buttons and turned the machine back around to him.

“Would you like to tip sir?”

Alexander signed and clicked one of the preset tip boxes and confirmed it with his thumbprint. It would be charged to the room. The young man gave him a big smile and wished him a good day and good luck before leaving and closing the door behind him. He set the box on the desk and opened it. Inside he found a new team uniform with his name embroidered on it and a team hat. He shouldn’t be surprised that Leopold had managed to get it to him. He put it on and headed to the team’s paddock to check in with them.

He entered the paddock and it was the typical chaos you see on the morning of a race. The pit crew were making sure everything they needed to do their job was in its place and stocked. The engineers were working with the mechanics team to make sure the two ships were ready to go. Engineering interns were eager gophers trying to learn all they could. It looked like bedlam to any inexperienced outsiders. To Alexander’s eyes, it was a well choreographed ballet.

He headed into the crowd of people. Many of them had not yet met him. They knew about the change in Crew Chief but didn’t necessarily recognize him as he entered the paddock. Security had stopped him and verified his identity before letting him proceed. Alexander nodded and smiled. He was grateful to see that security was doing their job properly. Alexander enjoyed the anonymity he had since most had no idea who he was. He was just another team uniform in the large racing team. He listened to the conversations around him as he made his way around the paddock to the different staging areas.

He shamelessly eavesdropped on his team to hear what was going on.

He was listening to a group of mechanics going over Dorian’s ship.

Mechanic Zane: “I can’t believe we are double checking these adjustments on the steering actuators again. We had already worked on them yesterday after the qualifiers.”

Mechanic Juan: “I hear that Knight can be a tight ass and that the board gave him complete control. Better get used to it. He is the boss. If he says jump, we ask how high?”

Mechanic Zane replied, sounding grumpy and put out. “Dominic didn’t do this shit. If we told him it was squared away that was the end of it.”

Mechanic Juan: “Well I want to remind you, Dominic is not our boss anymore.”

Alexander walked on, having noted the resentment from the mechanic. He would address the issue back at headquarters. It would be one thing of many he would address and change. They would learn there was a method to his madness. He didn’t have time to stop and hold everyone’s hand today. He needed them to do what he asked. Explanations would come later.

Alexander walked over to the engineering team area and listened in.

Head Engineer Felix : “This solution works. We will switch all the wiring over to this new integrated locking design of yours before the next race. We will implement it at headquarters. This will give us a chance to tear it all down and examine the ships for damage from this race. Good job Kenji!”

Engineering Intern Kenji gave a half bow to felix looking pleased with himself. “Hai, Arigato.”

Alexander was pleased to hear that the head engineer was already addressing a permanent fix to try and prevent the issue that occurred with Paul’s ship from happening again. He inserted himself into the group since he needed to speak with Felix.

Alexander: “Good Morning Felix. Are both ships ready to go?”

Felix looked a little startled to hear the deep voice of Alexander Knight coming from his right. He turned to see the man approaching his group. He nodded and gulped a little. He knew that Alexander Knight was not only a former pilot but also an engineer. He knew there would be no hiding anything from him.

Felix: “We have turned the work over to the mechanic teams with the information about the settings and calibrations for Dorian’s ship. Paul’s ship was gone over last night by both the mechanic and engineering team. It is ready to go. Paul’s ship was tested and recharged. Dorian’s ship needed more work to dial in and fix the issue he was having. It should be ready in about a half hour.”

Alexander nodded as he thought about the information. He would have to remember to bring the team in before a race so that they could calibrate the ships for the individual race track. He appreciated Felix’s professionalism. Felix was doing a fine job so far. He gave the man a confident smile and clapped him on the shoulder.

Alexander: “Keep up the good work, Felix. Make sure Dorian’s ship gets tested when the mechanics are done.”

Felix looked a little surprised but pleased as he muttered in a heavy German accent, “Thank you, Sir.”

Alexander heard excited whispers and mutters behind him as he walked away. He had gone no more than twenty feet when he ran smack into a woman wearing a sleek black business suit and heels. Her brunette hair was up in a twist and she stepped directly into his path. He moved to step around her when she spoke.

Katherine, Head of Marketing for Valkyrie: “I have been looking for you, Mr. Knight. My name is Katherine Dubois and I am the head of the marketing team.” Her brown eyes were intense as she met his. “We need to talk.”

Alexander knew he would eventually have to meet with her. He had been hoping he could put it off till after this race. He suspected Leopold had turned her loose on him in regards to his interview the day before. He had not exactly been cooperative with the press regarding his own interviews, meaning he had been dodging the media like they were playing dodgeball. He refused to back up and give her space since she had stepped into his space. He looked down at her.

Alexander: “What can I do for you Miss Dubois? I am sure you are well aware that I am busy. It’s race day.” He raised an eyebrow hoping he could intimidate the woman to leave him alone.

The woman crossed her arms and looked at him like something she would like to wipe off her shoe. The toe of one high heel tapped against the concrete floor of the paddock.

Katherine: “Mr. Knight, I understand that Crew Chief’s typically don’t have to deal with the media as much as the pilots who are the international superstars of AG racing. However as a former racer and pilot, you know how important it is to woo the media. We need fans which leads to sponsors. We need to capitalize on their interest in your return. Running away from interviews and not answering their questions will only make them seek and investigate harder thinking Valkyrie is hiding something.” She paused and was looking for his reaction. Her eyes were sharp like a hawk’s.

Alexander had to give her credit for having the balls to track him down and confront him. His lips involuntarily twitched into a half smile. He was going to enjoy verbally sparring with the lovely Miss Dubois.

Alexander: “Miss Dubois, I understand that which is why I sent you the message to set up a team press conference at headquarters after the race. I am too busy doing my job to entertain every reporter asking for interviews right now.”

He raised an eyebrow curious what she had to say to that. Alexander experienced a feeling of dread as Miss Dubois gave him a smile that said she was only too pleased with his response.

Katherine: “I will use that to announce why you are not taking interviews at this time. However, you will sit and answer the interview questions for the documentary. We are under contract for those. You will wait until Aurora has finished her questions before you leave next time.” She gave him a regal nod before walking away.

Alexander watched her walk away without giving him a chance to respond. He couldn’t even argue with her because she was right. Damn it! He walked right into that one. He smiled as he watched her figure disappear into the crowd. He was definitely going to enjoy trading barbs with her. She also exhibited the strength and fortitude to deal with him. He had to admit she was perfect for the job. He laughed as he went to check in with his pilots.

Alexander made his way through the paddock to the area on the other side of the paddock where the team trailers were parked. There was a dedicated trailer that the pilots used as a preparation space and dressing room. Alexander was stopped by team security and had his credentials checked. He was pleased to see them doing their job appropriately once more. The area around the team trailers were cordoned off with temporary barriers with gates manned by security. He knocked on the trailer door as a courtesy before stepping up into the trailer. He shut the door behind him.

He took a moment to let his eyes adjust to the dimmer lighting inside the trailer. As his eyes adjusted he could see that Paul and Dorian were sitting on the couch in the main area of the trailer. They each had a private dressing room at the back of the trailer. The men were wearing jeans, sneakers, and team t-shirts and baseball caps.

He smiled and nodded to them both. He took a seat across from them on a separate couch.

Alexander: “Good morning gentlemen. How are you feeling this morning?”

Dorian shrugged as he regarded Alexander. “It’s race day. Excited as always and eager to be on the track.”

Paul was unsure what kind of answer Alexander was looking for and just gave him a grin. “Good. I am looking forward to racing today. I slept well.”

Alexander nodded, accepting their answers. He could see for himself that both had clear eyes and looked alert and well rested. He had witnessed racers who had been allowed to race who never should have been allowed on the track. He would not have that on his conscience. He was grateful he wouldn’t need to worry about clearing racers who had no sleep or were strung out or hungover.

Alexander: “Good I am glad to hear it and confirm it. I know that the team has given your schedule. You have an hour to go hang out with fans in the fanzone before you need to come back and suit up for the race. The fanzone will be opened up to all fans this morning. Not just those who could afford to attend the exclusive Pre Race Party. This is your chance to get the common fan on your side. I understand the marketing team will be taking full advantage of this. There will be photo and video drones up watching everything. I am sure the media will be around as well. Remember they are watching you.”

He paused to let that sink in. He knew Dorian was familiar with how things worked. Paul was used to how things were done in the junior league but the media and fan presence would be more intense in the big leagues. He wanted him armed with that information and not surprised.

Alexander noticed that Dorian had rolled his eyes at him. He could just suck it up. He was doing his job of checking on the health and mental wellbeing of his pilots. It was his job to ensure the pilots got to their engagements and that everything went smoothly. Alexander turned his head to look at Paul.

Alexander: “Paul expected there to be more people and media than you are used to. The tension and excitement and intensity of the fans and media will be stronger than you are used to.”

Paul frowned as he looked at Alexander once again resenting that he was being handled as if he didn’t have a clue what to do. “I have handled fans and media before you know.” Paul looked resentful and rebellious as he retorted back to Alexander.

Alexander looked at both pilots and sighed, shaking his head.

“Let me make something very clear to both of you. My job is to make sure that this entire team is working together to win and make Team Valkyrie AGR Sport the best team it can be. I would be failing in my job if I let you go out into that sea of wolves unprepared. I don’t know you yet Paul. And Dorian, we might have known each other in the past, but time changes people. We were never very close. I don’t really know you either. I don’t know how well you handle fans or the media. For all I know, a question about a fake girlfriend or your father might have you deck a reporter. Unfortunately I don’t have the luxury of taking my time to get to know you right now.”

Alexander's green eyes were intense as he met the eyes of each man before returning to Paul.

Alexander: “I will not be the one responsible for sending an unprepared pilot out to race. That is how accidents happen. I want to make sure you are ready mentally and physically before I clear you to go out on that track. I will pull you from the race if I think you are not ready.”

He turned his eyes back to Dorian and saw the fury and resentment in the other man’s eyes.

Alexander: “I want to see you retire in glory, Dorian not a bodybag. And Paul I will not be the one to tell your mother that you died from stupidity.”

His eyes were hard as he met the young man’s eyes.

Alexander: “I take this job very seriously. I am on your side. I am here to make things easier for you, not harder. It might not feel that way right now. You will learn in time, I have your back. You can trust me.”

Alexander could see the tension and disbelief on their faces. He didn’t care if they hated him. They would be as safe as he could make them even if they disagreed with his methods.

Alexander continued: “Moving on to why I came to check in with you. Dorian the mechanics and engineers spent the evening making the adjustments you requested to your ship. The mechanic team will be done verifying that all the adjustments were done to the specifications recommended by engineering. Your ship will be ready in about 30 minutes. Paul the engineering team went over your ship and repaired the issue. It has already been tested and is ready to go.”

Alexander waited as the silence stretched painfully before it was broken by Dorian.

Dorian’s voice was hard with anger. “You are right Alexander. You don’t know me. I continued to race while you were out of the scene. I know more about my job than you do. Stop trying to treat me like the green rookie and give me the damn respect I have earned.”

Paul looked furious and resentful. Alexander’s words made him feel even more like a child being schooled. “Mr. Knight I know you knew my father. I am not him. I don’t appreciate being handled like a child. I have been working and training for this opportunity for years. I know what I need to do. So get out of my way and let me do it.”

Alexander stood and put his sunglasses on. “Once you are done in the fan zone. The doctor’s will check you out here in the trailer to give you medical clearance to race. There will be a grid photo before the race starts. It will only be the drivers and a few video and photography drones for the league. I will see you gentlemen later.”

Alexander left as he had said what he needed to say. They were not going to make his job easy that was for damn sure. He shook his head as he walked out of the trailer into the sunshine.

Fanzone Before the Race

Dorian did his best to put his anger and resentment behind him as he made his way to his signing station in the fanzone.

The enthusiastic fans and their excited energy soon helped him relax and put the words with Alexander behind him.

Security was doing a good job of keeping the excited fans in line.

Dorian ignored questions from the media about their new crew chief. He hadn’t calmed down enough to say anything nice about him. So he wouldn’t say anything at all.

Dorian glanced over to check on Paul and couldn’t help but smile. He couldn’t help comparing Paul to his father Audrick. Paul had the same easy grace and charisma his father had with fans and the media. Everyone around him was laughing and hanging on his every word.

Paul was signing t-shirts for a set of twin sisters who were fans. He flirted easily while not giving out any invitations to join him. He made them feel important while keeping it light hearted. He caught one of his security guards checking the young women out. Paul just smiled at him as the man realized he had been caught looking. Not that he blamed the man.

Grid Photo

Dorian Pascal Hornfleur

Dorian was standing there in the new racing suit for this season. It was dark gray with yellow color blocking. There were sponsor logos on the arms and back.

He was hoping to go out a winner for his last season. He wanted to retire on a high note and not be an endnote in Formula AG Racing.

He made sure to greet all his competitors and give them a handshake and wish them luck. There is always some trash talking but Dorian had a reputation as the gentleman racer. He wanted to keep that image.

His ship was dark gray with yellow color blocking on it. Sponsor logos were plastered on the sides. He stood in front of his ship proudly, ready to race as the photo and video drones circled taking their pictures.

Paul Mulder

Paul had his racing helmet tucked under his hand. His racing suit was in the same colors as Dorian’s but the design was slightly different. His ship was yellow with some dark gray stripes with sponsor logos down the sides and hood. You could tell they were on the same team but they were not a mirror image of each other.

Paul made sure he smiled for the cameras and posed in a manner that made him look manly and accentuated his fit physique. He once again followed Dorian’s lead and went to introduce himself to his competitors.

He smiled at Bea from the Falcons. She was a familiar face from the Junior League. He traded verbal spars with her.

Bea: ”Your ship was looking nimble in the street section. Well, maybe not yours.” Bea grinned.

Paul just smiled and refused to rise to her bait as he mirrored her expression and tone.
Paul: “I wanted to give you guys a chance.”

Bea: ”That’s the spirit. But they know what died, right, or is it dead dead?”
She mimed slitting her throat with a thumb for emphasis.

He rolled his eyes at Bea’s theatrics as he dryly told her. “We’re racing today.”

Bea: ”There you go, looking forward to it. And fans love it when their driver fights through the field.”

He grinned at Bea letting her know that she had not gotten under his skin. He exuded confidence as he retorted.

“That they do. I’ll give you a wave when I pass you tomorrow, for your fans.”

Bea laughed as she responded. ”Cheeky bugger. Good luck, mate.”

Bea moved on after a handshake and Paul moved on to another competitor.
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