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23 days ago
Current It's my birthday! Hooray! I have to work. Boo. But I do have Nutella. So, it's a good day over all.
25 days ago
I know that not every one on this site is from the USA, but I would like to remind all my fellow USAers that taking a moment to remember what happened 23 years ago wouldn't be bad.


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So you know how in movies and books the children will go up to the princess or the king or the whatever and give them flowers. Is there an Azurei equivalent? If so what is it?

Good to know. Thanks!

It kind of is a vote for each of them. (Am I allowed two votes?) The point is that if either win, with or without my votes, I would love to play. I did like Twisted Porcelain best if that helps. I did like most of them though so I have subscribed to this thread to keep up with what happens. I may apply to play in another story even if my choices don't win. If that's okay.
I personally like Steam Clouds and Twisted Porcelain. I would be willing to join a role-play with either plot.
Darin put her dishes in a neat pile as she answered Ajoran’s question about seeing the sea, “The first time I had seen it I was in the Eluri lands. I didn’t even realize I was so close to it where I lived, but I would have had to cross a mountain to get there. I gave very little thought to leaving my home before The Gardener gave me my tasks, so I never did plan to see it. I’m glad that I did though. Though I have seen the sea daily for quite some time it, it is still one of the most beautiful things I have every seen.” She laughed, “I do miss my forest though. It’s not like the forests of Lihaelen, where the trees are so tightly grown together that not even sunlight reaches the forest floor. Instead that light that comes down is tinted green because of the leaves. Occasionally ta breath of wind causes a rustle and the leaves part to let down a golden beam that lights up the world.” She sighed happily as she shook her head, “But enough about home. I am here, in Tasen, and I want to learn everything that that anyone will teach me.”

Still that wasn’t going to happen until Ridahne laid the rest of her demons to rest. Darin was more than willing to let that happen first. She followed Ridahne following Ajoran to the nameless grave. When Ridahne took her hand and held it in a grip tight enough to almost break bone Darin gave it willingly. When her sister pulled away the human stood back to let the warrior swear and rant and exclaim. Darin had seen Ridahne before. She had seen the Azurei depressed. Darin couldn’t remember ever seeing her painted in rage and despair and eventually ruin as she collapsed to cry in her lover’s arms. That didn’t mean Darin was surprised. It was still Ridahne and everyone was entitled to their emotions.

While Ridahne was crying in Ajoran’s arm Darin took a single step forward. She had been planning to swear, but after Ridahne’s actions it seemed rather pointless. She took another step. The human didn’t even have a personal grudge against the woman. Her grudge was on behalf of Ridahne and The Tree, both her family even if it was in two different ways. Darin wasn’t sure what she wanted to say. She just knew that she wanted to say something. With one more step Darin was close enough to place a single stone on the cool white stone. She let out a shaky breath. Then she let out a surer breath. The wind began spin around the little group with the stone at the center. Lightning streaked across the sky. The waves in the port started to grow bigger and bigger. The Stone began to vibrate.

The Seed-Bearer spoke in clear crisp Azurei, “Your name will be forgotten, not even to be remembered among the Azurei people. Yet, because of you Astra, and all of Its Children will remember that a thirst for power unearned corrupts, hate ruins, and selfishness consumes. Let your unjust actions, and your merciless punishment, serve as a reminder that power is worthless if you do not use that power to help others. “

The rock shattered. Darin didn’t react as the pebbles hovered in the air for a moment before the wind condensed to spiral the stones into a pillar as the wind died and the stones were about to fall a bolt of lightning stuck the rocks and the ground underneath them, fusing them into a spiraling pillar that was taller than Darin. Eatched into the stone were the words that Darin had just spoken. The words were the same white as the stone but the words “help others” had burned black. The message was clear. The Seed-Bearer wanted the false Sol to be forgotten without forgetting why she had been forgotten. The wind died. The waves settled, Darin turned to look at Ridahne with a strange smile on her face.

Her voice was surprisingly cheerful considering where they were and what just happened, “Let’s go! We have a lot to do in a week if I am going to learn about Tasen and you are going to plan a wedding.”
Darin swallowed the bite she had in her mouth as Ridahne finally joined her, “It’s fine.” She smiled, “It’s not my favorite but I do enjoy Azurei cooking. I think out of all the new stuff I’ve tried on this trip I liked Eluri cooking best though that one dish Umi made for us in Deepblood fashion was super good. I didn’t realize fish could be that yummy.” Darin took another bite before turning her attention to what she believed was a more serious matter, “I didn’t like sleeping away from you, and I am not use to sleeping alone. I’ve almost always slept in place with at least one other person. So, just so you know, I’ll be sleeping in the stable with Talbot, and Taja and Tsura and Mitaja, if she chooses to join us, for the rest of the time we are in Tasen. If you need to find me in the night that’s where I’ll be.”

In Darin’s mind that was better than demanding that Ridahne come share the room with her. That was what the human wanted to do, but she knew that Ridahne wanted to share the barracks with those who had once been her friends. So, Darin would share the stables with those who wouldn’t mind her company. Besides the human would love to see someone try to mess with Talbot, Tsura, and Taja in order to get to her. Darin didn’t think they would get very far. Darin had to wonder if the Red Hand would try anything while they were in Tasen. Eija Salei had seen the aftermath of their first encounter with the Red Hand. Well, it was actually the second if they counted Mark. Still the warrior knew about them. She had told the Sols and the Sols had executed people connected to the Red Hand. Still the Red Hand was crafty, and nothing was certain.

She drained her water cup, “Still that is for tonight. For now, we have a grave to visit. I would like to see if she was honored in death. If what you told me about the Ojih is correct than I doubt the Bookkeeper knows the truth of her betrayal unless you took the time to mark her face before you dealt with her. Somehow, I doubt there was time for that. Since we cannot be sure of her reception in the afterlife, I would not have her be interred with honor or grace or peacefully. Besides I am angry with her. I would have her know that.” She leaned over to mention to Ajoran, “I plan to yell at her, in Azurei, so she knows what I am saying. I’ve been practicing my swears, though there are a couple that don’t translate well from my native tongue to Azurei and there are a few Shallowsoul swears that seem fitting.”

Darin had been wondering how they had treated Khaltira’s corpse. She hoped it wasn’t with any kind of honor. She almost wanted her burned. That was a mark of the deepest dishonor where she was from, to do nothing to help the world grow. She knew in Lively, even though they buried their dead, it was the same. In fact, Ja’heil seemed to understand what Darin had meant when he asked her what to do with the Red Hand corpses and she had said to burn them. It was possible that Khaltira had been burned. Still, if she had been honored in anyway Darin would protest and she rather thought Astra would protest with her.
Darin may have gotten to sleep quickly, but she had problems staying asleep. She kept waking up, and then when she realized she was alone in the room she worried about where Ridahne could possibly be. When she remembered that warrior was in the barracks the human would fall back into an uneasy sleep only to repeat the process more times than she cared to count. Finally, when the sun started to peak above the horizon, Darin called it quits and just woke up. It was easy enough to pull on her boots and slip on a belt. Her leathers for Taja were next. Her hair had dried while she was asleep, so it was easy enough to braid it back from her face. With that done she was ready for the day.

As she exited the room it was easy enough to find someone to tell her where to find breakfast. She followed the instructions to find what looked to be a dining hall. There were only a few people in the room and there didn’t look like there were any servers, so it was easy enough to grab a plate and fill it with food. The tastes were familiar. While on the road between settlements the two of them took turns cooking. Darin tended to make stews that reminded her of her home while Ridahne had made curries that reminded the Azurei of her home. The first couple of times had caught Darin of guard. Now, while it wasn’t Darin’s favorite, she still liked the spicy Azurei cooking.

Darin ate slowly, waiting for Ridahne to come find her. She trusted her sister, so she doubted that she went to the grave on her own. Still, the human hoped that the warrior had gotten more sleep than she did. Darin was almost tempted to tell Ridahne that Ajoran could come share the room with them, but that Ridahne needed to come sleep in the same place with her. Darin was not used to sleeping alone. The only time she had not slept in the same room as at least one other person was the three months after she left home but before she met Ridahne. Maybe she would just sleep in the stable with Talbot, Tsura, and Taja. That might just be easier.

Someone that Darin didn’t reconizge, but they looked young, came over. With awe in their voice they asked, “Forgive my rudeness, but I have to know, are you really The Seed-Bearer.”

Darin looked up from her plate to see everyone in the room look young and were either staring or trying to avoid staring. She couldn’t help the smile that came to her face, “And if I’m not? What will you do?”

The asker seemed taken aback, “I mean, mean no disrespect.”

Darin ran a finger over the rim of her water cup, “Shame. I learned long ago that if you are going to be disrespectful you should at least mean it; really commit you know.” She raised her finger into the air and the water from the cup followed it, “Pick a course you believe in and stick with it until you no longer believe in it or discover a better way or that you were wrong. Be strong enough to stick with your beliefs but flexible to change if they are proven faulty.” The water was following down her bare arm to form a series of interlocking bracelets, “But now I’m sounding like a preachy elder when I am not that experienced.” She smiled up at the questioner as they looked at the water with wide eyes, “And I am hungry. Do have any more questions?”

They shook their head, “No Astra-Sol.”

Darin flicked her head in dismissal as the water flowed back to her cup, “If you’ll excuse me back to my meal.” They hurried away as Darin called after them, “I am no Sol. That is not an honor I ascribe to.” She muttered to herself as she turned her attention back to her meal, “Ridahne better not be sleeping in. There’s too much to do today.”
Darin thought about that. At least in this moment Ridahne and her were in the same emotional states. They were both feeling a bunch of conflicting emotions that didn’t make sense to feel altogether. Yet, they both couldn’t help but feel them all. It didn’t seem like there was any logical solution. Then again, when were emotions ever logical. How could they be? Logic belonged to the brain. Emotions belonged to the heart. They very rarely agreed on anything. Sometimes logic needed to win. Sometimes emotions did. They could very rarely both win. Darin knew that, yet it was difficult to remember.

Darin held out both hands, both lightly closed, “I guess that makes sense. And I think it’s okay, to have two conflicting emotions.” She opened one hand, “On one hand to be grateful that the conversation happened, to be honored that she was candid.” She opened the other, “One the other, to hate that it had to be happened at all, to hate that she put you in the position that she put you in.” She closed her fists again, “It doesn’t have to make sense to feel both things.” She opened one hand again, “On one hand to not want to leave home.” The second hand was open again, “On the other to be glad that it led us to each other.” She sighed as she moved to rub a hand against her face, “And you’re right, there’s not much that I can do to help, except try to understand. So, feel free to feel whatever you want, even if it is conflicting and confusing. I’ll do my best to listen and try to understand.” She smiled as she placed her fiddle back under her chin, “But for now one more song for the pretty boy who’s never heard a fiddle before and then my bath and bed.” She eyed Ridahne with a hint of mischief in her eyes, “Perhaps a jig. Or maybe a ballad.”

In the end she wound up playing something high spirited and lively. It was a dancing tune. Darin was never good at dancing, but she had gotten a lot of practice since she had left home. Dancing was one thing that seemed to bring people together. Each culture had its own styles and Darin had grown to love each one just a little bit. She had learned to play most of the music that went with it, but it seldom translated to a fiddle well. As such she had taken very basic lessons in more of the Eluri and Orosi instruments. She wasn’t an expert by any means, but she enjoyed the little that she knew. Finally the song ended and she leaned over to place a kiss on Ridahne’s cheek.

She stood as she said, “I’m off to my bath and to bed. I’ll see you when I wake up.” She turned to Ajoran with a serious look on her face, “Watch out for her in the barracks. I doubt everyone is happy with her or with the Sota-Sol’s decision to allow her back. If there’s trouble I will back whatever it is, you decide to do to deal with it.” She moved to enter her room thought the window, “Good night lovebirds. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Once in the room the first thing Darin did was to detune the fiddle and place it back in the case. She probably wouldn’t get a chance to play her again, but one never knew for sure. After that it was easy enough to strip and scrub the travel grime off. She noted that there was a clean outfit. It wasn’t one of hers, but it was close enough. The water wasn’t cold, but it was on the tepid side. Still, Darin had taken plenty of cold baths before and would again. She delighted in the scrubbing off of the dirt and grime. Finally, when she was clean, she got out of the tub to change in the soft cotton breeches and cotton shirt. It was a little big, but just to sleep she left of the belt and the boots. Darin almost literally fell into bed and as soon as she closed her eyes she was asleep.
Darin had shifted for dancing tunes to something a little more somber, but still uplifting, by the time that Ridahne had joined her on the roof. As expected, she had brought Ajoran, but she didn’t seem to be at peace. In fact, unless Darin missed her guess, the warrior had been crying recently. For a moment Darin was torn in two. Part of her wanted to try and comfort Ridahne. Another part of her wanted to find whatever it was that made her sister cry and end it. She wasn’t good at being comforting, especially without knowing what the problem was, and she couldn’t end the problem without knowing what it was either. Therefore, she needed to find out the problem first. So, when the song was done, she pulled the fiddle out from underneath her shoulder and rested it on her lap.

She nudged Ridahne with her shoulder, “We share, or at least we try to. So, I will start. I am terribly homesick. I think I’ve been homesick for a while and am just now realizing it. That’s why I’m up here on this roof, playing music that doesn’t fit in here. I’m trying to catch just a little bit of home. And besides that, I can’t make this any easier for you. I want to. I don’t want to leave you to face this alone, but the truth is that I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what’s wrong to do. I don’t know what would help or what’s right.” She nudged Ridahne again, “So it’s your turn. Tell me why you have been crying and tell me how I can help.”

Darin wasn’t sure there was a way for her to help. She had already made demands of the Sota-Sol and the Sols. That couldn’t have helped. Yet she couldn’t regret it. It had made a statement. The human wasn’t quite certain what that statement was, but she had made it and she was going to stand by it and whatever came from it would come. What was done was done. All she could hope to do was to do better than she had done in the past. Darin had been thinking about that a lot lately. It had to mean something. She just wasn’t sure what. Then again, she could just be exhausted and tired. Night had come late. Day was sure to come early.

Still this conversation needed to happen. Other wise Darin was due to find herself waking up in the middle of the night to have this conversation or not being able to sleep until it happened. As such, the plan was to have Ridahne tell her what was wrong, go take a bath, and then go to sleep. The bathwater was probably rapidly cooling. She had spent longer playing then she had planned. Darin spending as long as she needed to helping Ridahne. Still, as long as the water was clean, and she could get the travel grime off and into a clean set clothes the temperature of the water hardly mattered. Right now all that mattered was dealing with Ridahne’s tears.
Darin wasn’t sure that Ridahne in the barracks was a good idea. The Eija and the Taja might not be a threat to The Seed, and Ridahne might have permission from the Sota-Sol to be here in Azurei, but certain warriors may not like her Ridahne at all. Darin couldn’t fault them for their opinion. She just didn’t think tempting fate like that was safe. She wasn’t going to say anything. Ridahne could take care of herself and if things went badly Darin had a feeling Astra would tell her. Azurei liked her and with Darin’s help could rise to her defense. That would have to be good enough.

Darin nodded as she stood up, “Sounds like a plan. I’m going to see if I can fond someone to escort me to the tom the Sols have set aside for us to see that bath. I am dusty and grimy. and would like to be clean.” She turned her gaze from Ridahne to the shadow behind the curtain, “Make sure you take care of her Ajoran.” Her attention was back on Ridahane, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

There was someone waiting to take her to the room. It was a nice room and it seemed like someone had both brough her things and had gone though them. It didn’t seem like they were looking for secrets. Rather her clothes were all missing and that was it. Darin didn’t like it, but she was willing to bet that her clothes had been taken for the sole purpose of getting them clean. Unfortunately, it meant she didn’t have anything to put on after her bath, at least not yet. The bath wasn’t ready either, and Darin wasn’t sure when it would be. She knew it was coming. The attendant that had escorted her was adamant about that. It did mean she had a little bit of time to kill.

She looked around her room and her eyes fell upon the fiddle in its case. IT had been a long time since she had played, and she was missing home. With that slightly impulsive decision made Darin grabbed the case and tied it to her belt before moving to crawl out the window. It wasn’t easy, but soon she was on the roof of the two-story building. It was east to look over the city of Tasen. The human sat on the edge od the roof with one leg tucked under her and the other dangling off the side. This was not her smartest move ever. It would be far too easy to fall off, and Ridahne wouldn’t be here to catch her. Darin paid that no mind as she tuned her instrument. Then she tucked the fiddle under her chin and began to play.

The tune carried for a fair distance and was surprisingly uplifting. The melody was fast pace and slightly flighty. It was a tune with a message of under currents of hope, but it was mainly just playful. Back home this song would accompany a high-spirited jig filled with laughter and several partners switches. If Darin closed her eyes, she could almost see the shadows of the dancers as they swung and dipped each other. She could see Thomas gather his courage to ask Milla to dance. By The Tree, she hoped they were together. She hoped that they were planning on kids. She hoped the mayor of Lively hadn’t been allowed to have her. She hoped that her peers were alright. She hoped her mother had made all of the apple pies for this year’s harvest festival. She smiled just thinking about it. She was miles from home, but for just a moment she could be a part of the celebration she knew was happening.
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